Supported by the AIAA Economics Technical

SPACE 2014 Call for Papers
Abstract Submission Close: 21 January 2014
Author Notification Letters Sent: 26 March 2014
Manuscript Deadline: 14 July 2014
The technical program will feature technical paper and poster presentations structured
and 13 technical tracks. Nowhere else will you get the depth and breadth of sessions
and information-sharing on space systems, technologies, and programs! AIAA is
soliciting abstracts for paper or poster presentations on the following technical topics:
Communications Systems (ICSSC)
Astrodynamics Specialist
National Security Space
Space and Earth Science
Space Exploration
Space Operations & Logistics
Space Resources & Colonization
Space History, Society, and Policy
Space Systems
Space Transportation and Launch
Space Robotics and Space Architecture
Space Systems Engineering and Economics
Reinventing Space
Questions pertaining to the technical program may be referred to the SPACE Forum
2014 Technical Program Chair, Tony Williams, at, or to
the appropriate Track Chair listed below.
Papers are solicited this year in both Poster and Traditional formats. Please indicate
your preferred format in your abstract submission. The technical planning committee
may re-allocate abstracts based on our abstract assessment process.
Click image for larger version
Proposals for Specials Sessions
Individuals who wish to organize special sessions within the technical program (e.g.,
invited oral presentations, panels, or demonstrations) should submit a short proposal
describing the nature of the session as it relates to a specified technical track. Be sure
to include the names of the organizers and proposed participants. Please email your
proposal by 21 January 2014 to Tony Williams SPACE Forum 2014 Technical Program
Communications Systems (ICSSC)
The theme of the 32nd AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems
Conference (ICSSC), “Game-Changing Technologies and Services for Commercial,
Civil and Military/Intelligence Satellite Systems,” emphasizes the common interests in
technology and services areas for the Space arena that will serve the needs for next
generation communications systems.
Within the commercial Satellite Communications (SATCOM) market, today’s satellites
continue to serve us in ways we could not possibly have imagined at the time they were
designed. Likewise, civil and military/Intelligence satellite systems routinely outlive their
design lives and force government agencies to innovatively apply aging technology to
emerging mission challenges. The next generation SATCOM systems will likely face the
same daunting tasks but in an increasingly dynamic geo- political and commercial
market place. Flexible technologies that can rapidly be re-applied and morphed to meet
new requirements will be critical to future needs and successful ventures.
The ICSSC will seek those emerging technologies that can retain flexibility as terrestrial
and extraterrestrial communications needs change and grow for future applications.
This conference will explore these challenges, propose and discuss solutions, and
provide a forum for the exploration of the economic, marketing, technical and regulatory
issues affecting these new and planned services.
Events of the Conference to support the above goals are:
The Colloquium on “Next Generation Broadband SATCOM” (4 August 2014)
A stimulating Plenary Opening Session with leaders from the communications
and navigation satellite systems fields
Technical Topics
Papers are solicited for both Conferences in the following areas:
Advanced communication techniques
Advances in spacecraft subsystems and technologies
Antenna technologies
Communications and network protocols and interoperability
Communications for unmanned aerial vehicles
Communications Network Management
Earth terminal systems
Integrated services for disaster relief
Integrated services for remote medicine and remote access to medical records
Integration of air and space – Challenges and opportunities
Interactivity via satellite
Launch vehicles
Maritime surveillance
Mobile broadband communications – Land, sea and air
Military applications and architectures
Novel Satellite Enabled Services
Rapid response payloads
Regulatory and spectrum sharing issues
Space communications for exploration missions
For questions please contact:
Rabindra (Rob) Singh
AIAA Communications Systems Technical Committee
32nd AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC) Best
Paper Competition for both Students and Professional Categories
ICSSC best papers will be selected for both student and professional categories.
Awards consist of a certificate for each author, and the student award includes a
monetary prize of $500. Student authors must identify themselves at abstract
Astrodynamics Specialist
Supported by the AIAA Astrodynamics Technical Committee and the AAS Space Flight
Mechanics Committee
Detailed technical papers are solicited on topics in the field of astrodynamics.
Manuscripts will be accepted based on the quality of the submitted abstract, the
originality of the work and/or ideas, and the anticipated interest in the proposed subject.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
Interplanetary and Earth-orbital mission design and analysis; asteroid missions;
satellite constellation design; optimization methods for trajectories, maneuvers,
and mission performance
Space, launch and re-entry vehicle dynamics, guidance, and control; attitude
dynamics, determination, control, attitude-sensor and payload-sensor calibration;
dynamics and control of large space structures and tethers
Dynamical systems theory applied to space flight problems; orbital dynamics,
perturbations, and stability
Orbit determination and space-surveillance tracking; orbital debris, collision
avoidance, and space situational awareness
Rendezvous, relative motion, proximity missions, and formation flying; flight
dynamics operations and spacecraft autonomy
For questions, please contact:
Alan B. Jenkin
AIAA Astrodynamics Technical Committee
The Aerospace Corporation
Dr. Marcus J. Holzinger
AAS Space Flight Mechanics Committee
School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
National Security Space
The National Security Space (NSS) track invites papers in the following areas:
Advanced Concepts: Including NSS CONOPS, material solutions, and
Technology Transition: Including updates on existing programs working on
technology transition from any partner toward the NSS missions
Enterprise Architecting Analysis: Including NSS requirements, military utility,
multi-mission and one-on-one engagement, acquisition simulation, and
Emerging Trends: Including descriptions of the trends affecting the NSS space
applications and systems development
Prototypes and Demonstrations: Including updates on prototypes and
demonstrations in the NSS pipeline
Science and Technology Efforts: Including those aimed at key science and
technologies for revolutionary applications
For questions, please contact:
Roberta Ewart
Space and Missile Systems Center
Joseph Betser
The Aerospace Corporation
Space and Earth Science
Supported by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Sessions for the Space and Earth Science track are by invitation only. If interested in
participating, please contact:
Virendra Sarohia
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Space Exploration
Supported by NASA Headquarters and the AIAA Space Exploration Program
The Space Exploration track spans mission architectures, advanced technologies, and
flight systems to enable robotic precursor and human exploration missions to the moon,
Lagrange points, Near Earth Objects (NEOs), and Mars and its moons. Abstracts are
being solicited on the following topics:
Mission Architectures: Studies, systems analysis, and operational scenarios for
human exploration missions beyond Earth orbit
Enabling Technologies: The development of critical technologies to enable
human exploration missions, including advanced propulsion; cryogenic propellant
storage and transfer; high-efficiency space power systems; life support and
habitation systems; radiation shielding; entry, descent, and landing technology;
EVA technology; advanced robotics; autonomous systems and avionics; highdata-rate communications; in-situ resource utilization; and lightweight structures
and materials
Robotic Precursor Missions: Mission concepts and plans for robotic precursor
missions to characterize space environments and scout potential destinations for
future human activity
Flight Systems: Flight experiments to demonstrate critical capabilities, and
development of crew exploration vehicles and in-space transportation systems
Using ISS for Exploration: Using ISS as an analog for long-duration missions,
and as a test bed for demonstrating technologies and operational concepts for
Space Infrastructure: Space communications, Waypoints for repair, servicing,
and staging points for deep space launch, propellant depot, spaceports, and
For questions, please contact:
Chris Moore
AIAA Space Exploration Program Committee
NASA Headquarters
Surendra P. Sharma
AIAA Space Exploration Program Committee
NASA Ames Research Center
Space Operations & Logistics
Supported by the AIAA Space Operations and Support Technical Committee and the
AIAA Space Logistics Technical Committee
The cost and safety of space operations has long been a major factor in decisions of
where and when we proceed with the exploration of space. To enhance commercial and
scientific growth in space and inspire the next generation of explorers/ entrepreneurs,
we must reduce risk and lower costs through use of best practices, new techniques,
new technologies, and new paradigms and foster the growth of STEM education in an
exciting manner.
Space logistics is the theory and practice of driving space system design for operability,
and of managing the flow of materiel, services, and information needed throughout a
space system lifecycle. It includes management of the logistics supply chain from Earth
and on to destinations throughout the solar system. Supportability considers system
architecture strategies to minimize both logistics requirements and operational costs of
human and robotic operations. Supportability strategies include processes and
technologies to minimize maintenance complexity, exploit in-situ resources, scavenge
and reuse flight hardware, and recycle consumables. Representative areas include the
servicing and sustainment of the International Space Station and of lunar and planetary
outposts, the optimization of logistics launch vehicles for responsiveness and
serviceability, and modeling of the supply chain in space for human and robotic mission
Technical topics related to Space Operations include:
Advanced technology and operations concepts for reduced mission cost and
greater mission success
Using the challenges of space operations to inspire and invigorate for STEM
Best practices and new paradigms for increased mission success
Leveraging commercial space advancement to lower cost and risk for exploration
of near Earth and deep space
Innovative risk management and reduction throughout operations
Technical topics related to Space Logistics include:
International Space Station on-orbit resources management
In-space spacecraft and satellite servicing
Advanced Supportability Concepts: in-situ repair, in-situ fabrication, flight
hardware scavenging and reuse, resource pre-positioning, consumables
Advanced Destination Logistics: outpost management and provisioning, in-situ
resource logistics, EVA logistics
Advanced Space Logistics Infrastructures: solar power stations, on-orbit fuel
depots, refueling in space, planetary or asteroid resource infrastructures
Logistics of NASA, DoD, and Commercial Programs: space operations
affordability, design for commonality, integrated logistics concepts
Space Logistics Campaign Planning: methods, modeling, simulation, and cost
analysis tools
Automated spaceflight supply chain asset tracking and monitoring
Spaceport ground processing and launch logistics
Commercial space logistics opportunities
For questions, please contact:
Shirley Tseng
AIAA Space Operations and Support Technical Committee
MorganFranklin Corporation
Larry Bryant
AIAA Space Operations and Support Technical Committee
Kandyce E. Goodliff
AIAA Space Logistics Technical Committee
NASA Langley Research Center
Space Resources and Colonization
Supported by the AIAA Space Resources Technical Committee and the AIAA Space
Colonization Technical Committee
Responsible use of the natural resources of space, or ISRU (in situ resource utilization),
is key to sustaining human economic activity off the Earth. This is a field of rapid growth
where both government and industry are changing long-standing paradigms. This track
focuses on the intersection of astronautics with mining, construction, materials
processing, and manufacturing. These traditionally terrestrial disciplines are being
expanded into non-terrestrial locations, which will benefit terrestrial economies as well
as the robotic and human exploration and eventually settlement of space.
Papers are invited that address the following topics related to space resource utilization
and human settlement of space:
Mission plans with ISRU aspects
Space policy and strategies with ISRU components, or affecting ISRU
Technical aspects of ISRU: Prospecting and geological exploration
Technical aspects of ISRU: Mining and construction
Technical aspects of ISRU: Processing and manufacturing, including large-scale
3-D printing in space
Infrastructure required to support large-scale human habitation and economic
activity in space
Construction and timelines for on-orbit and extraterrestrial surface development
of space settlements
Social aspects of life in extraterrestrial communities, e.g., Astrosociology
Economics of human settlements in space
For questions, please contact:
Leslie Gertsch
AIAA Space Resources Technical Committee
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Larry Clark
AIAA Space Resources Technical Committee
Anita Gale
AIAA Space Colonization Technical Committee
Aerospace Education Competitions
Ron Kohl
AIAA Space Colonization Technical Committee
R.J. Kohl and Associates
Space History, Society, and Policy
Supported by the AIAA Technical Committees on History, Legal Aspects of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, Society and Aerospace Technology, and the AIAA Standing
Committees on Public Policy and International Activities
The Space History, Society, and Policy Track examines the history of our time in space,
space law and policy, international cooperation, the societal impacts of aerospace
technologies and an educated and trained workforce, and the evolution of our spacefaring society. Topics addressed include:
The History of Aerospace – Legacy and Lessons Learned: Collection,
preservation, and analysis of historical materials related to spaceflight and space,
technology, manned space programs, launch systems, unmanned programs –
emphasizing the significance of people and organizations, programs, facilities,
and infrastructure
Space Law and Policy: Policy and legal issues affecting space systems
acquisition, operations, sustainment, and the future of space activities; legal
obligations associated with space debris and orbital operations; space warfare;
insurance and contracting; telecommunications regulation, and legal institutions
International Cooperation: Risks and opportunities of cooperative engagement;
export control regimes; international approaches to acquiring, organizing,
operating, and sustaining space systems; international institutions
Space Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
perspectives: Shortfalls in the space workforce's education and training, and the
Spinoffs and Technology Transfer: Space technologies and discoveries
transferred or commercialized outside of the industry; policies enabling
technology transfer; analyses of the societal impacts of space technology
Interactions with Society: Impact of space systems on communication, trade, and
access to information; the impact of space systems and technology on global
emergency response to disasters or acts of terrorism; space stakeholder risk
tolerance and perceptions; analyses of the intangible benefits of spaceflight and
of space themes in media and literature
Astrosociology: Social, cultural, psychological, ethical dimensions, and the
institutional responses associated with space medicine and isolated longduration space missions; psychological, sociological, and anthropological
perspectives on space-based natural disasters
For questions, please contact:
Jarret Lafleur
AIAA Society and Aerospace Technology Technical Committee
Sandia National Laboratories
Cam Martin
AIAA History Technical Committee
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
James D. Rendleman
AIAA Legal Aspects of Aeronautics and Astronautics Technical Committee
AIAA Public Policy Committee
AIAA International Activities Committee
Space Systems
Supported by the AIAA Space Systems Technical Committee
The Space Systems and Sensors track seeks to present important findings from recent
work on emerging space systems, space science, and sensor technologies. In
particular, papers are sought that address technical, operational, and economic
feasibility of current and future space systems that address the full range of civil,
military, and international applications. Papers by students are especially encouraged.
Technical topics include:
Architectures and Concepts of Operation
New and Emerging Technologies and Applications
Remote Sensing for Climate and Weather
Space and Planetary Science Missions and Technologies
Rapid and Responsive Space Systems
Enabling Technologies for Distributed or Fractionated Space
Proximity Sensing of Space Objects and Orbital Space Situational Awareness
Space Sensor Technologies
Laser Communication
Workforce Development for Space Systems and Sensors Engineering (Panel)
Space Systems Lessons Learned (Panel)
For questions, please contact:
Jim Baker
AIAA Space Systems Technical Committee
Arrow Science and Technology
Jeremy Straub
AIAA Small Satellite Technical Committee
University of North Dakota
Space Transportation and Launch Systems
Supported by the AIAA Space Transportation Technical Committee and the AIAA
Reusable Launch Vehicle Program Committee
The commercial, military, scientific, and human exploration of space depends upon
highly reliable access to space at reasonable costs. Commercial companies have
offered the promise of low-cost space access, and some are currently developing and
testing their systems. NASA has begun demonstration of low-cost, reliable commercial
cargo delivery, and potential crew delivery, to the International Space Station (ISS). The
US Air Force's technology development activities have included a reusable first stage
and operation responsiveness. Papers are invited that address the issues and
challenges associated with space transportation. Papers may be submitted within, but
are not limited to, the following categories:
Space transportation technology design, and integration challenges
In-space transportation systems and architectures, including propellant depots
Advanced concept vehicles and systems
Launch vehicles and systems (including suborbital)
Launch system designs, concepts, and developments
RLV development, programmatic (including economics), and industry-related
Lessons learned from previous programs and design studies
Operationally responsive space
Operations of spaceports and ranges
Space transportation for space tourism
Space transportation analytical tools, materials, and technologies
For questions, please contact:
Clinton Plaisted
AIAA Space Transportation Technical Committee
a.i. solutions, Inc.
Miroslav Sir
AIAA Space Transportation Technical Committee
The Aerospace Corporation
Space Robotics and Space Architecture
Supported by the AIAA Space Architecture Technical Committee and the AIAA Space
Automation and Robotics Technical Committee
This track will explore robotic technologies for orbital and planetary surface applications
and space architectures. This includes: robotic construction techniques, human
interaction with space systems, and application of architectural design principles to
facilities beyond Earth for crew accommodation. Abstracts are being solicited on the
following technical topics:
Advanced Technologies for Space Robotics
Novel Applications of Space Robotics
Self-Sustaining and Self-Repairing Systems
Robotic EVA or IVA Servicing
Robot and Spacecraft Automation
Human Systems Interaction and Integration
Human Factors for Space Exploration
Orbital and Planetary Surface Construction
Space Habitat Structural Systems
Space Habitat Environmental Systems
Visionary Space Architecture Design
Earth Applications of Space Architecture Technology
For questions, please contact:
Steven E. Fredrickson
AIAA Space Automation and Robotics Technical Committee
NASA Johnson Space Center
Jackelynne Silva
AIAA Space Architecture Technical Committee
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.
Space Systems Engineering and Space Economics
Supported by the AIAA Economics Technical Committee and the AIAA Systems
Engineering Technical Committee
The role of systems engineering in space programs has become more important as
systems have become increasingly complex, architectures have become expansive,
and integration across architectures has become commonplace and essential. As the
utilization of space increases, driven by technological advances and commercial
opportunities, the economics of space have become a dominant challenge. These
challenges can be met by analyzing data and developing models to clarify the best
value and key economic insights for decision makers. A goal of the systems engineering
and space economics community is to understand trends, develop and apply
capabilities to facilitate economically robust future space systems.
Aspects of systems engineering and space economics that may be included in this track
Definition and application of space system architectures
Concurrent engineering and advances in systems engineering processes and
tools applied to space systems
Systems engineering lessons learned from current and previous space programs
Space systems requirements generation, integration , verification, and validation
Space systems risk analysis and management
Economic Challenges facing today's Commercial Space Companies
Economics of "Newspace": crowdsourcing, income streams & payback analyses
The Business Case for Space: Analyses of commercial space enterprises, public
private space partnerships, spaceports.
Advances in trade studies or modeling for economic analysis, affordability, or
value engineering
Space systems engineering efficiencies and cost control in a constrained budget
For questions, please contact:
Michelle Bailey
AIAA Systems Engineering Technical Committee
University of Maryland University College
Sherry Stukes
AIAA Economics Technical Committee
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Daniel Nigg
AIAA Economics Technical Committee
Aerospace Corporation
Reinventing Space
Supported by the AIAA Los Angeles-Las Vegas and Orange County Sections, and the
Space Systems Technical Committee
Detailed technical papers are solicited on topics that will show how to Dramatically
Reducing Space Mission Cost. Manuscripts will be accepted based on the quality of the
submitted abstract, the originality of the work and/or ideas, and the anticipated interest
in the proposed subject.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
Tactical space systems—how do we best serve the needs of the warfighter or,
for civilian missions, the needs of emergency responders?
Low-cost interplanetary missions—can we use the new technology to create
dramatically lower cost Interplanetary missions?
Ways to dramatically reduce space system and launch cost and schedule—what
are the Methods.
Processes and Technologies that we can use to achieve major reductions in
space mission cost?
New application areas for low-cost space systems—what are the new
applications that can take advantage of newer, much-lower-cost systems?
Topics include:
Law and Regulations
Mission Design
Orbital Operations
Payloads and Sensors
Responsive Launch and Operations
Responsive Missions
On-orbit Maintenance & Repair
Technology Demonstration
Responsive Operations
Responsive Spacecraft (Cubesats, Tacsats, Minisats, Microsats , Nanosats,
Picosats, Femtosats)
For questions, please contact:
Charles Kilmer
Phone: 310-676-5381
AIAA Los Angeles – Las Vegas Section