he watched quietly from a distance wondering

Till Dark
Chapter 1
He watched quietly from a distance wondering what she might be thinking behind that hard yet
innocent face. She was the most beautiful creature Andrew Nichols had ever seen. Platinum strands of
hair flowing in the cool morning breeze teased, and taunted her full sensuous pink lips. Silently she
raised a tiny long tanned hand up to run thru the cascade of curls. The sun had turned her once pale skin
to a beautiful golden bronze. Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of wide rimmed, black sunglasses that
he longed to pull away so he could look at her face and touch the satiny smoothness of her skin. He let
his thoughts caress her as his gaze slid down the slender length of her neck pausing to watch the
fullness of her breast rise and fall with each lungful barricaded by a black bikini top. He caught his
breath at the thought of removing this barrier to feel her soft skin against his. Pressing his eyes down, he
scanned over a flattened abdomen to her beautifully sculpted thighs leading to small but firm calves and
delicate ankles. Her short toes and dainty fingers were painted a deep maroon. The sight of her floating
from her pink towel-clad lounge chair averted Andy's straying thoughts back to reality. She raised tiny
fists to her ears, let out a stifled yawn and stretched cocking her head to one side.
Lazily Jordan pulled on a pair of faded cut-off jean shorts and a light pink T-shirt, which she
tied in a knot in the center. Gathering her things together she vowed silently to herself to put the past
behind her. All her thoughts had been of little else since she sat down so she decided a walk might help
clear her mind. Looking to her left and right she began to walk in the direction of the rising sun. As she
began her walk she realized that the beach was empty for such a glorious morning, but then she recalled
that it was only eight-thirty. Most of the beachcombers were either at breakfast or still fast asleep after
the previous evening’s party. Jordan decided it was the latter of the two as she continued walking. She
had barely walked ten feet when that all too familiar eerie feeling crept up her spine. Her mind reeled at
the suddenness of this attack as she looked for someone to help her. Andy was still watching her as she
made her way toward him. Jordan faltered and then stumbled toward him. Pale faced with labored
movements she managed to croak out "Food! I need sugar!" A thousand times Andy had created and recreated their first introduction, but this was nowhere near what he was thinking. "What?" He stammered
confused. Jordan tried again in a low almost inaudible voice "My sugar; I need sug..." But it was too
late before she could get another word out she collapsed on the sandy floor at Andy's feet. Silently she
watched this strange man lean over her frail body. Jordan knew he was talking to her but she didn’t
have the strength to understand or answer. She watched from a distance somewhere in the back of her
mind as his face began to fade in and out and she heard him call to her "Lady! Lady! Are you all right?"
Andy removed her sunglasses and his breath caught in his throat as he stared down into hollow sapphire
blue eyes. Even in a weakened condition she was beautiful. Reality finally caught up with him and he
yelled for an ambulance while he made sure she was still breathing.
Jordan's body lay lifeless on the sandy beach she was just walking down, but she was unaware
of the happenings around her. All her thoughts were of the past. She was dreaming of her husband and
son at the park laughing and playing on the swings and slides. The sky was a picture shade of blue with
white fluffy clouds singing overhead. It was the first time they had ever taken Cody to the park and he
was enjoying himself thoroughly. Laughing and running, first to the slide then the Se-saw. His eyes
were as bright as the sky and his normal devious grin was replaced by one of pure excitement. He had
two friends there to play with him. They had been playing together since they were born. The twin boys
Jonathan and Jayson were six months younger than Cody but just as lively. She tossed Cody in the air
and he squealed with delight. Then they climbed the ladder to slide down into his father's open arms. He
was waiting at the foot of the slide to catch Cody and tickle him till he could no longer stand it. The day
had been perfect with a picnic lunch they had shared with their good friends and neighbors. What more
could they want.
Jordan was brought back to reality briefly by a loud noise close by; she faded in and out, calling
for Darien as they loaded her in to the ambulance. The paramedic asked Andy questions concerning her
but he had no clue as to what her name was or if she even had any medical problems. "I don’t really
know her. The last thing she said before she blacked out was something about sugar." "Sugar?" The
paramedic asked. "Yeah, she said she needed sugar." "Thanks for your help sir we will take care of
things from here." "Wait! I’m going with you to the hospital." Andy called as the paramedic turned to
leave. “Sir we can't let you ride with us. You can meet us up there" "but..." Andy began protesting then
he remembered Jordan's belongings on the beach. "I will meet you there." He turned on his heels and
ran to the lounge chair Jordan had been using. Grabbing the multicolored striped beach bag sitting
under the chair, he spilled the contents onto the chair and sifted through, putting them back in the bag
as he called each one out quietly to himself; “Hair brush, book, paper, pencils, suntan oil, pills, keys,
gum. Pills! What?” He reached back in to the bag and pulled out the bottle of pills, turning it over in his
hand he looked for a name on it. The label was worn but he could make out her name. "Jordan
Mackenzie" he said softly to himself as he sat there on the chair for a split second reveling in this newly
acquired information. It suited her he thought. Reality came back quickly when he heard the
ambulance's wail as it began the journey back to the hospital. In a flash Andy had covered the distance
to his home down the beach and jumped in his jeep. He was racing toward the only hospital on the
Once they reached the emergency room entrance Jordan was rushed in and immediately heart
monitors were attached and she was given oxygen. Andy had been informed that he would have to stay
out till she had been stabilized. He watched through the glass windows as the nurses and doctors did
their job. Suddenly he remembered the bottle of pills he had shoved back in Jordan's bag and with two
swift strides he had retrieved the bag off the floor where he had dropped it. Andy shoved his hand in to
find the bottle of pills and rushed into the room where Jordan lay unconscious and handed the bottle to a
nurse. She read the label and quickly informed the doctor that Jordan was a diabetic. Jordan was then
given two injections, her IV was changed and after a few minutes her heart rate came down and she
began to stabilize. She regained consciousness with the help of the nurses smelling salt and was now
staring about her wide eyed. They moved her to a private room where Andy sat next to her bed for the
next twelve hours and every now and then she would open her eyes briefly but would always close
them before he could speak. It was a long day for both of them. Jordan was given another injection of
insulin that night and the medicine in her IV made her extremely sleepy so she slept through the night
without any more complications.
The doctor came in at seven o'clock that morning to check on Jordan. Andy was old friends with
him; they had gone to college together. After exchanging pleasantries Andrew started his move by
asking Vince to let Jordan go home with him and a bedside nurse. At first he refused but then Vince
finally agreed that she would recover more quickly in a quieter environment so he consented. A once
over check was done on Jordan. The doctor was convinced that all she needed was rest and her normal
two pills a day. Thirty minutes later a nurse returned with all the necessary paperwork for Andy to sign.
He filled in his signatures where appropriate and handed them back. Another nurse came in and
introduced herself as Nurse Bennett; she was going to be Jordan's bedside nurse. Nurse Bennett was a
black lady who was slightly overweight and about five foot seven. Her thick black hair was pulled back
at the nape of the neck in an over sized bun. She had wide hazel eyes and a laughing smile that showed
all her teeth. A pair of reading glasses sat perched on the end of her pudgy nose. Andrew liked her
immediately and knew that Jordan was sure to feel comforted by her kind eyes and warm smile. After
another half-hour Jordan was released under the care of Nurse Bennett and Andrew Nichols.
Chapter 2
When Jordan finally awoke, she found herself in strange surroundings and stumbled quickly
from the bed. Nurse Bennett appeared from the bathroom that adjoined her room when she heard the
commotion. "Where am I? Who are you? How did I get here? And where are my clothes?!" Jordan
screeched out exasperated. "Take it easy Jordan you passed out on the beach and were taken to the
hospital. Mr. Nichols found you and went to the hospital with you." Nurse Bennett explained in a calm
voice. "Where are my things?" Jordan shrieked. "Your beach bag is lying on the chair over there but,
I'm afraid that your clothes have been sent to the laundry". Nurse Bennett answered rather bored with
the whole situation as she walked slowly toward Jordan. "So what am I supposed to wear out of here
this drafty hospital gown?" Jordan spat. "That would be just fine with me but, you might want to at least
put on a few undergarments before the public gets a good look at those pink cheeks of yours." Andy
stated from the doorway behind Jordan. Stunned by the deep voice and infuriated by the words as well
she spun around quickly to see the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on. Leaning carelessly
against the doorjamb, he looked Jordan up and down slowly, deliberately, taking in her appearance. Her
blonde curly locks were rumpled and her face looked pale and confused. The one emotion Andy didn’t
see on her finely sculptured face was fear. Jordan's anger grew as she watched this devastatingly
handsome man insult her not only with his eyes but with his words. For a moment she allowed herself
to take in his rugged good looks and six foot tanned, and chiseled frame. Immaculately cut and styled;
his short, thick, flock of dark blonde hair was combed to the right, falling ever so slightly over his
temple. Full eyebrows framed tender hazel eyes that gleamed with hidden laughter; muscles flinched in
his chiseled jaw. Jordan continued to take in Andrew's blue and white button down shirt concealing his
broad shoulders and bulging chest to his narrow waist. His long lean legs were covered by a pair of
navy blue Dockers that made Jordan's stomach turn somersaults. Though she was furious with this man
at the moment, she could not deny her attraction to his good looks. His full lips turned up in a sardonic
smile as he watched Jordan look him up and down as he had done her. I’ll be damned if I’m going to
give this guy the satisfaction of knowing I find him gorgeous or how long it's been since I’ve had great
sex. She thought to herself as her brow rose with an impartial gaze to his smiling one. Nurse Bennett
took Jordan’s consciousness and Mr. Nichols arrival as her cue to disappear for a minute.
Without warning he listlessly straightened and walked toward her, his muscular frame towering
above her own five foot three inches. Recovering quickly, she grasped at the back of her hospital gown.
"Who are you?" She demanded her anger returning “I am Andrew Nichols" he said as he held out his
hand for Jordan to take. She looked at his offered hand but her hands remained behind her back holding
the thin gown together. Smiling faintly he dropped his hand and continued "This is my home. You are
welcome to roam about freely… “Jordan cut him off before he could say get another word out "I don’t
want to roam about freely!” she snapped "I want my clothes and my bag and get out of here. What gives
you the right to bring me here in the first place? Not to mention making some crude comment about my
body and then looking at me as if I were a piece of meat! Do you see “USDA” stamped anywhere on
my body?" Jordan was getting angrier by the minute but somehow that was not all that was on her
mind as she glared into the handsome face of Andrew Nichols. "I certainly haven't seen USDA; he
enunciated "USDA" just as she had done; anywhere but, if you want to take that gown off I’ll be more
than happy to give the rest of you a thorough search." Andrew replied a devilish grin wrinkling his
features. “I suppose you think that is very amusing Mr. Nichols but if you don’t mind I would like you
to take your seductive perversions somewhere else." Jordan stated trying to get her temper under check.
Since this man had walked through the door, he had insulted her twice and still had not told her why she
was there instead of the hospital or her hotel; she could feel her pulse racing as anger ripped through her
Reading her thoughts he answered her unspoken questions in a matter - of - fact tone. "I found
you on the beach; you had passed out; so I went to the hospital with you to see that you were taken care
of and once they found out that you were a diabetic you were fine. "Exactly how did they learn that I
was a diabetic?" "I went through your bag on the beach looking for something to tell me who you were
and in doing so I found the bottle of pills. When I got to the hospital you had been rushed in but they
could not seem to get you stabilized then I remembered the bottle of pills and handed them to the
doctor. Later, I convinced the doctor that you would be more comfortable here than in that lonely
hospital, so I signed all of the necessary paperwork and, with the help of Nurse Bennett, brought you
"Well I am not happy! I want my things and get out of here!" Jordan stated glaring at him. He
was unfazed by her murderous stare. "At least stay for lunch and let the doctor have one last look at you
before you go." He stated with sincerity. "I am perfectly fine!" Jordan spat, but as she began for the
door her legs buckled and she fell in a heap on the floor. He rushed to her aide; placing a hand under her
elbow. "Leave me alone I don’t need anyone's help." Jordan said pushing him away angrily. Andy
called for Nurse Bennett and they finally managed to coax her back into bed. She fell back against the
pillows exhausted from everything. "You are going to stay in that bed till the doctor comes to make sure
you are all right or I will hold you there myself understood?" Andy commanded with finality. Nodding
her head slightly she turned her face from his. He gave a curt nod at nurse Bennett and left swiftly.
What choice do I have? She thought. Nurse Bennett tucked the covers around her chin. “Rest now child,
the doctor will be here soon.” She left the room to sit in a chair outside the door. Jordan fell into a
restless sleep.
Andy returned a little while later and relieved Nurse Bennett for an hour so she could go to the
kitchen and have some lunch. When the nurse left Andy sat next to Jordan's bed watching her rest, her
facial expressions changed with what was obviously a dream. At first she seemed happy but then she
began to moan; softly at first then as she grew louder she started calling for Darien asking him not to
leave. This seemed to be upsetting her very badly so Andy thought it would be a good idea to wake her
up before she got too upset. Gently he touched her left arm and she immediately jerked it away and
began swinging with the other hand in his general direction. He clasped both fists in his powerful hands
as he called to her. "Jordan. Jordan." At first she just stared back at him blankly, and then suddenly she
was wide-awake. "What are you doing, let go of me! She screamed. "Take it easy Jordan I’m not going
to hurt you. You were crying in your sleep and I thought something might be wrong." "Something is
wrong. I’m stuck in this house with a stranger who claims I passed out on the beach and the quack
doctor let him take me home. For all I know you drugged me and brought me back here just for kicks."
His face reddened with rage and hurt. "That is a horrible accusation, perhaps you would like to go down
to the police station and see if I am wanted for murder." Her eyes flashed with anger. “That’s not a bad
idea!" She screeched. Suddenly he simmered down and his voice went calm. “I am only trying to help
Shocked into silence Jordan turned her face away from his probing eyes and with a weary sigh
she said, "I’m sorry. Thank-you for your help but, what I really need is to go back to my own place and
sleep this thing off" she replied softly. "May I ask you something Jordan?" After turning to eye him
suspiciously for a minute she sighed and replied "I suppose so” "Who is Darien?" Jordan's eyes
widened and then filled with tears which she quickly concealed. Fighting hard to keep her voice from
giving away her true feelings and with a tone she hardly recognized as her own; she replied. "He's no
one. Why do you ask?" "You were calling for him just before I woke you up." With all the calm she
could muster she quietly replied. "He's just someone I knew." She threw the covers off and got out of
the bed on the opposite side of Andy and started for the bathroom. Andy rounded the bed in a flash and
grabbed her arm. "Where do you think you’re going?" He asked. "Take your hands off me I am fully
capable of going to the bathroom without your help, and you can't keep me here against my wishes. I’m
not your prisoner!" She retorted irritated with him for prying and for being such a tyrant. Andy released
her immediately and she continued on her way to the bathroom. Stunned at how things were going all
wrong. He was never this bad at communication. "Of course, you are right I can't keep you here. I’ll
call the doctor and see how long it will be before he can get out here to see you. He said to her swiftly
retreating back. "By all means" she stated over her shoulder and then gave the bathroom door a not so
gentle shove. Jordan leaned against the back of the door for a long moment. She could hear and feel her
heart pounding. Her skin still burned from where he touched it only moments ago. Andrew Nichols was
the most arrogant, charming man she had ever met. "Get a hold of yourself Jordan; you've gone down
that road before." She stated half to herself then giving herself a firm mental shake she went about her
Chapter 3
A few minutes later, when she returned she found a tray with a bowl of chicken noodle soup and
a ham and cheese sandwich sitting on the table next to the bed. Hungrily she began to eat, savoring
every bite as if she had not eaten in days. A few minutes later Andy returned with some clothes for her.
"Here put these on." He said tossing a pair of gray jogging shorts and a white T-shirt on the bed. "I
pulled some clothes out for you so that you do not have to walk around in that gown." "Where are my
clothes, and when the doctor is coming so I can get out of here?" "Relax he'll be here this evening."
"What!" Jordan wailed. "I’m not waiting around all day for some doctor. Now if you'll excuse me I’d
like to get dressed and be on my way." "I really think you should..." Andy began to object but Jordan
didn’t give him time to even complete that thought before she held up her hand. "I am not concerned
with your opinion Mr. Nichols. I am fully capable of taking care of myself." Anger flashed on her face
and this time he saw something he didn’t see the first time; strength. "Well if you insist, I guess I have
no choice but to call the doctor back and tell him not to come here. So where should I tell him you’re
staying so that..." Again Jordan didn’t give him the chance to finish again. "I am perfectly fine Mr.
Nichols. If I have a need to, I will call the doctor myself." He wanted to reach out and smooth the
wrinkles of stress from her face but refrained. He stuffed his hands in his pockets instead. "Jordan, at
least go back for the final examination. Here is the number, if you want to go in give the guy a call."
Absently Jordan took the paper that Andy had scrawled the doctor's name and number on. "Fine, now if
you would please go so that I can get out of this stupid gown?"
Andy hesitated for a moment a few feet from the door and looked back at Jordan with concern.
She raised her chin in defiance and matched his stare with stern determination. He turned back to the
door and with a few easy strides left Jordan to get dressed. She quickly rushed to the door to shut and
lock it before he had a chance to return. Exhausted she leaned against the door for a moment and let out
a long slow breath; she could not understand why this man got under her skin like he did. All she
wanted to do was get out of here and, as far away from Andrew Nichols as quickly as possible.
Hurriedly she dressed in the gray cotton gym shorts and what looked to be a white undershirt that Andy
had casually laid on the bed. The clothes were a bit big but Jordan tied the string on the shorts a little
tighter and tucked the T-shirt in. Her beach bag was lying in a chair across the room; snatching it up
quickly, she searched through the bag till she was satisfied that everything was still there. She zipped
the bag up and casually tossed it over her right shoulder. Her flip-flops were on the floor next to the
chair so she slipped them on with ease and with a few quick strides she covered the short distance to the
Cautiously she opened it and looked up and down the hallway and listened. Hearing nothing she
stepped into the dimly lit room and stopped just outside the doorway, noting the beautiful medieval
brass sconces adorning the creamy walls between large oak doors. Lush maroon carpet stretched
endlessly down the long hallway enticing Jordan to turn the corner and follow it past the endless stretch
of doors. Jordan wondered if the rest of the house was like walking into an 1800's castle. "They sure did
have class back then." She admitted softly to herself. Taking a deep breath she turned to her left and
started down the hall wondering where Andy had gone and if she could make it out of this beautiful
eerie house without another confrontation. Lost in a sea of thoughts Jordan let out a shriek as a door on
her right flew open sending her sprawling to the carpet. Stunned she sat on the floor for a moment
before she realized that Andy was kneeling down in front of her asking her if she were all right. "Of
course I’m all right!” she snapped defensively when she felt her pulse quicken from the touch of his
hand on her upper arm. "I didn’t mean to frighten you. I heard the door open a moment ago and then
your voice here in the hallway. Here let me help you up." "I can do it myself Thank you. What are you
doing spying on me or something?" Andy looked into her beautiful crystal blue eyes, which now shone
with mild irritation and something else he could not quite make out before she shifted them downward
as she hauled herself off the floor.
Trying to hide the tremor in her voice Jordan asked quietly for Andy to show her to the door. He
politely replied "Follow me." He could not miss the tension and control in her voice. He wondered what
had caused her to act so on edge. He pushed the thought quickly aside as he tried to think of a way to
see her again. Jordan wondered what was wrong with her; she had never acted so violently to a man's
touch before. It must be the trauma of waking up in someone's house when the last thing she
remembered was walking down the beach. Andy's soft baritone voice called her back to reality and she
realized he was waiting for a reply. "Pardon me?" She asked trying to keep her voice as light as
possible. "I merely stated that maybe it would be better if I drive you back to your hotel." Jordan didn’t
miss the smile in his voice or on his lips as he spoke. Suddenly her thoughts took a turn for the
unthinkable as she wondered what they would feel like on her own lips. Andy stopped his decent
halfway to the bottom of the stairs and turned around to look at her. He was not surprised to find
Jordan's heated stare upon his lips nor did he miss the way she shyly turned her head the other way
when she realized he had stopped and turned toward her. "What a view you have from here." she stated
hoping that Andy had not caught her looking at him, and ignoring the statement he had made earlier. As
Jordan looked over the railing to the long winding staircase she realized her statement could not have
been a truer one. Turning once again to look at Andy she saw him studying her and with a raised
eyebrow indicating that he was waiting for her to comment on his previous offer. "That's very nice of
you but I believe the fresh air would do me some good." He smiled back and leaned a hip on the railing
crossing his arms over his muscular chest. "You don’t give in very easily do you? Nor do you have any
idea where your hotel is located from here." Andy added with a sardonic smile playing at his sensual
mouth. "I’m sure I won’t have a problem Mr. Nichols, after all this is an island. If all else fails I will
simply get a cab or turn around and walk in the other direction. I can’t imagine that it could be too far
from here as you were on the beach when I supposedly passed out, and you made no mention of having
a car with which to carry me to the hospital in yourself." It was Jordan's turn at an amused smile as she
watched Andy try and fail at another attempt to make her a helpless heroin in some romance novel.
Shocked at her truthful deduction and rationalization of the situation, he gave Jordan a heart-pounding
grin that shook her to the core then turned on his heel and descended the rest of the way down.
Jordan studied the foyer; they were now standing in, missing nothing and feeling Andy watching
her as she looked about the room with interest and awe. The floor was a light gray marble with what
looked like a formal sitting room off to the left. A giant chandelier hung high above her in the center of
a round skylight. The sun hit the tiny crystals sending rainbows of filtered light to dance across the floor
and walls. To her right was the massive winding staircase she had just descended and in the bottom far
reaches of the staircase was a coat closet. Next to the closet sat a greeting table made of ebony with a
marble top on which sat an open book and a quill pin. This was obviously where guest signed in at
various functions held in this magnificent house. Andy watched as Jordan took in the beautiful foyer
noting her every expression from mild interest to dazzled. The light from the skylight and from the
glass in the large double doors she was standing in front of made her features come alive. Her eyes
looked like finely cut sapphires, her hair like spun gold, and her skin glowed like molten liquid. She
was even more alluring in this natural light than she had been upstairs. Andy watched as the smooth
even lines of her face and the red fullness of her lips curved into a small smile of appreciation and then
slowly looked strained with tears behind her lashes. At that moment Jordan realized that Andy was
studying her and she carefully put an impassive expression on her face. "Thank-you for all of your
hospitality Mr. Nichols, but I think it’s time for me to go." Andy motioned a hand up the arched steps
to the large white doors, and opened one for her to walk through. He was about to make another attempt
to offer a ride or walk with her when a woman's voice from somewhere behind them came calling for
him in an exasperated tone. He turned to walk back down the stairs to reply to what was obviously a
hired hand. Taking this as an opportunity for escape Jordan quickly pulled the door to and rushed down
the stairs on the front stoop trying to get as far away as possible. She was not sure what had caused her
to react to him the way she had but she knew that she didn’t want this in her life right now.
Chapter 4
Jordan didn’t stop until she reached a safe distance from the house, and then she turned around
slowly taking in the palm trees lining a stone wall with waves crashing to the shore on the other side.
The smell of the salty air made her smile as she scanned the yard noticing the beautiful gardens behind
the house not quite concealed by the tall hedges. The house itself was made from stone and brick with
black shingles and was quite large, with giant steps leading down to a stone walkway. Jordan felt as if
she were looking at a castle with its high arched windows and balconies supported by stone pillars. This
magnificent house stood in front of her majestically with three levels clearly visible and possibly a
basement. Flowerbeds and carefully trimmed hedges adorned the porch and spacious green lawn. Stone
statues and a water garden were to the right of the house and to the left were sporadically placed
willows and palms. A stone table and two matching stools were placed under one of the willow trees.
Flowers and lavender trees were on each side of the circular driveway. The balcony contained white
metal furniture perfect for afternoon tea or an evening of stargazing. The house looked very grand and
strong just like its owner but there was softness, almost a homey feel when she looked at it. Jordan's
eyes took in the sight of this beautiful estate for a moment before a movement at the doorway caught
her attention; it was Andy; his tall lithe frame was leaning against the doorjamb. He saw Jordan staring
back at him; although her expression was fathomless he knew that she was thinking of him. This
woman is amazing he thought. His mind went back to her standing on the stairs and then in the foyer;
how perfect she had looked here. The house seemed so alive with her presence and Andy liked it.
Children were never on his agenda and frankly marriage had never been either until he had laid eyes on
Jordan McKenzie. Most of the women he had seen socially were more interested in his bank account
than him. She was neither impressed with his bank account or him for that matter. He smiled at that
thought. “You are one heck of a lady.” He stated smiling at her.
He thought about how most women in Jordan's position would have lavished him with unending
praise but not her. She had insulted him not once but twice and looked every bit as poised as if she had
just stepped from Vogue. "She makes a tiger seem like a puppy." He muttered under his breath with a
faint smile touching his lips. He continued watching her with piqued interest but made no move toward
her and for a long moment they stared at one another. A fire from somewhere deep inside started to
ignite and finally Jordan tore her gaze from his. Abruptly she turned on her heel and headed toward the
arching medal gates in front of her; feeling Andy watching her with the same hooded wanton as before,
which was all the more reason for her to put as much space between herself and this man as possible.
As she neared, Jordan stared up at the beautiful gates so much like the owner of this cast castle. She
could see a large “N” written in coiling wrought iron. The gates swung open silently on their own after
a few moments; mocking her as she watched. Standing there patiently until there was enough room for
her to pass then marched through without a backward glance.
Andy watched as Jordan walked away wondering if he did in fact see the same emotion that
matched his own cross her face before she abruptly turned and walked away. "She is the most amazing
woman." Andy stated once more as he remembered again the stubborn lift of her chin the first time he
had seen her in the bedchamber this morning; her eyes blazing like diamonds and wildfire. She was a
proud and stubborn woman he thought; for although he was quite certain that she had been attracted to
him as much as he had been to her she refused to let any emotion other than anger or mild irritation
show on her perfect features. Andy's mind wondered back to the day he had first seen Jordan. She had
been walking down the beach quite early one morning looking out at sea lost in thought. Clad in a
simple white cotton pull-on dress she seemed ill at ease for every so often she would look around her to
make sure no one was around. The sun had shown off the water giving her the appearance of an angel.
Andy was not sure that she was real at first till she had turned half in his direction. He had leaned back
against the tree and watched her from a distance walking along the beach in peace. After a few minutes
she had turned and headed back down the beach from where she had come. Andy had not been able to
put her out of his mind, so he had decided that the only thing to do was to take to the beach himself and
find her again. Two days later he spotted her on the beach sunning in a lounge chair. That was before
she took a trip to the emergency room.
Chapter 5
Once outside the gates and away from Andy's spellbinding gaze, Jordan headed left toward her
hotel. She knew exactly where she was going because earlier that week she had seen the stone wall of
Andy's estate on a morning walk down the beach. Andy had watched her with the same penetrating
gaze as he had every time he saw her during her brief stay. Despite the hour, Jordan noticed that the
beach seemed fairly empty; most of the crowd there seemed to be lounging around soaking up the warm
rays of the afternoon sun. Two boys with water guns ran toward Jordan, circling around her laughing
and spraying each other and her in the process. She smiled as they disappeared down the beach toward
their mother and kept walking till she came to her hotel. Taking the small stairs two at a time, she
walked down the corridor to the elevator. The hotel was a fairly large one with 10 floors with at least
200 rooms on each floor and was in excellent condition for an older hotel. The elevator doors opened
and Jordan walked along the plain hallway till she reached her suite. She searched her purse for the
room key and unlocked the door; dropping her beach bag as she entered. Relief flooded through her as
she walked in and stretched across the bed on her stomach to rest. The weariness seemed to melt away
as she floated softly to sleep thinking of Andy's smile. For the first time since her husband's untimely
death Jordan rested calmly, that is, before the nightmare of memories returned once again to haunt her
dreams. She relived that awful day over and over again in her dreams and every time she closed her
eyes. Her heart pounded as she saw the Officer at her front door; a scream caught deep in her throat
choking out all conscious thought, escaped her lips for the thousandth time. The shrill ringing of the
telephone brought her from unconsciousness and the nightmare. Bolting up into a sitting position Jordan
could not remember for a moment where she was, still horrified at the memories. The piercing ring of
the phone next to the bed brought her back swiftly as she darted across the bed to catch the phone
before it stopped ringing. Catching it just in time she slowly and lazily pronounced "Hello." "Jordan?
This is Alexia. How are you?" "I’m fine" she answered still half asleep. "How is Cody doing?" "He’s
just wonderful and a big help. Would you like to talk to him?" Sitting up in bed cross-legged she
smiled. "Of course! Put him on!" She exclaimed excitedly now fully awake. "Hi sweetheart." She said
her voice changing to a soft motherly tone. "Hi, mommy!" Cody shrilled excitedly into the phone.
"What are you doing? Are you being good for Aunt Alex?" Jordan listened to Cody jabber about what
he had been doing and then he asked her when she would be home. Her heart ached when she said it
would be a long time. Jordan longed to pack her bags and rush home to him but she knew that it would
do her no good, because she needed this time away from him to get her life together. It had been a year
since Cody's father had died and for Cody's sake she had been very strong but now she knew that the
only way for her to get on with her life was to deal with his death. Jordan felt like she was abandoning
him but the truth was she was letting the wounds, that had been brushed aside for the past year, heal.
After a few more minutes of Cody's chitchat they said their good-byes and hung up.
Chapter 6
Feeling a bit homesick and depressed Jordan made up her mind that tomorrow she would go out
and do a little shopping in the village just down the beach. A smile touched her beautiful lips at that
thought and she lay on the bed staring up at the ceiling a few minutes. Deciding a long hot bath would
ease her tension and bring her back to life she crawled from the bed to freshen up for some dinner. The
bathroom was huge and Jordan leaned down to turn on the tap then grabbed her favorite bottle of
bubble bath from her travel bag she poured a bit more than was necessary in the waiting Jacuzzi. Steam
and bubbles began to fill the tub warm and inviting. Hurriedly she undressed and climbed in leaning her
head back. She let the overflowing bubbles caress away her cares and take her to a far off place of peace
and, to Jordan's shocked dismay... Andrew Nichols. There was something about that man that Jordan
could not explain. One touch and she was breathing funny and her insides seemed to turn to putty
without warrant. After Darien she had gone out a few times but it always ended in disaster. Most of the
men her age were ready to settle down and she was not even close to that mark. She gave up and
decided to be casual acquaintances with them instead. "It must have been the fear of waking up in his
house without so much as a clue as to how I had gotten there." She deducted quietly to herself. After a
half-hour of her thoughts carelessly flowing back to the past and the immediate present of Andy's
smoky hazel eyes, and sinister smile, Jordan decided it was time to wash the memory of Andy down the
drain along with the bubbles of her bath. She was right the bath had relaxed her and helped to calm her
frazzled nerves. Instead of going out for the evening she picked up the phone and ordered room service.
Jordan pulled on a pair of flower laden, lavender knit pants and a shirt to match for an evening of
lounging in front of the television. She headed for the front room to watch television and wait for room
service to arrive with her dinner.
She glanced at the clock to find out it was only 6:30. She sat down and flipped around and
finally found a Three Stooges marathon on one of the local stations. The Three Stooges were her
favorite and she soon found herself totally wrapped up in the three comedians trying to fix the phone
lines in someone's house. The unsuspecting customer was ending up with a house full of repairs. They
always seemed to make her smile no matter how she was feeling. Lost in the memories of her
childhood, it took Jordan a few minutes to hear the tapping on the door. Funny, she thought; it's only
6:33 so I wonder who that is? I just ordered so I know they could not have gotten here that quickly even
if the food was already prepared. She cautiously walked over and stopped a few feet from the door. She
heard the insistent knocking again this time it was stronger and louder. Careful not to stand directly
behind the door or to the side that opened she hesitated and then asked, "Who is it?" "It's Andrew
Nichols. May I come in and talk to you for a moment?" Sighing inwardly and outwardly Jordan called
back to him "Just a minute." Gathering up her courage Jordan started unlocking the door to let him in
"Just what I wanted another encounter with this guy" Jordan stated quietly to herself. The last person
she wanted to see tonight was Andrew Nichols, especially after her afternoon with him. She opened the
door just a crack, to find him standing just inches from her. He looked irresistible clad in faded blue
jeans and a white polo shirt that clung to the muscles in his strong arms and chest.
Jordan stepped aside for Andy to enter. He brushed past her and stood just inside and watched as
she closed and locked the door. His eyes drifted slowly from her scrubbed face to the short, v-neck knit
shirt clinging to the soft curve of her breast. Her pants were loose and hung low on her hips to her
reveal her tanned, flat abdomen and a link chain made of silver, a small sapphire heart dangling about
her bellybutton, adorning her tiny waist. Burgundy toes poured from the bottom of her pants with a
silver, sapphire studded ring on the middle toe of her left foot. Andy's eyes slowly made the climb back
up to meet Jordan's exasperated gaze. What right did he have to come to her hotel and check her out,
she fumed. Suddenly she felt her cheeks turn crimson with heat from irritation and longing from his
desire clouded stare. Damn this man she thought. He stared into her cobalt eyes, studying her intently.
Jordan's breath caught in her throat and she pulled her gaze from his. She walked a few steps into the
room before half turning back to ask, in a matter - of - fact tone. “How did you find me and how did
you get past the front desk? Oh let me guess the attendant is a friend of yours right?” she asked
sarcastically not really wanting a reply."What can I do for you Mr. Nichols?" He was still standing in
the doorway watching her, his smile spelling seduction. "I came to see how you were doing and to get
the clothes back from you and yes the front desk clerk is a friend. The room key in your bag gave me
the hotel and room number." Turning away as anger seeped into her cheeks she spoke in a hushed tone.
Well as you can see I am fine. The clothes are in the other room. Wait over there by the couch and I’ll
get them for you." She said using what she hoped was a controlled tone to hide her anger. The less the
man knew about how to push her buttons the better. Andrew grinned seeing the conflicting emotions
on her lovely face as she turned on her heel and walked to an adjoining room.
He made himself comfortable as he sat on the couch with its large pastel island flower print and
soft cotton throw pillows in blue and pink. This was a rather large place he noted. Just in the doorway to
the left was a closet concealing a stacked washer and dryer beyond that was the bathroom with a shower
and toilet. A door led from the bathroom to another room with a vanity and Jacuzzi. Paneled double
doors opened to reveal a queen size bed and a television cabinet. French doors opened up onto a
balcony overlooking the beach. A kitchen was to the right of the entryway, which opened to a spacious
living room that contained a couch, two chairs and another television cabinet. A second set of French
doors opened onto yet another balcony overlooking the beach. Andy saw the Three Stooges marathon
playing on the television and smiled to himself. The Three Stooges had provided him with hours of
entertainment as he was growing up in Chicago. His thoughts turned to Jordan as she entered the room
carrying the clothes on her arm.
Her face was expressionless as she walked over and handed him the neatly folded items. He
looked up at her and smiled. She is so lovely he thought. Thank-you for loaning them to me and... She
hesitated “for helping me the other day." "His thick dark eyebrows shot up and a quirk came to his
lips.”So you aren't angry with me after all?" He questioned with an arrogant, smiling tone. “I never said
that. I am not ready to forget that you took me to your home without my permission but I am grateful to
you for getting me medical attention." She stated ignoring the devilish grin he shot her. “How could I
possibly get your consent when you were basically unconscious?" His tone was a little more arrogant
and a laugh escaped his lips with the question. “Usually if a person is basically unconscious they should
be in a hospital not the home of some arrogant, adventure seeking, millionaire. Don’t you agree?" She
asked as her eyes blazed one eyebrow raised in questioning. Irritation was evident in her controlled
voice. Andy looked up into the eyes of this beautiful angel and he smiled a dazzling smile at her. "In
that case I’ll try not to do it again." The mockery oozed from his voice and Jordan felt like dunking him
in the ocean but before she could even think of a reply there was another knock at the door. "Are you
expecting company?" Andy asked with concern. "Yes, as a matter of fact I have a date tonight!"
Stunned for a second he then offered to get the door. "No thank you, I am fully capable of answering
the door. Who is it?" "Yes Ma'am. Room Service." “Thank you. Just a minute please." As Jordan
walked toward the door Andy grabbed her arm." What time did you order your dinner? He questioned
her cautiously. “Six-thirty why?" “It’s only six forty-five that's why." "So it's a few minutes early big
deal. I think you've seen one too many spy movies Mr. Nichols." She stated laughter bubbling in her
voice. "Jordan please! I just want you to be careful." He said as he grabbed her upper arm and caressed
the satiny skin with his long powerful fingers. A bit breathless from his touch and caresses she said in a
soft, stern tone." Thank-you Mr. Nichols but I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time now and I
am not ready to relinquish those duties over to you or anyone else for that matter." Jordan pulled her
arm away slowly, reluctant to move from his touch or his dizzying stare, and walked over to open the
Chapter 6
He glanced about him waiting for the door to open. He had not seen anyone in the hallway since
he had gotten off the elevator but that didn’t mean his luck would hold out. Suddenly the door flew
open and Jordan stood there looking absolutely delicious in the outfit she was wearing. He walked in
and set the tray on the table and hesitated, waiting for the tip and signature from her. "I’ll be back in a
minute with your tip." She said hoping Andy would hear her and take that as his cue to go home. The
door had been shut and he didn’t see or hear anyone else so he bent to place the lids on the bottom of
the cart. Slowly he reached his right hand into the jacket he was wearing and fingered the pearl handle
of the gun he was carrying. He heard the toilet flush just as he was about to pull out the gun and then
the bathroom door opened noisily.
Removing his hand swiftly from the tailored black evening jacket, he rose to see the man from
the beach staring back at him. "Damn" he swore softly under his breath. The seconds ticked by like
minutes as each man surveyed the other's weaknesses. Andy had him in height by a good five inches he
noted, but he was stout and reminded him of a pit bull waiting for its master to give the word to attack.
He sized Andy up in two seconds flat. He knew the type tall and agile but strike low and these jokers
didn’t stand a chance. Jordan walked in from the bedroom where she had been retrieving money for a
tip. Both men turned to her as she stepped into the fighting arena unaware of the sparks in the air. She
was oblivious to the tension in the small space between the two men. Walking over she pressed a few
folded bills into his left hand. "Thank-you, I don’t think I need anything else tonight." She smiled at
him aware of how handsomely dangerous he looked. That smile almost made him forget why he was
there but he quickly sobered and looked back at Andy; gave a curt nod and pushed the cart toward the
door. Moving in front of him she opened the door telling him thank-you once again.
Jordan turned around to face Andy. “I didn’t like the way that guy was looking at you. There's
something that I don’t trust about him. Please be careful around him." "Would you stop with the big
brother act please! I have dealt with the scum of the earth and look I’m still standing here and not a
scratch or scar on me. I’m not a helpless child even though I may appear to be. Look I would just like to
eat my dinner in peace so if you don’t mind I would really like you to go now." She motioned toward
the door. "I just hate to see a pretty face like yours end up on the list of the local obituary or on the side
of some milk carton. I didn’t save your life the other day for some crazy fool to undo all my
handiwork." For a moment all Jordan could do was meet his steady concerned gaze with a look of
understanding and admiration. Why is it that I am with this guy for only a few hours and already I feel
like I should tell him my life story she mused silently to herself as she gave Andy a dazzling smile.
"There's something about you that just makes me not trust myself in your presence for fear I’ll tell you
how very sweet what you just said sounded and then the conversation will go in a totally unwarranted
direction." The unexspected admission wasn't lost on him. "I’m game if you are he challenged" A prime
evil look put a gleam in his eyes. “Some other time perhaps but right now I would just like to eat my
dinner in quiet and go straight to sleep." Looking Andy in the face purposely saying sleep and not bed
so that he would not give her any kind of grief about joining her as he had hinted at since the moment
she laid eyes on him.
He watched her with quiet purposeful eyes trying to see what was going on behind her beautiful
gaze but she masterfully veiled her emotions from him. "I take it that is my cue to leave you alone but
not before I ask you something." Jordan sighed heavily and said, "What Mr. Nichols?" His smile faded.
“My name is Andy." He informed her politely before continuing. “There is a great little market place
just down the beach a ways. I thought that maybe I could meet you here say around ten o'clock in the
morning and stroll down the beach to a wonderful little restaurant for some brunch. We could spend the
rest of the day shopping and seeing some of the other sights that the island has to offer." She smiled.
"Boy you just don’t give up, do you?" He returned her smile. "No! I see something that I like or want
and I attain it." Looking at the floor for a moment before answering she sighed again. "Well I’m sorry
Mr. Nichols, but this time you will have to live with attaining only rejection." she had called him Mr.
Nichols again and enunciated it for emphasis. He knew that he was getting under her skin by her refusal
to call him Andy and a chuckle lit up his even features causing a small exasperated look from her."
What is so funny?" She demanded getting even more irritated with him. He simply turned around and
said "Good-night Jordan. See you tomorrow." She rolled her eyes. "I doubt it." She stated to his
retreating back; closing the door safely behind him and latching it securely. A small smile touched her
Chapter 7
He walked down the hallway toward the elevators all the while thinking of her sweet angelic
face and those bold expressive eyes. The way she moved with grace, poise, and control spoke of a
lifetime of breeding but, everything else about this fascinating woman told him that was far from the
truth. Andy's mind was still on Jordan when he got on the elevator and pushed the button for the lobby
and slowly began his decent. The ding of the elevator brought him out of his thoughts and he stepped
into the lobby and walked toward the exit. the same bellboy who had brought Jordan her food, stopped
to watch him leaving the hotel. Not completely trusting the guy he made a mental note inquire about
him in the morning.
He had lost the dinner jacket and mustache and was now wearing just the slacks and white dress
shirt. He looked around for anyone who might recognize him and when he was satisfied that no one did,
he continued on his way. He figured that it would be better for him to walk along the beach for a few
minutes and then take a taxi to the village to look for a bar. Andy watched him look around cautiously
for a minute and then walk toward the beach; tempted to follow him but decided that it would not be
such a great idea. It was not quite dark yet and he would surely turn around and instantly know who he
was and that he was following him. Instead he waited till the other man had walked down the beach a
little way before turning around to walk back to his house.
All the way home Jordan invaded his thoughts as he remembered the day he first saw her on the
beach walking in front of him, her hair blowing in the oceans early morning breeze. Sunlight reflecting
off the soft waves illuminated her giving her angelic surreal features. He had thought she was a dream.
Her loose, almost sheer white dress swirled about her ankles. She had taken her shoes off to walk in the
wet sand and let the wave’s crash over her feet and then retreat back into the ocean. Andy's lips had
gone dry at the thought of caressing her smooth skin as the ocean had. When she left he decided that he
had to see her again and talk to her so he went looking for her on the beach till he found her soaking in
the warm morning sun. He had been watching her for almost an hour before she had gotten up walked
toward him before collapsing at his feet. She had looked so helpless lying there. And he had felt it even
then. His gut twisted at the sight of her beautiful face looking back at him with hollow eyes. He was so
desperate to save her and protect her that he had convinced his close friend at the hospital to let him
bring her home. He smiled to himself as he remembered the stunned look on her face the moment she
had spun around and saw him. He himself had been taken aback at her beauty and those wide blue eyes
that had studied him openly before she had quickly erased any emotion from her expression. Andy's
thoughts led him to wonder who Darien was and what was causing Jordan to be so appealing to him. "It
must be her silence and... " he thought for a moment before answering his own question. "Those huge
eyes that sparkle like sapphires when she is angry" he claimed to anyone who was listening.
Andy spent the rest of his evening taking care of some business matters and trying to get Jade
off the phone after breaking his date with her for the charity ball on Saturday. Jade was a wildly exotic
foreign diplomat from Brazil who was not afraid to speak her mind on anything. She had been chasing
Andy for a year now trying to get him in her clutches but to no avail. The time she came to his house
for tea, at the request of an old friend, almost a year ago; He could not believe what a beauty she was
with wavy dark hair that hung about her narrow waist. Her flawless olive complexion was set off by a
pair of jade green eyes, which is where her name had come from. She had worn a black sheath that had
barely done its job to conceal her luscious curves. A sultry mouth had introduced itself to Andy on more
than one occasion since that day but Andy was little more than vaguely interested in her now, just as he
had been in the beginning of their on - off relationship. Later that evening when he had climbed into
bed exhausted from the whole day his mind wondered back to Jordan's beautiful face. He wondered if
she was thinking of him as well but a quick glance at the clock told him that if she were then she must
be dreaming because it was nearly one o’clock in the morning. He lay there a long while thinking of
how to ask her to accompany him to the charity ball being held next Saturday evening. After a long
time of deliberation he finally decided that he should go shopping early with Jordan. If things went well
then he would ask her to fly to New York for a shopping trip to purchase a dress. Smiling to himself at
how easy things sounded he drifted off into a deep sleep.
Chapter 8
The sounds of the ocean lapping against the shore awoke Jordan. She smiled up at the ceiling
and listened to the sounds of the morning. Her evening had been uneventful after Andy had left. She
had lain awake for quite some time thinking about him, wondering what he was like. Although she
would never readily admit it to anyone else she found him quite handsome and charming. Jordan hoped
he would show up this morning to take her on a tour of the town but in a way she wanted to be alone.
"This man is making me crazy." She said out loud trying to figure out just how she felt about him. Her
mind drifted over the events of the past few days and she knew that it must just be that she missed her
husband and nothing more. Still she thought I get this strange feeling every time we get near or touch.
Almost like ... "Stop it Jordan you are just being ridiculous." She scolded herself sharply and rose from
the bed and stretched before she went to get a shower so she could get on with her day. Even in the
relaxing pulse of the shower Jordan's thoughts turned to Andy trying to figure him out wondering what
was causing her to have this strange feeling of danger. The water started to turn her fingers to wrinkles
so she turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around her wet hair, another around herself and
headed for the room to get dressed.
She rummaged through her suitcase for ten minutes before finally settling for a pair of mint
green linen shorts and matching button down short sleeve shirt. She slipped on a pair of white leather
sandals and walked back into the bathroom to brush out her long curls, giving them a toss with some
styling gel. Growing up she had always hated her curls and blonde hair. There was always a neverending supply of blonde jokes. Even her brother had managed to give her grief. She had the lightest hair
of the whole family except for her Aunt. Smiling to herself at the memories she put on a little powder,
eyeliner, mascara, and lip-gloss and gave her appearance a once over check. Purposefully she walked
back into the room to grab a few things like her watch and a crucifix necklace she had been wearing
since she was thirteen. Leaving the room she picked up her camera and slipped it into her purse then
checked to make sure she had her room key. Double-checked that all the lights were out and that
everything was off when she was satisfied she walked out the door on her way to an enjoyable day of
shopping. She decided to walk along the strip so that if she saw something that she liked then it would
be easy to come back and get after she had breakfast.
The market was a bit crowded but that was forgotten as soon as Jordan got a whiff of the air.
"This is heaven,” she said as the aroma of breads and sweets filled her thirsty lungs. After a moment she
found a restaurant next to a bakery and stood at the door waiting to be seated when she saw him. The
same man who had delivered her food the night before. Fear crept up her back as she studied him. “He
looks different somehow,” she stated quietly to herself. Just then he looked up and saw her. His eyes
locked with hers for a brief moment and he abruptly stood and began walking her way. Jordan thought
about turning around and bolting from the restaurant but her stomach was growling now and she knew
that she would not get very far as hungry as she was. He came face to face with her and smiled slowly.
"Aren't you the lady I delivered dinner to last night? Room 3021 right?" Wordlessly Jordan nodded;
fear still permitted her from speaking. "Would you care to join me I have just sat down and I’ve heard
the wait is about thirty minutes. Jordan was about to decline his offer by saying that she was not hungry
but her stomach made an unprecedented rumble at that very moment. “I guess I could do that. That is if
you don’t mind?" Her questioning eyes searched his pale blue stare for a moment before accepting his
outstretched arm with a smile of acceptance.
A short and rather plump waitress appeared just as soon as they were seated. The waitress had
big eyes and a round face. Her flat, mousy brown hair was twisted into a bun low in the back. Looking
at Jordan first, she asked if they were ready to order. Jordan looked over at the waitress and inquired
what type of breakfast they offered with scrambled eggs. The waitress rattled off a few different
combinations and pointed them out to Jordan in the menu. After a few moments she settled with bacon,
scrambled eggs, toast, and a side order of fresh strawberries and a cup of English breakfast tea. The
gentleman, who had identified himself as Clark, watched her with a mixture of fascination and interest.
The waitress turned her attention toward Clark and asked him what he would like to order. Clark rattled
off a few items and cooking instructions as Jordan looked on wondering what it was about this man that
made her feel so queasy and unsure. It must be the fact that it's been so long since I met anyone whom
she truly liked; a year is a long time to go without having someone to care about and love she thought.
Jordan and Clark spent the next hour talking about things like the weather to the farm where she had
grown up. It was the most relaxing time she'd had since her arrival.
Putting down her cup after swallowing the last of her second cup of tea, she suggested that Clark
join her on a tour of the market and the rest of the island. "I’m very sorry but I have some business
arrangements to make. Perhaps you would like to join me for dinner this evening and dancing on the
beach." Jordan beamed. "Of course, I would love to." His smile was disarming and warm as he stood
and reached a hand out to help her up. "It's settled then; I’ll pick you up at eight o'clock." Jordan smiled
with giddiness over the fact that she had made a date and didn’t feel guilty about it. "Thank-you for
your companionship." Clark kissed the back of Jordan's hand and with a smile he turned to lead Jordan
through the busy restaurant to the exit. Once outside the restaurant he turned to Jordan and kissed her
hand once more. "Good-bye Jordan Mackenzie." He stated with a broad smile before turning on his heel
and walking away hurriedly. Jordan watched as he maneuvered deliberately down the crowded market
toward the line of hotels and houses along the beach as an eerie feeling crept up her spine. His last
words shook her but she pushed her annoying thoughts out of her mind. "You can't think that every guy
is going to die the moment you speak to him." She scolded herself softly as she watched Clark's
retreating back growing smaller. He had walked about twenty feet when he heard a loud commotion
coming from where he had left Jordan and turned around to see the cause of the noise.
Jordan was shocked when Andy grabbed her arm and began dragging her down the alley next to
the restaurant. "What in God's name are you doing here? Let go of me!" Andy’s face looked grim and
his grip on her upper arm tightened, as he moved her quicker down the alley. "Just shut-up and come
with me!" He shouted back over the loud commotion of the market. "I most certainly will not! Take
your hands off of me! I will not be bullied by some local playboy who seems to have picked me out as
his next victim! Please just leave me alone." Jordan pleaded and jerked her arm out of Andy's grip.
Andy grabbed her arm again." Jordan you have to listen to me! I don’t like the way that guy is looking
at you. He looks suspicious to me." Andy’s eyes showed more irritation than his voice. Jordan raised
her chin defiantly. “Clark? Why he's a perfect gentleman; next to some people I know.” Andy looked at
her as if she were mad. “How can you say that? He stated frustrated. “Please if you don’t mind I’d like
to make my own decisions from now on. Thank-you for your concern, I’m a big girl and I can take care
of myself." Jordan tried to pull her arm from Andy's grip but it was too strong. She let out an
exasperated cry and jerked again this time freeing her arm from his grip. Caught up in their own heated
argument, neither Jordan nor Andy saw that a local boy had entered the ally after them and had left a
package lying ten feet from where they stood. As the teen boy walked away he tossed his cigarette on
the ground in front of him and never looked back. The man watched the argument between Jordan and
Andy from his apartment window across the crowded market street. When the boy leaves it will be
time. He thought to himself.
Jordan's started to walk back toward the market when a scream escaped her mouth as she felt
herself being thrown to the ground. She rolled over in shock to see Andy staggering toward her.
Painfully she scampered to her feet and ran in the direction she had seen Clark walk a few minutes
earlier. The piercing ringing in her ears kept her from hearing the sirens and from discovering what had
really happened or Andy calling out to her. The crowds were growing thicker it seemed as she scanned
for a familiar face other than Andy's. Jordan was sure that whatever happened back in the alley was not
real. "Was he trying to hurt me?" Jordan stated not realizing she was shouting. An arm reached out
through the crowd and grabbed Jordan's shoulder and she screamed in shock and pain. She was not sure
who had grabbed her but she definitely was not about to wait around to find out so she took off running
through the thick crowds, trying to get away from whomever was trying to hurt her. Sand was
scratching her feet as it got in her sandals so she stopped long enough to take her sandals off. There
were sirens going everywhere but Jordan's ears were still ringing and she was too scared to realize what
she was actually hearing. Breathless and now hurting Jordan finally made it back to her hotel where she
headed straight for the front desk to report the incident at the market and to call the local police.
A doctor who just happened to see her entering the hotel from the beach checked her over and
stayed with her till the police arrived. Her shoulder had been bruised and she had scrapes and scratches
all over. Once her ears stopped ringing enough for her to speak clearly she told the police Officer, hotel
manager, and doctor what she had assumed had happened. Each one looked from one to the other as
they listened to her story before the Officer finally told her that a bomb had exploded behind her and
caught the cafe on fire as well. It took several hours before the whole ordeal was over because the
police were trying to investigate the alley and fire fighters were on the scene trying to extinguish the
burning restaurant. The hotel manager came to make sure that Jordan was doing all right and, to say that
she could stay at the hotel free of charge for the rest of her stay. Jordan thanked him and tried to sound
grateful but it was hard considering the fact that she had just been through and explosion that could
have killed her.
Chapter 9
Releasing a long shaky breath she turned on the tap for a long soothing bath, after which she
planned for a peaceful nap. The day's events kept Jordan's mind reeling as the bubbles soothed her
aching muscles. “She tried to remember the details of events leading up to the explosion in the alley.
The police had informed her that the explosion was set off by someone close by and that it had been
aimed directly at her, and that, she was lucky to be alive. Her only thought was Andy. Why would Andy
be trying to kill me? she asked herself. The restaurant, where she had eaten that morning with Clark,
had burned nearly to the ground from the explosion. Officer Neil, who was head of the investigation,
had put out an APB on Andrew Nichols since he had been the only one Jordan had seen just before the
explosion. Unfortunately he had seemed to vanish from sight. This bit of information made Jordan
cringe inside. Jordan thought about calling her friend and telling her everything but she would just insist
that Jordan come home immediately or fly down to rescue her. She prayed Alex wouldn’t see it on the
six o’clock news and come try to rescue her. She loved her best friend but the last thing she needed was
to have her arrive half-crazy with worry with Cody in tow. "No! I have to deal with this. If someone
were trying to kill me they would not stop just because I left the island. They might want me dead bad
enough to follow me home. I can't put Cody in that kind of danger or Alex for that matter." Officer Neil
had suggested that she stay close to the hotel tonight as there would be extra Officers assigned to the
area. That was just what she intended to do, for tonight anyway, but in the morning she would make a
point to be up early and examine the alley herself. The police would have it roped off and she would be
able to see things just as they had been when it first happened. Still a bit shaken Jordan dragged herself
from the now cool water and slipped a pair of lavender colored velvet sleep shorts on with a matching
tank top on and collapsed on the queen sized bed. Sleep took her almost before she could pull the
flowery comforter over her.
Night blanketed the room in dark secrecy and the moon shown through the open window
spilling light onto Jordan's face. She sat up slowly so as not to hurt herself and tried to make her eyes
focus. The red lights of her bedside clock said seven – thirty. She looked around sleep dazed for a
moment and then gasped "Oh no! Clark will be here any minute!" She jumped out of bed on shaky legs
and rushed to the closet, where she had hung several outfits, and searched for her dark blue dress.
Finally locating it, she quickly stripped the shorts and tank top off and slipped the slinky chiffon over
her smooth skin. Jordan stood back to look at her reflection in the mirror that hung on the closet door. A
fair-haired beauty stared back in a short straight dress with spaghetti straps that crossed in the back.
Tanned, smooth legs stretched to the floor. A pair of strappy dark blue heels to completed the look.
hurrying into the bathroom she applied some light powder to soften her features and mascara to enhance
her large blue eyes. Burgundy lipstick brought her face to life and gave her a very regal almost
untouchable appearance. Playing with her hair for a few moments she finally decided to put it into a
chignon and pulled a few strands loose at her nape and temples. Satisfied with her handiwork she fished
around her toiletry bag for the small box of jewelry and pulled out her favorite pair of gold hoops.
Darien had given her the hoops for Christmas the first year they were married and before she knew it
tears were falling down her cheeks as the memories came flooding back. She had blocked out all of the
pain for so long now she could not be strong anymore so she let out a loud sob as she collapsed to the
floor. She and Darien had been high school sweethearts and then went to college together where she
became an accountant and he a lawyer. Their lives had been blessed with the birth of their only son
Cody, a year after they were married. That’s when Jordan had decided to bring her business home. She
opened a small practice out of her home she could be with Cody but still have some sort of profession,
which was equally important to her. Darien had been the proudest of fathers as if he had given birth to
Cody himself and now he would never even see Cody drive or graduate middle school for that matter.
She tried to pull herself together but everything seemed to remind her of her husband and the fact that
she was nearly killed today didn’t help. What happened if this madman had succeeded today? Then
Cody would have lost both of them.
A faint noise brought Jordan back from the past with a start and she realized that it was someone
knocking at her door. Drawing a long steadying breath Jordan thanked heaven that she had put
waterproof mascara on and headed toward the persistent knocking. Without asking who was there she
opened the door expecting to see Clark but instead it was Andy. Sucking in air loudly she fought hard to
control the scream at the back of her throat. "What are you doing here? You have a lot of nerve showing
your face after you nearly got me..." Andy snatched Jordan into his arms and silenced her protest by
kissing her roughly. She squirmed till she wrenched her arms free and then shoved him away as hard as
she could and stepped back. "Jordan what…?" He began but Jordan cut him off before he could even
remotely get his question out. “How dare you barge in here and kiss me like that when you tried to kill
me this afternoon." I’m calling hotel security. She was angrier than ever and her eyes blazed daggers at
Andy from a few feet away. He looked at her stunned. “What in the devil are you talking about? I was
trying to save you from that Clark character that you seem to admire so well." Her face twisted in anger
and she took a step further away from him toward the phone. "What does this have to do with him?"
Taking a step to match hers he folded his arms across his chest in a gesture of strength and power. "I
had some friends of mine do some checking on this guy and no one seemed to carry any kind of record
on him. Then I got a picture of him and sent it through to an old college buddy who works for the FBI.
It seems this guy is a well known hit man who always seems to elude the authorities." Jordan’s mouth
flew open. "That is the most ridiculous story I have ever heard! I’m calling the police, and have them
question you, as to why you tried to kill me." He blew a breath out noisily. "Jordan, if I really tried to
kill you I would not have come here tonight. I would have done it the other day on the beach or when
you were at my house. I certainly would not have cared to kiss you. I have proof of the FBI report at my
house please come and look at it and you'll see that I’m telling the truth." He began to pace back and
forth in front of the door blocking her chances of escape. "I can't just leave with you I have a da..." Just
then the phone rang. "Hello. Yes, this is she. Oh... Yes, that will be fine Thank you." Softly replacing
the receiver she turned to face Andy. "Well it looks as though you just got your lucky break. My date is
going to be late so I can go with you but only for a half hour and no funny stuff you got me?" Jordan
warned Andy but a part of her could not get over that kiss Andy had given her. She touched her lips on
the way to the room still feeling a tingle there. “What are you thinking Jordan he’s the crazy person
who tried to kill you this afternoon.”Just let me get my handbag. She called over her shoulder. "You
might want to grab a light jacket it feels a bit windy out there." Andy called after her. "Thanks I will."
Jordan called back. Disappearing into the room quietly she pushed the door to and walked to the phone
next to the bed. With trembling fingers she dialed the number Officer Nelson had given her. He picked
up on the second ring and Jordan quickly gave him Andy’s address. Replacing the phone in its cradle
she hurried to get her velvet wrap. On her way out Jordan took one last glimpse at herself in the mirror
to make sure her make-up still looked fine and that her hair had not gotten loose from her episode. A
smile of satisfaction spread across her lips and she headed out the door to meet Andy.
Chapter 10
Andy was sitting on the couch waiting for her to return when he noticed the briefcase sitting
next to the television stand. He wondered what she did for a living that would require her to bring her
work on vacation with her. "I’ll ask her when she returns,” he thought to himself. There were so many
things that he wanted to say to her but he was not sure how much of it she were willing to hear. It was
obvious that she had been through something traumatic by the way she was reacting to him in general.
Andy planned to get to the bottom of whatever was troubling her and also who was trying to hurt her.
He was certain about that creep Clark but who had hired him to do this was the question. Andy’s
thoughts were interrupted by Jordan entering the room with a smile on her face. Well I’m happy to see
that you are smiling now. By the way have I told you how sexy and beautiful you look in that dress?"
Slightly shocked at his bold statement Jordan smiled appreciatively. For the first time since his arrival
she noticed the bandage covering a wound above his right eye. The blood had already started to soak
through and his face looked a bit pale and strained. "Thank you.” She stammered. “What happened to
your head?" A frown creased her brow as she looked at it a bit closer. She had been so angry by his
presence and the kiss that she had not taken the time to really look at him. “A piece of metal caught me
in the head when I pushed you down." He had bruises along his arms and side of his face."That looks
very deep. Has a doctor looked at that yet?" He gave her a sheepish grin. "No. Like you say I am a
wanted man." Her frown deepened. “If you weren't trying to kill me then why didn’t you just stick
around and tell the police everything that you knew?" He let out a breath as he rose. "I called out to you
but you never heard me. So I got up and walked out of the alley after you and then began looking to
find the guy responsible." Concern and intrigue kept her from being terrified. "Who was it?" She asked.
For a long moment Jordan and Andy stared into each other's eyes. She longed to have Andy hold her
again but was not completely convinced that he had nothing to do with the explosion. In a low voice
Jordan heard herself say "Wait right here."
She turned slowly her eyes still locked with Andy's and walked into the bathroom to retrieve
some ibuprofen and then into the kitchen area to get a glass of water for him to swallow the small pills.
Once she returned Andy was now sitting on the sofa again and Jordan walked over and handed him the
pills and glass of water. His hand closed over hers as she dropped the tiny pills into his masculine palm
and it sent shivers up her spine. She wondered what it would feel like to have those strong hands caress
her. He swallowed the pills quickly and stood up nearly knocking her over. "I think we better go before
your date arrives." He moved toward the door before he acted on the impulse to drag her into his arms
again. "Sure." The syllable was flat and toneless. I have to make her believe me Andy thought or she'll
never trust me again. I can't let her out of my life that easily. Jordan wondered what Andy was thinking.
She was sure that if he knew she just wanted to spend some more time with him he would take it all
wrong. Why was she reacting to him this way? For a year now she had eluded the charms of some of
the most sought after bachelors in Georgia and now some island guy was making her pulse race and her
heart skip a beat every time their hands touched or their eyes met.
Jordan and Andy thought they could both use the fresh air and decided to walk along the beach
to Andy's house instead of calling a cab. After a few steps Jordan removed her shoes, which now swung
freely, from her right hand, as she walked next to Andy. She was drawn to him like a magnet; she could
not control herself. True to his statement the night air was a bit cool and she wrapped the velvet Shaw
around her shoulders as she and Andy walked along the beach in companionable silence. Andy broke
the silence first. "I love the beach. My favorite time is early morning when the sun peaks over the
horizon." Andy seemed lost in a memory as he stared straight ahead. "How long have you lived here?"
She asked genuiningly interested. "All my life. My parents built the house a few years before I was
born." He stated staring out at the cool sand." That’s really neat. Do you have any brothers and sisters?"
"Oh yes I have a brother and a sister. I’m the oldest then there's Renada, and Aaron is the baby." "Do
they live near you?" "Aaron lives with his wife and two
girls in Washington, Renada lives here as a chef. Aaron is a foreign diplomat and does a lot of
traveling." “So what is it that you do?" Jordan asked her curiosity now piqued. Andy smiled at the
interest she was showing in his family and himself. “I have my MIT from Vermont University. Mostly I
buy businesses and companies and either break them down for a resale, or if I like the product I’ll
improve upon the place and get it growing again. I also have some side jobs that I handle for close
friends. I’ve told you all about me what about you? Where are you from and do you have any brothers
or sisters?" He glanced sideways at her as they walked along the shore. "I grew up in a small town
called Webster, Georgia. I had two brothers both older than me. Chris is an engineering professor at
Florida State and Jacob was killed when he was a teenager by a drunk driver on the way home from a
school dance."
Jordan felt a sudden sense of loss for her brother and it was several minutes before she could
make herself continue. Andy watched the play of emotions cross her face and wished he could ease her
pain. Instead he did the only thing he could think of. "I’m sorry for your loss. You were very close to
him weren't you?" Jordan stopped walking and turned to look into big hazel eyes. "How did you know
that we were close?" She asked suspiciously. Andy smiled back into her angelic face and answered
"Your voice changed at the mention of his name and a faraway look crossed your beautiful features as
well. I’m really sorry for your loss. He repeated. “There's something else that I would really like to
know?" She hesitated and finally asked, “What would you like to know?" He chose his words carefully;
studying her face for a long moment before continuing."Please try and understand that I just want to get
to know you better but if you don’t want to talk about it then I understand. I mean we really don’t know
each other that well." Jordan started to laugh a bit. "Andy please get to the question before you forget
what it was with all that rambling." He smiled broadly before his face grew serious again. "The day you
awoke in my house you had a nightmare. I know it isn't your brother so who is Darien?" Tears filled her
eyes and she turned and started a brisk walk trying to get away from his probing question and the
painful memories it provoked. "Jordan! Wait!" He hurried to catch up to her but she didn’t slow her
pace a bit. Reaching out he touched her gently on the arm. She stopped and turned to face him. “Just
leave me alone Andy. Take me to the house and show me whatever it is that you want me to see and
then back off." Stunned at her reaction his innocent eyes probed hers. "What are you so afraid of? What
did that guy do to make you hate men and me in particular? Did he beat you, rape you, or try to kill
you? What?" Andy grabbed Jordan's arm without thinking and she jerked away and in the process lost
her balance and sat down hard in the sand. She glared up at him through her tears. "What do you want
from me? What do you want to hear?" She asked in an emotional voice. He spread his arms wide. "The
truth.” He stated simply. Who was he to you?" Tears streamed down her face and she sat for a long
moment before she finally choked it out. "Darien was my husband." She started to shake slightly with
emotion. "Did he leave you for someone else or something?" "No." She sobbed louder. "Was he
abusing you?" "No." Jordan cried harder with each question and Andy grew more frustrated with each
single syllable “No” she gave him.
He wrapped his arms around her narrow shoulders to comfort her and she welcomed them
readily. After a few minutes her sobs subsided and she grew quiet. Andy looked down in her pain
stricken face and all aspects of finding out what had happened to her diminished with the storms in her
blue eyes. "Please." She pleaded. Understanding passed between them for the first time since that day in
his house when she first spoke to him. She was as earth shattering then as she is now he thought to
himself. They stayed in each other’s arms for a few minutes more before Andy broke the spell. "You
know if we don’t get a move on you won’t make it back in time for that date of yours. Not that I would
mind in the least but if I were your date I certainly would not want to miss out. He smiled down into her
beautiful tear streaked face full of gratitude at his compliment. Jordan pulled a tissue out of her handbag
and dabbed at her eyes. Andy stood smiling above her with his hand stretched out for her to take. She
looked into his beautiful hazel eyes, smiled warmly and took his waiting hand. "Thank you." She told
him with all the sincerity she felt. He picked up her shoes and carried them for her as they started down
the beach again toward his house once more.
Chapter 11
When they arrived at the gate a frown creased his brow; his front gate didn’t respond to his
voice code so he had to manually open it with his key. "That's strange I never have to use my key unless
the power is out." "Well maybe that's what it is. I mean it does look a lot like it's going to storm." He
scanned the grounds. "I don’t think that's the problem. Look." Jordan followed Andy's gaze and saw
what he was looking at. A chill ran down her spine as a clap of thunder cracked and lightening sizzled
through the night sky. The porch light was on and several rooms in the house were lit as well.
Determined not to panic Jordan stated "I’m sure it's just a blown fuse or a problem with the gate’s
control box. Let's get inside before this storm hits." She stated with more bravado than she felt. Andy
looked at Jordan's fearful expression and agreed immediately. "Let's get inside and I’ll have Mrs.
Sparks bring up some tea." She smiled slightly. "That sounds nice." With that they started a brisk walk
up the drive toward the house.
Once inside Andy called for Mrs. Sparks to bring some tea to his office right away. Jordan
watched the exchange between them and noticed the way she spoke to Andy in a motherly fashion.
They really seemed to have a very relaxed relationship compared to most employer and employees.
Mrs. Sparks scurried off to do Andy's bidding and he took Jordan by the elbow and led her up the stairs
to his office. The office was the room next to the one she stayed in while she was there, Which
explained why he was able to hear her leaving the room that day and why he seemed to appear out of
nowhere. Jordan looked around the spacious office that resembled a library with bookshelves lining the
walls. Floor to ceiling windows had navy blue velvet curtains hanging from them. The impressive
antique desk with its mahogany finish polished to a shine, boasted carvings of intricate patterns. This
beautiful piece of history was one of a kind for sure and it matched the room and its owner perfectly.
Both the desk and Andy seemed priceless and indescribable. Her eyes followed him walking around his
He pulled his keys from his pocket and sat down in the high-backed brown leather chair.
Unlocking a set of draws to his right he pulled the top drawer open but to his shock the evidence was
missing. "What in the world is going on here?" Jordan had started to sit on the large overstuffed leather
couch adjacent to Andy’s desk when he gasped. "What's wrong?" She walked toward him frowning. "I
locked all the evidence up in this drawer and now it's gone." Andy looked up at Jordan with a probing
look. "Gone? But if it was locked that can't be possible. Maybe you forgot to lock it?" He shook his
head emphatically. "No definitely not. I checked it twice before I went to get you." Andy whirled
around to look out the windows; his fingertips resting gently on his lips. He studied the storm outside
and pondered quietly over the situation. "Oh this is not good." Jordan started pacing back and forth
looking out the window every so often. A storm was brewing outside as well as inside the only thing
she was not sure about was why and who was behind all of this. A knock at the door caused both of
them to look up startled. "Andy? I have the tea you wanted." Jordan let out the breath she had not
realized she held."Come in Mrs. Sparks." He said as he opened the door for her. "Set it over on the table
please." Once she put the tray down she turned back to Andy. "Is there anything else I can get for you
tonight Mr. Nichols?" "No Thank you. Mrs. Sparks, do you recall any one coming by the house this
evening?" She wrinkled her pug nose and shook her head."No sir but I did find some items that I
thought were a bit strange in one of the guest rooms." She told him pointing in the direction in which
the room was located. "That's UH... Well I got that this afternoon; it will be gone tonight so just leave it
where it is till then okay." Confused she leaned her sideways to look at him. "Of course, Mr. Nichols."
Jordan watched the exchange her curiosity peaked. She was not sure about what he had but she knew
that it was not something that he wanted Jordan to know about judging from his reaction to Mrs.
Spark’s statement. I have to see what she is referring to. She thought to herself. "Andy I need UH...
Where is the bathroom? All this talk about what happened this afternoon has made me kind of nervous."
She smiled shyly from Andy to Mrs. Sparks. "Mrs. Sparks, would you be kind enough to show Jordan
where the bathroom is?" Mrs. Sparks turned and gave Jordan a warm smile.“Yes Mr. Nichols. Come
with me my dear." She turned on her narrow heel and stopped just outside the doorway to make certain
that Jordan was close behind her. Jordan smiled a reassuring smile at the older woman and followed her
down the hall. "This is a wonderful house." Jordan stated in awe trying to bring the woman into a
conversation about the house and its present owner. "How long have you worked for Andy?" "I came
here when Andy was a bit over a year old." She replied noncommittal. "That must have been wonderful
to see him grow up to be such a successful businessman. Though it's a shame he isn't married." Mrs.
Sparks stopped abruptly nearly causing Jordan to collide with her in the middle of the hallway. "Mr.
Nichols personal life is none of my business." She stated firmly. "I’m sorry I was not trying to pry. It's
just well... He just seems like he's quite a catch and I think it's a shame that he hasn't found someone
who realizes that." She smiled at Jordan strangely. "Perhaps he has." She stated before continuing down
the hall toward their destination. Jordan wondered just what she meant by that statement.
At the end of the hall was a very large bathroom done in a rose motif. It smelled of fresh cut
roses and was decorated very fancy compared to Andy’s office and the other bathroom she had used.
The wallpaper had pink and red roses all over it. The shower curtain was a rich red with a white lace
overlay. The floor was done in red carpet with rugs that matched the wallpaper in front of the tub and
toilet. A gold Victorian style framed mirror covered the length of one wall above the double sinks. The
counter tops were a white marble decorated with baskets filled with rose soaps and bath oil beads.
Packets of bath salts were sitting in a wire basket next to the tub along with a set of pink towels folded
neatly on a small brass stand. The window was a bouquet of roses portrayed in stained glass. Jordan felt
like she was in a luxury hotel with all the trimmings. She closed the door and examined the doorknob to
see if it were a standard one, to her relief it was. After rummaging around in the cabinets under the sink
she finally found what she was looking for. She turned the water on in the sink and pulled the cotton tip
off the q-tip she had found. Opening the bathroom door a crack she looked to see if anyone were there
and then locked the door behind her before heading down the hall.
Thoughts of the bomb raced through her mind as well as the fact that there was something in
one of the rooms that Andy didn’t particularly want Jordan to know about and she had to find out just
what that was. She crept quietly along the corridor to the first door on her right. It was locked so she
inserted her q-tip into the hole till she felt the click and then she turned the knob slowly and peered
inside. There didn’t seem to be anyone in the room so she slipped inside and closed the door without a
click. The room was dark inside. Outside the big windows thunder rolled and lightening streaked across
the sky sending a sizzle up her spine as she realized that she was not alone.
Chapter 12
"Who are you? What do you want?" The silence was deafening and Jordan's heart began to
pound in her chest as she searched along the wall for the main light switch. Trying a different approach
she said into to the dark room. "Look, I know you’re in here so you might as well make your presence
known before I call the police on you for breaking and entering." That’s irony she thought. Here I am
telling some stranger I’m going to call the police on them for breaking and entering and I’ve just done
that very thing. A movement caught her attention and she held her breath in anticipation of a
confrontation. "Jordan? What are you doing here? “Taken aback by the familiar voice she stepped
closer.”Who... Clark what in the world are you doing here? So this is where you were conducting
business. What business could you possibly have here?" "Jordan I think you should leave here as fast as
possible because this guy Andy is dangerous." Her mind reeled for a moment. "Clark what are you
talking about?” He stepped closer to her. "What happened at that restaurant was no accident. Someone
was deliberately trying to hurt you and I think it’s him." She was not sure who she believed, Andy or
Clark. Deciding to play it safe and believe neither one she opted for pretend "Clark you don’t have
proof that Andy is up to anything." In the flash of lighting he closed the short distance between them
and reached for her elbow. "Come here let me show you something." Her nerves jangled with a fear she
couldn’t quite place. Was it him or the situation that had her so nervous. Clark led her to the walk-in
closet and closed the door behind them. He flipped on the light switch so that Jordan could see all the
evidence that had arrived there only a few hours after the explosion. She looked into Clark's kind face
and wondered what she was supposed to be looking at. Clark averted his gaze to something on the floor
and Jordan followed his gaze in total confusion till her eyes lay to rest on a box of electrical devices and
explosives. They were the same kind the police had described to her in their initial report after the
accident. What was going on she thought her heart aching and her mind fuzzy with the fact that Andy
had possibly tried to kill her and might still be trying too.
Jordan’s mind raced back to their conversation in the office. He was missing the evidence that
he had or did he really have evidence. He brought her here to kill her and she fell right into his trap. She
could have kicked herself for being so gullible. Right now she had to think of a way to get out of this
house and away from Andy. "Jordan, I want you to leave with me right now." Panic replaced the anger.
"I can't Andy will certainly know that something is up. I have it I can fake sick. He will believe me
because of what happened on the beach the other day." Clark nodded "Good. Don’t waste a single
minute. I’ll help you get out of here without being seen." Just then there was a shuffle of footsteps in the
hall outside the room and Clark reached over and shoved Jordan behind a wall of boxes. The door to the
room was unlocked and someone entered very slowly. Jordan's heart skipped a beat praying that
whoever it was they would not look in the closet where she was. Silently the closet door opened and the
light came on and Jordan held her breath. What if it's Andy she thought? Would he find her? If he did,
what would he do to her? Jordan wished she knew where Clark had gone after he shoved her behind the
boxes in the closet but she could not hear him or see him. She forced an involuntary shake aside till
after the third party in the room finally turned the light out and walked out of the closet.
Relaxing a bit she remained on her guard till she heard the sound of the outside door being
closed after a few painstaking minutes. She pondered over everything that Clark had said about Andy
and what she knew about him, which was not much considering she had not really sat down and had a
conversation with him. Andy seemed to be there whenever anything bad happened, almost like he was
stalking her. Clark on the other hand was kind, generous and charming. He had been nowhere near the
accident that she could recall. The police had warned her that everyone was a suspect and that she
should trust no one till they caught the perpetrator so Jordan decided to do the only thing that seemed
right. Go back to the hotel and ask Clark to dine there with her or nowhere. Slowly Jordan poked her
head out from behind the boxes to see if Clark were anywhere in sight. A small sigh escaped her lips
when she didn’t see him immediately. She needed time to think so could figure out what was going on
and why.
Swiftly she headed for the door but stopped dead in her tracks and when her hand touched the
knob. Lightening streaked across the sky and a second later thunder rumbled in the very near distance.
She heard it again. The sound of something she was not quite sure she had heard at first. A low moan
coming from behind the bed echoed through the room and fear drained the life from her for a split
second. What if that's Clark she thought; without thinking she rounded the bed to find Mrs. Sparks
crumpled on the floor. A soft moan escaped her lips as she saw Jordan and reached a frail shaky had up
to her. Immediately she dropped to her knees next to the older woman’s head. "SHH. “ Jordan cooed to
the old woman trying to comfort her and calm herself at the same time. She wanted to ask her what
happened but knew that it would be better for her not to speak. Running her hands over her legs and
arms she searched for broken bones but didn’t find any. Jordan felt her knee and realized it was wet.
Lightning flashed and thunder roared again as Jordan held her hand up in front of her face. A scream
escaped her throat as she realized what it was. Quickly she jumped back from the older woman’s side.
She turned and searched till she found the switch to the bedside lamp and turned it on. Someone hit her
on the head before she could turn back around and her body fell limp. The room began to spin the smell
of blood and something else she could not quite make out, caused bile to raise in her throat. Slowly she
collapsed on the floor next to Mrs. Sparks and lost all consciousness.
Chapter 13
Andy ran down the hallway to find out what had happened, he had a chilling revelation that
something terrible was in the midst and the closer he got to the bathroom, the worse he felt. A sound in
one of the rooms caught his attention as he started checking every room till he came to the one closest
to the bathroom and discovered that the door was locked and it was supposed to be left open. He ran
back to his office and grabbed the set of keys hidden under the top of his desk. Snatching them up he
headed back to the room but when he reached the room his jaw dropped. Fear gripped him when he saw
that the door was standing open. What was going on here he thought? Cautiously he entered the room
and heard a faint moan coming from the other side of the bed. Fearing the worst as he saw Jordan and
Mrs. Sparks crumpled together on the floor. Mrs. Sparks moaned a second later and Andy hurried to her
side. "Mrs. Sparks what happened?" "Someone hit me." Kneeling next to her he stroked her hair. "Who
was it Mrs. Sparks? Did you see them?" "No. I was hit from behind." Her voice was strained and Andy
saw the puddle of blood on the floor next to her thin frail face. "Mrs. Sparks I want you to stay where
you are. I’m going to call an ambulance for you. Just don’t try to move till they get here." Moaning she
called his name. "Mr. Nichols." "Yes." There's something on my legs could you get it off?" Andy
looked ashen. "Mrs. Sparks that's Jordan. I’m not sure what happened but I don’t want to move her till
we know what is wrong with her, and what has happened. Just rest yourself for a minute." He called
over his shoulder on his way out of the room to his office.
Andy cursed himself for not having phone lines installed in all the rooms as he ran back down
the hall to his office. Mrs. Sparks was fully conscious now and eager to tell Andy everything she could
remember up till she was hit over the head with something very hard and heavy. He excused himself
from her story long enough to retrieve a wet wash towel for the still bleeding wound on her head. In the
distance he could hear the sirens as the ambulance approached the house. Mrs. Sparks kept talking to
Andy trying to remember everything she could about what happened. Just as the ambulance and police
arrived Jordan started to regain conscoiusness. Andy went downstairs to let them in. Two Officers
followed the paramedics into the house and up the stairs where he instructed.
Jordan tried to sit up but the paramedics were checking her vital signs and held her down.
"What’s going on?" She asked pulling her arm away from a skinny guy who looked as if he just got out
of high school. "Just relax the paramedics and police are here." Andy laid his hand on her shoulder to
help calm her but she shrugged it off and made a face. "Take your hands off me?" "What's wrong did I
hurt you?" "I’m not sure who hurt me but I have a feeling that you were a part of it." She glared at him
from around the skinny paramedic. "That's insane." He rasped. "I was in the office while you were
snooping around my house." “I don’t know that you were in your office. For all I remember it was you
who hit me over the head." "Why would I hit both you and Mrs. Sparks over the head?" "Maybe she
found out too much." His bewildered look did little to cool Jordan’s anger. "About what? I’ve had Mrs.
Sparks in this house since my parents were here and I’m not about to harm the very woman who helped
raise me. I’m not sure what has happened but I’d sure like to find out why you were willing to listen to
me before and now you’re not." Jordan jumped to her feet ignoring the roaring in her skull and protests
of the paramedics."Do you want to know what is going on?” She rasped. "Fine, come with me!" Jordan
stomped over to the closet and flung the door open wide. Andy was very confused by all of this and was
not in the mood for games but he complied with Jordan's wishes and followed her into the closet. He
immediately saw what she was talking about and now understood the sudden change in her. Darting
swiftly out of the closet he grabbed the first police Officer he could find and directed him to follow him.
Officer Greer was a tall athletic gentleman with sandy blonde hair. He had a round face with
soft brown eyes that were unreadable. Immediately he turned to look at Andy. “What are these
materials for?” “I’m pretty sure of what these are for Officer, but what I would like to know is how
they found their way in to my spare bedroom closet. I want you to get someone up here immediately to
dust for fingerprints." The Officer looked cross for a moment at the tone Andy had used but turned to
the sergeant in charge and requested a dusting of the entire place. "Why would we dust for fingerprints
here?" Sergeant Skinner sneered. He was thin and wiry with a receding hairline. His black hair was
neatly combed and his dark eyes were full of sarcasm. Jordan didn’t like him very much. “Come take a
look in here and you'll see why." He replied his tone as impatient as he himself was. The sergeant
sighed loudly and reluctantly rose from his post on the edge of the bed to look at what the Officer was
referring to. "Holy Christ!” he exclaimed and gave the order for the forensic people to get down there.
He then turned to Andy. “Would you like to tell me how all of this evidence is in your house?" Andy
looked perplexed and angry. “I really think that I should wait till my attorney is present and you have
dusted this place thoroughly." "Would you care to call your attorney from here or down at the station?"
The sergeant mocked Andy's tone. "From here if it's all the same to you."
Jordan watched in disgust at this show of male testosterone in the middle of a serious situation.
“Oh, no!" She wailed putting her hands on her face. "What is it? What's wrong?" Andy rushed to her
side fearful she might be hurting. "I forgot about my date tonight." He jerked back as if struck. "Is that
all? God Jordan I thought that you might have been hurt or remembered something." “I did you dope!"
She snapped in irritation at his belittling comment. To actually think that she was superficial enough to
be worried about a date at a time like this was more than irritating. "I meant that he was here.” "Who?”
He looked at her in confusion. Jordan turned a guarded stare toward Andy. "Clark." She said his name
flatly. "Jordan what are you talking about?" She rolled her eyes in exasperation. Are all men this idiotic
at a time like this? She thought to herself. "I’m saying that Clark was in this room with me. That's how I
found all of those explosives. He pointed them out to me and then we heard a noise so I hid in the
closet. I’m not sure what happened after that it all seems to be a blur. I called to him but he didn’t
answer and I came out of the closet to search for him. I found Mrs. Sparks and that's when I got hit over
the head." Andy along with two officers listened to her story. "There's nothing else you can think of like
a shape or the sound of his breathing?" Jordan shook her head slowly. Officer Greer stepped in before
Andy could question her further. “Well I think we have enough to go on for now. If you’ll come with
me Ms. Mackenzie I’ll give you a ride back to your hotel and do a security check as well.
Jordan walked over to Mrs. Sparks who was strapped to a gurney waiting for them to take her
to the hospital and gave the older woman a hug. “I’m very sorry this happened to you. I promise I will
do everything in my power to find out who did this." She turned to look at Andy. For a long moment all
she could do was stare at him because she was not sure just how she felt at that moment. Her heart told
her to trust him but her instincts and head kept telling her that Andy was part of this thing somehow. He
spoke first saving Jordan from having to do it. “I will check on you tomorrow and let you know how
Mrs. Sparks is doing. I know that you don’t believe me especially after tonight but I had nothing to do
with what happened to you.” Jordan gave a slight nod of her head but was not sure what she believed.
She simply told him good-bye and for him to take good care of Mrs. Sparks. Andy watched her leave
the crowded room with Officer Greer and felt his heart drop. I have to prove to her that I’m not
involved and that we were meant for each other he thought. He knew she was the one the first time he
watched her walk along the beach.
Chapter 14
Stonily Jordan sat in the police car, next to Officer Greer, looking out the window. Her head
ached both from the bump on it and, from thinking about Andy being a part of all of this. Officer Greer
brought her out of her thoughts. He probed her again about anything strange or out of the ordinary that
might lead them to her attacker. She knitted her brows together in concentration. “No only a strange
smell and then nothing.” "Tell me about the smell." The Officer probed. "Well, it was not like cologne
or anything but more like someone's own particular scent. Do you know what I mean? That sounds
stupid I know." She said and looked out the window. "Not really. Do you think you would recognize it
if you were around it again?" She turned to stare at him. "I don’t know probably why?" The Officer
pulled to a stop at a red light and turned his attention fully on her. He stared at her silently for a long
moment as if he wanted to say something but was afraid to. Softly he replied, “Because that scent might
be the only thing to save your life next time." The light changed and they were on their way again.
Staring blindly out the front windshield the buildings passed by in a blur. From Andy’s house it was
several blocks to the hotel by city streets. Neither of them spoke the rest of the way. Jordan thought
over this revelation until he pulled up in front of the hotel. "I’ll walk up with you. The hotel has already
been informed to have all staff members on the lookout for anyone strange entering the building and
they are also checking out all the rooms on your floor. We have also placed extra security in the hotel.
So far nothing has turned up but you never can tell." She glanced at the officer solemnly. "Am I going
to have a security guard outside my door as well?" He smiled slightly. "No. We didn’t think we needed
to go that far besides with all the other precautions we are taking there shouldn't really be a need for
that. I would recommend that you stay as close to the hotel and the security guards as possible." I had
not planned on leaving my room for a long while but thank-you for the advice." "Wait here." The
Officer told Jordan as he got out of the car and closed the door.
A little miffed at the fact that he was speaking to her as if she were a small child; she let it slide
because her head hurt so badly she didn’t feel like making an issue out of it right now. Leaning back
against the headrest she waited for him to finish talking with the doorman. This had been some kind of
wild day she thought. Actually it had been a very wild and crazy week. Startled back into reality by a
tap on her window, she slowly opened her eyes to see Clark standing next to the car. She rolled down
the window. "What are you doing here? How did you get here and, why did you leave me there?" She
looked over to where Officer Greer was talking with the doorman. He was half turned and if he really
paid attention he would spot Clark in a matter of minutes. Clark smiled his most devastating smile and
told Jordan all that had happened after he left her. He had gotten out of Andy’s house when he shoved
her behind the boxes to protect them both. He could not risk being caught by Andy and he didn’t want
to put her in any more danger than he already had. “So tell me what happened?” He asked Jordan but it
was too late. She looked past his waist to see a very perturbed Officer Greer headed straight for them.
Officer Greer had looked over at the car just as Clark was wrapping up his story. The doorman
simply looked on with mild curiosity. "What are you doing?" He demanded with authority. "I’m
Clark." He said sticking out his hand in a friendly gesture. Officer Greer ignored his hand and
immediately started ushering him away from the car over to the sidewalk. He questioned him about
what he was doing there and where he was tonight when Jordan was attacked. She just watched in
silence not sure if she should speak up and remind the Officer that Clark had been in Andy's house
tonight. After a few minutes she decided that it would not be a good idea since she could hear that
Officer Greer was already giving Clark the third degree. "Would you mind telling me just what you
thought you were doing over there?" "Jordan and I are acquainted. We were supposed to have dinner
together this evening but as I see, something has gone terribly wrong." He stated glancing back at
Jordan. "Yes, it has and I hope that there will be no further incidents." He glared at Clark.
Both men walked back to an empty police car and stopped in stunned silence. Neither of them
had seen Jordan exit the car and walk past. Officer Greer sprang into action first. He put a call out on
the radio that the Mackenzie girl was now missing for all units to be on the lookout for anyone fitting
her description. He then checked out the passenger seat to see if anything had been left as a clue. All he
found was the damp cloth she had used on her forehead to help keep down the waves of nausea. Officer
Greer decided to check her hotel room first. When he knocked on the door and didn’t receive an answer
he had the doorman open the door for him. He checked the bathroom and living room first and then
finally he saw her... stretched out across the bed sound asleep with the ice pack still fixed on the bump
she had received earlier. His heart went out to her. Apparently she had gotten tired of waiting and just
came upstairs by herself. Of course he thought who could blame her especially with a bump on the head
this evening and the explosion this morning. He stood looking at her for a moment and then his
shoulder radio crackled to life. She stirred at the sound and he quickly retreated from the room closing
the door on his way.
Once out of her earshot he answered the incoming call. "I found her I’ll give you guys the
details at the station later. No she isn't hurt, but I think I’m going to stay here a bit just to make sure that
no foul play is involved. Sure. You bet. No. My shift ends in a few hours so I guess I’ll do it then. Okay
10-4" Clark had followed Officer Greer to Jordan's room more out of curiosity than anything. It would
be hard for him to finish the job here with all of these people watching and with that cheeky Officer
watching over her like some sick puppy. “How is she?" He asked Officer Greer as he sauntered into the
room. "Fine, she's resting now so maybe you could come back at another time when she's feeling a little
better." He walked to the couch and prepared to take a seat. "I think I will stay here a while just to make
sure that she doesn't have any kind of problems." He rushed over to grab Clarks arm before he could
seat himself. "That won’t be necessary. I’ve been ordered to stay with her till the night shift comes in.
I’m positive that she will be just fine and can give you a call in the morning." Clark was then ushered
out the door by a very persistent and demanding Officer Greer. He was not in the mood to have his
plans ruined by a cop so he decided that he would just come back when the next shift was to appear.
Chapter 15
Jordan awoke with her head pounding and her body drenched with sweat. It was only a dream
she told herself nothing to get upset over. Somehow she just could not shake the feeling that something
was wrong. Slowly she slid off the bed and walked over to the door to peer out. Her eyes took a minute
to adjust to the low light but when they did she nearly gasped out loud. Swiftly she pulled the door to
and waited till she had calmed herself a bit. Peering out the door, fear gripped her once again, someone
was sitting on the sofa. Quietly she closed the door and with the lights still out she stumbled as softly as
she could over to the phone next to the bed to call the police. "I need help.” Whispering as loud as she
could, she stated to the operator “What is the emergency Ma'am?" The operator asked sounding very
bored. "There's someone in my hotel room sitting on the couch and I don’t know how he got in here.
Please send someone over here right away." 'What hotel are you at and I’ll see if there is an Officer near
there." Still peering out the door she whispered into the phone. “I’m at the White Sands hotel. Please
hurry!" Jordan stayed on the line with the operator telling the other woman very quietly about the other
two attempts on her life that afternoon. A few minutes passed and she heard the doorknob turning
slowly. Holding her breath for what seemed like hours the door swung open slowly. Jordan was so
frightened she dropped the phone and stood helplessly staring at her possible assailant. Panic gripped
her motionless as the figure stood quietly in the doorway watching her. Entering the room wordlessly he
walked toward her. She felt as if she were going to be sick, her head began to spin with fear. Suddenly
the light flipped on rendering her blind. When she was finally able to focus again she realized who her
attacker was.
"Jordan, are you all right?” for a tense moment she could not answer then she finally found her
voice? "What are you doing here?" No sooner had the question come out did she realize that they were
not alone. Another Officer stood just behind him. The other Officer noticed the phone about her ankles.
He smiled as much to himself as to her. "I take it you are the one who called the police." He said trying
not to laugh. Immediately the whole scenario clicked in her head and she realized that it had been
Officer Greer who had been sitting on the couch. Now that she took in his appearance she had to allow
herself a tiny smile. The tie he had been wearing earlier had been loosened as well as the first few
buttons of his shirt. "So why are you here?" She repeated her question. "It seems as though you needed
me, since I found you asleep on your bed about four hours ago." Jordan blushed as she remembered
getting out of the car and leaving Officer Greer and Clark standing on the sidewalk in a battle of wills.
"I got tired of waiting on you besides I was fine I didn’t need anyone to escort me here." Officer Greer
nodded his understanding with a faint smile on his lips. "I have been here since we found you but I’m
going to go now. This is Officer Hastings he will be on call tonight in this area if you have any
problems. Don’t open the door for anyone but him. I’ll be in touch with you in the next few days with
information on your case." Officer Greer turned to walk out of the room when Jordan called to him.
"Officer Greer." He turned back to her. "Yes, Ms. Mackenzie." She looked down at the floor and slowly
raised her eyes to meet his. "I UH... Well I just want to say thank-you for everything that you've done
for me this evening. I really appreciate your concern for my well being." Jordan said quietly and
earnestly. He gave her a heartfelt smile. "It is my pleasure Ms. Mackenzie. I left my cell number and the
number down to the station on a note pad next to the telephone. Call me if you have any questions or
you remember something." He and Officer Hastings turned and left Jordan standing in the doorway
looking after them. She bolted the door and checked that all the windows were secured before heading
back to her bed. He really is a nice man she thought; once you got past his rough exterior. A soft smile
touched her lips and that was her last conscious thought before climbing back into bed and falling into a
deep and dreamless sleep.
Morning came too soon for Jordan and she reluctantly opened one eye and peeked around a
sunny room full of flowers. For a moment everything seemed fine till she remembered what had
happened over the past twenty-four hours. Immediately her mind began to turn trying to figure out who
would want to hurt her and why they had chosen this moment to come after her. Suddenly she missed
her quiet life at home and Cody's excessive chatter. He had grown so much over the past year and
would be starting school next year. A pang of guilt at leaving him soured her already poor mood. Cody
would do really well in school because he was very smart for his age and picked up new things very
quickly. Jordan was very proud of her only child. He had consumed her life from the moment he had
come into the world. Life had taken a turn for the better with all her energy and love concentrated on his
happiness. Her own happiness had been shattered when she found out her husband had been killed in a
car accident. The police had knocked on her door at two o'clock one morning and told her that they had
found his truck on the side of the highway. He had run off the road and hit a utility pole. She had fallen
apart in front of the Officers and woke Cody up in the process. Remorse had consumed her for a long
time afterward because they had an argument before he left. That alone had made her heart ache more
than the fact that he was gone. The thought of telling Cody someday what had happened to his father
made her stomach clench.
Dragging her sleepy eyes open again she shut out the painful memories of the past with the
sunny present. More determined now than ever to find out who was after her she got her emotions in
check. The thought of Cody losing her too, was more than she could fathom. Her breath caught in her
throat when the telephone next to the bed began to ring insistently. A sleepy sigh of exasperation
escaped her lips before she reached for the receiver. "Hello.” There was a pause and background noise
on the other end. ‘Ms. Mackenzie? This is Officer Salinas. Are you the young lady who was hurt in Mr.
Nichols home yesterday?" The voice on the other end of the phone line was kind and compassionate.
Who? Oh... Yes, that was me. No. I’m fine now thank-you for calling. Has Officer Greer made it in this
morning yet?" Jordan sat silently on the end of her bed while she waited for Officer Greer to come to
the phone. “This is Officer Greer." He answered in a strong voice. "Yes. Officer Greer I just wanted to
tell you thank-you again for everything that you did for me yesterday and also I wanted to know if you
had found out any new information on my case." "I’m afraid not. We haven't heard anything from
forensics on the items we found in Mr. Nichols closet last night. Have you heard anything from him this
morning?' "No. I’m afraid I’ve only just awoke and I probably would not have heard the phone ring.”
She stifled a yawn and listened intently to him. "Just play it safe when he does call and don’t get too
carried away." "Thanks for the advice I will definitely be on my toes from now on. You will call me the
moment you find out anything on my assailant and the items in Mr. Nichols closet won’t you?" A long
pause followed. "There are certain things that we are not usually allowed to disclose but, in your case I
think that I can make an exception." “Thank you. I really can’t say that enough.” "No need Ms.
Mackenzie. I’m just doing my job." "Call me Jordan. Please. I hope that the rest of your day is
wonderful." "Thank you Ms... Uh Jordan, yours too. Good bye." Jordan hung up the phone feeling
somewhat better and decided to take a walk along the rocky coast on the other side of the island so she
slipped on a pair of blue jean shorts and a pale-blue T-shirt. Quickly she ran a brush threw her long hair
and pulled it up in a ponytail. Walking over to the bed she slipped on her socks and tennis shoes.
Grabbing a bottle of water from the food area she headed out the door on her mission for exploration,
humming a quiet tune as she walked out the front of the hotel and flagged down a cab. She instructed
him as to where she wanted to go and he was off.
Chapter 16
The waves crashed loudly against the jagged rocks as Jordan slowly made her way to the rocky
peak above. She could see a lighthouse in the near distance and had decided to find it and explore its
rich insides. She had heard that it was one of the last few still operating in the area. The air was filled
with excitement and lavished her nostrils with a salty mist. She felt alive and at peace with the world
around her and for the first time over the past year and was starting to relax in the serenity of the rocky
cliffs. The sun joined the water giving life to rich vegetation and trees lining the cliffs. A low mist hung
over the rocks as she ascended with a spring in her step. She sat down for a quick rest once she reached
the top, and peered out over the crystal water. In the distance a family of whales splashed about in the
cool morning sun. This is definitely heaven she decided as she sat watching the whales. The tension of
the past two days melted away with every wave that crashed over the rocks below.
A sound close to her brought her out of her reprieve with a start. She quickly scanned the rocky
cliffs trying to figure out where the sound had come from. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on
end and she continued to search but saw nothing and was about to dismiss the sick feeling she had, till
she saw him. A man making his way toward her with his head bent, concentrating on the task of
climbing the steep jagged cliff. To her surprise she recognized this intruder into her private haven as
none other than Clark. Silently she waited for him to reach his destination before speaking. “Those
rocks are murderous aren’t they?” She sat where she was and looked at him with little interest. "Good
morning Jordan. How are you? It's a wonderful day for a walk isn't it?" Still seated she looked from
Clark back out over the water "Yes.” She replied not sure whether to trust her instincts and bolt down
the edge of the rocky cliff or stay and chat. "How are you feeling this morning?" Probing eyes took in
her cut-off jean shorts and sweat clung T-shirt. His voice oozed with charm but Jordan felt as if she
were on display. Silently she waited for him to finish his once over and with a fake smile she replied
"I’m fine. I thought that a long walk might do me some good this morning, get these old achy muscles
going." With little enthusiasm Jordan invited Clark to sit down on the rocks and join her. He obliged
without hesitation.
They chatted easily for a while. He kept the conversation light and off the subject of last night as
much as possible. She actually found herself smiling in spite of herself and he also seemed to relax a
bit. They sat on the rocks and watched the ocean for a few more minutes before he asked Jordan a
question that made the hairs on her neck rise again. "Jordan; can I ask you something?" "Sure.” She
answered with a lighthearted smile" He turned a penetrating gaze on her. "Why did you come here?"
Jordan tried to laugh it off but she knew her voice sounded tight. She answered his question the best she
could without revealing too much of herself or her true feelings. Shrugging her tense shoulders she
replied. “I needed a vacation. Why do you ask?" "Well it doesn't seem as though you are actually here
to have fun." "Why would you say that?" A cold chill crept up the back of her spine and she tried to
keep her emotions under check so Clark's piercing gaze would not catch her uneasiness. A wave of her
hand she dismissed his accusation and she gave him a smile. “I have a really hard time relaxing. I guess
you could say that I’m more of a workaholic." She rose and turned to Clark with a face she hoped
masked all her emotions completely. “I’m going to head toward my hotel but, I’m sure that we'll meet
up again.” He looked up at her. "Are you trying to get rid of me Jordan?" She started up the light
embankment to hide her pained expression. “Actually I came out here to relax and have a few minutes
alone, something I seldom get. If you like you are welcome to join me." “Thank you for the invitation. I
think I will since I’m also heading back to the hotel." Jordan turned and flashed him a smile. "Are you
up for a brisk walk?" A mischievous gleam in her eyes told Clark that she was up to something and he
better watch out. “Sure you set the pace and I’ll do my best to keep up." “Great! Let's get going.” She
started to make her way along the moss covered rocky shoreline to the lighthouse. Clark had not noticed
the lighthouse before till he had followed Jordan out here. He studied the secluded structure perched
atop the jagged cliff.
Chapter 17
Jordan could feel Clark’s eyes boring into her back as she made her way toward the lighthouse
and a safe place to get away from this man. She didn’t understand what it was about this man but, she
seemed to have a hard time hiding her true feelings around him. Certainly it could not mean that she
liked him but it was almost as if he knew her thoughts. Like he could somehow sense what she was
feeling and thinking. She tried to push the bad feeling out of the pit of her stomach but it just didn’t
seem to want to go away. “So tell me, are you still up for that dinner that I promised you?" With fake
enthusiasm she replied "Sure I’d love too, what time?" "Well the night life doesn't start around here till
about eight o'clock so how about I pick you up about seven. We can go eat and then possibly dancing?"
“That sounds nice." Jordan heard herself reply politely. “What shall I wear? Is this casual or a bit
dressier?" "A nice dinner outfit will do." They grew silent for a moment and Jordan looked up and
realized that they were almost to the lighthouse. She had wanted to explore it on her own so when they
got there she would have to come up with a good excuse not to. Thoughts rushed through her head till
she found a good excuse. When they reached that point she would tell him that she would like to go
back to her hotel for a nap. There was something about this man that made her a bit uneasy. He seemed
harmless and his intentions forthright but you could never tell.
They arrived at the lighthouse and stood staring up at its grandeur in silence. Clark was the one
to break the silence first. “Would you look at that. " he said and whistled as looked up at the beautifully
preserved lighthouse. It was now towering above them majestically inviting them to take a closer look
at its talking walls. “I bet this old thing has seen some action in her days.” Jordan simply stared from an
awed Clark to the beautiful life sized work of art before her eyes. She decided that this would be a
wonderful place for her to bring some of her work to escape the pain of life. They walked up to the door
and Jordan knew it was time to make her escape. "Are you ready for an adventure through time?" Clark
asked Jordan with a grin from ear to ear. Jordan could not resist a laugh at his boyish grin and playful
eyes aglow with excitement. "I’m really sorry Clark but I’m afraid that all of this excitement has tired
me for today. Maybe we could do this another time when I’m feeling a bit better." “Sure, how about we
discuss it over dinner tonight?" She smiled at him though it was superficial.“That sounds nice." Clark
smiled back thinking about what he would do with her tonight. He would wait till dark and then she
would be his. His smile was not one of happiness but of pure evil. “I don’t suppose you would walk me
back to the hotel would you?" Clark took his place at Jordan's side as they headed back to the hotel.
Andy watched Jordan and Clark from the verandah while having brunch. His stomach clenched
at the site of them. They weren't holding hands or anything but Andy knew that Clark liked her. He
could tell by the way he watched her and touched her elbow whenever he could. The sight was making
him sick and there was nothing that he could do but sit and watch. Jordan was one of a kind and he was
not about to let a sleaze like Clark steel her away from him. He had to make her his even if it meant that
she might reject him at first. Andy was not sure how he would handle that since no woman had ever
rejected him in the past. She was different from other woman though. Her beauty was evident even at a
distance and he knew why Clark was also smitten by her. She was the girl next door with a twist of rare
beauty like a precious gem. An unusual stone cast in a world full of diamonds in the rough. Even in the
hospital Andy knew that she was an amazing woman, her strength and will were stronger than most
men. They drew closer and he could see a smile on her face and he wondered what Clark was saying to
her to make her smile. He wished at once that he had not asked himself that question because his
nerves twisted in knots along with his stomach. The thought of not being with her was making him
crazy. “I’m acting like a lovesick crazy man.” He stated out loud. He needed something to do and his
mind immediately began forming a plan of action. Taking one last look at them together he went to set
his plan in motion. He could not let her slip through her fingers he vowed silently. He would do
anything to make her realize that they were right for each other.
Chapter 18
Jordan's thoughts were on Andy as she entered her hotel and took the elevator to her room. The
doors opened and she stepped out and walked down the narrow corridor to her suite. She wondered
what they had discovered on the items found in his closet the previous night. There was no mistake in
the way he had been looking at her or the way he had held her in his arms while the unshed tears of pain
had rolled down her cheeks. Jordan had thought of and wanted little else but to be back in his arms
again. Removing her shoes next to the door she padded across the room in her bare feet to the bedroom.
Pulling a pair of khaki shorts and a peach colored shirt from one of the drawers in the dresser she laid
the items neatly across the bed. She walked to the beautiful glamour bath to turn on the tap. The spray
felt wonderful sliding over her fingers and when she was satisfied with the temperature she closed the
door to let the room fill with intoxicating steam. If this doesn't wash away some of the bad vibes I have
then nothing will she thought, as she slipped into the warm spray.
Jordan let the steam and pulses of the shower seduce her raw nerves for a calm she had not felt
over the past twenty-four hours. Her thoughts slid back to Andy as the intoxicating spray slid enticingly
over her body. There was no mistaking that there was an attraction between them but, what type of
attraction was it? Her husband and she had held that type of attraction at one time or was that just
something that was not real. She was not sure anymore and at this point she would never figure it out,
nor did she care to. It was in the past she told herself. If that were true then why did he haunt her dreams
and invade her private thoughts each day. The same way Andy's image popped in her mind more than
she cared to admit. She cared for Andy but was that enough to take away the pain she had suffered and
could she go through that pain again over someone else. Somehow she didn’t think she wanted to try
but, it could not hurt to just spend time with Andy and let her attraction to him bring her to life again.
Ashamed and embarrassed at herself for thinking of Andy as just a lover for her own pleasures she
brought her muddled mind out of its present state with a firm mental shake. This is my vacation she
reminded herself and I am not going to sit around contemplating some man, with that she abruptly
reached out to turn the stream of water off and got out.
Steam rolled as she opened the glass shower door, and reached for the towel she had hanging on
the rack. She didn’t feel it and looked out of the shower to see that it was not there. Confused she
looked around till she saw the towel in a pile on the floor. Funny she thought, I don’t recall bumping
into the rack on my way into the shower. She snatched a towel off one of the other racks and rapidly
dried herself. A cold chill swept over her as if someone were in the room with her. Of course she knew
better, because she would have known if someone were there. Pushing the thoughts from her mind she
finished drying herself. Uneasiness was in the pit of her stomach and she just could not shake the
feeling that someone had been there or possibly still was. Making quick work of dressing herself she
walked back into the bathroom to put a touch of powder on her nose and highlight her beautiful blue
eyes with a dab of mascara. She slipped on pair tennis shoes, grabbed her purse and keys she headed out
the door without a backward glance.
When she spoke to Officer Greer later she would not tell him about her suspicions this
afternoon. He would either brush them aside as paranoia or make a guard her new best friend. Jordan
rode the elevator down to the hotel lobby and stepped off to a madhouse. The lobby was filled with
guest waiting to check in. She headed out the door and quickly flagged down a taxi. She instructed him
to drop her off at the market place and he quietly nodded his head and eased out into the light traffic.
Several hotels went by before she realized that they were headed in the wrong direction. Trying not to
panic she tapped lightly on the window." Sir I think you might have misunderstood me I wanted to go
shopping." This only caused him to grin back at her as if he could not understand a word she said. He
speeded up and she began to really panic. This time she banged on the glass with her fist. “Stop the car
let me out! Why are you doing this to me? Please!" Panic stricken she tried the door handle but it would
not budge. Jordan surveyed her surroundings a moment and then began to kick the door with her foot.
They were now on a curvy road now outside of town somewhere and she was being slung all over the
back seat. “Damn! Why didn’t I put on my seatbelt?" She questioned herself sternly and with one last
attempt to free herself she dug her heels into the floor and gripped the seat till her knuckles turned
white. Finally she had steadied herself enough to fasten her seat belt. Quickly hooking the device and
leaving just a little room to move she kicked the window behind the drivers head with all her strength.
This caused the window to give way and hit him. He was so startled that he turned and looked at her
with death in his eyes. Throwing an arm over the seat he tried to reach her but she was buckled in at a
safe distance. He turned around just seconds before they came around a big curve with a steep
embankment on both sides. Swerving rapidly he tried to avoid going in the embankment but, the car’s
brakes locked and sent them careening toward the other side. Whipping the wheel around rapidly they
had a mere miss of the ditch; the tire blew and sent them flying off the side of the road. Jordan
screamed in fear as the car crumpled on the rocks flipping end over end.
Chapter 19
Jordan didn’t know how long she had been out but knew it was not very long because she could
still smell burning rubber where the tire had blown. Slowly she unbuckled her seat belt and leaned
forward to check the driver. His face had been thrown right through the windshield and the rest of him
was crushed from the roof of the car being smashed on the rocks. If he was alive it was by some
miracle. Weakly she tried the door handle again but nothing happened. She attempted to roll down the
window but the knob just spun in her hands. The only way out was to break one of the windows. The
car was sitting high on one side so that was the side she went for. Using her arms to shield her face she
began kicking the window with all her strength. Finally on the third kick it gave way. Carefully she
crawled out; crying out in pain as she cut her right side on a shard of glass in the window. Once outside
the car she stayed low till she could get her bearings again. She had multiple cuts from she broken
window, Blood poured down her face from her forehead. A deep gash on her side and left thigh were
making her dizzy. her shirt and shorts were saturated in her blood sand shards of glass. Carefully she
pulled off her socks and tied them together to make a bandage for her head. She removed her belt to
make a tourniquet for her leg. These would help slow the bleeding so that she might be able to make it
to find some help. Pressing a hand to her side she looked around. Her body was already beginning to
ache both from being tossed around inside the car, and the cuts. Her head was clearer now and she
surveyed the car and driver to give a full description in the report for the police. Belatedly she realized
that her purse was still inside the car so carefully she reached back through the window. Searing pain
tore at her side while stretching across the seat. A wave of nausea flooded her and her vision blurred.
She pressed forward being sure to keep her foot outside the car she snatched it up the white strap. She
thanked God that she had remembered to zip it up before she left the hotel so all her belongings had not
been scattered all over the back seat. Using all her strength she pulled herself out and began her journey
up the embankment to the road.
Near the edge of the embankment Jordan crouched down cautiously. She opened her purse and
pulled her cell phone out to call for help. No signal. She might have guessed. She looked around to see
if there was anyone else around who might be some sort of accomplice or help. The road offered only
silence and the sound of waves crashing against the rocks below. Her nerves were on edge and she had
a funny feeling that she was not alone but, didn’t see or hear anyone else so she walked as quickly as
she could. Her injuries were causing her a great deal of pain and they slowed her progress but Jordan
was determined not to give up. Every few steps she checked for a signal. She had to get to the police so
that she could identify the man who had tried to kidnap her. She tried to think of who would want to
hurt her but she was drawing a blank. She was not a lawyer she was an accountant. She was a mother
who read children's books for Christ's sakes. Who would want to harm her? Jordan could not come to
any conclusions other than the fact that she just didn’t know. Her head throbbed and her mouth was
going dry from blood loss and dehydration but she had to keep going if she wanted to stay alive and
keep what little sanity she had left. This was one time when she would have been thrilled to have Andy
come around the next bend and rescue her.
A smile touched her bloody lips at the thought of Andy. He was one of a kind. The most blunt and
honest man she had ever met. Jordan knew it would not work; could not work. They were from two
different worlds and her world was full of turmoil. The last thing that she needed was another problem
especially now. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn’t hear a branch break behind her or the
solid footsteps of someone coming. The dark figure was there before she had time to react and it was
too late. The sense of sight left her immediately as he hit her over the head with something hard.
She collapsed on the pavement. Her limbs felt as if they were made of putty, she could not see
but her sense of smell seemed to have been heightened. An aroma she had never smelled before invaded
her senses. He stooped down to pick her up and tossed her limp body over his left shoulder. She
listened for as long as she could and even tried to focus her eyes so she knew where they were going but
her battered body just simply would not respond. It’s too bad my sense of direction stinks even when
I’m not half unconscious she mused. She managed to hang on a few more minutes before her mind
started to fade. Her last conscious thoughts were of her son and dead husband.
Andy looked at Officer Deen standing in his doorway as he was told of the discovery they made
earlier. "I’m sorry Mr. Nichols but I have to take you down to the precinct for questioning." "What are
you trying to say? That I set the bomb off to kill Jordan and blow up that restaurant?" "You may want to
wait for your lawyer to arrive before you say anything else." "I just can't believe this. Let me tell Mrs.
Sparks what's going on so she won’t worry okay. Andy knew better than to walk away so he motioned
for the Officer to follow him to the kitchen where Mrs. Sparks spent most of her time. He followed
Andy very cautiously till he saw Mrs. Sparks come into view in the back of the huge kitchen. "Mrs.
Sparks." Andy called to her. She turned to face him with a smile on her lips but it froze there when she
saw Andy's worried features and the Officer standing next to him. "What's going on?” She demanded
sharply looking from Andy to the Officer. “Mrs. Sparks this is Officer Deen and he is going to escort
me the police station to answer a few questions for them.
She looked very concerned but didn’t say anything she just nodded her head in understanding.
"What would you like me to do Mr. Nichols?" “Call Jonathan Bowers and tell him to get here as
quickly as possible." "Okay Mr. Nichols is there anything else I can do?" " Contact Jordan at the White
Sands hotel and let her know what is going on because Jonathan may want to ask her a few more
questions about the bombing and about the items found in my closet." “We have not been able to
contact Ms. Mackenzie all afternoon. We were hoping that maybe you had heard from her or could tell
us where she might possibly be." He looked at Andy accusingly "You mean to tell me that nobody
knows where she is and there's some quack out there who wants to kill her. What in God’s name are we
paying you for if we can't get protection around here." Andy was furious and for a moment was shocked
at himself for his reaction. Officer Deen simply replied in a calm controlled manner. "She was not
under our custody Mr. Nichols. For all we know she could be out shopping at this very moment.
Jumping to conclusions will only make things worse. Now if you don’t mind I have to bring you back
to the station." Andy looked at Mrs. Sparks and with a grim look and preceded the Officer out to the
awaiting police car. Calling over his shoulder at Mrs. Sparks he told her to contact him the moment that
he heard anything about Jordan's whereabouts. She agreed to call Mr. Bowers and start her own search
for Jordan.
Chapter 20
He watched Jordan stirring as she lay on the dirt floor. Checking his watch he noted that she had
been unconscious for nearly four hours. Slowly she came to and began to struggle but to no avail. Her
ankles and hands were bound together behind her back and a smelly red bandanna was covering her
eyes. She shifted trying to get the bandanna off enough to see where she was but a low voice tinkled
with death addressed her “Stop struggling." Her dry tongue licked bloody lips." Where am I?” She
rasped. Her parched tongue slurred the words. Who are you? What do you want with me?" Too weak to
ask anything else her body went limp with pain and exhaustion."You are behind the rocks." She knitted
her brows together but winced in pain from the wound on her forehead. She lay silent fighting the
nausea. "You have managed to outsmart my counterpart but you will not be so lucky with me." He spat
at her with a rough voice that seemed to echo. Jordan could not tell if it was her mind, or where they
were that made him sound that way. She fought down panic and pain. Unsure how late in the day it was
because it seemed to be dark she slowly began to move her head against the ground trying to make the
bandanna shift up enough to let her see out from under it. He was watching her she could tell. Her skin
crawled with the feel of his eyes boring into her flesh. Jordan had to be careful with her movements
because there was a lot of dirt on the floor and she didn’t want to choke. Waves of nausea kept washing
over her making it hard not to lose consciousness but she fought it back long enough to get the
bandanna where she could see a little without him knowing. She grew very still hoping that he would
think that she had passed out again. "Hey are you still awake over there?" He questioned without
concern for the answer. When Jordan didn’t answer he walked over and tapped her with the toe of his
black boots. Jordan didn’t flinch even though it hurt, she remained still. When he was convinced that
she was out cold again he walked out leaving her there.
His footsteps faded away and with great effort she attempted to sit up. Her battered limbs
complained as she pushed herself into a sitting position by sliding her body threw her arms. The
bandanna smelled of male sweat as she pulled it from her eyes. Her eyes took a few minutes to adjust to
the semi-light. Swift fingers began to work on the knots holding her hands and feet at bay. Luckily he
didn’t tie the knots very tight and she was able to work them loose in a matter of minutes. He had a fire
in the far edge of the place; she soon realized it was a cave. Getting all her courage and strength she
rose, fighting the nausea and protests of her abused and battered body, to check out what he had hidden
here to eat and drink. Her sugar had dropped to a dangerous level already from the loss of blood and
exertion. A bottle of water was sitting next to the fire and she found some beef jerky and, Twinkies in a
knapsack next to it. God is this guy pregnant or what? I don’t think I ate this crazy when I was
pregnant. She thought to herself. In the knapsack there was also a flashlight and a gun with extra
bullets. Gently she pulled the knapsack over her left shoulder wincing in pain as she did so. Heading in
the direction she had heard her attacker go, she prayed that he was leading her out and not deeper into
the cave. Breathing slowly she tried not to make a sound as she slinked her way along the damp musty
wall. Blood began seeping from her cuts again making her skin feel chilly. The flashlight would have
been nice but, she was afraid that he might see it and know that she was no longer unconscious or tied
up for that matter. Stumbling along she almost shouted with relief when she could hear the sound of the
ocean after a few minutes. So far so good she thought as she crept silently along the rocky edge of the
cave. Sure that she could escape without being spotted she left the hiding spot behind the rocks. The
sound of the ocean in the near distance had never sounded so good. Slowly she made her decent to the
bottom of the cliff.
At the bottom she crouched behind a few large boulders afraid to stand completely in case he
was lurking around. Crawling on her hands and knees for the next few feet till she was sure what to do
next, Jordan peered through the darkness and saw the lighthouse in the distance and gave a quiet sigh of
relief. "Oh thank God!" She breathed softly thankful she knew where she was. Momentarily gathering
all her courage and strength she rose and half ran as fast as her screaming, injured muscles would allow.
She ran till her side ached and her breaths came in shallow gulps and her mind screamed with fear.
"Only a few yards left." She told herself and then slowed her pace. Dropping to the ground to rest often
she made it to the lighthouse. Taking in heavy breaths of air she rested here for a few minutes and took
small sips of water till her breathing had slowed and she was strong enough to proceed. Dizziness
flooded her more than once and she thought she might loose conscoiousness. She fought hard to stay
focused. Andy's house was not far so she decided to call the police from there. She made her way along
the beach without drawing too much attention. It was dark out and that helped to disguise the blood on
her shirt. Her attacker had removed the belt from her leg and the socks she had tied around her head.
She could feel her leg gushing now but kept up her swift pace anyway. “If I can just make it to Andy’s
house everything will be alright.” She said softly to herself. She walked up to the gates and pressed the
intercom button. No one answered so she pressed it again leaning on the heavy metal for support. Still
there was no answer. She turned and made her way back to the beach toward a thinning crowd there.
Clark walked into the lobby of the hotel at seven fifteen and took the elevator up to Jordan's
room. He knocked on the door three times and when Jordan didn’t answer he went back to the lobby to
ask the clerk at the front desk to call her room for him. The receptionist informed him that she had not
seen Ms. Mackenzie since early that afternoon on her way out. Clark smiled politely and told the young
receptionist that he was to take Jordan to dinner and they were supposed to meet here at the hotel.
Returning his smile with a hundred watt one of her own, the receptionist told him that she would inform
him the moment Jordan returned to the hotel if he would like to wait in the lounge. Clark gave her one
last striking smile and headed off to order himself vodka on the rocks. He drank slowly and waited for
someone who would never show up. A smile touched his lips at the thought of the fun he planned to
have with her before he choked the life out of that beautiful face. Downing the last of his drink before
ordering a second, he called his boss to find out where to pick up the rest of his payment and his next
target. A commotion to his right caught Clark’s attention as he walked out of the hotel. A crowd had
gathered down the beach along with police cars and an ambulance. He could not see what was
happening so he decided to move in for a closer look.
He nearly gasped as he saw Jordan lying on the stretcher. Several men had come to her aid and
called for help. The medics had strapped an oxygen mask on and started and I.V. and were in the
process of loading her battered bloodied body into the awaiting ambulance. The officers on scene began
taking statements and getting contact information from the crowd. Jordan spotted Clark and with a
weak brave smile motioned for him to come over. He was at her side within seconds his charm and
concern turned on to the hilt. "Darling what happened? Are you all right?" she nodded her head slightly.
They loaded her up and she fought the dizziness. Clark climbed in next to her and placed her tiny hand
in his. Something about him was making her uneasy but she could not quite put her finger on what it
was; perhaps it was the way he had called her darling. She shuddered lightly at the thought of this and
medic noticed immediately and requested that Clark exit so she could be taken to the hospital.
The next morning they moved her from Intensive Care to a regular room. Two Officers came in
to see her mid-morning. They wanted to get a statement from her but Jordan told the Officer in charge
that she would only speak to Officer Greer. They informed her that he was off duty and asked if she
would at least let them know what had happened so they could start trying to find both her attacker and
kidnapper. Sighing deeply she started her story with the car accident and finished with being held in a
cave somewhere. Her descriptions were very brief and to the point but, at this time it was all she was
willing and able to give. They informed her that Mr. Nichols had been taken into custody yesterday in
connection to the bomb. Frowning slightly she wondered where Andy was now and if he was thinking
of her.
Twenty minutes after The Officers left, Clark came in carrying a bouquet of red roses. Wearily
she lay her head back against the pillow and let her body began recuperating from the whole trying
ordeal; wishing it was Andy next to her instead. Clark stayed right next to her holding her hand telling
her that it would be all right for several hours. Jordan observed him in silence trying to figure out what
it was about him that made her skin prickle on the back of her neck. The doctor came in to check on her
while Clark was there. He looked from Jordan to Clark and then back to Jordan. Jordan nodded her
head slightly that it was alright for him to speak to her with Clark there. Ms. McKenzie your test results
show no permanent damage but you do have a several broken ribs and some stitches and staples. The
wound on your upper thigh was very deep and you lost quite a bit of blood during the ordeal. We would
like to keep you another day for observation. She nodded her approval and then said goodbye. Jordan
wanted to be alone to think and rest and most of all to have the breakdown she so desperately wanted
and needed to have. When Clark left she would fall apart but not in front of him he just was not
someone that she thought she could let loose in front of nor did the thought of him trying to hold and
comfort her make her feel any better. He waited on her like a child; bringing water and changing the
curtains to her preference. She hated all of this attention, but sat through it anyway as she let her
thoughts slide back to Andy’s smiling face and loving eyes. He took her breath away even in her
thoughts. Maybe her attraction to Andy maybe had something to do with missing her husband. She was
not sure but that answer seemed a lot more logical than the other one she had she mused to herself.
What are you thinking; He was just arrested for nearly killing you a few days ago. She chided herself.
Exhausted she closed her eyes.
Chapter 21
Clark finally left her around six o'clock that night with a simple kiss on the forehead and a
promise to return early in the morning. She had tried to tell him that it was not necessary for him to
moon over her like that but he kept insisting so she finally gave in. Andy was really the person she
wanted to see right now. Jordan wished she had his number. In the quiet of her hospital room she
thought of the day's events and wondered how things had gotten so turned around. She felt like there
was a connection that she was missing but her head ached so badly and weariness finally caught up with
her along with the very large pain pill prescribed by Dr. Decarlo. She had only dozed off a few times
while Clark was there. She closed her eyes in an attempt to block out the horrible images dancing in her
mind’s eye. Sleep overtook her for several hours before something woke her. The hairs on the back of
her neck began to prickle and she sat up in bed wincing with pain as she tried to let her sleep induced
eyes focus in the darkened room. She saw nothing but knew there was something wrong. She felt
almost as if someone were staring at her in the darkness. "Hello?" She called softly as her hand
searched the side of her bed for the light and the button to call the nurse. At first she heard nothing and
then very softly she heard Andy's voice brighten the darkness. "Leave the light off for right now."
"What?” Jordan stammered. “Why? I want to see you." "Please Jordan for now just leave it off." Jordan
began to grow weary and a little frightened that he wanted the room to remain dark. “What is going on?
If you don’t give me some answers this very minute then I’m not only going to turn the light on but I’m
going to call the nurse in here and have you thrown out."
Andy stood and walked over to open the curtains so the moonlight could shine into the room. He
didn’t miss the warning or defiant tone of her voice and if there was anything that he knew about this
woman it was that she was every bit as strong as her will. Amazing he thought, here she was in the
hospital battered and bruised and she was still giving out threats as if she were standing there with a gun
in hand. "Calm down. I had to sneak into your room. If the nurses see your light on they will wonder if
anything is wrong, especially since they are probably looking for me right now. I predict that someone
will be by to check in on you very soon.” Jordan didn’t understand nor did she like this sneaking
around. Although she should be scared half out of her mind she was thrilled to hear his voice. “Why?
What did you do?" "Let's just say I made a complete ass of myself trying to find you. None of the
nurses would tell me where you were so I called the hospital and said that I was your brother. I asked
them to tell me when you were going to be released and what room you were staying in so that when I
flew in I would know where to find you." "That was very cleaver of you.” She smiled at him in the
darkness. Where have you been? Dr. Decarlo called you at home for me but Mrs. Sparks said that you
were at the police station clearing up a few matters." Jordan grew silent waiting for his reaction at the
fact that she had specifically asked the doctor to call him. It didn’t take long for her to know what his
feelings were on the subject. Andy's eyebrow shot up swiftly at the news and his heart soared at the
thought that she had wanted him here. Enough so that she had specifically asked the doctor to call him.
Even in the darkened room Jordan could see the sardonic smile playing at the corners of his beautifully
sculptured mouth and wished she could feel those lips on hers. No sooner had the thought crossed her
mind did she push it right back out. What are you thinking she scolded herself mentally this is definitely
not the time or the place for thoughts like that. A soft rap on the door made her jump and quickly she
lay back down without making any noise. The pain in her head and side were awful but she kept her
breathing even and lay very still so that it would appear that she was sleeping. The nurse quietly entered
the room and checked the bathroom then crept silently over to her bed. Touching Jordan ever so lightly
so as not to startle her she asked Jordan if there was anything that she needed before she got off duty.
Sleepily Jordan replied that she was fine and just needed some rest. The nurse checked her vitals and
told her good night and left the room.
A big sigh of relief escaped her lips the moment she heard the click of the door closing behind
the portly nurse who had been there since Jordan had arrived earlier. She had mooned over her every
half hour making sure that Clark was not keeping her from resting and that her wounds were not
causing her a great deal of pain. How could they when she had been given a dose of painkillers to help
with the pain and to help her sleep? Jordan reached for the light a second time but Andy's voice stopped
her once again. "Leave it off the next shift nurse will be here in a few minutes to check up on you."
"How do you know?" "Jordan I’ve lived on this island most of my life, believe me I know." "So are you
going to tell me why you've been at the police station?" He sighed and began to pace. "They showed up
at my house about six o'clock and said that the evidence that was in my closet had my fingerprints on it.
When they checked around town to see where the stuff was purchased my name came up on a few
credit card bills. One clerk even described me. I’m still a bit confused as to how that happened since
every other guy out there has brown hair and hazel eyes, not to mention the fact that I’m tall and
athletic. This stuff was purchased on the other side of town where a guy like me never ventures if he
wants to keep his pretty neck out of a knife's way." Frowning in concentration she winced from the cut
on her brow. "So basically you are telling me that you were set up." She stated a hint of sarcasm lacing
her voice. “Jordan I know it sounds a little farfetched but it's the truth." Crossing her arms defiantly she
asked "Why should believe you? Why shouldn't I think that you hired someone to kill me for whatever
sick reason you might have?" Andy held his breath for a moment. He had not heard all of the details of
her kidnapping nor what she might have been told by her abductor.
He cared for her; she was special he had felt it the moment he laid eyes on her but if he made
that confession now he was certain that she would only use it later to throw a curve in whatever he said.
Instead he decided to stick with facts and hope it was enough for her to accept. "First of all I was at
home about the time you were abducted and Mrs. Sparks and Mr. Walker the CEO of Nichols Research
can attest to my whereabouts because I was talking on the computer with him." She shook her head in
denial. "Just because you were in some chat room with someone that you claim is the CEO for your
company does not mean that you were at home they do have laptops with cameras now you know. You
could have been anywhere chatting with what's his name." Andy had known this was going to be
difficult especially after all Jordan had been through the past fort-eight hours, but she was making it
virtually impossible. "Yes, they do but I was using my web camera and so was he. He would have seen
that I was not in my office and would have commented on that fact and as I said Mrs. Sparks was
there." Jordan interjected again with another line of voiced doubts. "So you were using the telephone on
the computer that still doesn't mean that you didn’t hire someone else to do you're dirty work for you.
As far as Mrs. Sparks is concerned I heard her ask you about something in one of the spare bedrooms
you have and I distinctly remember you telling her that it was basically not her concern. She never
countered you; just simply took the answer that you gave her and went on her way. How do you explain
Jordan's emotions were running as high as her pain was. She wanted to trust Andy but it was
very hard when he had no strong alibi for the purchase of the bomb materials hidden in his closet. Her
heart was telling her one thing but her mind was screaming to know the truth. Andy decided to begin
again and approach things a different way. She was one tough lady especially to deal with all that had
happened to her and to still spit fire at anyone who crossed her path. He decided a change in subject was
a better idea. "Please tell me what happened. All I heard up there was that you had been kidnapped and
were hurt pretty bad so they brought you here. As soon as they let me leave I raced over her like a
madman. Luckily I didn’t get a ticket or taken back to jail for reckless endangerment." Jordan smiled
her first real smile since climbing into that cab yesterday afternoon. She shuddered at the memory and
Andy was by her side in a flash holding her hand trying to comfort her. She wished he had stayed where
he was on the other side of the room. Her pulse was racing and she was not sure she could think
rationally with him sitting next to her on the tiny hospital bed. It did feel good to have him there and it
would feel even better to have him kissing her and wrap those strong arms around her comforting and
touching. Jordan stopped fantasizing there and scolded herself for letting this man get to her once again.
She wanted Andy to touch her and do several other things to her she realized and was shocked at the
revelation of her thoughts and the confusion that went with them. How could she want him when her
own husband was lying in a cold grave that she helped to put him in?
Chapter 22
They stared at each other for a long moment before he finally asked her what she was thinking.
She had gone very quiet and still the moment he sat on the edge of her bed and now her beautifully
carved features were pinched and stormy. Andy longed to touch more than her hands but thought better
of it when she had grown quiet. Slowly he reached up and brushed the side of her cheek with the back
of his fingers; her skin was soft and silky like satin. He continued, his left hand following a path along
her neck to her tousled golden mane, which flowed through his fingers like water. She leaned into his
touch not wanting him to stop, drawn like a magnet. Shivers of anticipation and longing ran down her
spine. He sought her gaze with his and held it till Jordan thought she would melt right through to the
floor. Passion burned through his eyes and he pleaded silently with his hands as he stroked the base of
her neck and played a tune of desire with her hair. "You are so beautiful." He whispered as his head
bent near Jordan's waiting lips. He held her gaze as his lips lightly brushed hers and then slid to caress
her neck. The heart monitor suddenly jumped pace and loud beeping rang out in the base of her brain.
Jordan didn’t know what was happening she could not pull away and for the first time she didn’t want
to. She wanted Andy more than anyone she had ever known she realized. This realization both shocked
and frightened her and reality came crashing in. She pulled away from Andy as if his touch wounded
her physical being. "Please I can't.” She cried softly through gritted teeth. The pain was intense from her
jerky movements. Andy looked in her eyes and saw the torment of pain and a ghost from the past
lurking there. "I want to help. Tell me what I can do." He meant more than just what had happened to
her while she had been here. There was more to her pain than the little she had let him see, he was sure
of that but what he was not going to push her. Andy wished there were someone he could talk to that
would tell him how to help her or give him the information he needed, with a sigh she turned away from
him. "There is nothing to help with unless you know who is behind the attacks or the explosion. I’m
really glad that you came but I’m really tired and would like to get back to sleep." He gave an inward
sigh of frustration and agreed that she was looking a bit weary all of a sudden.
He rose from the bed and walked across the tiny room to a chair in the corner. She followed him
with her eyes wishing he would stay next to her but glad that he was a fairly safe distance away. She
was not sure she was ready to deal with her feelings for Andy just yet especially when she had already
been attacked twice. She was not sure who to trust any more nor was she sure that trust was possible at
this point in her life. He settled in the chair with a pillow and extra blanket that he had found in the
closet. "What are you doing?" shocked at the realization that he fully intended to spend the rest of the
night in that chair. He looked at her and gave her a heart-stopping smile through the darkness. "I intend
to stay right here till you leave this hospital." "But I...” Jordan started to object but at that moment the
next shift nurse was tapping lightly on the door. She lay back down and closed her eyes trying to block
out the image of Andy sleeping only a few feet from her; a fact which thrilled, and frightened her at the
same time. The nurse quietly walked to Jordan's side and checked her IV drip. Touching her gently on
the arm in an attempt to wake her, she called to her softly. "Ms. Mackenzie." "Yes." She replied
sleepily. "I need to check your temperature and take your blood pressure so I’m going to turn the light
on okay." "Okay." She was not sure what kind of reaction the nurse was going to have when she
realized that Andy was in the room but she could imagine that it was not going to be good. The light
came on and Jordan covered her eyes till they could adjust. Andy seemed to be doing the exact same
thing. “Can I get your name and date of birth please?” Jordan Makenzie, January 2, 1975. The nurse
immediately held the thermometer up for Jordan to put in her mouth and then grabbed her arm to get
her blood pressure. Finishing up she flipped the light off and told Jordan a hasty goodnight on her way
out the door.
Andy had watched very quietly from the corner of the room and when the nurse left he spoke
startling her. Apparently she was deep in thought about something. This time he turned on the light.
"Jordan." "Yes." She said turning her full attention to him. "I haven't asked you what happened tonight
or in the past for a very good reason. I care about you a lot." He grew silent for a moment to choose his
words very carefully so as not to scare her or make her feel obligated to say or do anything that she
really didn’t want to. “Go on." she urged him. Her blue gaze was intent on his and he found it hard to
concentrate when all he wanted to do was loose himself in her soft sweet innocence. “What I’m trying
to say is that I don’t want you to feel like you can't come and talk if you need to. Hastily he added;
“When you’re ready of course. I will be here if you need anything." Jordan smiled as much to herself as
to Andy. He was a wonderful kindhearted man whom under different circumstances she might even
have fallen head over heels for. His smile made her heart skip a beat and her breathing fade away. He
was devastatingly handsome and she wished that things were different, that she was different. “Thank
you Andy. I really appreciate all that you've done for me and I hope that one day I can repay you for all
your kindness." He noticed that she had gone from calling him Mr. Nichols to Andy. His voice took on
a sudden shrill as his face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Actually there is something that you can do for
me.” Jordan didn’t like the sound of this and she knew that she was not going to like it but she let him
continue. "Okay. What?" She asked hesitantly. “There is this charity event in Chicago in a few days and
I don’t have a date yet, so would you like to accompany me?" Andy felt like a sixteen-year-old boy
asking a girl out on a first date. Something flashed in Jordan's eyes but was carefully concealed before
Andy had even a glimpse of the emotion. “I really don’t think I should. I don’t have anything to wear
and I would not fit in." Shocked he laughed slightly. "What are you kidding you will be the queen of the
ball with those big blue eyes and golden mane. What man would not go crazy over you and what
woman would not be envious." She batted her long blonde lashes at him. "Sweet talk will get you
nowhere with me Andy." He looked wounded but quickly put a smile on his face to show he enjoyed
her teasing thoroughly. They laughed at her joke.
"What are you talking about I really do think you're good looking and a lot of women would love to
have that color of hair and to have it look that good. I think you underestimate how pretty you are."
"No. What I underestimated was what a smooth talker you are." His grin of achievement was amusing.
"So does that mean that you'll go with me?" His puppy dog eyes shone excitedly "Let me think about it
okay. Right now all I want to do is get some sleep." Leaning back against the pillows she let out a long
exhausted breath; falling asleep almost instantly. The day had been hard and it was nice to have Andy
here with her. He watched her sleeping peacefully and hoped that he would be able to convince her that
they should be together. He knew that she didn’t really have anything to wear to the ball so he had
decided to buy her something, which arrived the other day from Paris. He could not wait to see the
surprised look on her face. The thought of her in it made his mouth water. Unconsciously he reached a
hand out to touch her smooth cheek. She was beautiful and he longed to see her laying her next to him;
their bodies touching in a night of passion and love. Love? Did he feel that strongly about her? Andy
was not sure but he knew that he was not going to let her slip away without finding out for sure. Jordan
stirred and he leaned over to pull the cord on the light switch. Slowly he rose from the chair beside the
bed and walked over to the reclining chair.
Chapter 23
Jordan nearly fell out of bed when she woke up the next morning to a sound she didn’t
recognize. Her eyes scanned the room trying to assess where it was coming from. She spotted Andy in
the chair across the room his long legs sprawled half in the floor, shoes tossed aside, and his head was
thrown back and loud snoring like a freight train filled the room. Apparently he had not slept well and
she could not suppress the giggles that formed deep inside. Soon she was laughing uproariously and
Andy slowly came out of his coma like state to see Jordan laughing at him. Her smile was contagious
he asked her what in the world was so hilarious. "You." She finally managed between fits of giggles. He
decided to give up and just enjoy the tinkling sound of her laugh. She looked like an angel in the
morning sunlight sitting in the middle of a hospital. Her tousled hair and sleepy eyes were as appealing
now as they had been the first time he had seen her. Her face was a blue web of bruises and the gash
above her left eye was turning a deep shade of purple. He was having a hard time staying away from her
and keeping his sanity. This woman drove him mad even in his sleep. Last night all he could think of
was her sleeping only a few feet from him. When he managed to finally fall asleep he had vivid dreams
of them making love and her confessing her love for him. He could hear her breathing and every so
often she would roll over or shift her position and wince in pain. Each time he would be up in a flash to
see to her comfort. The nurse came in every few hours to check her vitals and every four to administer
pain medicine. The sound of her breathing drove him wild yet it was so soothing and strong. Now here
in the first light of day she was laughing at him. He could not for the life of him understand her but he
wanted her just the same. She was a mystery that both intrigued and attracted him to her like a magnet.
Andy knew that Jordan needed to tell him about what happened yesterday. He was reluctant to
bring it up since he was enjoying just watching her laugh for the first time since they were in her hotel
room a few nights ago. "So tell me Andrew how is it you managed to get out of the police station?"
Andy smiled. "Well they were questioning me and then they found that you had been attacked while I
was sitting there with the chief of police. After that they no longer felt the need to hold me. I went to the
hotel to find out which hospital they had taken you to here or the one on the mainland. The receptionist
remembered me from the other day so she gave out the information. So here I am." His arms rested on
his ribs and he stifled a yawn. "Yes, here you are." She stated with a smile. “Jordan I don’t really want
to ask you right now but since were on the subject of yesterday would you please tell me what
happened." Andy saw the dark shadow fall over her features and a strained expression settled there.
Obviously she was still distressed over the events and he knew that it was a painful subject.
Surprisingly her nightmares were not very bad last night and he was able to calm her down fairly easy.
He also knew that she needed to talk about it or she would only feel worse. "Why don’t you start from
the beginning and tell me everything that happened."
Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she gave Andy a brave smile before she relived the story
of her attack yesterday. "It started when I got into the cab yesterday to go shopping.” She began and
looked out the window as the memories came flooding back with clarity. She proceeded to tell Andy
everything that had happened. He listened to her with awe and amazement. Somehow she had managed
to escape what seemed to Andy a professional hit man and his accomplice. He was completely smitten
by this woman he realized and the thought made him feel overjoyed to know that he had finally found
someone that he could love and she seemed to be headed down that path herself. Jordan gave
descriptions of different things that she had noticed about her attacker and about the cab driver whom
the police had identified as one of the local drivers that had no family and very few friends. The thought
that he had no wife or family behind was sad but it made Jordan feel better since the reason that he was
dead was because of her. Somehow it didn’t bother her as much to think of that man dead as it did her
husband probably because he was trying to put her in a body bag himself and if not him whoever hired
him. She shivered at the thought of everything that had happened.
Andy's voice brought her out of her thoughts. "Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You look kind
of pale this morning." "Yes I’m fine I just need to eat." Jordan lied. "Oh I think I can handle that I have
a candy bar in my coat pocket.” “Thank-you” Jordan mumbled. Obviously he didn’t realize that she
could not have the sugar and she didn’t want to hurt his feelings but it was inevitable. "Andy." "HUH?"
He said looking up from his search through his coat for the candy bar. When Jordan didn’t answer him
right away he turned his attention toward her? "What is it?" He looked puzzled and a bit worried.
Jordan bit her lip and finally decided to tell him. "I can't have the candy bar Andy but I really appreciate
your concern." She smiled shyly at him. "So what can you eat?” He asked not sure what to do. "I can't
have sugar of any kind and I really shouldn't have a lot of bread as well." Andy looked at her for a long
moment before he spoke. “I’m sorry I should know that you can't have sweets but it just seemed to me
that all you need is food." Jordan lowered her gaze almost ashamed. “I need more than just food." She
said. “Well what else do you need?” He asked starting to get worried now. Jordan sought his worried
gaze with a serious and unusually open one of her own. "I need… "She trailed off not wanting to admit
that she needed him or anyone else for that matter.”What?" Andy asked. "Nothing I think I’m still a bit
tired and my head is starting to bother me." She didn’t tell him the truth; could not tell him because she
didn’t want to admit that she needed anyone. She had lived alone for so long that now she was not sure
that she wanted someone else to have any decisions about her life or her son's life. She held his gaze for
a long time before he broke away to get the nurse to bring in some more pain medicine. "I’ll be back
and maybe we can talk a bit if you feel up to it." "Sure." Jordan replied with false enthusiasm. She
leaned her head back against the pillow wondering what to do now. She knew Andy wanted to know all
about her past but she just was not ready to tell him or that she ever would.
Chapter 24
Jordan was so caught up in her thoughts that it took a few minutes for her to realize that
someone was knocking at the door. That's probably my breakfast she thought. "Come in." The door
opened slowly and in walked Clark with an armful of balloons and flowers. “Good morning, how do
you feel?" Clark was smiling but his eyes seemed to be so cold. There was something about him that
made Jordan have goose bumps whenever he came near her. He set the flowers on a table across the
room and then noticed the disheveled contents of the chair. "My, my looks as though you had company
last night after I left." His smile made Jordan feel like bolting for the door. This cynical character could
not possibly be the same one who held Jordan's hand last night as they rushed her here. He seemed very
dangerous and very jealous now. "Yes.” Jordan replied not willing to make it easy to retrieve
information from her. "So tell me, how are your cuts and bruises this morning?" Although he sounded
interested in her injuries Jordan could not help but notice the hint of sarcasm hidden in his words. "I feel
a little better this morning. The doctor hasn't made his rounds yet so I haven't heard anything new." I
would ask if you would like me to wait but I think you have all of the help you need from your friend
Mr. Nichols. I’m sure that you will be released today so can I call you later at the hotel? I believe we
were supposed to have a date last night so perhaps we could make it for a few days from now instead?"
Jordan didn’t really want to be alone with this guy but she also did promise him that they would go out
last night so she reluctantly agreed. "All right she said with fake enthusiasm; what time? “ Clark saw
the play of emotions across her face and knew that she was trying to find a way to get out of going but,
he had that covered. If she refused him then he would simply get to her another way. She was not going
to escape him again. “I’ll pick you up at seven at the hotel.”
He decided he had better get out of there before Andy came back and caught a glimpse of him.
That was one confrontation that he could do without. "Well I guess I’m going to go I thought that
maybe you would like some flowers to help brighten your day. Please don’t be angry with me I just
have a jealous streak sometimes. Take care of yourself and tonight we'll go someplace quiet and
relaxing." Clark smiled and was out the door before Jordan had a chance to reply to anything that he
said. A sigh of frustration escaped her lips and she got out of the bed slowly gripping the side of the bed
for support. Realizing a little too late that the cut on her side was still very tender, she grimaced in pain
but slowly it faded to a dull ache. She pulled her IV unit with her to the bathroom where she threw cool
water on her face and checked her head before the doctor arrived. Maybe if she looked better than she
felt they would let her go. She had not heard anything from Andy and wondered what he was doing. A
smile touched her lips at the picture she had awakened to this morning. She could still see him;
apparently he had a rough night. Jordan wondered briefly if she had kept him up with the nightmares of
the past and present. It had been a year since Darien had passed away why did his death still haunt her?
She stared at herself in the mirror for a long moment and decided that she needed a good hot shower
and a cup of coffee neither of which she would get anytime soon. Instead she pulled out a washcloth
and did the best she could at washing up, especially where they had put the stitches in.
The door opened and Andy called out to her. "Coming." She called back. Taking a deep breath
she opened the door and stepped out to the smell of bacon, eggs and an English muffins. Andy stood
next to the table of food smiling at her. Jordan looked from her breakfast to Andy; her eyes shining with
gratitude. "Thank you." She managed to choke out. He simply smiled back at her. "Shall we?” He asked
as he patted the bed for her to sit. Grabbing the IV unit he pulled it over and helped her get situated and
then he sat down across from her. "This looks wonderful! Oh! You even got me a cup of coffee.
Fabulous! I was just wishing I had some. Thank-you Andy this was very nice of you." He smiled at her.
"Well we both could have used some coffee and since I am starving too I thought I might as well get us
both something to eat. I’m going to need my strength after all." Jordan looked up from the bite of egg
she was about to take. "For what?" She asked completely puzzled. "For you of course, I can't let you try
to take care of yourself and there is only so much Mrs. Sparks can do with those stairs. I don’t think
you'll need a full time nurse this time I’ll simply help you myself."
Anger grew inside Jordan like a volcano. "Now wait just a minute here. I can take care of myself
I don’t need you hovering over me all day and night. Furthermore I don’t appreciate you deciding what
I’m going to do. I am a grown woman and I don’t need your help nor am I going to stay in your house
and let you treat me like I’m a helpless child. You have no right to decide such a thing." She spat the
words out as if they were going to make her sick and she glared at him across the table. "How many
stitches do you have Jordan?" “What?” She stopped and stared t him. "I have no clue. What the heck
does that have to do with me staying at your house?" He set his fork down gently and stared back at her.
"That is exactly the reason you have to stay with me. I can't let you go back to that hotel when you
already have a body full of stitches, cuts and bruises. I already feel like a fool for your injuries in the
first place. I should have insisted that you stay at the house with me after that last bump on the head. I
feel like your abduction yesterday could have been avoided had I been there to help you." Jordan
softened a little at his bravado. "My abduction would have happened regardless I think. Whoever is
after me knows my every move. They haven't let me rest for even a second. I’m just glad that this
happened here instead of back home. The hotel is safe so don’t worry I’ll be fine at the hotel I can take
care of myself." He crossed his arms over his chest resolutely. "Fine you can stay in the hotel but I’m
staying with you." "No you’re not!" She cried appalled at the very idea of him spending the night in her
hotel with her. "Either I stay in the hotel with you or I will get a chair and sit outside the door to your
room." His eyes blazed the first kind of temper that she had seen him display. "Why do you insist on
doing this to me?" She asked angrily."Because, you have a head full of stitches that should not be there
and I could not live with myself if anything else happened to you because I was not there to protect
you." Jordan grew silent for a moment then with a grumble finally agreed. "Fine you can stay at the
hotel but you sleep on the couch and if anything funny happens I will call security and throw you out
you got me?" She said with a stern voice. Andy grinned at this mouse of a woman who held a finger
pointed in his direction with a threat on the end of it." “Whatever you say my lady." He said mocking
her. "I don’t suppose you’re wearing a chastity belt to bed as well." He joked. Jordan tossed a waded up
napkin in his general direction. "Very cute. I think I would be much safer if I wore a suit of armor
instead.” Andy's face grew serious again. "Are you really afraid of me Jordan?" she studied him for a
long moment. His eyes held hers what seemed like hours before she finally spoke. "No." She said
softly. He relaxed immediately and expelled the breath he had not realized he was holding. "It isn't you
that scares me Andy but, the attraction we obviously seem to have for one another does." He studied her
quietly for a moment realizing how much it had cost her to admit that to him. God but she was
beautiful. Her eyes were her most striking feature, so bold and expressive. There was something about
her that drove Andy mad every time she looked in his general direction. She was watching him closely
probably wondering what was going through his mind. Both had stopped eating and were simply
considering each other. Andy decided the best way to win her over would be to warm her heart and
show her a trust that could not be mistaken. That shouldn't be too hard since they had already decided
that he was going to stay at her hotel this evening. Slowly Andy reached a hand up to pass over her
bandaged forehead and slide over her bruised cheek. "Does it hurt much?" The concern showed clearly
on his face. "Not much she replied." Returning her gaze to the plate of food before her. "These eggs are
really good. Where did you get them?" "Mrs. Sparks." Jordan looked up at Andy with a mouthful of
egg. "Mrs. Sparks?" She almost choked on her eggs her eyes smiling. Andy laughed at her chipmunk
cheeks full of eggs and told her how he had called Mrs. Sparks last night and told her to bring down a
plate of food for the two of them. "Oh I see so you planned to stay in my room regardless." "No." he
said laughing. “I was trying to make sure that the rubber hospital food didn’t have you escaping for a
burger and fries in the middle of the night." Jordan laughed till it ached and she smiled at Andy. "Thank
you. You’re probably right I would have bailed if the food is as bad as you say it is. If there is one thing
I like to do it's eat!" "Really? What is you favorite dish?"
Jordan looked thoughtful for a moment then smiled laughter highlighting her unique features. "I
would have to say that it is steamed lobster with a white wine butter sauce on the side." Andy’s plan
was working out better than he had thought. She was opening up to him little by little and soon enough
he would have her right where he wanted her. "You do have some rich taste don’t you?" "Nothing but
the best." She said laughing. "So tell me where have you had lobster before?" "The first time I had it
was when I was still in high school. I was dating a guy in the Air force and when he got out of boot
camp his parents took us out to dinner at a really nice restaurant and we all had lobster. It was
wonderful! I think I’ve loved it ever since." That's nice. I like it too. So where did you go to high
school?" "I lived in a really small town called Webster. The school was kindergarten through twelfth
grade. I was not the top in my class or anything but, I did graduate and that was all that mattered to me.
High school is just a place you go to help you deal with life. Being the top in your class doesn't mean
that you will do well in life. Actually just the opposite from that has occurred with several people I went
to school with. They had such big plans in life but just could not seem to get past the fact that in high
school they were really smart but in life they had to work harder for things." "What about you have you
had to work hard for things as well?" Andy asked her suddenly. "Yes. I’ve always worked hard for the
things that I’ve wanted most." "Meaning what?" "Well I didn’t come from a rich family so I had to
work hard for the clothes on my back and the car I drove. Things didn’t come easy for me." He stared at
her with fascination. “You don’t seem to be worried about anything. I mean you’re taking a nice
vacation and you’re free as a bird to do whatever you want." "No. I have a responsibility to my friends
and family and also Cody." Andy perked up at the mention of another man's name.
Trying not to sound jealous he questioned her carefully about him. "So what does Cody have to
do with what you do in your life?" Jordan looked at Andy and smiled. "He is my son and I want what is
best for him." Andy eyes grew wide with amazement. "You have a son? How old is he? But how, I
mean you’re sick. I mean your diabetes." His concern for her health was touching. Andy seemed to
gather himself quickly. "Why didn’t you ever say anything? I mean all this time I’m sure that he has
missed you more than anything. Do you need to call him?" “Are you kidding I can't do that my best
friend will freak out when she finds out what's been happening and she realizes that I left her in the
dark, Regardless of the fact that it was for her own safety. I have spoken to Cody several times since
I’ve been here and he is doing just fine as long as I bring something home for him." So what does he
look like?" Jordan smiled and sighed as she gazed in space. "He looks just like me. His hair is darker
now but he still has my blue eyes. When I get back to the hotel I will show you a picture of him." "Sure
I would like that. Maybe you should call them as well." Jordan gave Andy a melting smile and rose
from her chair. Andy jumped up so quickly that he nearly knocked his chair over. "Let me help you,
where do you want to go?" “I’m feeling really tired all of a sudden I think I will get back in the bed and
rest for a while." Andy helped her get in the bed and he picked up the dishes and put them back in the
picnic basket to give Mrs. Sparks so she could take them back to the house.
Chapter 25
The doctor came in at nine o'clock to check on her and she was asleep. Andy had slept for about
an hour before he woke to a tap at the door. Gently he woke her and told her that the doctor was ready
to check her. Dr. Decarlo said he would see what he could do to get her released later that afternoon or
early the next morning. He checked her over thoroughly making sure that there was nothing else wrong.
Her wounds were doing well and her staples were supposed to come out within a few weeks. She was
bruised and a little weak from the lack of food and water but basically she was going to be fine. She just
needed a little rest and to take things easy for a while. Andy informed the doctor that he would care for
Jordan for a while till she was well enough to be left without worry. The doctor agreed that it would be
good for her to have him there for a while till her wounds would allow her a bit more freedom. She was
also supposed to check back in a week to make sure that everything was healing properly and that
nothing else was wrong. Jordan could not wait to get back to the hotel and relax a little. Hospitals
always made her tense.
The doctor left and they stared at each other for a moment before she leaned her head back
against the pillows and closed her eyes. Andy broke into her thoughts by asking her if she wanted to
rest some more or talk. Sleeping was probably a lot safer than talking but she opted for talking anyway.
"What would you like to talk about?" She asked without opening her eyes. Andy thought for a moment
before he replied. “How about your son, how old is he?" Jordan smiled at the mention of Cody. "His
name is Cody and he is five years old but of course he thinks he is grown. He is into all kinds of sports
like tennis, football, basketball, and baseball. I play soccer with him too. We always have a lot of fun
together. Sometimes we go bike riding together. Our street is really quiet so we can just race up and
down.” She glanced over at him briefly before looking at the flowers from Clark sitting next to her.
“What about you do you have any kids?" She asked curious about his interest in Cody and whether or
not he liked kids. "No I’ve never been married nor had children but I have always wanted to." Turning
her full attention to him now she studied his face. There was a hint of shyness there. "So why didn’t
you?" She leaned her head back a little to ease the pain and take some of the pressure off her forehead
and side. "I guess I have just never found the right woman. There are plenty out there but none of them
seemed to like me for me. They always wanted to change me and turn me into some sort of socialite
pretty boy which I am not." He gave her a quick smile. "So what are you? I mean don’t you enjoy going
to parties and things like that?" "Sure I do and I always have a good time but I also enjoy just a quiet
walk down the beach on a starlit night. My life doesn't revolve around being the most talked about for
that season or whether I put in the largest donation for whatever charity. I just like to visit with
everyone and find out the latest news on the markets." "Well that doesn't sound too bad to me, but I
guess a lot of people like it to be the center of their life." Jordan’s eyes closed and she breathed deeply.
Andy glanced over to see Jordan with her eyes closed and a peaceful look. He ended the conversation
for the moment.
He informed Jordan he would be back in a few minutes. Leaving the room quietly he found a
nurse and asked that they bring her some more pain medicine and if she was scheduled for release soon.
The nurse pulled her up in the computer and saw that she was due for more pain medicine and would be
released later in the afternoon. Making his way back into the room he sat down in the plush flowered
covered chair across from her. "So what do you do besides spend a lot of time with your son?" "I’m an
accountant.” She said quietly. Andy’s eyebrows rose. What type accounting?” “Business.” She replied
sleepily. I work from home so I have the freedom to choose my own hours so I am able to spend a lot of
time with Cody." The nurse walked in at that moment to administer another dose of pain medicine.
Andy and Jordan grew quiet while the nurse checked her IV and then left without much chatter. "So tell
me about your friend. Is she the one who is keeping Cody for you?" Smiling broadly and affectionately
at the mention of her lifelong best friend Jordan began talking. “Yes. Alexandria and I have been best
friends since kindergarten. As a matter of fact I introduced her to her husband, Phillip. I was dating his
best friend George at the time so we did a lot of double dating. Our high school years were wild but a
lot of fun. We were always getting into mischief together. They refused to take us to the movies
together after one time when we could not stop laughing through the whole movie. It was not our fault
though. Every time something dramatic happened in the movie this guy would drop his keys. They
decided that it just was not worth the embarrassment to take us together. We did lots of other things
together like eating dinner and going to school dances. They would come and watch us cheer for our
football games and take us on moonlight picnics in the park afterward. Life was very interesting and a
lot of fun back then. Some of our best times were in high school but, then when we went to college
things changed. We both had a career objective so the fun and games were over not to mention my
relationship with George. He left for the Air Force and Phillip went off to Florida State. He kept in
touch with Alex but George and I seemed to be going in different directions so we just decided to be
friends instead. Phillip and Alex were married a few years ago. I dated several people after George but
it just didn’t seem to be the same till I met my husband and I threw the theory of living alone out the
window. We just seemed to hit it off and it seemed inevitable that we would get married. I was not so
sure of that marriage after Cody was born. We did have our good and bad times which I guess is what
makes a good marriage last. Unfortunately ours never had a chance." Jordan grew quiet for a moment
lost in her thoughts. Andy was surprised that she had revealed so much about herself but he was not
about to speak of that now. “So did you and your husband get divorced?” He asked gently after a few
moments. Jordan turned and looked at Andy without really seeing him; she was lost with her thoughts
in the past. "Finally she answered him sharply letting him know that this was the end of their
conversation. "No he passed away. I’m feeling a bit tired again I think I’ll take a little nap before lunch
arrives." With that she lay back against the pillows and sighed softly to herself. "I’ll be back in a few
minutes I’m going to see what we are going to have for lunch. Don’t let anyone come in without letting
the nurses know." Jordan waved a hand not wanting to answer Andy because she was already half
asleep. Andy bumped into the nurse as she was coming in to give Jordan another check.
Andy walked down the hall past the nurse’s station his mind on everything Jordan had said and
then the abrupt way she had ended the conversation when they got to the subject of her husband. He
wondered what it was that made him uneasy about her husband's death and why someone was
determined to have her killed. He decided to let her rest for a few hours as she seemed to need it and he
could go and get them a decent meal. He wandered out of the hospital and climbed into his jeep so he
could go home to pack an overnight bag. The thought of being so close to Jordan was thrilling and scary
at the same time. He would have to watch his step for a while till he could get her to trust him a little
more. She was such a mystery of emotion and beauty. Mrs. Sparks was waiting for Andy at the door to
get all of the details of what had happened to Jordan and to drill him about what happened at the police
station. Andy went into a long explanation for Mrs. Sparks while she whipped up a meal of chicken
Kiev, asparagus, mashed potatoes and carrots. She had obviously been anticipating on Andy coming by
for food because it only took her about twenty minutes to finish up. "That looks wonderful Mrs.
Sparks. Thank-you I’m sure that Jordan will love it. I’ll bring the dishes back in a few days." "Is Jordan
supposed to stay in the hospital that long?" Mrs. Sparks asked instantly concerned for the younger
woman's safety. "No she will be released sometime this afternoon but, I am going to stay at her place
till the end of the week just to make sure that nothing else happens to her.”
The old woman gave Andy a sly grin and patted his arm as she brushed past him to continue her
work and Andy left the room. She put two plates in the picnic basket and set it next to the door while he
was upstairs gathering a few things from his office so he could get some work done while he was at
Jordan's. After about an hour he decided that he had better return to the hospital and see how Jordan
was doing. The drive back was slow because the small island was alive with tourist and locals all trying
to fit in a nice lunch in a time of thirty minutes. Andy smiled as he saw a woman and two little twins
that were maybe four, cross in front of him at the traffic light. The boys were adorable with their
baseball hats turned sideways and their miniature baseball outfits. The two were pulling the mother in
two different directions but she held on tight. The thought of having a family made his heart ache with a
need and longing he had never known before. Andy wondered how Jordan was doing. Hopefully her
nap would make her feel a little better.
Pulling into the parking lot of the hospital his mind still on Jordan's beautiful features, he
walked past the nurse’s station toward the room Jordan was in. Before he reached it he could tell
something was wrong because her door was propped open and as he stepped inside he realized Jordan
was nowhere to be found. He darted from the room down the hall to the nurse’s station. Out of breath
he stammered "The girl in room 1202 where is she?" The nurses looked at him strangely for a moment
and asked him what he was talking about. "There was a girl in room 1202 I left here an hour ago and
now she's either been released or has been transferred to a different room." He stared at the three nurses
in exasperation. Why weren't they moving to search for her why were they just sitting around doing
absolutely nothing to help him? Andy gave up on the nurses helping him he decided to go in search of
Jordan himself. Perhaps he had gotten on the wrong floor I mean he was really tired last night and when
he left this morning he was not exactly thinking clearly. He walked back to the room where he had left
Jordan only an hour earlier. Andy was not sure what it was that he was looking for but he decided to
search the room anyway. The bed was made with fresh sheets and everything seemed to have been
wiped down. There were no fingerprints on anything. Andy saw a piece of egg on the floor under the
table and he knew that he was in the right room.
Andy finally found his friend and pulled him aside to ask him about Jordan. "I released her
about an hour ago. The nurses have all of her paperwork. We just had a shift change but I’m pretty sure
that she was released. I mean all her stuff is gone and they should have her listed as released in the
computer." "They do have that but I’m sure that she would have waited for me especially since we both
agreed earlier that I was going to stay with her till we could get this thing solved." "What is going on
anyway?" The doctor asked. Andy looked up and down the hall before he replied silently. "Someone is
trying to kill her and we don’t know who it is just yet but, they have managed to make three attempts on
her life so far. The police are stumped and so am I. The only thing we do know is that they want her
dead and frame me for it. They called me to the police station the other day and questioned me. Some
bomb items had been found in one of my guestroom closets and it had my fingerprints all over it. Lucky
for me I just happened to have been on a conference call with the acting CEO of my company in
Chicago so I know that he can verify my whereabouts at the time that Jordan was attacked the other day
and at the police station when she was abducted." "Keep me posted will you and if she gets hurt again
call me even if I’m not on duty I don’t want anyone else to treat her. If the nurses give you a hard time
you can page me personally." Dr. Decarlo handed Andy a piece of paper with his number written on it
and he stuck the paper in his pocket on his way to find Jordan. He decided to call her hotel first to see if
maybe she had gone back there. The front desk said that she had not been there all morning and they
had not seen her come in and when she rang Jordan's room there was no answer. Andy thanked the
clerk for trying and then decided to check every hospital room on the floor. What could it hurt he
thought I’ll just simply say that I have the wrong room he thought to himself. With that in mind he
started with the room next to where he had last seen Jordan.
Chapter 26
The walls looked the same as when Andy had left but somehow they seemed different. Jordan
could not quite put her finger on it but something just didn’t feel right. Her brain was foggy feeling.
Sleep held on tight as she pried her eyes apart. The pain medicine she had taken had certainly worked
because she remembered nothing. No dreams, no nightmares; nothing. Slowly she got out of bed and
walked to the window to look out. Too bad she could not remember what the view had been like the last
time she had looked out the window unfortunately she had been so preoccupied with Andy that she had
not taken the time to notice anything. I better call the nurse she thought and walked over and hit the
nurses call button. Her muscles felt like jelly and her brain refused to function. She wanted to simply
crawl back in bed. She sat back down on the bed and waited for the nurse to come and help her. The
nurse didn’t show up right away so she decided to just flip through the channels. After a few minutes
Jordan began to wonder if the button was working so she hit it again and continued to wait. She got up
to walk out the door when it swung open and a slender woman wearing a nurse’s uniform sauntered in.
"Is there something you needed Ms. Mackenzie?" Jordan looked the other woman up and down for a
moment and noticed that she was wearing a pair of white pumps and her slender curves were barely
concealed in the shrinking nurse’s outfit she modeled. This woman didn’t fit the description of a nurse;
more an actress but, Jordan finally decided that this was her best option for help.
The two women stared at each other for a long moment before Jordan finally broke the silence. I
noticed that it is getting close to lunch time and I was wondering when I will be getting something to
eat because my sugar is starting to drop and I know that if I don’t eat soon I will get sick. The nurse
simply smiled at Jordan and said I’ll be right back. Frowning she thought it was strange that the nurse
didn’t help her back into bed or at least check her pulse and temperature while she was there like they
normally do but then she had called her and they have certain times that they do all of those things.
"Stop worrying over every little thing." She told herself you’re just making yourself crazy with all of
this. With that she sat back down on the bed and began flipping through the channels trying to shake the
uneasy feeling that she had in the pit of her stomach.
The nurse returned with a tray of food for Jordan to eat but it looked even less appealing than
the breakfast had earlier. Taking a few bites of what appeared to be fish she decided that hospital food
was completely uneatable. She pushed the tray aside and drank a few sips of her milk. She remembered
that she had shoved a beef stick in her purse yesterday and wondered where her purse was. She
pondered the missing purse; flipping through the channels again. "There is absolutely nothing on to
watch" she stated and finally flicked off the TV and went over to the window. How long was it going to
be before Andy gets back and they let me out of here? She thought getting really tired of being in the
hospital and even sicker of having to deal with this psycho killer who obviously had it in for her, though
she could not imagine why. She tried to think of a reason why anyone would want to hurt her unless it
was because of her husband. Jordan shifted again from one foot to the other. She was going stir crazy in
this place and wanted, no needed to get out of there as soon as possible. “Where is Andy?” she asked
the window She figured that he would have been back about an hour ago. The more Jordan thought
about things the more uneasy she felt. She decided that it was time to release herself instead of waiting
for these people to do something.
She gritted her teeth as she pulled the I.V. from her hand and placed some toilet paper from the
bathroom over it. Quickly she dressed in the same clothes she had worn before because that was all she
had; grabbed all her belongings and headed toward the door; opened it quietly and peered out. The hall
was empty as she stepped out of the room and headed down the corridor. Her nerves jangled with fear.
“Something is definitely wrong.” Her soft whisper echoed in the hall. No nurses, doctors, nothing. Not
even the sounds of a hospital could be heard. She looked at the numbers on the rooms as she walked
but could not figure out which way was which so she decided to keep walking till she ran into someone
who worked there. Panic began to settle in the pit of her stomach as she walked slowly past room after
room and each new corridor she came to she held her breath and cautiously went on to the next row of
doors. This hall seemed to be taking her in a circle so she turned down one of the side halls hoping that
it would take her where she needed to go. Strange she thought, "I haven't seen a single person since I
left that room. Usually there are nurses walking around or someone. Jordan heard the sound of an
elevator in the distance but was not sure from which direction that it came from so she started walking
quickly toward where she thought it might be. Her heart was pounding as she hobbled down the hall
gripping her side trying to find where the elevators were. Her leg screamed in protest as she began to
walk faster. She could feel the skin pulling against the staples but her mind refused to allow her to slow
her pace. She still had not seen anyone and was startled almost speechless when she nearly ran
someone down who popped out of one of the side corridors.
Holding back a scream, the man grabbed her arm and asked where she was going. He stared at
her as if he knew that she was trying to leave. Her heart began to pound and her pulse raced as the man's
grip on her arm tightened "I said where are you going?" He growled at her. “I’m ... I’m... Looking for
the elevator I just came to visit a friend and I don’t know my way around. I think I’m on the wrong
floor. Could you possibly point me in the right direction?" She hoped he would believe her lie and let
her go. She could feel her heart in her throat making it nearly impossible to breathe. The man refused
to release her arm. He barked out a command to move and then it hit Jordan why she had felt so uneasy
about that nurse. She was no nurse. Terror rose in her as she tried to figure out a way to escape. The
grip this man had on her arm was bruising and it would be hard to break. Her feet obeyed his harsh
command and she began to limp back down the hall. “How had they gotten her here? She wondered.
They couldn’t have just wheeled her past the nurses’ station. They passed another nurse in the hall that
had come upstairs to look for a lost piece of equipment. The floor had been cleared out early that
morning in preparation for updating the facility. They were working one floor at a time wing by wing.
She took one look at Jordan's face and stopped the man. "Ma’am is everything all right she questioned."
The short mousy girl looked from Jordan to the man holding her arm. His height was impressive and he
was build like a football player. He loomed above Jordan and the nurse. "She's just fine. She was in a
car accident with her friend a few hours ago and is still in shock." He told the nurse in a mater-of-fact
tone that told her to mind her own business. The nurse looked from one to the other and decided that
this was a matter left to security so she let them pass but went straight to her nurse’s station to phone
security to come and handle the situation.
Jordan wondered where he was taking her and tried to find an opportunity to free herself from
his bruising grip. "You’re hurting me and I’m sure that we look a bit strange walking down the hall with
your hand crushing my arm. So if you don’t mind I would like you to loosen your grip." She hissed at
him under her breath. "I’m not about to let you go. I saw what you did to Vladimir and I’m not about to
let you ruin my good looks, Cuz I got a date tonight and I aint gonna look like I been in some kinda
dawg fight." He had a strong southern accent Jordan noticed. His accent was definitely unusual for this
part of the states. Jordan didn’t say anything more just kept walking where he led her, she was certain
was going to be back to the room she had just come from. I have to figure a way out of this she thought.
He was holding her arm pretty tight but if she started to act like she fainted then maybe he would loosen
his grip or let go of her all together. Her pulse was racing as she went to put her plan into action. "I’m
not feeling very well." She whispered. "Can we slow down just a bit I’m feeling like I’m going to get
sick? That statement caught his attention because he slowed down. "Don’t you puke on my shoes I done
told you I gots a date tonight and I ain’t gonna where no shoes you puked on." Jordan almost smiled at
his broken country accent. She had heard it all her life and still found it funny to hear someone talk like
they had been lost in the back woods of Tennessee somewhere. Controlling her smile she started to
shake to add to the effect that she truly didn’t feel well. The shaking part was easy as she was terrified
out of her mind and her sugar was dropping to a dangerous level now. He stared at her and then decided
it would be a good idea to release her in case she got sick. Jordan took that as her cue to shove him
down and run like hell to the elevators. "Hey stop. Catch that lady she's trying to escape. She’s a mental
patient" Several construction workers had arrived and looked in her but seemed to preoccupied with
other things and didn’t make a move in her direction.
Jordan was almost to the elevator when another man jumped out and reached for her; a scream
became lodged in her throat. She shifted to her right and the man just barely missed her shirtsleeve. He
quickly turned around as Jordan was pushing the button on the wall to call the elevator. Slowly he came
toward her with a long gleaming knife. All the workers were nowhere to be found. A devilish look
came across his face as he swung the knife at her. Nearly paralyzed with fear her scream was stuck
somewhere at the back of her throat. He continued to come near her shifting the knife so that the blade
caught the lights in a menacing way. Fear had all but immobilized her as she slowly backed away from
him. Her heel bumped something and she realized a little too late that it was the wall. Terror raised in
her throat like bile as she reached out to push him away, the knife nearly slicing her hand in the process.
Her battered body made her movements’ stiff and every turn caused pain somewhere but she continued
to fight for her life. "Please! Why are you doing this to me?" The man replied. "I want to see your blood
run through my fingers." A black gloved hand gripped her throat before she could dodge it. He held her
fast as he brought the knife to her face. "I think your skin is to pale how about we add a little color to it.
He laid the knife along her cheek and slowly pulled it down. First I think I’ll have a bit of fun with you,
with my partner when he gets here. A pretty little thing like you shouldn't be this uptight and snooty." A
voice from behind him added to his comment. "We can fix that can't we?” Jordan's gaze never shifted.
She knew who it was. The same man who had grabbed her earlier. "That was a nasty little trick you
pulled on me but I won’t make the same mistake twice." Jordan noticed out of the corner of her eye as
he walked toward her had pulled a gun out with a silencer attached. God help me she prayed.
Two orderlies came around the corner. Hey what's going on here? Caught off guard the man put
his hand on the wall next to Jordan's face. He held the knife with his left hand on the inside of his
jacket. "Don’t say a word or I’ll cut you and kill them too.”They were jus havin an argument nothin to
worry with." His partner was covering for him. “What's he got hidden in his jacket." The second orderly
asked. "He ain’t got nuttin. This don’t concern you so jes move on fer we get upset." The young orderly
sized the two men up and decided that the situation might escalate so he instead called to Jordan. "Are
you all right?" She hesitated at first not knowing if it would make any difference what she said. She
could not just lie and say that everything was all right when she knew that it was not so, she simply
gave both orderlies a slight nod. Her eyes pleaded with them to help her and they decided that was
exactly what they had planned to do. The talker lunged first at the man holding Jordan while the other
took a swing at his partner. The kids are asking for a world of trouble. Jordan thought raising her knee
to her captor’s groin just as the young orderly came at him. A ding signaled the arrival of the elevator.
This was effective enough to get him off of her and she bolted toward the elevator gripping her aching
side and her first assailant right behind her.
She made it in the elevator glancing over her shoulder as she went, to see both her attackers
drilling toward her. She backed inside not even waiting for the doors to fully open as she smashed the
close door button. She continued to bang the button fear gripped her whole body like a hand squeezing
the breath and hope out of her. A large object just inside the elevator stopped her from backing up
further and panic rose in her throat like bile. "What the heck." She knew that voice and looked up. It
was Andy. Her bravado returned as she hit the button once more to close the doors just in time. Only
one of them managed to get his arm in the door but quickly removed it as the elevator started to move.
Jordan turned to Andy relief pouring from her. "What happened?" Andy asked as he opened his arms to
let her walk into them. Jordan didn’t dare look up at him because she knew that she would not be able
to control her emotions if she did. She grabbed a fist full of his shirt and began to tell him about what
happened through her tears and gasps of pain. He was quiet through all of it till she was finished and
then he asked her why she had not called him at home or the police. For the first time since Jordan got
on the elevator she looked up at him. "I’m not sure." She replied. "I guess I really didn’t think too. I
mean it all happened so quickly" Andy didn’t mention the incident again he simply held Jordan until the
sound of the elevator brought both of them back to reality. "Oh no, I’m certain that they would have
noticed us going up. They both jumped to the sides to make it look like no one was on the elevator. As
the doors opened they peeked around the side to see if anyone were there before exiting. Quickly she
punched several buttons before getting off the elevator so that it would stop on several floors while she
and Andy took the stairs to the main lobby. The elevator doors shut behind them and began its decent.
Chapter 27
The lobby was crowded with patient check-ins and visitors leaving for lunch. They exited the
hospital undetected staying with the rest of the lunch crowd people. They weaved in and out of the cars,
moving slowly so as not to draw attention to themselves. Neither of them spoke till they reached Andy's
jeep. He opened the door and helped her get inside. She gasped as she slid into the seat. Her body ached
and fresh blood soaked the already blood-stained jeans she wore. Her leg had apparently sustained more
trauma than it could handle and was oozing. The bandage was still in place with blood soaking through
on one side. Andy closed the door and rounded the car in a few long strides. Safely inside he turned to
Jordan as he put the car into gear. "Are you sure you're all right?" Jordan smiled weakly. Physically I’m
fine never felt better; emotionally I don’t think I ever even had a chance." Andy smiled at her. "You are
one heck of a lady Ms. Jordan Mackenzie." She smiled back at him as he pulled the car into the hospital
traffic. "I’ll gladly feel the same way about you if you'll just get us both out of here alive. Without
another word Andy maneuvered the jeep through the light traffic toward Jordan's hotel. When he was
on the highway he finally spoke again. "How about if we head out for dinner after you get cleaned up?"
He asked glancing at her sideways." "I’m not sure I feel up to it. I’ll let you know after I get this yuck
off me and into a nice hot bath." She answered as she stared blankly out the window. “I’m sorry Jordan
that was not fair of me. Here you've been kidnapped twice in the past twenty-four hours and I’m asking
you to go to dinner. We will order in tonight. I’m sorry can you forgive me please?" Andy gave a pitiful
look accompanied by a heart-stopping smile. She smiled back idiotically because that was all she could
do. This man had an effect on her like no one else ever had. She was always in control; never losing her
posture no matter what the circumstances. Now here she was trying to escape a madman and his goons
with Andy at her side. She hated to admit it but she rather liked the fact that Andy was there. She had
been alone far too long and Cody was starting to forget what it meant for there to be two parents. She
just wouldn’t tell Alex any of this yet. She’d been after Jordan to date for months now but this would
make her buy a bulletproof plastic bubble and shove her in it.
Lost in her own thoughts and indecision she stared out the window blankly. When they returned
to her room she would phone her friend and ask her what to do. Alex was always willing to give her
advice on love. Especially since it had been Jordan's scheming mind that had brought her best friend
and a guy friend together, which was now her husband. Jordan smiled at the memory of her best friend
threatening her with pay back for handing this guy her phone number. "What are you thinking about?"
Jordan turned a startled gaze toward Andy. "What?" She asked utterly confused. "I just wondered what
you were thinking about that would cause you to smile like that." He stated, looking over at her quickly
before returning his gaze to the road. She smiled at him and answered softly "I was thinking of my
friend and how she would be on the next flight if she knew what was going on." "I take it you haven't
said anything about any of this to her." "No!" Jordan stated firmly. "If this man had my husband killed I
certainly don’t want him going after what is left of my family." "What do you mean?" Andy shot a look
at Jordan that told her that she had better start from the beginning. Jordan sighed as they pulled over on
the side of the road. Andy put the car in park and turned to face her. "How can I help you, if I don’t
know what is going on?" The concern in his voice brought back her every reason to give him a chance.
"Later please!" She pleaded. Her sapphire eyes were shining with unspoken emotion. Andy felt a lurch
in his chest. This woman was certainly hard to resist and even harder to figure out.
Five minutes later they pulled up to the hotel. Andy parked close to the door and got out to help
Jordan up the elevator and into the room. Striping off the torn bloody clothing she hobbled to her
suitcase for a nightgown. Exhausted she climbed into bed and was already deep asleep before Andy left
to collect his bag of clothes and move his car. He grabbed the room key and double checked the door
before going back downstairs stopping the front desk. He gave strict orders that Jordan was not to be
disturbed by anyone and if there was a visitor, for the staff to notify them immediately. He took the
prescription the doctor had written out with her release papers which he had to sign. The nurse said
Jordan had been released in the computer but her paperwork had not been completed. That’s when
Andy knew something had gone wrong. He had quickly signed all the necessary papers and went in
search of Jordan. He shuddered at the memory of seeing Jordan with a knife coming at her. Pushing the
thoughts out of his mind he drove to the drug store a few blocks over to have it filled.
Chapter 28
Andy sat down on the couch and expelled a long breath and looked around. He had lived on the
island most of his life but had never been inside any of the hotels. It was quaint. It had flowers
everywhere. It looked like Jordan, comfortable and cozy. He flipped the television on and watched the
news for a while before getting his laptop out to work. He wasn’t sure how long she had slept but when
she woke he saved his file and closed the computer. Jordan walked out of the room slowly. Andy was
up in a flash and at her side. He held her elbow and led her to the couch. Going to the bed he snatched
off the pillows and propped them up under her thigh. She grimaced as he did so. “I’ll get your pain
medicine. Are you hungry?” he didn’t wait for her to reply. He had a glass of water and a pill ready and
waiting for her. She sipped the water slowly. “Thank you.” She studied him for a moment before
handing the glass back. “How do you feel?” He asked. She thought for a moment before responding.
“Like a train wreck, but I’ll feel better after a few more nights of sleep in a comfortable bed.” He smiled
down at her and rubbed her cheek. “You are a brave woman.” They stared at each other for a moment
before Andy broke the spell. He walked to the tiny kitchenette and set the glass on the counter.
He sat on the chair opposite her and they chitchatted a few minutes about dinner. Finally settling
on pizza, he picked up the phone and placed the order. Jordan took this as her moment to rise and head
to the bathroom. Her limbs were sore and the pain medicine was beginning to help take the edge off.
Silently she limped out of the room and left him ordering pizza. toward the bathroom where she fully
intended on taking a hot bath but then realized that would not be wise with twelve staples in her leg so
she did the next best thing a warm wash rag.
Jordan emerged half an hour later the smell of pepperoni pizza assaulted her nostrils and her
stomach growled in response. Andy smiled at her and set his laptop on the floor beside the chair.
“Feeling a bit better?” He asked smiling at her. Returning his smile she nodded. “Much better, thanks.”
He patted the couch and she slowly made her way over. Once settled Andy brought the box over and set
it between them. They chewed the gooey masterpiece in silence. The evening passed with a quiet
comrade as they watched a movie and she fell asleep his arms wrapped protectively around her
shoulders. He lifted her gently and placed her on the cool sheets of the bed. Pulling the covers up as he
would a child.
Jordan stepped from the steaming bathroom feeling revived and ready to face another day. Boy
she thought I guess I have to go back home to get some rest from my vacation. All the way here she had
visualized herself lying on the beach relaxing for two weeks and now some maniac, who for some
strange reason wanted her dead, was chasing her. She sighed and walked into the small den where Andy
lay asleep on the sofa. She watched him shift and a sense of longing came over her. She had watched
Darien sleep on the sofa many times and had even joined him on occasion. Andy sighed in his sleep and
Jordan sat down in the chair facing the sofa and opened her own computer. This is a perfect story she
thought a man and a woman being chased by a madman. Jordan smiled and began typing away at the
keys. It had been days since she had checked her e-mail and decided that maybe that was not such a bad
idea so she started answering a few of them. Lost in her work she looked up when she heard Andy
stirring. He had apparently been watching her for some time. He asked her how she felt. "What?" She
was still a million miles away mentally and it took her a few minutes to comprehend what he was
saying. "I didn’t mean to break your concentration. Are you telling your friend about me? I know it
can’t be work related because you have a dreamy look about you. How are your wounds this morning?”
Completely sobered now, she simply stared at him. "No. It is for work, and I have a dreamy look on my
face because I’m sleepy." "Sure that's it exactly." Andy laughed with Jordan and they both grew quiet
after that.
She stared into a pair of hazel eyes that made her heart melt and without taking her eyes from
his intense gaze she spoke. "I suppose we should think about breakfast now." Neither made a move. The
air was so thick you could smell it sweet and sweaty. Finally Andy broke the spell by getting up and
walking over to the telephone. "So what would you like from room service?" He began looking around
in the drawers for a menu. He could barely think straight with Jordan being so close to him and that
stare. It was practically an invitation for trouble; especially where he was concerned.
The hotel offers a breakfast so how about we run down and grab some. He agreed. Give me a
few minutes to get ready he said and busied himself with finding his shoes and socks. His tousled hair
made Jordan suddenly ache to run her fingers through it. She caught herself and walked instead into the
room to slip on shoes on and run a brush through her tangled mass of curls. A few minutes later they sat
across from each other with matching steaming cups of coffee and enough food to feed a small army.
Jordan ate hungrily. Nothing had tasted so good. She had not realized how hungry she was until it was
in front of her.
After they had eaten their fill Jordan suggested they walk out to the beach and enjoy the water
and sun for a while. The thought of seeing her in a swim suit turned his insides out. “Yes, that sounds
good let’s go.” I need to run back to the house and get a few things is that alright?” He opened the door
for her and she walked in. “Okay I can meet you there. That will give me a chance to tidy up here first.”
Fear tightened in his gut and his face went dark. “I don’t think that’s such a great idea. How about if
you just come with me to my house and show Mrs. Sparks you’re alright? She has been asking after
you.” Jordan agreed and slid a pain pill in her mouth and took a long gulp to polish off the last of her
coffee. Let me slip on my flip-flops and maybe we can walk. “Do you feel up to it with your leg?” He
questioned. “I think so. We can always stop and rest if I get too tired.” She suggested. Within a few
minutes they were off.
The morning was warm and breezy. Taking a deep breath of the salty air, she felt her weariness
start to abate. “I could spend the rest of my life here.” she stated absently. Andy smiled and thought to
himself. I’m counting on it. They walked in silence each lost in their own thoughts. A sea gull swooped
near them and landed close by scouring the beach for an early morning treat. Jordan watched in
fascination. Everything about the island made her happy except the guy chasing her. Her face darkened
at the memory of being tired up in the cave. “What is it?” Andy touched her arm and they stopped along
the shore. Waves crashed over her toes tickling them with bits of seaweed and sand particles. She shook
her head and started to walk on but Andy gently tugged her arm. “We’ll find him.” She nodded and a
single tear slid down her cheek. Frustrated at the emotion wreck she had become she swiped it away
angrily before Andy could. Just then a larger wave came and nearly sent her tumbling into the ocean.
Neither had noticed the ocean had buried their feet setting them off balance. Jordan began laughing as
Andy sat down in the salty water to help her keep his balance. Now soaked, he laughed too. They
continued to laugh as she pulled her sunken feet free and he hauled his dripping backside from the
warm water and continued to his house.
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Jordan hearing Andy stories from Mrs. Sparks and then
resting quietly in the early afternoon sun on the beach. She discovered she enjoyed Andy’s company
more and more. Mrs. Sparks was also quite fond of him and her stories of his childhood made Jordan
laugh. He was quite the tenacious tot never missing anything. The sun began to set low in the sky as
they made their way back inside to tell Mrs. Sparks farewell.
They made their way back to her hotel and she sat at the table and waited while Andy got a glass
of water and pain medicine for her. He looked in the drawers next to the phone for a room service
menu. "Andy." Her words sounded strange even to her own ears. He stopped looking for the menu and
looked up. "Yes." She turned in the chair and looked at him for a moment before continuing. "I’m really
glad that you are here with me. I mean I really needed someone here with me last night." Andy's smile
was enough to take Jordan's breath away. "You keep staring at me like that and you won’t be glad in the
morning." He said with a laugh. Jordan looked confused for a moment and then matched Andy's grin
with one of her own. “Whatever do you mean?” She asked teasingly but, she knew exactly what he
meant. "So, do you want to order a hamburger from room service?" "No I really don’t eat stuff like that
maybe we could go out for a while to a nice quiet place." Jordan's eyes pleaded with him to say yes. He
studied her for a moment. "Sure. I think I have just the place. Are you up for a drive?" Her quite speech
suddenly turned into super speed. "Why not; let’s go. Just let me get dressed first. Oh. What should I
wear?" he grinned at her enthusiasm "Whatever you like the dress is casual." "Great I’ll go change. Be
back in a few." He reached for the bag beside the couch for his laptop. “'Take your time."
Chapter 29
Jordan sat quietly next to Andy in utter contentment. They were heading off the island toward
the mainland and she had a view of the bright city lights in front of them and a serene view of the ocean
surrounding them. She sighed deeply and took peace in knowing that for a while her stalker might not
know exactly where they were. Andy watched the tension leaving her face and body as they headed
toward the colorful city lights ahead. He stole glance after glance hoping that the time he was spending
with her now would be enough for him when she left next week. He had grown so accustom to having
her here with him that a dull ache somewhere deep inside started the moment he thought about her
leaving him or the island. Jordan watched Andy out of the corner of her eye wondering what his pained
expression was caused from. She thought better than to ask because that might make it worse. He might
start talking about her stalker and she didn’t wish to discuss it right now. Not while she was finally
getting the relaxation that she needed and the peace she had been hoping to find on such a remote place.
Andy glanced at Jordan as he drove. He wanted to know what she was thinking but didn’t ask. "So what
is this restaurant that we are going to?' she asked breaking the silence.”Just a little out of the way place
that I found one day while searching for something else." "What type of food do they serve there?" He
smiled at her childlike questions. "Mostly seafood, but they also have steak, and chicken." Jordan
glanced sideways at him before smiling and looking back out the window. “Where did you grow up?"
He asked. Slowly Jordan brought herself from the faraway place she visited and turned to Andy. "I’ve
already told you. Why does it matter?" "I like the soft look on your face when you speak of things that
pertained to your past."
She knew the look he was referring to but it was not one of happy memories but of trying to put
the past as far behind her as she could. "Tell me of your childhood."Jordan's eyebrows shot up. "Just
how is it, that you are suddenly so interested in my hometown and family.' "Take it easy I’m simply
trying to get to know you better, and make conversation, that's all." She relaxed her shoulders a bit.
"There's nothing to tell really." She shrugged a tiny shoulder and returned to staring out the window.
The air grew thick with silence the rest of the way to the restaurant. Andy didn’t ask her any more
questions and she didn’t offer any more answers. He knew he had pushed her too far too fast. There was
a wall she seemed to be hiding behind and he was determined to break down that wall. He stole quick
glances at her now and then but she was hardly aware of his presence; lost in a world of pain and regret.
She was brought out of the past and into the presence with a jolt as Andy put the car in park.
The restaurant seemed more like a bar in the back woods but, she was not one to judge a book by its
cover. He watched her expression change from shock to curiosity. She was a complex woman who
seemed to take all things into perspective. He held a hand out for her to get out of the car so that he
could close and lock the doors after her. Jordan's gaze riveted around the entire restaurant as she
absently placed her hand in his. He led her toward the door watching with an amused grin as her eyes
darted everywhere; taking it all in. "What is so funny?" She asked taking his offered arm. "You’re like a
child at the fair. You miss nothing. I simply find it appealing that you could be so curious about
everything around you."
Jordan held Andy's arm and let him lead her into the out-of-the-way restaurant. Her breath
caught in her throat as they entered the wooden door. She was now standing in a beautifully decorated
room with booths lining both sides of the wall. In the center was a garden of tropical flowers, plants and
fountains. Small crystal chandeliers hung above each table. They waited just in the doorway for the
hostess, to seat them. Jordan took in the romantic charm of the place and was shocked when the hostess
walked up and hugged Andy. A tinge of jealously clouded her huge blue eyes as she turned to look
from Andy to the hostess. Her features were flawless. Long chestnut hair hung to her waist in soft
waves, which contrasted with the ivory of her smooth complexion. Hazel eyes the color of stained wood
explored Jordan uninhibited for a moment before giving her an approving smile. She turned to Andy
and spoke to him in what sounded like French, and laughed. He turned to look at Jordan and smiled
warmly. Jordan was now beginning to become irritated because suddenly she felt like the third wheel.
Andy turned back to the girl and said something to her in the same language as before. She motioned
for them to follow her as she led them past the beautiful garden to the back of the place. She could see a
dance floor with a live band. The light jazz was soft and made her feel like she was floating in a dream.
They were seated a few booths from the dance room.
Several couples were swaying softly to the romantic music in the dimly lit room. He studied her
face for a moment before he spoke. "Do you like it here?" Her inquisitive gaze darted across the room
taking in everything and nothing all at once. "Yes, very much so. Thank you. This is a wonderful place
to help me relax." He smiled. "I thought you might enjoy it. I come here a lot when work starts to get to
me." She nodded toward the hostess. "That would explain why the hostess knows you so well." Jordan
smiled shyly at him before picking up the menu that had been placed in front of them. "If I didn’t know
any better I would say that you were a bit jealous." He gave her a devious grin, which she matched with
a murderous glance of her own just above the menu. "So what's good?" She asked purposely ignoring
the statement and looking at her menu. "I like the flounder myself, but I don’t know what your taste in
seafood is like." "I enjoy all types of seafood for the most part. There are only a few things that I do not
eat." Jordan studied the menu for a few minutes before the waitress appeared and asked if they were
ready. Andy looked at Jordan inquisitively. "Yes, I’m ready." The bouncy waitress turned her full
figured hips in Andy's direction as she faced Jordan. She was cute in a different sort of way. Her brown
eyes set off her fiery red hair, which was cut in a bob of sorts. Jordan looked at the menu again before
she spoke "Seafood salad with vinegar and oil dressing on the side and iced tea to drink; Un-sweetened
please." "Will that be all Ma'am?" “Yes. Thank you." Jordan smiled.
Andy watched the exchange between the two women with mild interest. The waitress finally
looked up from her note pad at Andy. "For you sir." She enunciated the words and grinned at him. If
Jordan had not seen it with her own eyes she would not have believed it. The waitress was actually
flirting with Andy as if they had known each other for years and to top it all off Andy winked back at
her like it was his little sister or something. "I’ll have the grilled halibut with iced tea as well but sweet
please and a slice of cheesecake. Andy realized what he had said and turned to Jordan. "I’m sorry
Jordan will it bother you for me to have that?" Jordan smiled faintly. "No have what you like I don’t
mind." She smiled shyly. "Are you sure?" His face was one of concern and worry. "Of course, I’m used
to it. Please order whatever you like, don’t let me get in the way." He grinned at her. "Okay if you’re
sure it won’t bother you." Jordan rolled her eyes in exasperation. Andy smiled at the waitress and as she
left them to place their order. Andy stared at Jordan from across the table. She wondered what he was
thinking but didn’t have to wait long to find out. He reached across the table to take her small hands in
his. "Are you enjoying this place so far?" She did not move her hand but rather enjoyed the sensation
created by the tiny caressing of his thumb. "I really like it here. How did you know about this place?"
she asked still studying the people and different areas. "I come here often as I told you." Jordan rolled
her eyes."That much I can guess. Especially, the way everyone seems to know who you are." Andy's
eyebrows shot up and he began to laugh low in his throat. The sound was almost mesmerizing as the
music played softly somewhere in the back of her mind. The whole place had a New Orleans motif that
instantly relaxed her. "Are you jealous my dear?" she looked back at him with disdain. Jealously was
definitely not in Jordan McKenzie’s vocabulary. If she wanted something she went for it. If she got it
great, if not she simply assessed it wasn’t for her. "Not in the least. Why whatever do I have to be
jealous of. We don’t even live in the same state." His eyebrows shot up. “I could change that if you
want." Her eyes grew as round as saucers. "Absolutely not! Don’t be ridiculous we don’t have anything
in common and even if we did, there is still so much I don’t know about you and things that you don’t
know about me." Andy looked at her with a seriousness she had never seen before. "That's why I want
to spend as much time with you as possible." Jordan pulled her hand slowly away from his and shrank
back in her seat. She turned her gaze to the few couples who were dancing. "A week is not enough time
to get to know someone let alone move to another state or figure out if you want to spend the rest of
your life with them." He leaned forward slightly. "That depends on what questions you ask." Andy
replied grinning.
Jordan smiled back and shook her head in amazement. "You are simply ridiculous. Especially if
you think that after only a few days of asking the right questions you would know if you wanted to
spend the rest of your life with someone." He smiled broadly. "I believe in love at first sight. Your first
instinct is always right." Andy said staring at her intently. Jordan's breath caught in her throat and the
whole world seemed to be in Andy's eyes. She had never felt this way before. She had always followed
her instincts and now was no exception. She knew how Andy felt because she could see it in his eyes,
which matched her own feelings. It was a scary thought especially since she had never fallen in love
with a person at the first sight. Of course she mused that would not really have been love if it had ever
happened before.
Staring into Andy’s hypnotizing gaze till she felt like she would burst, she finally tore her gaze
from his and played with the drink that someone had set in front of her. "Tell me what you are
thinking." Jordan glanced at him before she answered. "I was just thinking how strange it is that I like
you when I barely know you." She glanced back down at her drink. "Why do you find it strange? I feel
like we were meant to be together. You are the type of woman I have waited for all my life." Jordan
looked up at Andy in shock. For a moment all she could do was stare at him. "Apparently you have
never been in love with someone." He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. "Of course I
have loved other women but they have never made me feel as you do." She stared at him a long
moment. "And just how do I make you feel?" she asked swallowing hard. Andy looked deeply into her
eyes before finally answering her. "I can't really explain it there's just something magical about you.
You have the face of an angel and the will as strong as a rock. There's an ethereal beauty about you
that… “His voice trailed off. “I just know that I must be with you because I will never find another like
you." She cocked her head to one side. "Do you know how many times I’ve been told those very same
lines? All my life I heard that and I think you are like the rest you want what you can't have." He leaned
back in hr seat folding his arms. "Come with me to Chicago to a fund raiser dinner and you will see
your competition." Her eyebrows shot up. "My competition! How dare you insult me in such a manner?
I cannot believe I agreed to have dinner with you. Excuse me please I have to powder my nose." Jordan
jumped from her seat wincing in pain at the quick movement, before Andy could stop her and headed
for a hall at the other side of the room. She had seen guests walk in and out of all evening. Without even
paying attention Jordan flung open the door and marched in. Andy had watched her walk right into
trouble and had tried to call out to her but she was either ignoring him or could not hear over the loud
Chapter 30
Stopping dead in her tracks she realized that she was not in the ladies room but, a room full of
ladies and gentlemen alike. The air was thick with smoke and there were pool tables and card games
being played. Several people looked up as she entered the room and stared at her. Then she saw him.
Clark was in a corner at the back of the room talking to a man whose back was turned to her. They were
in a very heated discussion about something she could not tell what they were saying because he was
too far away. Now she was definitely curious about what was going on. If Clark were here on vacation
then why would he be in a heated discussion with anyone from here? Oh well she thought maybe he lost
in a game of cards or something. Her stomach began to turn and she spun around to walk out of the
room. She had not realized that Andy had come in behind her and she collided with him. She stumbled
a little and he caught her before she fell to the floor making a bigger fool of herself. Still holding her
arm he guided her to the door and whispered softly in her ear. "Whatever you do don’t say or do
anything." Clark watched as a man practically dragged his wife out the door. "Come along dear I think
you've had enough to drink let's get you home." If Jordan had not been so stunned by the whole incident
she might have protested to his means for their escape. He led her through the door back into the dining
area and over to the table they had been sitting at. A silent Jordan looked into the worried eyes of Andy.
"Please ask me where the restroom is next time. You nearly gave me heart failure." She had to fight
hard to control the shakiness of her voice before she spoke. "What was that in there?" "That is a very
rough crowd of people who don’t take kindly to strangers popping in and out." "Well they should have
the door locked then." Andy smiled at Jordan then began to laugh. Looking at him perplexed she asked
him. "What exactly are you laughing at?" The fact that you walked right in there like you owned the
place with some of the toughest guys around just because you were angry with me." Irritated and red
faced she glared at him. "And that's funny how?" She asked. “Because the door was not labeled and the
bathrooms are on the opposite side of the passageway."
Groaning she placed her hand on her forehead and began laughing herself. "You are one tough
lady; remind me never to upset you again." She smiled at him. "That's a deal." "So tell me what's wrong
you seem a little touchy since we got in here." She studied her hands resting in her lap. "Nothing I
guess. Things just seem to be getting to me." "Are you sure that is all that's bothering you?" She
glanced up quickly startled at his question. "Yes why?" She asked suspiciously. "I just know that you
are not the type of person to let things bother you like this and I think that it's a bit strange that you've
chosen now to let it." "I’m fine although I’m quite sure that you don’t understand any of this or my
reaction to all of this since you barely know me. What you are missing is that my husband was killed
nearly a year ago leaving me to care for our only son and needless to say it was a bit of a shock. We had
an argument before he left and I never had the chance to tell him that I was sorry." Jordan was sloshing
the tea in her glass around as she spoke. Andy reached across the table and stilled her hand with his
steady one. "Jordan you can't blame yourself for what happened it was not your fault. It is just one of
those things that just happen. Holding on to it will not change what happened nor will it bring him back.
You have to let it go for you and your child." Tears began to form in her eyes and she quickly turned
away from him and dabbed lightly at her eyes. "Thanks for the advice but I’ve heard it all before and as
easy as it sounds to everyone else, believe me it's much harder than you think." Just then the waitress
brought their food to them. She dove into hers as though she had not eaten in weeks. Andy watched her
humorously. “I should have known you could pack away the food all the skinny ones’ can." With a
forkful of food halfway to her mouth she laughed. "Very funny!" "All the arrogant one's say things like
that." She teased him in between mouthfuls of food. Andy had been right this place was wonderful. The
food was good and she was having a good time so why did she get the feeling that everything was about
to go bad? Could it be because of seeing Clark? She debated whether or not to tell Andy about him;
finally deciding against the idea. Why spoil the evening.
They ate together in silence for a while until Jordan broke it with a contented sigh. "I can't eat
another bite." She laughed. Andy shared in her laughter. "You sure did do that plate justice. I’m glad
that I didn’t take you to a buffet we might never have finished." Jordan laughed at his joke. She was
finding it easy to relax with him this way. "I have two weaknesses in life. One of them is food." Andy
leaned back and smiled. "And the other?" Jordan's brows rose. "Why it's shoes of course. Isn't that
every woman's weakness?" She stated laughing easily. He looked at her bemused for a moment. "What
is it?" She questioned. "Well it just so happens that I have a foot thing." He said mischievously. "Oh no
you don’t, I’ve never heard of such a thing." He was studying her with amusement. "Believe me it's
true." Jordan felt the tension leave her shoulders little by little and leaned back against the smooth dark
leather of the booth. "That is very weird." She said with a laugh. “Perhaps one day I will have the
opportunity to buy you a pair." "Perhaps." She agreed easily; knowing that day would never arrive. She
held up her glass of wine to him in a toast. "Please say that you will consider going to the charity event
with me." Still holding her glass mid air, her smiling face became sobered. "I’m sure there are lots of
other women out there who would be more than happy to let you escort them to such an event. Why
would you want to take me?" "Well for starters I happen to be falling madly in love with you and I can't
think of anyone else that I would rather spend a boring evening with." She rolled her eyes. "Well that
just makes me feel wonderful. Is there any other reason? No please don’t tell me I’m not sure that I can
handle any more than those answers." Smiling at her he chuckled. “Why won’t you admit that you feel
as strongly for me as I do for you?" She raised her brows. "Because I don’t know you well enough to
know how I feel about you." She looked at him with a strained expression. "You can't tell me that you
feel nothing for me or that you haven't noticed the intensity between us. I’m attracted to you I can't deny
that and you shouldn't either." Setting her glass down a little harder than was necessary her face pinched
in irritation. “I’m not denying anything. I just don’t think you can build a lasting relationship on
attraction and as far as I’m concerned there isn't a question about getting to know you because we live
in different states. I can't leave my career and friends to drag Cody halfway across the country for a
relationship that may or may not work out. In the end it will be our hearts that are broken. Cody has
been through enough after losing his father." His features softened. “I’m not asking you to give up your
life where you live all I’m asking for is a chance to get to know you. If you decide you still feel the
same way after this is all over then I will not ask for anything more than friendship from you. Please at
least give me a chance to make a friend of you if nothing else." Their eyes locked and he pleaded with
her. Finally she had no choice but to give in. "Fair enough you may have my friendship but nothing
more. It would be nice to have someone else around to laugh with." She admitted more to herself than
to Andy. "So would dancing break the code of friendship?" Jordan grinned widely. "I haven't danced in
forever. Darien never took me dancing because he had two left feet." He slid from the booth. "A woman
like you should be danced with all night." "What do you mean by that?" She asked skeptically as Andy
held out his hand for her to take. “I simply mean that you move so gracefully that I can only imagine
that you would be like an angel floating across the dance floor."
Jordan smiled shyly up into his ruggedly handsome face. This man had a way of making her
feel like a schoolgirl on her first real date her knees felt like pudding. She nearly laughed out loud at
that thought but instead Andy took her into his arms and they began to sway slowly to the music. She
felt like an angel as her arms found their way around his neck. He hugged her close breathing in her
scent. The smooth curves of her body meshed with his in the longest slow dance that ended too soon.
Jordan glanced up into passionate eyes that matched her own. "Please take me home now." She asked
him quietly. Andy was confused. "Are you not having a good time?" Jordan turned away so he would
not see the torment in her eyes. "Yes, but I’m a bit tired from the day's events and think it best to leave
before my senses take leave for me and I make an irrational mistake that I would certainly regret in the
morning." With that she turned and walked back to the booth leaving a stunned Andy standing alone on
the dance floor. He and sat down across from her. "Tell me something Jordan?” He commanded softly.
Looking up from taking a drink of her tea, she eyed him questioningly. "Tell you what?” She asked still
staring. "Are you attracted to me?" Her face crumpled in confusion causing her brows to knit. She
winced at the pinch of pain. "What does that have to do with anything?" "Well I feel like you are
attracted to me and I think that if you like someone enough to have feelings for them then you should at
least get in the back seat and let fate decide where to go from there." Jordan looked down into her glass
of tea; slowly her eyes rose to meet Andy's. "Point well taken but there is also a time when fate is
pushing a little too hard in a direction that you're not ready or willing to go in yet."
The waitress appeared with their check breaking both the conversation and spell. Andy smiled at
the young waitress and spoke to her in that language again. The young girl gave him her biggest smile
and then turned around to get the change for him. "What did you say to her?" Jordan asked with a smile
not wanting to sound like a jealous girlfriend. Grinning he answered. "I told her to tell her mother that
she was still the most beautiful woman I know and, she told me that I was still going to be in the
doghouse." Jordan's breath caught in her throat but she forced another smile. She had never thought of
Andy having a girlfriend or lover, wife even, but why wouldn’t he? After all he was a very handsome
man and a pretty smooth talker. The thought made her slightly ill to her stomach but she kept her
composure beautifully. "That's wonderful that you think her mother is beautiful I’m sure she would be
happy that you told her so. Women like to be told that they are beautiful." Andy's smile widened. "So
you don’t care that I think she's beautiful." Forcing a nonchalant smile she answered. "Not in the least."
Jordan stated but turned away so Andy did not have a clear view of the emotions that would certainly be
written on her face. His brows shot up and he chuckled softly. "If that's true then it must be the food or
illness that has caused you to look peaked." "Perhaps it is the stress of the past two days." She stated
matter - of - fact. He simply smiled at her and she smiled back. They stared deeply into each other's
eyes for what seemed like an eternity. At last she broke away from the intoxicating stare. "I think I’m
about ready to go now.” "Are you feeling all right?" Andy asked his brow furrowing. "Yes. I guess I’m
still just a bit exhausted from all of this." "I just have to say good-bye to Renada and Jackie." "Who are
they?" Jordan asked hoping the answer would not be the one she suspected. Andy smiled devilishly.
”Come and I will introduce you to them. Renada owns this place and she would be delighted to know
what you think of it." “Sure.” Jordan said lightly.
Leading the way through the now crowded restaurant he went to the front desk and told the
young woman that he would like to talk with Renada. The young brunette behind the counter smiled
brightly. “Of course Mr. Nichols." She then picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Mr. Nichols
would like to see you. Yes ma’am I’ll tell him." "Mrs. Waters will be here in a few minutes." Thankyou Gemmarae." The young woman eyed Jordan openly. Andy led Jordan over to some chairs away
from the crowd forming in the lobby. "Are you all right?" He helped her sit down before joining her.
"Yes why?" Jordan asked. "Because you seem as though something is bothering you." Looking away
from his penetrating gaze she replied. "I’m fine, just tired." "Jordan why won’t you let me in?" Shocked
she turned to him anger flashing in her blue eyes. "What right do you have to ask me that? You have
someone that you care about and I have a life with my son back home." "Now it's my turn to ask what
you are talking about." Jordan looked at him in confusion. “I’m not seeing anyone.” Her mouth
dropped. "Then who is this Renada person?" Andy smiled. "She's my kid sister." He stated softly. "But
I… but you said…" His mouth set in a grim line. "Nothing of the sort. You implied that she was
something more." Now Jordan's temper was rising. "How could you have let me think that?" She
fumed. "How was I supposed to stop it when you haven't let me say anything to you?” "Of course I
have. It's just that all you want to talk about is you and I. Well, there is no us." She stated loudly.
Several customers turned in their direction after this proclamation. Andy simply smiled back at her.
"Not yet there isn't but I predict that there will be.” "You are a…” but Jordan never got the chance to
finish her sentence because his sister walked up at that very moment.”Still scoring it big with the ladies
I see."
Rising from the chair he embraced his sister affectionately. "So how have things been this
week?" "Good. Things are going very well. I have a place full of customers most of the time." He
smiled down at her. "That's great." Getting serious she looked from Jordan to Andy. "So what brings
you to this neck of the woods?" Andy placed Jordan’s hand in the crook of his arm. "We wanted a nice
place that was relaxing. We’ve had a very stressful week and decided that a night out would do us both
some good." Renada turned her attention to Jordan now. She frowned as she took in her
appearance."You are very beautiful, but a little too thin. My cooking and Mrs. Sparks cooking will soon
have you looking healthy again.” She stated proudly. Jordan liked her; she was a lot like Andy now that
she watched them together. Although she knew she had seen the nasty cut on her forehead she had not
so much as mentioned it, only let her eyes rest on it for a second. Both she and Andy had a zest for life
and honestly that sent her running for cover and intrigued her at the same time. She had always thought
of herself as a blunt person but compared to Renada and Andy she was a child in training. Renada
brought her back to reality before her thoughts could convince her that she truly liked Andy. "So dearie,
how long are you going to stay?" "I will be leaving next week." She clucked her tongue and spoke to
Andy in the foreign language. "So soon? I was hoping for a chance to get to know you. Andy's
girlfriends never stay around long enough for anyone to get to know them." Jordan’s eyes bugged out of
her skull. "Girlfriend? What? Oh. I think you have the wrong idea I’m not his girlfriend I just met him
on the beach a few days ago when he saved my life." Jordan looked at Andy for a moment before
returning her attention back to Renada. Andy took up the slack after her brief glance. "Renada, Jordan
and I are just friends for now.” She looked saddened by this proclamation. "Oh dear I’m sorry I didn’t
mean anything by that please forgive me. I sometimes put my foot in my mouth." Jordan smiled. "Of
course, I suppose we all assume things before we really find out all the facts.” She stated with a
sideways glace at Andy. She changed the subject quickly before Renada could ask what she meant.
“This is a wonderful place you have here." Jordan proclaimed looking around her." It was a success
because Renada eyes lit up at the mention of the restaurant. "This was my dream. As you can tell I very
much like to eat.” She indicated to her full figure. It just seemed natural that I should become a chef and
own a restaurant. I absolutely love this place. I wanted to create a place like none other, one that people
would be talking about to all their friends." "Well you did a great job because I’ve never been anywhere
like this, and the food was excellent. So how long have you owned this place?" "A few years now.
Andy helped me find it and make all the necessary repairs that it needed. I think he went to all his
friends and told them that if they didn’t come eat here then he would beat them up because opening
night was packed from about four-thirty till one o'clock which was also an idea of Andy's. The night we
opened Andy said it would be better if we stayed open later sort of like a grand opening party. It worked
because we stay busy all week." "So how is it that you have come here to stay?" Jordan cleared her
throat. "Well actually this is a vacation but, there have been several mishaps which is how I met Andy.”
Jordan said the last part softly as she turned to look at Andy. He smiled down at her and affectionately
squeezed her arm before Renada interrupted them by another question. "I’m sorry what did you say?"
Jordan asked a little embarrassed at being caught. "I asked how long are you planning to be in town."
She smiled back at this affectionate woman "I will be leaving next Friday." "So soon? Too bad you
can't stay longer. You look as though you could use a bit of pampering and a few of my meals to fatten
you up a bit." Jordan laughed at her blunt statements. That was twice she had been called skinny and
wasn’t sure she liked it. The way Renada said it she felt like her thinness was a bad thing. “So do I.
Especially if you are half as good a cook as the food we had tonight." Andy and his sister both laughed.
Jordan looked from one to the other. "What is it she finally asked?” Well you see the food we had was
her cooking. Renada cooks for family and friends and another chef takes care of the rest." Jordan began
laughing "Well if that's the case then I may just have to visit every day so I have a decent meal." "Why
don’t you just move here this place seems to suit you and Andy really seems to be taken with you?"
Jordan grinned back at the other woman for a moment before answering her. "I have a life back home,
and I am very happy there. All my family and friends are there as well." "So where did you say you are
from again? Renada asked. ”Webster, Georgia; I grew up in a small town outside the city. “You decided
to come here on vacation instead of going to a regular beach?” I like lighthouses and I don’t know very
much about the ones here. I was also looking for a place that did not have a lot of tourist so that I could
relax.” You certainly chose a great place for that because we generally get a lot of families here as
opposed to those head banging teenagers that they get other places.” “I have always liked lighthouses
and with my son staying with my friend I was not real keen on leaving the country.” “You have a child
that’s nice how old is he?” “Cody is five and he is always the life of the party. I never have a dull
moment with him. Some of the stunts he pulls I tell you. I’m almost convinced that he should have been
named Dennis the menace instead of Cody.” They both laughed at Jordan’s confession. “It sounds like
you love children why do you only have one?” “Well I guess that’s because my husband was killed in a
car accident before we could have any more.” Renada’s face darkened with sadness. “Oh. I’m sorry
dear. How long were you married?’ “It would have been five years in March.” Renada flashed her
brother a knowing look. “Had it been long since they married?” Jordan seemed to be answering almost
robotically. “This vacation I’m taking is to get away and relax since I’ve had to go back to work and
handle all the finances on my own. My best friend insisted that I get away for the weekend at least. But
in answer to your question, No not long it was a year ago in December.” A hand flew to her throat and
she gave Andy a murderous look. “Oh how terrible that must have been for you to have a small child
and to explain about where his father was.” Jordan looked at the ground as the flood of memories came
crashing in. “Yes, I had a very hard time because he was always a daddy’s boy.” Tears began to form in
the corner of Jordan’s eyes but she quickly wiped them out of sight. “I believe that was the hardest
thing I’ve ever had to do” Pity showed openly on Renada’s kind face. “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to
bring up old hurts.” “Oh no it’s quite all right. I’ve been answering questions since he passed away.”
“So would you like to come out to the house tomorrow and have some dinner and meet the rest of
Andy’s family?” Jordan glanced at Andy for some clue as to what to say and he simply shrugged his
shoulders. “Thank-you that would be very nice.” Renada hugged Andy and then Jordan. “Come over
whenever you get ready.” They said their good-byes and headed for the door.
Andy didn’t speak until they were pulling out of the parking lot. “I’m sorry if my sister offended
you. She tends to be a little outspoken.” “If she’s a little outspoken then I’m a nun.” They both laughed
at the joke for a minute. “Andy.” He turned his attention to her without taking his eyes off the road. “Is
something wrong?” he asked worried that Renada had been too much. “No I just wanted to tell you that
I had a really great evening.” He reached over and lightly patted her knee. I’m glad. I hope that it helped
ease away some of the tension.” “It was a great idea and I’m glad that I agreed to do it.” Andy looked
over at her for a long moment before returning his gaze back to the road. “So am I.” The rest of the trip
back to her hotel was spent in companionable silence. They both were a little to full from the meal and
thoughts to really do much talking. The fact that neither one of them had slept well also contributed to
their silence.
Chapter 31
The next morning Jordan was sore and achy all over. The wreck must be taking full affect on her
now and she almost wanted to cancel spending the day with Andy’s sister. She lay in the bed for a long
time listening to the wave’s crash against the shore. It was either very early or the day was overcast. Not
wanting to move she shifted the pillows to one side so she could read the clock on the table next to the
bed. “10:40 oh my god I can’t believe I’ve slept this late, especially since I went to bed so early.”
Dragging herself out of bed she headed for the bathroom. The bath was a warm welcome to the dreary
day and her still tender body. She was very careful to keep her side and leg from getting wet but
managed to ease her stiff body awkwardly into a warm bath. Her eye was a now a wonderful Picasso
painting full of black and blue with splashes of purple color added for effect. I’m going to have a hard
time covering this up she thought as she leaned her head back against the wall. It was nice to just rest
and let her troubles float away with the bubbles. So far she needed a vacation from her vacation. She
had come there to relax and it had been one thing after the other. “I wonder how Cody and Alex are
doing.” She said half to herself. A noise in the bedroom startled her and she jumped making her head
and side ache as she sat straight up in the tub then relaxed because it was probably just Andy checking
on her. She smiled to herself when she remembered that Andy had stayed on the couch last night. She
had not heard him earlier so he was either still sleeping or had been out somewhere. “Jordan” Andy
called softly at the bathroom door. “Yes.” Andy grinned at the image in his mind of her taking a bath
with a tub full of bubbles and a magazine perched on a tray in front of her. “I was just making sure that
you are feeling all right and don’t need any help.” Jordan almost laughed out loud. “No I’m perfectly
fine Thank you. I believe I can handle it for now.” He smiled at the hint of amusement in her voice.
“Would you like something to eat?” Jordan was thoughtful for a moment. “Yes, but I’m not exactly sure
what I want so I guess just wait. Have you eaten yet?” “No I was thinking of calling Mrs. Sparks and
having her whip up a great brunch for us what do you think? Does that sound all right to you?” “Oh yes
that sounds wonderful. I’ll be done in just a little while and we can get going.” “Let me know if you
need help doing something like washing your back or maybe getting some clothes on.” Jordan grinned.
“I don’t think that will be necessary at all thank-you very much.” Andy just simply laughed low and
easy. “As you wish.” He stated and slowly walked back to the couch to get his cell phone.
Jordan thought of Andy standing outside her door with his shirt off wearing the navy Dockers he
had worn the night before. His feet would most certainly be bare. She tried to imagine what his feet
would look like. They would have to be as cultured as he, with long toes and a moderately wide foot.
Thoughts about his chest came next. Was it bare or did he have hair on it? Jordan could not tell by the
shirts she had seen him in because, they all came too high up and he always wore an undershirt
underneath. Just the thought of touching Andy’s chest was enough to get her hot all over. She was
really enjoying this and now she understood why guys did it all the time. It was as if she could really
see him standing in front of her with his clothes casually tossed aside. He is very handsome she thought
but then she thought of Cody back home and decided what she didn’t need was another casual romance.
She had already tried to see other people and it just didn’t work for her. The whole dating scene had
changed since she and her husband had gone out. Every time she had tried to have a casual relationship
with someone in the past, it always seemed to turn out wrong. Most of the time they told her that she
was frigid and cold. Jordan had just accepted the fact that no one could replace her husband and she
didn’t want anyone to. Sighing softly to herself she slowly stood up and grabbed a towel to dry herself
off. That’s enough Jordan you have got to get your head together that’s why you’re here, not to find a
casual romance with some local hottie. Pushing all her thoughts aside she finished toweling off. She
slipped on her robe and opened the bathroom door cautiously. Andy had left the room and shut the door
behind him. With relief Jordan walked over to the closet to find something to wear.
After a few moments of searching through the few nice outfits she had brought she settled on a
navy blue linen shorts set. She slipped a pair of matching sandals on her delicate feet. She was almost
finished when she heard a knock at the bedroom door. “Jordan, are you almost ready?’ “Yes I’ll be out
in few minutes.” “Okay. I’ve called Mrs. Sparks and she has already started preparing us something.”
“Great I’m starving.” Jordan realized that she really was hungry. It must have been the fact that she had
such a great meal the evening before. She turned to look at her reflection in the mirror. Her black eye
really stuck out so she grabbed the few make-up accessories that she had brought with her and went to
work. Sweeping her long curly mane up in a clip to reveal her slender neck, she checked her reflection
in the mirror one last time before walking out the door. Andy was seated on the couch with his feet
propped on the coffee table watching television. He glanced up briefly when he saw her returning his
gaze only momentarily to the screen before looking at her again. “You look great.” He breathed.
“Thank you. I had a really hard time covering this black eye.” He stood and walked over to her. A smile
touched her lips as he leaned down to lightly kiss her lips. The kiss was soft and tender on her lips and
she longed for him to continue. She closed her eyes for a long moment reveling in the warmth a kiss
could bring. It had been years since she had felt anything so wonderful. This man was bringing out
feelings that she never remembered having with Darien or maybe she had just forgotten them. She
enjoyed having these feelings even though they scared her and she was not sure how long they would
last. I won’t think about how long this will last I’ll just be satisfied with the experience. “What are you
thinking about?” Andy’s smile made her heart skip a beat. “Oh I don’t know maybe I smell Mrs. Sparks
brunch from here.” They both laughed. He took her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm and
began leading her to the door. “Shall we go then?” Nodding vigorously Jordan smiled up at him.
They walked out the door and headed for the elevator arm in arm. “So would you still like to
join my sister today?” Her face lit up at the mention of his sister. “Absolutely. I think it would be a lot
of fun, don’t you?” He grinned mischievously. “I know it will. With my sister around there’s never a
dull moment.” Jordan noticed the tenderness with which he spoke of his sister. “Somehow I don’t doubt
that. Tell me about your childhood please.” “Sure what would you like to know?” Jordan looked
thoughtful for a moment. “How about when you were a teenager?” Andy smiled. “Are you sure that’s
what you want to know?” Laughing at the grimace on his face she shook her head. A playful sigh
escaped his lips and he began. “I was kinda goofy when I was a kid.” She looked up at him stunned. “I
don’t really believe that.” He smiled and nodded toward the open elevator door. “Oh no it’s absolutely
true. My brother and I attended an all boys’ prep school back in Chicago. We wore the suit with a tie
and the whole nine yards.” She wrinkled her nose. “I bet you were really cute.” Andy rolled his eyes.
“Not really. I was always the skinny kid with glasses.” “So what happened? I mean you aren’t that way
now.” “Your right I ditched the glasses for contacts and started working out with weights.” “Oh do you
still work out?” “Yes I generally work out about three days a week. I try to stay fit but I’m not obsessed
with it or anything. If I don’t have time then I just don’t do it. What about you, surely you workout
too?” “Actually I don’t. I stay pretty thin because of my diet. I do like to do karate though. I’m not a
fanatic or anything but I do enjoy getting out there and beating a punching bag up especially if I’ve had
a particularly hard day.” “So how long have you taken martial arts?” Jordan looked thoughtful for a
moment. “About seven years now.” The shocked look on Andy’s face was enough for Jordan. She
began laughing at him. “I guess you’re not exactly the best woman to pick on are you?” “No I suppose
not. I don’t really use it on people unless I absolutely have to. I mean if I can talk my out of something I
will. I used it the other day because it was use it or die.” “I understand what you’re saying. I find it very
fascinating and I wish that I had the opportunity to learn but I think it’s a bit late now.” “No it isn’t you
could still do it if you really wanted to. I could show you a few moves if you like.” Andy laughed “Are
you kidding I don’t want every bone in my body broken. Besides I like thinking of you as a tender and
soft woman not one who could probably break me in two.” Now it was Jordan’s turn to laugh. “What
are you talking about? I highly doubt I could break you in two pieces.” She giggled as they walked. ”So
did you play any sports?” He looked uncomfortable. “Not very many I told you I was the skinny kid
with glasses. I did things like diving and golf.” “Well that’s something.” “What about you did you do
any sports?” She leaned her head back and closed her eyes so the sun could shine on her face more.
“Yes, in junior high I played soccer and softball and in high school I was a cheerleader.” “I can see you
doing those things.” “I’ve been playing soccer and softball since I was young. I guess I was a very
active child and they offered what I needed to keep me entertained. I even did cheering for a junior
league football team.” They arrived at his house ready to eat. The smell of bacon engulfed them as they
walked through the door. Andy led Jordan to out to the veranda with a gorgeous view of the beach and
Chapter 31
She placed a hand on her full belly and leaned back in the chair. I can’t believe how good a cook
she is. Good grief I’m going to have to work out when I get back to work off all the food I’ve eaten.”
He glanced at her slender figure and settled a look on her face. “I hope you’re not doing it to lose any
more weight because I think a few extra pounds might look good on you.” “So what are you saying that
I’m too skinny?” She was smiling at him from across the white, glass topped, metal table. “No I’m
saying that you look great the way you are.” “Good answer but it sounded like a cover up to me.” They
both laughed a bit and continued their brunch on the beautiful terrace. The morning was warm but not
terribly hot and there was a light breeze coming off the ocean. Salty sea air filled her lungs and she
welcomed its refreshing crispness. She could not remember the last time she and Darien had sat down
to a nice breakfast. He was usually working or he slept late on the weekends to make up for the lack of
sleep during the week. She and Cody would go on outings together like shopping or to the park. He had
spent the better part of his life seeing only her. She had never thought about it till recently but their life
together was not really together at all. The only real time that they spent together was when they were
both in the office working. Generally that consisted of her working on her next client and him looking
up information on the Internet for his latest case. Jordan now realized that their marriage had been
missing a lot of things. “What are you looking so intent about?”
Snapping her thoughts back to the present she stared at the wonderful man sitting across the
table from her and wondered if he would be like Darien. His quizzical gaze made her laugh. “Oh
nothing really. I was just thinking about the past that's all.” “Anything you care to share with me?” She
stared back at him and put a smile on her face. “Perhaps some other time.” Andy simply shrugged his
shoulders. “That’s fine I will be here when you get ready to talk.” “I really appreciate everything you’ve
done over the last couple of days.” “No problem it has been my pleasure. I know that you will be
leaving in a few days and I would like to see you again. I don’t want you to just walk away from here
and never look back.” She studied her hands for a moment before looking in a pair of loving hazel eyes.
“I will look back and remember everything but I know that it would be a mistake for us to try and have
a relationship. We live too far away from one another. Besides I don’t want to give up my job just so I
can be your flavor of the month.” “Flavor of the month what in God’s name are you talking about?”
“Andy you could not possibly be happy with a person like me I mean.” She stopped to consider the
words. “ I’m too plain.” He shook his head slowly. “That’s where you are wrong. That’s exactly what I
love most about you. I have access to the finest catches in the world but they do nothing for me. You
are the one I feel like I could spend a long summer evening with on a blanket under stars. Most of the
women I know would rather be at some charity event or a well-planned party. Jordan you’re not afraid
to live or experience new things. I want someone to grow old with not someone who makes me feel old.
I want you.” Her face contorted in anguish. “Andy you hardly know me. How in the world can you say
such things?” I see in you all the things that I’ve looked for all my life.” Jordan thought she was going
to cry. “Andy please I don’t want you to say such things to me. I know that whatever happens I will
never forget you. I’m just not ready to get into a relationship of any kind especially a long distance one.
Please let’s just enjoy each other’s company till I leave and then I think it would be better if we just
remained friends.” “Are you sure that’s what you want?” “Yes.” Jordan replied a bit shaky. “I think it is
the only thing to do.” “I will respect your wishes but I must say that it won’t change how I feel. Not
today or in the future.” Andy knew that there was no point in arguing with her because she would only
shut him out and she had already made up her mind. No the only thing he could do now was to make
her fall in love with him so that she would not want to leave or if she did he would be the only thing she
would be able to think of.
Chapter 32
Renada’s house was elaborate just like her restaurant with lots of antiques from the Middle East.
Unlike Andy she was quite eccentric and rich mohair rugs of vibrant patterns and colors came to life
before your eyes. Although the house was quite a bit smaller it was alive with amazing historical pieces.
Jordan loved it and was quite impressed with her decorative wit. For lunch she cooked a traditional
American dish of hamburgers and hot dogs cooked on the grill. They sat next her kidney shaped pool
and stuffed themselves. It was so nice to finally be able to relax. Jordan had almost forgotten about
Clark, till Renada ask if they wanted to stay the night there. “No I’m afraid I have to get back there are
some things that I need to get done.” Andy looked at her with curiosity. She didn’t provide more
information but she could tell that he was dying to ask her about what she had to do. Jordan was not
about to say anything because that would mean that she would have to explain things. She had vowed to
herself a long time ago that she would never have to explain anything to any man. That was something
that she had never had to do with Darien. He never was concerned with what she did because being a
stay home mom most of the time he knew where she was and what she was doing. “Jordan is everything
all right?” “Yes I am having a wonderful time thank-you so much for inviting me. You are very
welcome. I just wish you could stay a bit longer to really get to know everyone and enjoy your vacation.
Andy told me about some of the things that have happened to you and I must say I’m terribly sorry.”
“Oh it has nothing to do with you just some sick weirdo who seems to have a thing for blondes.” “What
I can’t understand is why he would single you out? I mean what could you have done that would have
made him want to come after you?” “I don’t know I was trying to figure out the same thing myself. I
can’t think of anyone that I have spoken to or even seen that would want to hurt me. The only person
that I have really spoken to has been Andy and I know he would not want to hurt me. I’m not really sure
what I should do now.” “Well you know that you are welcome here for as long as you need a place.” “I
really appreciate your hospitality and I can’t tell you how much your concern for me means.”
“Anything for a friend, and for Andy.”
They both turned to where Andy was talking to Ken and smiled. “It’s really great that your
husband gets along so well with Andy.” “I know Andy and I are very close and it would be very hard if
they had nothing in common. I guess that’s how I knew that Ken was truly the right one.” Jordan
smiled. She knew what it meant to have someone in your life that was amazing. Her family had really
liked Darien and he liked them. His death had hit everyone hard but that was in the past. She was here
to try and recover and move on no matter how hard that was for her to do. Renada noticed her stony
gaze. “Is something the matter dear?” “Not at all.” Smiling brightly and rising from her chair Jordan
walked over to where Andy and Ken stood sipping drinks at the bar next to the pool. Andy greeted her
with a smile and put an arm about her waist. “What’s up?” “Oh I guess I just got lonely with you over
here talking to Ken and I decided to tell you about it.” He laughed at her. “No really I came over to tell
you that I really need to get back to the hotel and get a few things taken care of. “Okay that’s fine. I’ll
just tell everyone good-bye and then we can go.” Renada came over to stand next to Ken. She knew
there was more than just needing to get back that was bothering Jordan but if she didn’t want to talk
about it or share there was nothing she could do about it. Jordan turned to Renada and gave her a quick
hug. “Thank-you for everything Renada I hope I will see you again soon.” “Oh I’m pretty sure that
we’ll meet up again sometime.” Renada gave Andy a mischievous grin over Jordan’s shoulder as she
hugged her back.
Jordan waved good-bye as Andy’s jeep pulled away from the house and sighed in contentment.
The ride home was a quiet one. Andy seemed to be caught in his thoughts as much as she was. The sun
was just starting to set when they pulled up in front of the hotel. “So what are you doing later?” “I have
some work that I need to finish so maybe we can just see each other tomorrow.” Jordan had insisted that
she was recuperated enough to care for herself and had told Andy to pack his belongings and take them
home that morning. Now he regretted doing so. He got out of the car and came over to open her door
for her. “Come on I’ll at least walk you to the door to know that you got in okay.” “I’m fine really but if
you insist.” He smiled down at her as he held out his hand. “I do insist.” Jordan looked into a pair of
affectionate hazel eyes and her heart melted. She took his outstretched hand. They walked silently to the
elevator. Once upstairs she unlocked the door and asked if he would like to come in for a few minutes.
He nodded and followed behind her closing the door. “I really enjoyed today and I’m glad that we went.
Your sister is an amazing person.” “Yeah she was always so much fun when we were kids. So what
kind of stuff do you have to do?” “Oh I have some work I need to get done.” “I thought you were here
on vacation and to relax?” “Yes, I am but I still have something that I have to get finished with before I
go back I’ve put it off as long as I can and I just have to get in there and get it done. I don’t want it
hanging over my head for the rest of the trip. I want to spend the last few days I have enjoying myself
and knowing that I don’t have this thing staring me in the face every time I turn around.” “Well maybe I
can help you with it.” “No this is something I alone have to do but, thanks for the offer. Don’t worry I’ll
be fine.” He stood next to the couch suddenly nervous. “So can I see you tomorrow?” She nodded
enthusiastically. “I’d really like that. Say about ten o’clock we can go sightseeing or swimming or
something.” “Sounds great to me we can decide what we want to do when I get here.” “Sure. Be careful
going home.” “I will and you know where I am if anything happens or you need anything.” She nodded
again. “I really appreciate it but I don’t think that I have anything to worry about. I should be safe.”
“Just the same I’m here if you need me.”
Andy came over to where Jordan was standing and leaned down to kiss her. At first she pulled
away but he slowly put his arms around her and looked deeply into her expressive eyes. “You are very
beautiful.” He whispered and then his mouth came down on hers in an earth-shattering kiss. His lips
caressed hers, then need and urgency took over from there and the kiss deepened. Andy felt the stiffness
leave her body as she yielded to him; he held her closer. She should pull away but could not think of
one rational reason why. Her brain became fuddled. Her sweet lips made him hungry for more and soon
his hands got a mind of their own. Jordan was lost in the passion of his touch. It had been so long since
someone had kissed her like this her mind went blank and all conscious thought left her. All she wanted
to do was feel him, touch him, and be touched by him. Their kiss deepened until Jordan could not tell
who wanted the other more. She had wanted him from the moment she saw him and here he was all she
had to do was take it. Andy seemed to understand her need to be touched and complied. She could not
seem to stop herself and didn’t want to. Somehow he was out of his shirt and had picked her up,
carrying her to the bedroom he laid her gently on the bed. Jordan had never been so happy. Her passion
grew as his lips came down on her once again. She welcomed his hard body next to her on the bed. He
shifted his weight slowly so as not to hurt her. Nothing else seemed to matter except the urgent need for
him to kiss her all over and for Jordan to touch and feel him. He un-tucked her shirt slowly and ran his
hand along her smooth flat stomach careful not to touch where her wound was. In return she tugged
lightly on his undershirt and he complied by removing it. She ran her hands over the taunt muscles of
his chest. He slowly unbuttoned her shirt kissing her with each button. The feel of his hot body next to
hers was more than she could bear. She could feel the light hair on his stomach tickling hers. Suddenly
she was pulling at his pants. Jordan could resist temptation no longer.
It had been so long since she had wanted and needed someone like this and she wanted it to be
right. Nothing else seemed to matter right now all she knew that she wanted to feel him inside her;
needed to feel his body on hers. He removed the last barrier separating her naked figure from his. They
lay for a long while touching and caressing each other. Both needed to be touched and loved by the
other. Slowly he leaned over her and she shifted her leg in response to him. Lightly he let his weight
down on her. She could feel his arousal and it excited her even more. “Andy please!” She pleaded with
him softly. He could resist no longer. Jordan felt him shift slightly and suddenly she was filled with
him. She let out a cry of pleasure. Her world revolved only around him and the slow movement of their
bodies. The rhythm was magical and they made love for a long time touching and feeling; each giving
to the other and reaching a climax together. Andy rolled over and pulled Jordan with him. For what
seemed like an eternity they lay in each other’s arms till they’re breathing had slowed enough for them
to speak. Jordan could not believe what an amazing experience she had just shared with him. Never
would she have thought it would have happened. He didn’t tell her she was frigid but had made it seem
as though he could not get enough of her. Closing her eyes she let the moment fill every fiber of her
being. Gently he leaned on one elbow and looked down into her lovely face. “You are incredible.” He
stated softly. “So are you.” She whispered. A smile touched her lips as he leaned down and kissed her
lovingly. Then he lay back down next to her and gathered her in his arms where they slept till dark.
Jordan closed the door behind Andy and leaned against it suddenly feeling totally alone and drained.
She looked at her watch and realized that she only had about three hours before Clark was supposed to
pick her up. She decided that she had just enough time to get a few hours of work done before she got
ready for the evening. The thought of spending an evening with Clark after what she and Andy had
shared was inconceivable but she had to. It was the only way to get Clark off her back and Andy out of
her mind.
Chapter 33
“Wow! You look stunning.” Jordan grinned at his compliment and opened the door for him to
enter. She had chosen a strapless, ankle length navy blue chiffon dress. The material was clingy and
showed her curves well. The bodice tapered at the waist and the fitted skirt wrapped around her thin
shapely legs. “You don’t look to bad yourself. So where are we going?” “Do you like seafood?” “I love
it.” “Great there’s this place down by the bay that’s a boat, and they serve some of the best seafood
you’ve ever eaten.” “Sounds good I’m ready.” Jordan grabbed her purse off the couch and walked over
to turn off the lights. Clark held out his arm for her to take and they left the hotel. “I thought we could
grab a cab to the restaurant and then take a long walk on the beach to see the lighthouse. I hear at night
it’s really lit up. Is that all right with you?” “That sounds nice. Her stomach was in knots she was not
sure why but, she plastered a fake smile on her face and oozed enthusiasm she did not feel. Part of her
wanted to cancel the evening altogether with Clark but she knew that there was no way because she had
already put him off so many times. It was not that she didn’t enjoy his company but rather the fact that
he made her feel very uneasy. She gave herself a firm mental shake. I might as well enjoy the evening
she told herself. I mean it is just a meal.
The food was excellent and Clark was not half-bad. She would rather it have been Andy sitting
across the table from her but, it was nice to have good conversation. She heard about his childhood in
Florida and about how his parents died when he was really young, so his grandmother raised him. He
had a younger brother that he helped to raise. All in all he sounded like a wonderful person but her
mind strayed Andy and all that they had shared. She could not wait to see him tomorrow. What am I
thinking? I can’t wait to see Andy but I told him that I was not interested in any kind of a relationship.
Perhaps he will understand that today can never happen again. It was just a onetime thing that happened
and it’s done and over with. She felt guilty about doing that to him but she just was not ready to have a
relationship. Besides Andy lived a long way away from her and she definitely didn’t want a long
distance relationship. They never worked and she really didn’t have time to be in a relationship with
Cody around. “Jordan, are you with me?” Embarrassed at being caught thinking about Andy she
blushed. “Yes. I’m sorry I guess I’m a little tired tonight. Perhaps we could just make this an early
night. I don’t think I feel much like dancing could we just take a walk instead.” “That‘s not a bad idea.
I’m not the greatest dancer in the world anyway.” Jordan breathed a small sigh of relief because the
thought of dancing with Clark was just not the same as dancing with Andy. He smiled at her from
across the table. They enjoyed the rest of their meal chatting about trivial things and family.
Jordan felt at ease when they headed out for their walk down the beach. Clark could not take his
eyes off her not only did she look delectable in that dress but, he could not wait to get her alone in that
lighthouse and ravage her. He had waited till dark and nothing could stop him now. Not even Andrew
Nichols. Clark had found a way to kill two birds with one stone. While he had his fun with Jordan the
two other guys that he hired would be getting Mr. Nichols. He smiled in spite of himself. They chatted
softly and looked at the stars as they walked along the beach toward the lighthouse. She grew even
more uneasy as they drew nearer to it but assumed that it was because Andy’s house was right there.
She didn’t want to hurt him for the world and knew that if he saw her with another guy especially after
this afternoon then it would surely hurt. There was a soft breeze coming off the ocean and little fiddler
crabs scurried about on the beach. Somehow the sand and water on her feet did not give her the same
pleasure tonight as it had this morning. The sky was getting dark with storm clouds; as it seemed to do
every evening about this time. Thunder rumbled low in the distance. The storm would probably be there
within the hour. “Looks as though a storm is coming.” Jordan stated raising her eyes skyward to see the
dark clouds forming. “I believe your right. I guess that doesn’t give us much time unless you want to
get caught in the lighthouse together.” She smiled shyly at him his words made no insinuations but his
eyes did. “I think that’s a very nice offer Clark but I barely know you.”
Jordan was splashing in the salty water trying to make lite of the sudden mood sift. “I love the
ocean. It’s so mysterious.” “So do I. I would like to take a cruise someday. Have you ever been on one
before?” Jordan glanced over at him briefly and then looked back down at her feet. “No but I think I
would like to though. You know I have heard of people getting sick on a cruise, when they have never
gotten sick on a boat before. Knowing my luck I would be one of the ones who would get sick on a
cruise.” Clark laughed at her. She was funny at times but the thought of her being able to figure out her
husband’s little secrets was more than just trouble for a man Clark had put in his grave. Jordan paid
little attention to the fact that there were now only a few people on the beach and no one close. They
walked along the shoreline till they were nearly at Andy’s house when suddenly things got rocky. From
somewhere behind her a man grabbed Jordan’s arm and tried to throw her on the ground but she
managed to side step him and get a kick to his midsection in. She grabbed her side in agony and
stumbled to keep her balance. Another man came at her from the other side. She tried to get off another
kick but her leg simply refused to cooperate so she delivered a knee instead along with a punch to the
neck. Jordan looked around her trying to see her attackers but they were wearing ski mask as well as
the two men going after Clark. The man stumbled back and came after Jordan a second time with the
help of his friend. Fighting for her life she punched and jabbed but her battered body was having a hard
time keeping up with the commands her brain was delivering. One grabbed her arm and she jerked it
free with a reverse elbow to the face. The second man went for her legs as she was elbowing the first.
She grabbed two hand full’s of hair and pulled his face into her knee smashing his nose. The first one
tried again to come at her but she shoved a palm upward breaking his nose stopping him in his tracks
and then sent him sprawling to the ground with a powerful kick to the gut. He staggered and fell to the
ground out of breath and bleeding. The second man came at her again spiting blood in her face as he
tried to breath. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her toward the ground where she squeezed a hand
full of his groin and yanked down to the ground as hard as she could. He screamed in agony. The two
men who attacked Clark now came after her but she was at a disadvantage now. On the ground and
bloody from her wounds she tried to struggle to her feet. They grabbed her face and put a rag over her
mouth and nose. The smell was vile and she thought that she was going to be sick. The whole earth
seemed to move in slow motion, then Jordan’s arms and limbs went numb and she finally fell
unconscious. The men who attacked her were leaning over her with their ski mask on. “Hurry up you
idiots, get her in the car. They pulled off the ski mask and one of them reached down and picked up her
lifeless body off the sandy beach. He carried her across the beach to the waiting car. The car was parked
on the strip and they had to cut through next to a hotel to get to it. They passed other beachcombers who
were out. A few asked if she was all right and if they needed any help but they simply told them they
she had passed out and they were taking her to the hospital.
Andy looked out his office window at the approaching storm. He wondered if Jordan was okay
and if she regretted what had happened that afternoon. He had not meant for things to go that far but
somehow neither one of them had been able to stop it. She was an amazing person and even now Andy
could not get the image of her angelic face out of his thoughts. Her blue eyes haunted and tormented his
mind. It was as if she put a spell on him and he could not break away from her image. A sound startled
him and he turned away from the window and listened. Thunder rumbled menacingly in the background
and then he heard it again. A creak as if someone was coming up the stairs but he knew that it was
impossible. For one thing he was there completely alone and for another thing he had set the alarm so
that if someone did try to get into the house it would instantly alert the police. He listened intently for a
moment but heard nothing, so he turned his attention back to the window. A refection of a man
appeared in the window and he gasped. Andy spun around but not in time, the man came at him and
knocked him into his desk then another man came at him and hit him squarely on the temple. He fell in
a heap on the floor. “Let‘s get him back to the boss so we can collect our dough.” “Yeah I believe this
was the easiest money we ever made.” They loaded Andy’s lifeless body in the back of a blue ford
pick-up truck and headed out of the driveway toward the road that led to the lighthouse.
Chapter 34
Jordan was lying on the floor with a gag in her mouth with her hands tied behind her back to her
ankles. Clark touched the smooth skin of her arm before ripping the front of her dress down. He was
going to enjoy this. He ran his hands over her body touching everything visible and invisible. “Too bad
those guys would be here soon he rasped or I’d really have some fun with you before I killed you.” An
unconscious Jordan just lay there unaware of his touch or his words. He put his hand on her breast but
before he could go further he heard the truck that would have Andy inside approaching. With a sigh he
reluctantly pulled her dress back up and walked over to look out over the ocean. He heard them
dragging Andy’s body up the winding staircase of the old lighthouse. “Bring him here boys.” He
motioned for them to bring his body over to where he was standing by the window. They dropped him
in a heap on the floor and then the talker of the two turned to Clark. “So where’s the rest of our
money?” “Right here.” He answered reaching with his right hand into his sports coat. “Hey nice and
slow don’t try anything funny.” The other answered as he pulled a gun from behind him and aimed it in
Clark’s face. Clark simply smiled at them. “I thought we had a deal gentleman?” “We do. Just make
sure that you pull your hand out nice and slow. We don’t want any trouble.”
Clark did as they asked. He pulled his hand out along with a money clip full of hundreds. He
tossed the clip over to the speaker of the two. Here’s your money gentleman now if you don’t mind I
have work to attend to. Both men backed up slowly toward the stairs. When they were headed down
and out of sight the gun was finally lowered. Andy was just starting to come to when they left. Clark
walked over in front of him, and placed his hands menacingly on his hips. With a sneer he spoke to
Andy. “So glad you could join our little party. I’m sure that Jordan will be glad to know what kind of
person you really are.” “What are you talking about?” Clark just simply walked over to where Jordan
was still out cold on the floor and he touched her arm. “She sure is a pretty little thing would you not
agree. It’s a shame that you’re going to kill her.” Andy just stared at Clark through the darkness with
daggers in his eyes. He had to think of something and fast before it was too late for both of them but the
bump on his head was throbbing to the point it made his vision blur. I have to keep him talking he
thought at least till my head clears enough that I can form a plan. “So you’re going to kill her and frame
me? That sounds nice and all but just how do you intent to do that I mean aren’t you worried that I
might kill you first?” A long slow laugh escaped his lips. “Not in the least. You see my friend I know
where you were hit and I know that right now your brain is so muddled that thinking would be
impossible for you especially, since I had you drugged as well. This shocked Andy and Clark could see
the look of surprise and confusion clearly written across his face. “So if I’ve been drugged then how is
it that I can kill her?” Andy asked still trying to do anything to prolong whatever seemed to be a part of
this guy’s sick and twisted plan. “That’s where I come in my friend. You see I think it would be just
awful for Jordan to know that you are a drug trafficker and that her husband was your supplier. It will
all be right here.” He held up a miniature tape recorder for Andy to see. Andy looked at the small
recorder not quite understanding. “What makes you think that will do anything?” Clark laughed a deep
and sinister laugh. “”I plan to tell Jordan everything but it will all sound like you.” He pulled something
else out of his pocket that Andy didn’t recognize, and put it up to his lips. “He laughed into it and it
sounded like Andy’s voice to his surprise. Clark made a full confession on the miniature recorder while
Andy lay on the floor too stunned to discover that Jordan’s husband could not only be involved in the
tangled web but put her and Cody in danger in the process. Anger rose in his gut like bile. No matter
what he said the tape would have a voice that sounded like his. He sat up now and tried to get the rope
binding his hands loose. What could he do? In his condition he was not capable of rational thought
much less attacking this creep. His vision was blurred and his brain refused to fully function. He heard
rather than saw Jordan start to stir. Clark noticed as well and crossed the room to where Andy sat on the
floor. He leaned down and picked Andy up by his shirt collar and leaned him against the rail of the
window. “Okay buddy here we go don’t try anything funny or it will be all over for both of you.”
Andy’s head was still foggy and he could not think straight but he did the first thing he was capable of;
he threw all his anger and frustration into his hands and wrapped them around Clark’s neck.
Jordan stared at the scene before her in a daze. What’s going on she croaked weakly. Her eyes
would not focus and she only heard the muffled sound of Clark gagging. Clark turned the tape recorder
on before he reached up and hit Andy in the chin with his fist and his head flew back but he didn’t
release his hold. Andy countered by raising his knee and hitting Clark in the groin. Being taller than
Clark had its advantages. She watched horrified at the scene in front of her and the confession from
Andy she heard on the recorder. The man she was in love with was now beating up her date and
confessing to killing her husband. Jordan’s head swam with the news that her husband was murdered. It
ripped open all the wounds she had healed and opened even more at the discovery of her husband’s
unknown life. Pulling herself together she made herself think. I’ve got to escape she thought. She
remembered being attacked on the beach and then realized that her hands were tied behind her back and
bound to her ankles as well. Slowly she pulled her hands under her bottom until they were under her
legs in front of her. Carefully she started un-tying her ankles. Free she stood and stumbled toward the
stairs. Clark was the first to notice her and he reached for the gun that was tucked in the back waistband
of his pants. After a few minutes of struggling he managed to pull it out and aimed it at Jordan but she
was already a safe distance down the stairs. Andy saw the gun and removed his hand from Clarks neck
long enough to grab the gun as well. The two men wrestled each other for the gun as Jordan headed
down the stairs to what she hoped was safety. Her bare feet stung from the sand and concrete stairs but
she didn’t stop. Her heart was pounding so loudly that when the gun went off she was not sure if it was
real or her mind playing tricks on her. Clark fell to the floor and Andy took off down the stairs after
Jordan. There were footsteps on the stairs behind her and, real or not she didn’t want to find out. She
hastened her pace till she reached the bottom of the stairs after what seemed like an eternity.
Salt air filled her lungs burning with freedom and fear as she burst out the door. She ran down
the beach meeting several people along the way, each time she would ask them for help but, they
simply looked at her as though she were crazy. Jordan ached all over and her head was spinning out of
control but, finally she made it to a hotel and she stumbled inside calling to whoever would listen. The
front desk clerk called the manager as soon as he saw Jordan and informed him that they had a crazy
woman in the lobby. When the manager came up to Jordan, she grabbed the front of his shirt. Her hands
were still bound by the rope, and she begged him to help her. He agreed that he would and looked down
into the tearstained face of an angel. Very calmly he asked her what was wrong and she proceeded to
tell him everything that she could remember. Somewhere in all the confusion the hotel clerk had called
the police and Jordan could hear the sirens coming down the strip. They arrived just in time to have
Andy burst through the door to the hotel “Where is she I know she came in here.” He screamed at
several of the hotel guests. Jordan heard him and screamed. “No! Stay away from me you murderer.”
Andy came toward her but she backed up closer to the hotel manager. A police officer stepped in front
of Andy blocking his path. “Sir that’s close enough.” Andy continued toward Jordan in determination.
“Jordan what are you talking about?” The officer placed a hand on Andy’s chest stopping him. “Stay
Back!” he shouted. Andy stopped but never took his eyes from Jordan.”I heard the tape Andy. I know
that you had my husband killed and you tried to do the same thing to Clark and me tonight.” Throwing
his hands in the air exasperated, he continued to walk toward her. “That’s the most insane thing I have
ever heard. Why would I want to kill you?” The officer pulled his weapon out this time and pointed it
directly at Andy. “Stop where you are he shouted.” Andy snapped out of it and finally realized there
was a gun pointed at him. He made no further motion. “Jordan flew behind the hotel clerk for
protection. “Stay away from me! Don’t you come near me!” She was screaming at the top of her lungs
now and several hotel guests were staring in confused awe at the entire scene. Several more officers
arrived and grabbed Andy before he could take another step closer. We want you to come down to the
station for questioning.” Andy’s shoulders slumped. “Okay Officer. The real guy trying to hurt Jordan
is still in the lighthouse.” “Jordan, are you okay?” It was Officer Greer. Jordan smiled in relief. “Yes,
I’m okay will you please take him away.” The kind Officer stepped over to her. “We can take over from
here Thank you.” He led Jordan over to a couch that was in the lobby while another Officer took Andy
to the police car waiting outside. “Tell me what happened.”
Jordan took a deep breath and told him everything she knew and had seen. When she finished
the Officer told her it was safe for her to return to the hotel and pack her things. “I strongly suggest that
you go into the witness protection program.” “I can’t do that. My son and life are back in Georgia. I
don’t want to have to make my son go through all of that just because of some crackpot. No I’m going
home and live my life. I will not be frightened by anything or anyone.” Officer Greer started to argue
with her but knew that it would be pointless to do so. She was a strong lady and he knew from the look
on her face that she had already made up her mind. With a sigh he accepted her answer. “Okay but at
least let us make sure that you get home.” “I believe that I can hold my own Officer Greer. Besides you
already have the guy that did all this.” “Well, I will drop you off at the hotel and then I’m going back to
the station to question Mr. Nichols.” That’s not necessary.” “I was not asking you Jordan. I think that it
is necessary and I fully intend on escorting you back to your hotel.” Jordan could tell that there was no
point in arguing with him. He was indeed quite serious. “Fine if you feel that way.” Officer Greer led
her out to the squad car parked at the curb. The ride to her hotel was silent. She didn’t want to discuss
anything with him, all she wanted to do was go home to Cody and Alex and put this whole nasty thing
behind her. So far she needed a vacation from her vacation. Jordan sighed softly to herself. Officer
Greer seemed to understand that she really didn’t want to talk and let her be. When they reached the
hotel he walked Jordan to her room and checked it out thoroughly before once again trying to convince
her to go into protective custody. Jordan refused and thanked the Officer for everything. He left but felt
uneasy about the whole situation. The faster he got back to the station and talked to Andrew Nichols the
better he would feel.
Packing her things as quickly as she could, she called the airlines to see if she could change her
flight for tonight. The sooner she got away from this place the better. She still could not believe that
Andy could do such a thing; it had been a wonder that he had not tried to kill her that afternoon. No he
had waited till dark when no one would be around to see him attack her and Clark. I wonder what
happened to him. She closed her eyes trying to block out the sound of the gun going off. “What a
vacation this has turned out to be.” She said to herself, and finished packing just as there was a knock at
the door. Great she thought the last thing I need is somebody else trying to convince me to go into
hiding or worrying over me. She almost didn’t answer but knew that if she didn’t that they would only
check the front desk to see if she were there or get one of the bell boys to open the door. Sighing loudly
she walked over to open the door. “Who is it?” “It’s me Clark open the door please.” “Clark, oh my
God, what happened are you all right?” He staggered in and closed the door behind him. “Andy shot me
and then ran after you. I tried to stop him Jordan I really did but there was nothing I could do.” Jordan
gave him a sympathetic pat on the arm then rushed to the kitchen to grab a hand towel. She pressed the
towel to his blood soaked side. “Don’t worry about it the police have him now and I think that we
probably need to get that gunshot wound looked at. Just let me change into to something more
appropriate and we can go.” Jordan headed off for the bedroom fully intending on changing and taking
Clark to the hospital but he had other plans. “Don’t worry about the hospital Jordan. You’re all the
treatment that I need.” Something in his voice caused her to stop mid-stride. She turned around slowly
her eyes nervous at what she might see. Clark was standing just inside the bedroom door with a gun
pointed straight at her. Fear gripped her rendering her mind and body a helpless victim to immobility.
She stood there helpless and afraid but for some reason her brain simply would not function. “Why?”
She nearly choked as she spoke the single syllable phrase. He laughed low and deadly. “I can’t have
you running around finding out things that you don’t need to know. Jordan looked at him as if he had
just grown a second head. “You’re husband was into a lot of things Jordan.” She still had no clue as to
what this man wanted or was referring to.” What?” She managed weakly. The waves of nausea had
turned into full-blown sickness. She felt light-headed and she could feel the beads of perspiration on her
neck and forehead.
Licking her parched lips slowly she prayed for some miracle to get her out of this. Clark smiled
at her. “Whatever you have going on behind that pretty mane of hair don’t even think about it. Making a
move now would ensure that your son never sees you alive again.” Her heart nearly stopped beating.
How did this guy know about her son? More importantly how did he know Darien? They were all good
questions that Jordan felt she was about to find out the answers to but at what price? “How do you
know so much?” He laughed again. “Since you are about to die anyway I guess it would not hurt to let
you in on all the dirt. Your husband did business with me. The frequent trips he took were for his
operation down in south beach. I would bring the merchandise in and he would distribute it to all his
customers. He decided to weed me out of the loop by getting the goods himself. I don’t like being cut
out of a million dollars every year.” Clark grew silent letting the information sink in. Jordan could not
believe what she was hearing. All the business trips all the money. Everything was what… drug
money? “I decided to do him in because he betrayed my trust and that’s something I just can’t let
happen in my line of work.” Your line of work ha. She thought to herself. Who did this guy think he
was God or something? She would be damn if she would let him kill her and get away with it. She had
to do something but thought seemed to elude her at that moment. Jordan stood there dumbfounded.
“Well I guess it’s time to get this over with so I can move on to your son and that friend of yours. I
know if I do you then she’ll have every investigator in the United States here. Don’t worry I’ll kill them
fast so they won’t know what hit’em. Maybe blow up the house or something.” Jordan’s stomach
turned with the thought of her son dying without her. Clark raised the gun and Jordan stood there frozen
her thoughts floating to Cody and knowing that she was about to die and there was no way to warn Alex
about Clark. “Say good-bye Jordan Mackenzie.” Jordan closed her eyes as the gun fired.
“Jordan, are you okay?” I must be dreaming she thought. Opening her eyes slowly she looked
up into the face of Officer Greer. “Am I dead?” Officer Greer simply laughed. “Of course not, you just
passed out.” Remembering the gunshot she started checking herself. “Relax I got him before he could
get you. I have a full confession from him.” “But how? I mean he fired his gun.” “No I came in as he
was telling you everything so I know what happened. When he raised his gun to shoot you I fired first
and then backup arrived to take him straight to jail. I got about halfway to the station when they told me
that he was missing and that Andy had a huge lump on the side of his head and no weapon. That’s when
I decided to talk to you and escort you personally to the airport. When I got here of course I talked to
the lady at the front desk and ask her if you had checked out and she said no that you had a visitor
though. She gave me a description and I knew immediately that it was that Clark fellow from the other
day. I called for back-up then had the manager open the door for me.” Jordan smiled weakly. “I’m so
glad that you came back. Who knows what might have happened. Thank you. I do believe I would like
that ride to the airport if you don’t mind.” He smiled reassuringly. “Sure. I still think that we should
have someone go with you just in case there were two of them.” “I will be fine. Besides I really don’t
think he had anyone else working with him. I think that he simply hired some local thug guys to do a
few jobs but nothing more.” He sighed. “Well just the same we intend to call the police department in
Webster and some of the surrounding counties and inform them of the situation. The more people who
know the safer you and your family will be.” Jordan smiled gratefully. “If you don’t mind I’d like to
change and then we can go. The airline said I could be on the next flight and it leaves at eight o’clock.
Officer Greer walked out of the room closing the door behind him.
Chapter 35
Andy rushed from the police station to Jordan’s hotel. He had to talk to her she would be
wondering what happened and would probably be very afraid. He took the elevator up to her room and
knocked impatiently on the door. There was no answer so he tried again. Perhaps she is in the shower
he thought. Taking the elevator back downstairs he asked the receptionist to ring Jordan’s room. She
recognized Andy immediately and told him that Miss. Mackenzie had checked out about thirty minutes
ago. “Well where did she go?” “I’m sorry sir I don’t know but you may ask Officer Greer as he was the
one she was with.” Andy pulled his cell phone from his pocket as he walked down the beach to his
house. The only place he could think that she might have gone was home. He called his pilot and told
him that he wanted a flight immediately to Webster, Ga. Andy packed a suitcase of things he would
need for the trip and set them by the door. He called Mrs. Sparks and let her know that he would be out
of town for a while and she could have a few days off. She inquired about Jordan and he filled her in on
the day’s events; leaving out only a few hours that she really didn’t need to hear about. He told her that
he would have repair men come by to take care of the broken security system and to be on call in case
they needed her. Taking a cab to the airport, he boarded the plane. They took off shortly after that. His
thoughts turned to Jordan and he smiled to himself as he remembered the way she felt in his arms. Her
skin was so soft and inviting. Her hair was sweet and silky. He fell asleep on the plane with a smile on
his lips and dreamed about what he would say to her when he saw her. More than likely she would try
to get rid of him but Andy was determined that they belonged together rather she wanted to admit it or
Chapter 35
Jordan stepped into the terminal happy to be home. The flight had been uneventful and she was
grateful. She’d had enough excitement on her vacation to last her a lifetime. This boring little town was
suddenly the most exciting place she ever wanted to be. Alone she walked to baggage to get her
suitcases. Andy saw her and walked over to where she stood watching the carousel of suitcases gliding
past. Suddenly aware of a presence next to her she turned fear gripping her heart. Her fear turned to
anger as she realized who it was. “What are you doing here?” her eyes glittered with temper. “I could
not let you leave. I love you and I want you.” Her eyes grew wide and her heart pounded out of her
chest. He wanted her and loved her. “What are you saying, you barely know me. What we had was just
some infatuation on the beach. We can’t possibly build a lasting relationship out of that.” “Jordan
please I want you and Cody. I know that we will be happy together. You care for me you just don’t
realize it yet.” “I’ve already told you Andy this can’t work there are too many differences between us
and I don’t want to hurt you or Cody. Besides we live too far away from each other this will never
work.” “Jordan I love you. I want you and Cody to come back with me. The two of you will be safe
there and we can take the time to get to know one another.” “No Andy I can’t. Go home.” She walked
over silently and picked up her suitcases and turned around leaving him standing there. He stared after
her for a long moment before deciding to go to his hotel. Sighing softly, Jordan called for a cab. Her
heart ached but she knew that eventually Andy would get tired of her and just end up leaving. Alex had
no idea that she was home and Jordan wanted it that way. She really wanted to surprise Cody but more
importantly she didn’t want Alex to panic. “I’ll go home first and then I can just see them tomorrow. It
was now about eleven o’clock and Cody and she would be asleep anyway. Her house was a welcomed
sight and she readily opened the door. First she checked to make sure that all the doors and windows
were secure then she checked the telephone to be certain that it was working. She decided to give
Officer Greer a call to let him know that she had arrived safe. After a short conversation she was
exhausted and headed for her nice comfortable bed. She prayed that the nightmares would not hinder
her from getting a good night’s rest. She was going to need it for Cody and Alex.
A vase full of flowers on her doorstep sent shivers down her spine. She was not seeing anyone
and Alex and Cody were with her. Standing next to the car Jordan was almost tempted to run straight to
the police station. “Stop it Jordan you’re being absolutely ridiculous. “She scolded herself. The flowers
could have been put there by mistake. Jordan walked to the door and Alex got Cody out of the car and
grabbed his bag. “Who are those from?” She asked Jordan as she came up beside her. The card said. “I
can’t let go of something so beautiful. Andy” “So who’s Andy?” Alex asked teasingly. Jordan blushed.
He’s no one. Just someone I met on vacation.” Alex’s brows rose in amusement, questioning her best
friend without saying a word. They had always been that way. The two had been through so much
together that they had their own language of sorts and communicated through looks and finishing each
other’s sentences said and unsaid. It had never ceased to amaze their husbands. Jordan felt a stab of
hatred and then guilt. She didn’t know if she should hate Darien or just simply let his memory slip away
like the night. Turning to Alex she masked her face. “Maybe there was a little something there?” “Look
Alex you have to stop trying to fix me up. I’m perfectly happy to be alone.” Alex’s face bunched.
“What’s wrong?” She rose from the bar stool and closed the distance between her and Jordan. Jordan
put her head in her hand and sighed. “Another time please.” She pleaded and glanced in Cody’s
direction. He had come home and bounded up the stairs to his room to play with all his toys. “You
really don’t expect me to believe that do you? I’ve known you for a long time and I know that you want
someone. Besides think of Cody he needs someone in his life Jordan. No one can replace his father but
he needs someone that he can rely on besides you. What are you going to do when he gets in high
school? Are you going to give him all his pep talks and teach him to shave?” They both giggled a little
at that. “I’m not saying that you need to have someone tomorrow but don’t toss love away because of
fear. Give life a chance. You might find that you could be just as happy or perhaps even happier with
another person. Don’t try to replace what you lost get something better. A love is out there that will
fulfill you. All you have to do is open your heart and fate will take over from there.” Jordan knew she
was right. Everyone she had been out with had not been the right one. A few were great guys but she
knew that a relationship with them would be a mistake especially since she had not really been ready.
“Point well taken; that’s what I love about you Alex. No matter what the situation you always know
what to say. I am grateful for your friendship.” She smiled and took in the beautiful bouquet flowers,
pulling a rose over to smell. He has good taste Jordan thought as she set the arrangement on the bar.
The flowers had beautiful yellow roses with a variety of wild flowers in pinks, purples, and
fuchsia. The bright colors made her heart leap. He was always so thoughtful. Her mind leapt back to the
afternoon they had shared and a flush settled over her entire body. She wanted to call him but knew that
it just could not work. For one thing they lived in different states and for another thing they were much
too different. Solemnly she walked over and put the kettle on the burner. Alex had been watching her
from the bar. So do you want to tell me about this Andy guy or am I going to have to come to my own
conclusions?” Jordan smiled and shook her head as she looked out the window at Cody now playing on
his swing set. He was such an active child. Always on the go. He would certainly enjoy the beach near
Andy’s home. Giving herself a mental shake. She focused on him playing pirates by himself. There was
never a dull moment with him around. She smiled at him. He had Jordan’s looks and personality to the
tee but he received his father’s height and strength. “Earth to Jordan, are you listening to me?” I’m
trying not to.” She said laughing as she turned and gave her best friend a look. She sat down on the
barstool facing Alex. “While Cody seems to be occupied tell me what happened.” “Okay but I won’t go
into too many details because it would take to long.” “What difference does it make we have all day and
evening and I’m not going anywhere till I know everything.” Jordan smiled because she knew just how
serious her best friend was. “Okay it all started when I passed out on the beach and that guy Andy found
me.” She waved her hand toward the flowers at the other end of the bar. “Go on I’m listening.” She
urged her to continue. “Well he called the ambulance and then took me back to his house.” “Wait. This
guy calls an ambulance and then takes you home with him?” “Sort of. He convinced the doctor that I
would be better off at his house with a bed side nurse.” Alex stared at Jordan in disbelief. “The doctor
agreed to this? What kind of quack hospital was this anyway?” Jordan rolled her eyes at her friend.
“You always were the drama queen. Can I tell my story please?” “Okay I’m sorry you were saying.”
Jordan continued with her story till the kettle halted it. She walked around the bar to the stove
and fixed two cups of Earl Gray. She and Alex had been drinking tea together for as long as she could
remember. Whenever they had a problem a cup of tea was always the first thing they got before having
a great conversation. It was a tradition with them like mistletoe on Christmas. “So what else happened?
I mean this guy really sounds great why would you let him go? What exactly is wrong with you?” Alex
asked teasingly as Cody burst into the room. “Mommy I want some Kool-aide please. Did you see me
out there playing on the swings?” “Yes honey, you’re really getting good. Are you having fun?” He
grabbed the drink she offered and answered with a nod gulping the drink down as fast as he could
swallow. After finishing he gave her a hug and a kiss and headed back out the door. Jordan smiled at
him as she watched him playing. He was such a wonderful child she didn’t know what she would do if
she lost him. She smiled and walked over to pick up the cups of tea; setting set Alex’s tea in front of her
and sat back down. “Look Alex I’m not ready for anything I mean I just found out that my whole
marriage to Darien was one big lie. He lied to me about everything. Now I have to explain to his son
someday exactly who he was and just how he died. That’s enough for me to handle at the moment
without adding a relationship on top of that; especially one that would be long distance. What if he turns
out to be worse than Cody’s father? I’m just not ready for that.” “Okay if you say so but I still think
that opportunity only knocks on your door so many times before it gives up. Tell me the rest of what
happened.” Jordan sipped on the hot brew for a moment letting it give her strength and warmth because
the story she had to tell made her blood run cold. Sighing she began again filling Alex in on every
detail. They talked till it was nearly dark and she called for Cody to come inside. He cried and
complained but came inside and she ushered him into the bathtub. They decided to go out for dinner at
Cody’s favorite pizza place. Jordan knew that her conversation with Alex was not finished but it was
nice to have something to take her mind off of the whole ordeal for a while.
The pizza place had been a great idea to help Cody use up his energy. They got home and put
his pajamas on him and tucked him in with a bedtime story. He fell asleep instantly so Jordan and Alex
retired to the kitchen once more. Armed with another cup of tea she began the rest of her story. Just as
she got to where she and Clark had been attacked on the beach the telephone rang making both of them
jump. Tentatively Jordan reached for the receiver. “Hello.” “Jordan? This is Andy how are you?” “I’m
fine. How did you get this number?” “Gee that’s a nice greeting for someone that you shared such
beautiful moments with. She blushed slightly and was silent for a moment before answering. Alex
watched Jordan’s facial expressions and knew that it must be that guy Andy on the other end of the
receiver. “What do you want from me Andy?” Alex’s eyes lit up with the confirmation and she began
making gestures for her friend to give out information. She waved her hand at Alex stopping her
inquisition. “I told you Andy this just isn’t right. We live too far away and I think that it would be a
mistake to get involved. I don’t want to put Cody through that especially if it doesn’t work out.”
“Jordan I care about you and I don’t want to go another day without you.” “Andy you barely know me
how can you say such things I mean we only spent a few days together you can’t build a lasting
relationship off of what we shared.” “Jordan tell me it didn’t feel right being in my arms that afternoon.
“She closed her eyes breathing heavily, remembering and trying to forget. “Yes it did but I’m not ready
besides, it had been such a long time for me.” “So what are you saying that because it had been a long
time that it felt good for just the moment?” “No well, yes maybe, I don’t know. Look I like you a lot
but, I’m not ready for love or dating or any of that serious stuff.” “How do you know you’re not ready?
You are still living in the past. Give love and life a chance instead of running away from it.” Jordan
listened to Andy and tears welled in her eyes. “Please don’t.” She choked. He had hit a nerve but it was
something that needed to be said. He also knew that unless Jordan was able to let go of the past there
would never be a future for them. “I’m sorry the last thing I ever wanted to do was make you cry. I just
can’t stand the thought of you letting life pass you by because of something that truly was not your
fault. There is nothing to forgive yourself for. Married people have arguments all the time. I’m sure that
your husband knew how much you loved him and everything turned out the way it was supposed to.”
Jordan knew that what Andy was saying was the truth and that she had to move on with life for her sake
as well as Cody. He could not live without another father figure in his life. What happened to his father
was tragic but everything happens for a reason. Taking a deep breath for confidence and support Jordan
spoke to Andy who was patiently waiting. “I just can’t do this but, I will remain friends with you. We
can take things from there. That means letters and postcards and perhaps an occasional visit but nothing
serious you got that?” Andy smiled in spite of himself. She was incredible. At least she had agreed to be
friends with him and that meant the world to him. They said their good-byes and hung up. “Spill it. I
want to know everything that he said to you. This guy must be something because I have never seen so
many emotions cross your face and tears. God those are reserved for death only. What happened to the
bottled up Jeannie I used to know?” “Oh stop it Alex. I’m just over tired after everything that has
happened lately.” “If you say so.” She gave her best friend a hug and poured another cup of tea for them
both. They chatted for a few more hours before finally retiring to bed.
Chapter 36
Jordan rubbed her neck and shoulders. She had missed so much since she was gone and now she
had to get caught back up. Luckily today was one of the days that Cody went to pre-school and she was
able to get a lot done. It helped for her to be so busy because it kept her mind off of Andy. Whenever
she found herself thinking of him she would always remember that one magical afternoon that they
shared. She was finding it hard to get him out of her thoughts and keep him out. There was something
about him that she just could not block him out of her mind like she could other guys. As hard as she
tried Jordan could remember every touch and every look that passed between them. The harder she
fought the more difficult it was to concentrate when all she was able to see was his smile and those
beautiful hazel eyes. “Okay Jordan you know that this is never going to work so just put him out of your
mind completely. Try as hard as she might it just seemed to be an impossible task. Everywhere she
looked he was there smiling at her or telling some joke. Finally frustrated she headed out of her office
for a nice long soak in the tub. “I’ll wash the whole thing out with a good old fashioned bubble bath and
then I will be able to think more clearly.
The bubbles felt like heaven and Jordan felt the tension of the past few weeks leaving her body
for what she hoped would be for good. She wondered how things had gotten so mixed up and messed
up. Andy of course was still in her mind. She wondered what he was doing right now. She wanted to
know if his thoughts were on her, like hers were of him. Fear kept her from wondering to long though.
She was not ready for a man like him. Thing was Jordan was not sure she would ever be ready for a
man like him she told herself. He was the type of man that she had dreamed of finding when she were
younger but, then she had met Darien and he was the person that touched her heart. Thinking back she
could not really remember mooning over him like she was Andy but that didn’t mean that their love
was not real. “It’s just infatuation, pure sexual attraction nothing more. I just need to get in there and get
back to my routine.” Jordan spoke the words out loud but somehow they didn’t seem to be the truth she
could not even fool her own heart into believing that. She let out the water and reached for one of her
big fluffy white towels that were her favorite. Wrapping her robe around her, she headed downstairs to
put the kettle on for a cup of tea to help soothe her jangled nerves.
An hour later she was buried in her work and her pot of tea had long since been empty. She was
taking a small break from her work to run downstairs and fix another pot of tea when the doorbell rang.
She froze for a moment till she remembered that they had already caught Clark and then her thoughts
flew to Andy. “Oh great just what I need him to be on my doorstep wanting to whisk me away on his jet
back to a life on the island.” Jordan smiled in spite of herself at what she just said. It sounded more like
a dream come true than a curse. She set the kettle on the stove to heat and walked into the foyer to
answer the door. Quickly she glanced through the peephole to see who it was. Relief washed over her
when she saw that it was not Andy, and then fear gripped her as realized that a police Officer was there
instead. He was tall and lanky with a thick flock of sandy blonde hair. His narrow shoulders were
squared and he looked every bit the part of a policeman. Dark sunglasses covered his eyes, which he
removed to reveal a pair of kind brown eyes. Jordan opened the door slowly. “Yes Officer can I help
you?” “I’m Officer Donaldson. Are you Jordan Mackenzie?” “Yes that’s me. What’s this about? Cody
is he all right? Alex? Nothing has happened has it?” Her hand flew to her throat in a panic and she
gasped. “No ma’am I just need for you to come with me down to the station to answer a few questions.
“More curious than ever Jordan agreed. Just let me do a few things before we go please.” “Yes ma’am
I’ll wait here for you.” Jordan could only imagine the type of questions that she would have to answer.
It made her stomach turn to think about the memories they would invoke and the fear and pain she had
endured over the past two weeks or rather year. Quickly she saved her work then glanced down, she
was still wearing the robe from her bath earlier. She laughed out loud at herself as she quickly threw on
a pair of shorts and T-shirt. Turning out the lights she headed downstairs to turn off the kettle and grab
her keys and purse. She locked the door and climbed into the car with Officer Donaldson.
Jordan followed the Officer into the police station. “Just have a seat over there and I’ll let them
know that you’re here. He waved his hand toward a bench on his right. “Great Jordan thought I’ll never
get my work done now this will take hours I can tell. As Jordan turned around to make her way over to
the bench she saw Alex and Cody sitting there. “What in the world are the two of you doing here?” “An
Officer came to the office and told me that he needed me for questioning and here I am. But I’m not
sure why they sent for Cody unless something desperate has happened.” Alex immediately let worry
consume her features. “Now Alex I’m sure that it’s not that serious or they would have gotten us here
sooner. Not to mention we are sitting in the front lobby and if something were truly wrong we would
have been escorted to an office or room somewhere safe. “You’re right perhaps they just want to offer
us protective custody or to see if we can identify someone.” Just then Officer Donaldson appeared and
came ambling over to them. Ladies there is someone here to see Jordan to ask her a few questions. He
will be out momentarily. “Thank you.” They both replied politely in unison. A moment later all the
lights went out. Cody screamed and a second later they came back on and that’s when Jordan saw him.
“Oh my God.” She breathed. “What? What do you see Jordan tell me?” “It’s him.” She watched as the
tall figure made his way over to them. “Who? Jordan will you please tell me what you are...” She never
finished her sentence because at that moment a tall dark stranger was down on one knee in front of all
of them. Alex sat mesmerized by the scene unfolding in front of her. “What are you doing here?” “I told
you I can’t let you go I love you.” He reached behind him and pulled out a black box. Taking Jordan’s
hand in his he placed the most beautiful 1 caret oval solitaire Jordan had ever seen on her finger. Tears
streamed down her face. ”Jordan Mackenzie I love you with all my heart and will do anything to make
you happy. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?” Jordan was not sure what
she wanted before but at that moment it hit her. “Oh yes Andy I will marry you.” She jumped off the
bench into his waiting arms for a kiss that made her weak in the knees. The entire police station clapped
and cheered along with Alex who was secretly behind the whole thing. She had finally paid her best
friend back for being set up all those years ago.