Lesson_Plan_RRoberts-10-7-12-Adv - elt

Lesson Plan
Staff Name: Rachael Roberts
Unit/Module: Advanced General English
Link to SOW Week No:
Date & Time: 9.15-12.30 10/07/12
Meeting Individual Learner Needs:
Equality & Diversity, Skills Development:
The Lecturer’s Record Book provides details on individual learning needs
for this lesson and DDA considerations.
Stretch & Challenge
Differentiated Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, all the learners will be able to:
 Appreciate some of the benefits of extensive reading
 Have successfully understood the key points in an authentic extract from a novel
 Use some new vocabulary to describe colours
 Understand that there are alternatives to the verb ‘said’ and be able to use some of them.
 Write a simple dialogue using direct speech
 Understand basic differences between adverbs of manner, place and time
 Understand the basic discourse structure of a narrative
 Plan to write a simple narrative using appropriate narrative tenses
Most learners will also be able to:
 Have successfully understood the key points and some detail in an authentic extract from a novel.
 Have understood inference
 Use a greater range of vocabulary to describe colours
 Understand that there are alternatives to the verb ‘said’ and be able to use a greater range of them.
 Write a dialogue using direct speech and a good range of alternatives to the verb ‘said’
 Understand differences between adverbs of manner, place and time, including their position in a sentence, and be able to identify errors and explain
 Understand how to structure a narrative in order to hold interest.
 Plan and write a narrative, using colour vocabulary, verbs of speaking, narrative tenses and adverbs as appropriate.
For stretch and challenge, some learners will also be able to:
 Carry out further reading tasks based on understanding inference
 Give a short speech on cultural differences/difficulties they have encountered in this country.
Time Zone
Tutor Activity
Learner Activity
Participate in brief class discussion
1 Outline learning
2. Warmer/Find out
what ss already
Ask Ls if they read in English. What kind of
things do they read if so?
Elicit why reading in English is a good
- Shows huge gains in all areas of
language, not just vocabulary.
Set out learning objectives:
Reading and writing a narrative and some
different ways of making it more interesting
to read.
Developing vocabulary
Plenty of opportunities to speak.
Show pictures of northern lights and arctic
dawns/sunsets on projector.
Brief response to content of what learners
3. Focus on
Give students cards to match.
4. Raising
Feedback as a class. Ask students if they
think the book sounds interesting- why/why
Follow up in later class to see
if ss have read anything in
Learners discuss in pairs or small
Where were pics taken?
Have they seen something like this?
How would you describe the colours
in the pics?
In pairs or small gps,Ls try to match
colours and definitions.
Photos on w/b
Monitor and note vocabulary
Students are able to work at
their own level.
(good for
Monitor and note difficulties.
Ls make predictions.
Book (realia)
Nominate specific students to
Differentiate by asking more
confident students more
complicated questions (i.e.
what happens to the main
Clarify as a class. Use pictures to illustrate
where appropriate.
Ask if students know any other less usual
colour words
Show Ls book (Dark Matter by Michelle
Paver). Elicit a few ideas about what kind
of book it is just from the front cover.
Then read blurb aloud.
Assessment activities
Ls listen, check their predictions and
also answer:
Where and when is the book set?
Who is the main character and what
happens to him?
6 Reading for
gist/’noticing’ how
vocabulary is used
to make an
Show Ls first part of extract with two fairly
simple questions:
What time of day was it? How do you
What different colours are used to describe
the scene?
7 Reading for key
points and
detail/reading for
Brief class fb
Give out rest of extract together with
Check as a class, looking at how Ls found
answers as well as what answers were.
8 Reading and
Brief discussion on the content of what has
been read. Spooky?
Read extract aloud.
Ls read and answer qs.
Check in pairs.
Extra question for stretch and
What examples of negative language
can you find in the extract? What
effect does it have?
Ls read individually, try to answer qs
then check in pairs.
They should underline which part of
the text helped them to find the
Earlier finishers can continue to the
second set of questions, which are
inference based.
Ls listen and read at the same time.
Extract on WB
Monitor while students are
checking pairs.
Handout 1
(p.29 Real Life
Monitor during pair checking to
assess who has understood
Handout 1
Main benefits not immediately
assessable (awareness of
features of connected speech
and intonation/helping ss to
absorb vocabulary through
lexical priming). But will see if
ss notice the effect of the
shorter sentences is to make
the text more dramatic.
Can Ls find examples?
Ask them what they notice about the length
of the sentences as Jack sees the ‘thing’.
9 Focus on verbs
of speaking
Ask Ls to read the Active Study box and
find examples in the extract.
Clarify meaning as needed.
Ls read box and find examples
Set up activity
Then Ls try saying something in one
of the ways (e.g. muttered)for others
to guess.
Ask Ls to complete sentences.
Learners complete and compare with
Handout 1
Can they produce and guess
the right meanings?
Monitor and check
examples.Learners can work
at their own level, choosing
simpler or more complex
10 Use verbs of
speaking in short
written dialogue.
Ask learners to write short dialogue
imagining what Jack said to Gus and using
some different verbs of speaking.
Learners work in pairs to write short
dialogue imagining what Gus said.
Handout 1
If appropriate pair stronger and
weaker learners and get the weaker
learners to do the actual writing.
Monitor while students work
together. Check ability to
punctuate direct speech.
Nominate specific pairs to
read dialogues aloud.
If appropriate/necessary carry out short
correction slot on how to punctuate direct
15 minute break
Time Zone
Lead in/fluency
Tutor Activity
Learner Activity
Assessment activities
Put up discussion questions on WB:
What do you think is the most challenging
aspect of visiting or living in another
-different food
-Not speaking the language (well)
-Different customs or behaviour
-different weather
-not understanding the money etc.
Do you enjoy these differences? Why/why
What do you think a foreigner might find
challenging about living in your country?
Ls discuss in small groups.
Monitor and note good
Brief fb on errors and good language used
in the task.
Then nominate 2-3 learners to
present their ideas at some length
Also choose stronger ls to give
Reading for overall
meaning and
a model for
Focus on
structure of
11.25- 11.40
Focus on adverbs
of manner place
and time
Ask Ls about when they might have to
write story- likely to be mainly for exams.
Give Ls Handout 2 and ask them to read
narrative essay and answer three qs.
Handout 2 (p.
30-31 RLA)
Monitor while ss check anwers
in pairs.
Handout 2
Ls read individually then check
answers in pairs.
Early finishers can find examples of
colour vocab used for impact.
Brief discussion about the content of the
essay. E.g. probs with Eng pron.
Explain basic structure of narrative
(standard western narrative). Then ask Ls
to identify sections in text.
Ls work in pairs or small groups.
Class feedback: nominate
specific learners to give
Then Ls identify which narrative tenses are
used when.
Brief feedback- checking understanding.
Dictate adverbs of manner place and time
(Good for more aural students)
Ls write adverbs down in three
columns (need to cover handout).
Check in pairs then read Language
for Writing Box to confirm answers.
Handout 2
Once Ls are clear on difference in
meaning, briefly explain position in
Ask ls to find mistakes and correct them.
Preparation for
Ls respond to q
Ask Ls to think of travelling anecdote and
make notes under headings given. Clarify
task first and make sure Ls aware of how
they could use language from the lesson
(colours, verbs of speaking, narrative
tenses, adverbs)
Monitor and help as needed.
Carry out correction exercise
Ls work individually to make notes.
Early finishers/stronger students can
start writing when they are ready.
HWK: Write/finish/redraft story
(depending on ability)
This exercise will check
individual understanding:
monitor carefully.
Handout 2
Monitor and help individuals
as needed.