ANTH 102 01 ZOVAR SP 11 - Heartland Community College

Heartland Community College
Course Syllabus Spring 2011
Division: Social and Business Sciences
Course Prefix and Number: ANTH 102-01
Course Title: Introduction to General Anthropology
Class Meetings: T & R 9:30-10:45; WDC 2607
This introductory survey course examines concepts, approaches, and methods of each primary
sub-discipline of anthropology, using past and present examples from around the world, with an
emphasis on the holistic nature of the anthropological approach. The course is designed for the
students desiring a broad background in anthropology.
Prerequisites: None
Instructor name:
Phone number to contact instructor:
Instructor e-mail address:
Location of instructor’s office:
Jennifer Zovar
(309) 268-8590
ICB 2102
Instructor’s office hours: T & R 11:00-12:00 (or by appointment)
-Please also feel free to contact me by e-mail at any time. I check my email
regularly, and will usually be able to reply to all emails within 24 hours or less.
Ember, Carol R., Melvin Ember, and Peter N. Peregrine. (2009). Human Evolution and Culture:
Highlights of Anthropology. 6th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Additional readings are available on Blackboard. Please consult Blackboard regularly for class
readings, assignments, and other announcements.
ANTH 101 fulfils 3 of the 9 semester hours of credit in Social Sciences required for the A.A. or
A.S. degree. ANTH 101 should transfer as part of the General Education Core Curriculum
described in the Illinois colleges and universities participating in IAI. However, students should
consult an academic advisor for transfer information regarding particular institutions. Refer to
the IAI web page for information at for more information.
COURSE OBJECTIVES (Learning Outcomes):
In this class you will…
 Define central concepts of general anthropology and apply them to help understand the
human condition and address contemporary human problems. (GE Code: CT 1, CT 2)
 Develop a broader understanding of fellow human beings and an appreciation for human
biocultural origin, evolution, and diversity (GE Code: DI 2, DI 4, DI 5)
 Utilize the holistic and comparative perspectives of anthropology to approach human
questions from archaeological, physical/biological, cultural/social, linguistic, and applied
anthropological perspectives in order to comprehend and articulate their interconnections
and interdependence (GE Code: DI 1, DI 4, CT 1)
 Use the vast repertoire of ethnographic, linguistic, physical, archaeological, and applied
anthropological field data and research evidence to explore, discuss, and appreciate
humankind in all its facets and variety in space and time (GE Code: CO 1, DI 4, DI 5, PS
1, PS 2, CT 1, CT 3)
 Reflect upon the formation of your interests, talents, and goals in order to identify a
learning style that works best for you. (GE Code: DI 3, PS 3)
 Develop and nurture distinctive skills that can be used for the processes of learning,
problem solving, management, public policy making, and advocacy such as applying
theories, employing research methodologies, formulating and testing hypotheses, and
developing extensive sets of data (GE Code: CO 6, DI 4, PS 2, PS 3, PS 4, CT 1)
I. Introducing Anthropology: Holistic Approach and Main Sub-disciplines
II. Biological or Physical Anthropology: Concepts, Approaches, and Methods
III. Human Biology and Evolution
IV. Human Biological Diversity
V. Archaeological Anthropology or Archaeology: Concepts, Approaches, and Methods
VI. Studying the Past: Origins of Food Production
VII. Studying the Past: State Formation and Rise of Civilizations
VIII.Linguistic Anthropology or Linguistics: Concepts, Approaches, and Methods
IX. Sociolinguistics: Language, Society, and Culture
X. Cultural Anthropology: Concepts, Approaches, and Methods
XI. Making a Living: Subsistence, Economy, and Politics
XII. Social and Cultural Constructions of Identity: Kinship, Marriage, and Gender
XIII. Religious Beliefs and Practices in a Changing World
IV. Applied Anthropology: Concepts, Approaches, and Methods
Experience Papers – A total of 4 short (2-3 page) “experience” papers will be assigned over the
course of the semester designed to give you practice with the methods, concepts, and approaches
of biological anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology.
Unit Tests – Each unit (Biological Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistic Anthropology,
Cultural Anthropology, and Applied Anthropology) will culminate with a short test on the
material. Tests will include both material covered in lectures and material from the assigned
readings. Test questions will include multiple choice, maps, and short answer questions. Of the
five unit tests, only four will count toward your final grade, allowing you to skip one test or drop
your lowest score.
Research Paper – Over the course of the semester you will choose to focus on a research
problem in either biological anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, or cultural
anthropology. You will work on this project throughout the entire semester, culminating in a 1012 page research paper and a brief classroom presentation.
Final Exam – A cumulative final exam will test your knowledge of material covered over the
course of the class. The exams will include both material covered in lectures and material from
the assigned readings. Exam questions will include multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, maps, and
short answer/essay questions.
Discussion – Every class period will include time for small and large-group class discussions, as
well as some hands-on projects. You are expected to come to class prepared and ready to
participate fully in all classroom activities.
Extra-Credit – Students will receive an additional ½ grade on the most recent unit test if you
bring in a paper copy of a recent news article that deals with an anthropological topic or is
relevant to what we are discussing in class. Be prepared to discuss the article with the class.
(You are only allowed to take advantage of this extra credit twice during the semester.) Other
extra credit opportunities may be announced as the semester progresses.
Grading Values:
*Practice Papers (4) ….……………………. 20% (5% each)
*Unit Tests (4) ………………………….....40% (10% each)
*Research Paper/Presentation …………...... 15%
*Final Exam ………………………………. 15%
*Discussion ……………………………….. 10%
Letter grades will be based on the percentage of points earned in the course in accordance with
the following scale:
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = 0-59%
Attendance and participation at every class period is essential. Your grade is based in part on
your participation in in-class discussion and activities, and you cannot participate if you are not
here! If you need to miss a class for a work, court, or medical reason please contact me before
class to make sure your absence will be excused. Except under extraordinary circumstances only
two excused absences will be granted.
This course requires an average of approximately 40 pages of reading per week. Required
readings include the assigned text, articles posted on Blackboard, and any additional readings
necessary for the completion of your research paper.
A minimum of 30 pages of college level writing is required in this course. Writing assignments
include short experience papers, essay responses on assigned exams, and a research paper. Paper
copies of all writing assignments should be submitted in class. All assignments should be
double-spaced with 1” margins and 12-point font.
Jan 25 (T) – Biological Anthropology Experience Paper
Feb 3 (R) – Biological Anthropology Unit Test
Feb 15 (T) – Archaeology Experience Paper
Feb 24 (R) – Archaeology Unit Test
Mar 3 (R) – Linguistic Anthropology Experience Paper
Mar 17 (R) – Linguistic Anthropology Unit Test
Mar 29 (T) – Cultural Anthropology Experience Paper
Apr 14 (R) – Cultural Anthropology Unit Test
Apr 19 & 21 (T & R) – Research Project Presentations
Apr 21 (R) – Research Paper Due
Apr 28 (R) – Applied Anthropology Unit Test
May 12 – (R) Final Exam
Paper Drafts – I am happy to meet with you individually to discuss your papers at any stage in
the writing process, and will also respond to specific questions that are emailed to me at any
time. If you would like for me to read a complete paper draft, please turn it in to me one week
before the paper is due, so that I have enough time to read through it and provide useful
Late Papers – All written assignments are due on the date noted on the class syllabus. If your
papers are turned in late, you will lose a half letter grade. Papers that are extremely late (more
than 1 week) will lose one – two full letter grades.
Make-up Exam Policy – Tests will be given in class on the days noted on the syllabus. Since
your lowest unit test score will be dropped, make-up exams will not be given under any
Incompletes – Incompletes are only allowed under the most extreme circumstances. If you
think you will need to receive an incomplete, please meet with me individually.
Cell-phones – Please turn off your cell-phones (Blackberries, pagers, smart phones, etc.) during
class time. Do not text or answer calls. Failure to do so may result in the lowering of your
discussion grade for the day. (If you have a job or other situation that requires you to be “oncall” during class time, please let me know at the beginning of the semester.)
Laptops – Laptops are only permitted for legitimate, course-related functions (e.g. taking notes).
Any other use during class time may result in the lowering of your discussion grade for the day.
Discussion – Please respect your fellow students, your professor, and the classroom. Some of
the topics discussed in the class may lead to spirited debates, and I encourage the expression of
courteous academic disagreement. I do ask, however, that you refrain from interrupting, talking
over, or disparaging other students and that you try to keep your discussion on-topic. If you have
any questions or comments that you do not feel comfortable expressing in class, please feel free
to speak to me after class or send me an email.
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism – Academic integrity is taken very seriously at Heartland
Community College. Plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty will result in
severe penalties and disciplinary measures, which could include course failure, suspension, or
expulsion, depending on the severity of the offense. If you have any questions about what
constitutes cheating or plagiarism, please consult the 2010-2012 Catalog & Student Handbook
(pg. 181) or talk to me personally.
Notice of Cancelled Class Sessions – If class is cancelled for any reason, it will be listed on the
on the front page of your myHeartland account and at
Disability Support – I am happy to accommodate any students with a documented disability that
has been reported to Heartland Community College’s Disability Support Services. If you have a
disability and require academic accommodations (e.g. extra time on exams, sign language
interpreter, note taker, etc.), please contact Anita Moore at (309) 268-8249 or
Tutoring/Writing Services – Tutoring Services and Writing Services are available through the
Academic Support Center. You can schedule an appointment or drop in for tutoring during
regularly scheduled hours.
For more information, call (309) 268-8291 or go to
Open Computing – Open computer labs are available in the campus library, and offer internet
access, scanning and printing equipment, and technical assistance.
Library – The library is located in the Academic Support Center in the Student Commons
Electronic library resources can be located through myHeartland or at
The instructor reserves the right to alter this syllabus as necessary over the course of this
Introduction to General Anthropology
Spring 2011
ANTH 102-01
Instructor: Jennifer Zovar
Introducing Anthropology: Holistic Approach and Main Sub-disciplines
Jan 11 – Introductions
Jan 13 – The Four Fields
-READ: Textbook Chapter 1
Biological or Physical Anthropology: Concepts, Approaches, and Methods
Jan 18 – Genetics and Evolution
-READ: Textbook Chapter 3
-DUE: Research Paper – Choose your sub-discipline
Jan 20 – Primates: Present and Past
-READ: Textbook Chapter 5
Human Biology and Evolution
Jan 25 – The First Hominids and the Emergence of Homo
-READ: Textbook Chapter 6
-DUE: Biological Anthropology Experience Paper
Jan 27 – The Emergence of Homo sapiens
-READ: Textbook Chapter 7
Human Biological Diversity
Feb 1 – Human Variation and Adaptation
-READ: Textbook Chapter 4
Feb 3 – Genetic Testing
-READ: “The Science and Business of Genetic Ancestry Testing”.
-IN CLASS: Biological Anthropology Unit Test
Archaeological Anthropology or Archaeology: Concepts, Approaches, and Methods
Feb 8 – How We Discover the Past
-READ: Textbook Chapter 2
-DUE: Research Paper – Brainstorm research topics
Feb 10 – Archaeological Analysis and Interpretation
-READ: “From Tikal to Tuscon: Today’s Garbage is Tomorrow’s Artifact”
Studying the Past: Origins of Food Production
Feb 15 – Domestication of Plants and Animals
-READ: Textbook Chapter 8, pgs. 182-197
-DUE: Archaeology Experience Paper
Feb 17 – Surplus, Feasting, and Domestication
Studying the Past: State Formation and the Rise of Civilizations
Feb 22 – The Rise of Cities and States
-READ: Textbook Chapter 8, pgs. 197-211
Feb 24 – Collapse
-IN CLASS: Archaeology Unit Test
Linguistic Anthropology or Linguistics: Concepts, Approaches, and Methods
Mar 1 – Language and Communication
-READ: Textbook Chapter 4
Mar 3 – Descriptive Linguistics
-DUE: Linguistic Anthropology Experience Paper
Mar 8 & 10 – NO CLASS
Sociolinguistics: Language, Society, and Culture
Mar 15 – Language Dialects and Identity
Mar 17 – Linguistic Metaphors
-READ: “Fighting for our Lives”
-IN CLASS: Linguistic Anthropology Unit Test
Cultural Anthropology: Concepts, Approaches, and Methods
Mar 22 – The Study of Culture
-READ: Textbook Chapter 9
Mar 24 – Class, Ethnicity, and Racism
-READ: Textbook Chapter 12
Making a Living: Subsistence, Economy, and Politics
Mar 29 – Economics
-READ: Textbook Chapter 11
-DUE: Cultural Anthropology Experience Paper
Mar 31 – Political Life
-READ: Textbook Chapter 15
Social and Cultural Constructions of Identity: Kinship, Marriage, and Gender
Apr 5 – Sex and Gender
-READ: Textbook Chapter 13
-DUE: Research Paper Outline and Bibliography
Apr 7 – Marriage, Family, and Kinship
-READ: Textbook Chapter 17
Religious Beliefs and Practices in a Changing World
Apr 12 – Religion and Magic
-READ: Textbook Chapter 16
Apr 14 – Culture Change and Globalization
-READ: Textbook Chapter 17
-IN CLASS: Cultural Anthropology Unit Test
Student Research Projects
Apr 19 – Student Presentations
Apr 21 – Student Presentations
-DUE: Research Paper
Applied Anthropology: Concepts, Approaches, and Methods
Apr 26 – Global Issues
READ: Textbook Chapter 18
“Anthropologists on the Job”
Apr 28 – Applied and Practicing Anthropology
READ: Textbook Chapter 19
IN CLASS: Applied Anthropology Unit Test
May 3 – Test Review
May 12 (Thurs) – 8:00-9:50 AM