Joint project proposal Mainstreaming SCP policies for eco-innovation and Pilot Application of the eco-innovation approach in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (no longer than 12 pages) General Project Information Name of the applying institution Country of implementation Sector of implementation (for the Pilot application call) Proposed title of the project Estimated budget Main contact person for the project Email of contact person Phone number of contact person 1. Profile of the country [Insert here a brief description of the country profile capturing the eco-innovation related aspects from the government and business sector perspective. In particular, summarize: 1) the current policy context including ongoing initiatives on Green Economy, SCP and 10YFP, e.g. Cleaner Production and Resource Efficiency, Sustainable Public Procurement, Extended Producer’s Responsibility among other 1 2) the awareness, readiness and capacity, market demand of the country and existing challenges and opportunities in the area of eco-innovation 3) key industry sectors and in particular the relevance of the project’s focal sectors for eco-innovation (agri-foods, chemicals, metals). ] 2. Objective of the project [Outline the project objective, demonstrating how the project implementation will address the gaps in the policy context for promotion of SCP and eco-innovation. Outline how the project will address existing challenges in business sector and leverage on existing opportunities. Indicate how the project implementation will enhance your organization mandate and role and contribute to national priorities in the longer run such as positive effects on employment, sustainable growth, poverty alleviation, improved resource efficiency, mainstreaming sustainability in SMEs, raising national business competiveness, achieving SCP or environmental targets, etc.] 1 Profile can be prepared from a desk top study. 3. Expected Outcomes/ Results [Outline expected outcomes of the project, defined as the uptake, adoption or use of project outputs by the project beneficiaries. Project outcomes should lead to the fulfillment of the project objective and should be expressed as a meaningful and detectable change. Expected outcomes could include, for example: A change of capacity: improved knowledge, skills (in the Government and business sector) A change of behaviour: application of eco-innovation concepts in policy design, in some businesses or industrial sectors. Improved cooperation processes: between the Government, the business sector and financial institutions. Awareness raising and education on eco-innovation in general, including civil society. 4. Target industries [For the Pilot Application project component: Describe the reasons why the proposed sector/s are selected, their importance for the country and potential environmental and social benefits to be achieved. Please note that the preference is to have one sector per country selected. If you have interest to work in more than one sector, please list them in order of preference.] 5. Profile of the service provider [Insert here a brief description of the institution with a focus on its technical capacity and any related experience to the objective of the proposed project. For the Mainstreaming SCP policies project, please specify any experience in national-level policy advocacy efforts relating to: eco-innovation, sustainable consumption and production, resource efficiency, and green economy, and the tools and methods used to engage relevant decision-makers, if applicable. If the applicant does not have policy advocacy related experience, provide the CV or profile of a proposed expert (institution) that will collaborate and assist in the work. This would cover experience in national-level policy advocacy efforts and specific experience relating to eco-innovation, sustainable consumption and production, resource efficiency, and green economy, and the tools and methods used to engage relevant decision-makers, as well as training experience. For the Pilot Application project component, please include a brief description of the technical capacity of the institution and any related experience in eco-innovation including: RECP, sustainable product design, D4S, significant modifications to and/or the creation of new processes, services or products or the implementation of technologies for eco-innovation with businesses (especially with SMEs). Describe also the intermediary’s previous experience and ability to engage with project sector companies to carry out these activities. Describe with what sectors the intermediary has had experience at the national level2. 6. Staff [Describe the staff (number of persons and brief profile o each) that will be dedicated to project (at least one staff member must be dedicated full time)] 7. Implementation mechanism [Describe the proposed approach that would be followed to carry out the activities noted and measures to be taken to ensure the engagement of the policy makers and other key policy stakeholders and the success of the project in terms of companies engagement and carrying through with eco-innovation] 2 For the six national technical work plans that will be produced across the 3 regions, the three sectors (agri-foods, metals, chemicals) should be equally represented, i.e. each sector covered possibly twice. Intermediaries should therefore consider this, as breadth of sector coverage will be used as a criterion in assessing proposals. 8. Outputs/ Deliverables [Outline key outputs/deliverables to be produced through the project i.e. policy/regulatory gap analysis, market assessment studies, case studies documentation, policy/business recommendations, workshops, etc. Provide insights of how the outputs/deliverables of the project can be scaled-up through the work of your organization with key stakeholders such as Government institutions, business/SMEs associations, educational institutions, etc, during and after the termination of the project.] 9. Engagement with all Relevant Stakeholders [Describe which stakeholders you plan to engage, such as policy makers and other key policy stakeholders, companies, businesses/SMEs associations, educational or financial institutions, NGOs, international organizations, civil society organizations, in what capacity – participatory, consultative, informative - and why] 10. Connection with other Relevant Projects/Processes [Highlight the key synergies that the project will achieve through the development of this joint proposal (including the mainstreaming SCP policies and the pilot application project components). Also, outline possible synergies with other ongoing project and initiatives in your organization and country and region. ] 11. Indicative Budget [Provide indicative budget estimates of how much funds would be needed to implement the project, and which costs should be covered. Indicate the amount of proposed co-funding from the applicant, which can also include in-kind contribution. Please note that if the proposal is accepted, during the initial phase a more detailed workplan and corresponding budget will be developed in coordination with UNEP]