FOSTER AGREEMENT FOR CAT/KITTEN The guiding mission of the Foster Care Program is to give cats’ individualized care and socialization to prepare them for adoption. Information gathered during the foster process helps us place cats in homes and with families who can best meet their needs. Specific goals of the program include: • Providing a safe, healthy, nurturing environment for cats/kittens to prepare them for a permanent home • Socializing shy or timid cats and kittens. • Allowing sick or injured cats to heal in a relaxing, uplifting environment. • Nursing and bottle-feeding orphaned or abandoned kittens OVERVIEW OF KEY RESPONSIBILITIES AND POLICIES General • Cat/kitten-proofing your home is a must. • Keep cats/kittens inside at all times. • Keep doors/windows closed at all times, unless covered with a screen that is securely in place. A frightened cat/kitten can escape through the tiniest holes! • If a cat/kitten does manage to get outside, you must attempt to get the cat/kitten back inside immediately. If you delay, then the cat/kitten may get frightened and run away, decreasing your chances of getting the kitty back inside. Do not chase the cat/kitten as this may make him/her run further away from your home. If you cannot get the kitty yourself within 1-2 hours, call Kitty Love Rescue immediately to determine a strategy to recapture the kitty. A seemingly fine cat can become ill due to stress from a move. Do not mix foster cats with your cats unless they are indoor only cats. KITTY PROOFING YOUR FOSTER HOME Cat-proofing, and especially kitten-proofing, your home is much the same as childproofing it! That means hiding or removing cords, removing small items that kittens can choke on, etc. Use the following tips as a guide to make your foster room and home safe for cats and kittens: • Make sure the garbage, cleaning supplies and medicines are secure. • Get into the habit of checking your refrigerator, oven, washer, dryer, freezer, dishwasher, etc. before these doors get closed. Kitty may have leaped in. These horrible accidents happen more often than you would expect. • Watch that hot iron, or any other heavy items a rambunctious kitty may knock down or pull down upon itself. Use a non-toxic product available in office supply stores that is used to mount posters on the wall without nails – a kind of gummy substance – to tack down small knick-knacks and prevent breakage. • Review a toxic houseplant list and remove all poisonous plants from your household. Or, to deter kitties from munching on poisonous and non-poisonous plants, you should spray with a product sold at pet stores for this very purpose. • Keep all small items like rubber bands, paper clips, needles, and fishhooks – anything kitty can swallow – out of reach. • Never leave knives or razors in the bathroom or tub. Kitties love to play with these things and can cut their paws, tongue or gums. • Keep plastic bags, which can cause suffocation, out of reach. • Exposed electrical cords are a very real danger. Kitties might chew them and end up getting an electrical shock – this can cause mouth burns or even death. Encase cords in the plastic flexible tubing on the market for just this purpose. A product called “Bitter Apple,” available at pet stores, can be sprayed at regular intervals on the cords to discourage chewing as well. • Never leave stove burners on without a pot on them; serious burns can result if kitty gets curious. Also, pipes behind hot water heaters can cause burns if kitty hides there. Wood burning stoves and open fireplaces are also hazardous. HOUSING You must provide a clean, safe environment for your foster cats/kittens. You can use a spare bedroom or large bathroom as your “foster room.” If you are fostering a pregnant cat or young kittens, keep the following tips in mind: • Consider protecting your furniture and carpet with sheets or plastic table covers—kittens can be messy, especially when they’re learning to use the litter box! • Until the age of 3-4 weeks, the mother cat will clean the genitals of her young to stimulate the bowels and bladder. As the kittens start showing interest in the litter box, provide them with an easily accessible box – such as a shoebox lid, cookie sheet, or cake pan. Once the kittens are more mobile, you should give them a larger litter box. FEEDING 1. Kittens with Mom: • The recommended diet for pregnant or nursing cats and their kittens is a premium diet of canned and dry kitten food. Kittens generally start showing interest in “real” food around 4 or 5 weeks of age. 2. Kittens without Mom: • Newborn to four weeks: Unfortunately, unweaned kittens are sometimes rescued without their mother. Often these kittens can be placed with an already nursing cat and become integrated into her own litter (“surrogates”). If not, as a foster parent you will have the double responsibility of bottle-feeding and socialization. Materials needed: • Cotton balls or cut up wash cloths • Heating pad • Kitten bottle, eyedropper, kitten formula • Thermometer Use a pet nurser, or kitten bottle to feed the kittens. The hole in the bottle nipple should leak milk slowly from the bottle without pressure. An eyedropper can be used temporarily if a nurser is unavailable. Never feed a chilled kitten: make sure he is warm prior to feeding. Make sure formula is just warm, not hot or cold. Follow the directions on the label for preparing KMR. Sex and age of the kittens will dictate how much to give at each feeding time. 3. Orphans and kittens with Moms: • At four weeks you can start introducing canned food (they usually start showing interest in what Mom is eating). Mixing a little warm water with the canned food and placing it in a container with low sides (plate, cake pan, etc.) will usually do the trick. Expect them to walk through it too. No one ever said kittens were neat. After a few attempts, they will get the idea. Feed them their last meal just before bedtime. They usually eat and then go straight to sleep. • 5-6 weeks old: six small (approx. a level tablespoon) meals per day per kitten. Always leave plenty of dry food out for them to eat during the day. • 6-8 weeks of age: four meals a day (about one eighth of a can) per kitten, and free choice dry food. **All cats and kittens need fresh water at all times. Overfeeding can cause digestive problems. Frequent small meals are preferred to large meals. LITTER BOX Kittens should be introduced to the litter box when they start eating solid foods. They need a box with shallow sides: a cookie sheet or cake pan is perfect. After they have eaten, place them in the box. They will learn how to use the litter box very quickly. Sometimes they learn how to use the litter box without any help from us, as they have been watching Mom use her box. (Observe how the kittens watch all of Mom’s actions: they find her quite fascinating and are learning how to act like cats). Orphans may need a little more assistance from you; simply pick them up and place them on the litter after each meal. When you bring home your foster kitten(s), show them where you have placed their litter box. Keeping the box clean is very important…daily cleaning is a must. No cat or kitten wants to use or smell a dirty litter box. SOCIALIZING YOUR FOSTER CATS/KITTENS First and foremost, we ask that you treat your foster cats/kittens with the same love and care that you give to your own companion animals. Daily attention (at least one full hour a day) from you and other family members or friends makes them more people-oriented, and more adoptable! This includes petting, playing, cuddling, trimming nails and grooming. By spending time with your foster cats on a regular basis, you will not only increase their chances of being adopted quickly, but you will also be able to determine their likes and dislikes – this helps us place them in homes with families that best meet their needs. You should also monitor your foster cats for behavior problems, such as inappropriate urination or scratching furniture. If problems arise, contact Kitty Love Rescue to discuss behavior modification strategies. KLR is not responsible for damages that might occur to yourself, others in your household, or your personal property as a result of feline behavior problems while in foster care. If you have “cat-friendly” dogs in your household, please consult with Kitty Love Rescue about proper introductions with your foster cats/kittens. Felines who have been raised with dogs, and adult cats that enjoy (or at least tolerate) the company of canines, often have an advantage on adoption days! Semi-feral kittens are a special challenge. These kittens can be socialized, but only with daily handling. Sometimes they will hiss and spit when you attempt to pick them up. Gently pick them up and hold them close to your body, giving them a sense of security. Speak softly as you pet them. These kittens need plenty of reassurance and attention. DO NOT give them a room in which they can hide from you. They need a box or crate in which to feel secure but you must have access to them at all times. They will not become socialized unless they are handled many times each day. They need to become accustomed to the sights and sound of people and a working home. This should be done gradually but consistently. • Children should not handle kittens under three weeks of age. • Do not allow unsupervised handling by children of any kittens. MEDICAL PROBLEMS: If your foster kitten displays any of these symptoms, call Kitty Love Rescue immediately: • Sneezing and congestion with green or yellow discharge from the nose and/or eyes. • Coughing, wheezing or heavy breathing. • Diarrhea or vomiting – this can be life threatening to kittens! • Straining to urinate or defecate – this can be life threatening, especially for male cats! • Bleeding from any part of the body. • Lethargy. • Fever. • Paralysis. • Extreme change in attitude or behavior. • Not eating or drinking regularly. KITTEN DEVELOPMENT AND VACCINE SCHEDULE Following is some general information about what to expect at each stage of development. Remember that these are averages. • Newborn: Completely dependent on mother. Eyelids closed, ears folded forward – cannot see or hear. Sense of smell is the first to develop completely and is the most developed sense at birth. • One week: Eyes begin to open – all kittens have blue eyes. Kittens huddle together for security and warmth. • 10 days: Ears unfold, hearing will develop. Can move along with belly on the ground, “paddling” limbs for movement. • Two weeks: Begin to play with littermates, learning how to socialize. Can stand and balance but cannot walk easily. • Three weeks: Mobile and eager to explore, making mock-aggressive rushes and stalking littermates. Teething begins. Cannot retract claws. Weigh regularly to keep an eye on development. Should be played with and handled at least 1 hour every day for good socialization. • Four weeks: Introduce solid food in 4-6 small meals per day. Begin litter box training. Will begin wrestling with littermates. Will receive first deworming. • Five weeks: Learning to hunt by pouncing on toys and each other. • Six weeks: Adult eye color begins to appear. First vaccination for kittens. Receive second deworming. FOSTER CARE AGREEMENT PLEASE READ/SIGN _____1. I understand the goals and mission of Kitty Love Rescue and agree to work toward these goals and to represent this mission within the community on behalf of the organization. My commitment includes abiding by KLR’s foster care guidelines, as outlined, which I have received. This includes, but is not limited to: • A commitment to keep my foster cat(s)/kitten(s) indoors and not expose them to other cats that have access to outdoors. • A commitment to follow KLR’s instructions with regard to medical care. • A commitment to keep detailed, dated medical records (which will be made available for adopters), and ensure that an up to date copy is also on file with KLR. _____2. I understand that only the Director of KLR has the authority to make exceptions/changes to program guidelines. _____3. I understand that KLR Adoption Team is the sole guardian of cats/kittens in foster care and that fostered cats/kittens must be returned to KLR upon KLR’s request. I understand that KLR has the right to terminate this foster care agreement and relationship at will. _____4. I understand that if I, as a foster parent, want to adopt any of my foster cat(s)/kitten(s), I must go through the standard KLR process. I also understand that I cannot send any of my foster cat(s)/kitten(s) to an adoptive or potential adoptive home until the cat(s) has been altered or signed agreement by adoptive family to have kittens spay/neutered in the future w/appropriate follow up. Furthermore, I must have permission from the Foster Care Coordinator before sending my foster cat(s)/kitten(s) to another approved KLR foster home. _____5. I understand that foster cat(s)/kitten(s) need to be taken to KLR’s approved vet for any approved medical care _____6. I understand that there is a possibility of health or injury risk when caring for cats. I also understand that pregnant women and people with suppressed immune systems need to be aware that a parasite sometimes found in feces could cause toxoplasmosis. Special care needs to be taken if such persons plan to come in contact with used litter pans. I will not hold Kitty Love Rescue liable for any injury or illness, whether to the animals or humans in my home, which may result from my foster activities. _____7. I understand that if I need to leave town during my foster period that I will need to give a two-week notice when possible to KLR ______________________________ ___________________ ___________ Printed Name Signature Date Foster Family Information Sheet Thank you for volunteering as a foster family for Kitty Love Rescue (KLR). Please take a moment to answer the following questions, which will provide information that will help us place cats/kittens in appropriate foster homes. Date__________________ Name__________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ City_______________________________State__________________Zip___ Home phone________________________Workphone_________________________ E-mail address________________________________ Cell phone_____________________ Best way to contact and best available hours: __________________________ Are you currently fostering for another organization? ____________ Household Information: Number of adults in the household_______Ages__________Female_________Male_______ Number of children in the household___________________Ages_____________________ Are there other cats in the household? __________________If yes, how many?__________ Are they up to date on all of their vaccines? ______________________________________ Are there dogs in the household? __________If yes, how many? ________Breed(s) _______ Are they up to date on all of their vaccines? ______________________________________ Please describe your household. For example, is it quiet; is there a lot of activity, etc.? _________________________________________________________ Are you interested in fostering (check all that apply): Long-term resident cats_____ Pregnant cats_____ Nursing cats/kittens_____ Cats with special needs_____ FIV+ or FELV+ cats_____ Orphaned kittens_____ Bottle-feeding orphaned kittens____ Sick and/or injured cats_____ Do you have experience bottle-feeding kittens? ____ Are you interested in learning to bottle-feed? _____ Please list previous experience with those areas you checked: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Do you have experience socializing feral kittens? If so, briefly describe: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ If fostering a cat and her kittens, or orphaned kittens, how long are you willing to do so? Until kittens are 10 weeks old_____ As long as needed_____ Until they are adopted_____ Where will the cat(s) be housed? (We generally recommend an isolated space, such as a spare bedroom, den, laundry room, or bathroom – especially for pregnant or nursingcats.)____________________________________________________ ______________ How many hours a day can you spend with the cat(s)? _______________________________ Are you willing to (please check all that apply) _____ Transport the cat(s) to our vet as needed. _____ Allow adoptive families to visit your home and meet the cat(s) for possible adoption. _____ Take pictures and have those readily available _____ Write a description about each cat? Do you understand that in order to play an active role in the placement of the cat(s), you must work in collaboration with Kitty Love Rescue to meets our guidelines?_____