0011/0711 Budny 10:00 L13 THE REALITY OF ORGAN PRINTING, BIOFABRICATION, THE FUTURE, AND THE HUMAN RACE Parker Rhoads (par65@pitt.edu) THE SCENARIO I am the owner and CEO of an engineering company specializing in biomechanical technologies. I have recently received a request from Research and Development for funding to begin developing a fully functioning bio printer, a printer that works in three dimensions capable of quickly fabricating a variety of organs and tissues viable for transplant into human patients [5]. This technology is still in the experimental stages and therefore means little to no immediate profit. The lack of immediate monetary gain has led some of my top executives to strongly recommend rejecting the request and instead directing the extra funds into a more immediately profitable area of the company. I must now decide whether funding the development of a bio printer is ethical according to the engineering code of ethics, and if so, whether it is worth funding at the expense of some other more immediately profitable project. SIGNIFIGANCE OF THIS DECISION Research delving into the creation and application of “artificial” organs has been progressing rapidly in recent years. Mechanical devices such as those that filter blood during liver failure or dialysis machines are slowly being replaced by lab grown organs. Muscle reconstruction, skin grafts, and other similar procedures continue to be refined. All of this culminates in an improved quality of life for the patients involved in these procedures. Continuing advancements in three dimensional printing technologies reduce the costs of production for complex structures and materials, bringing biological engineers ever closer to printing functional organs, muscles, and tissues. These developments will change the face of modern medicine in innumerable ways. Eventually, waiting times for those in need of organ transplants will be reduced dramatically or potentially even eliminated, saving patients from excessive suffering, spending extended periods of time in hospitals, saving lives, and greatly improving their overall quality of life. The biological applications of a fully functioning three dimensional printer would benefit amputees, patients dealing with organ failures and cancers, those suffering from sensory disabilities, victims of violent crimes, the list is endless. Rather than waiting for a potentially dangerous transplant or a long, painful recoveries, a patient could have lost or damaged tissues, organs, and even limbs replaced readily. University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 1 2013-09-28 CURRENT STATE OF TISSUE ENGINEERING Artificial organs are created by growing the organs and tissues on scaffolds using cells taken from the patients’ own bodies. The first laboratory-engineered organ, a bladder, was implanted back in 1998. Since then the process has proven to be both safe and effective, with scientists such as those at the Wake Forest University using it to combat cases of incomplete organ development in patients such as those with spina bifida [8]. Growing cells in labs and placing them on scaffolds to produce organ tissue eliminates the risk of rejection from the body as the cells originate from the body of the patient receiving the tissue [1]. In addition, the use of an artificially grown organ more fully addresses and heals the affliction of the patient in question, with far better results than the equivalent external device might produce. This is due to the lack of maintenance that engineered tissue requires. Once the original operation is completed successfully there is hardly any upkeep necessary. Despite its advantages, growing artificial tissue is by its very nature a time consuming process. While the replacement tissue is being cultivated by a scientist in a lab patients have little choice but to make do with less successful, more temporary methods. Growing artificial organs is both an incredibly effective and safe process, however, it is not a quick method by any means. In a field where time constraints have a direct correlation to a patient’s health and recovery rate, this presents a major problem. THREE DIMENSIONAL BIOLOGICAL PRINTING Three dimensional printing works by the same principle as an inkjet printer. A three dimensional printer, however, uses various polymers instead of ink when it prints. Furthermore, it uses custom base materials instead of paper when it prints. A three dimensional printer prints three dimensional objects layer by layer, essentially stacking them on top of each other as though the object being printed were made of very thin slices. As of right now, the technology is in its infancy—“[it] faces many hurdles. It may be five years or more before even the simplest of these experimental prototypes is ready for clinical testing. Problems range from the challenge of keeping large tissue structures alive to the lack of computerized tools for personalized organ design” [9]. Three dimensional printing essentially allows greater flexibility for doctors growing tissues in labs. A three Parker Rhoads dimensional printer using wither stem cells or cells specifically designated for a particular printing job can lay down cells in far more complex structures than previous tissue engineering methods could have achieved [3]. It will also capable of creating said structures in a fraction of the time. Rather than slowly being cultivated on a scaffold, cells will be placed in their correct positions automatically and immediately [4]. Unfortunately, at this point in time it is a prohibitively expensive technology, but as more programming languages and bio-ink suppliers arise, the cost of biological three dimensional printing will go down [2]. The benefits that these advantages will make available to patients by and large almost universally positive. Waiting times for treatments, ranging from the commonplace to the catastrophic, will go down dramatically—replacement tissues, organs, joints, muscles, limbs, et cetera will become available in great quantities and on very short notice. Rather than waiting for a tissue sample to be collected, cultivated, and matured in a lab, a patient will be able to provide a small tissue sample and receive a printed part custom made for their body relatively quickly. The quality of treatments will increase as well. Instead of painful, risky, time wasting blood filtering treatments, one can receive an organ transplant without a waiting period spent suffering. Finally, the cost of such treatments will go down in the long run. Biological three dimensional printing is currently extremely expensive, but advancing technology will drastically reduce its price as time continues to pass. Once the price of three dimensional printing goes down, it will easily be the best option in numerous medical situations. correctly. The same argument serves to satisfy this obligation as well. Further development of the technologies involved in bio printing can only serve to improve the health and welfare of the public by making viable organ transplants more readily available. The ethical discourse on artificial organ production and printing breaks down to very little—increasing the speed at which organs can be grown and increasing the quality and odds of the body’s acceptance of said organs increases the quality of care and has very few downsides, if any. The Biomedical Engineering Society Code of Ethics further states that biomedical engineers should “consider the broader consequences of their work in regard to cost, availability, and delivery of health care”[11]. Regarding this there is little to no ethical argument. An increase in the research and development the technologies involved in bio printing cannot help but to improve the quality of the health care currently being provided to the public. Furthermore, as stated in Engineering, Ethics and Professionalism, “The professional employee should have due regard for the safety, life and health of the public and fellow employees in all work which he/she is responsible.” [6]. As the CEO of my company I am responsible for the health of my employees along with the welfare of the public. Complying with my employees’ request for more funding in order to develop a functioning bio printer serves this purpose, in my opinion. They are attempting to improve the welfare and health of the public just as I am. Therefore, by granting their request for funding I am complying with the guidelines set down for the professional engineer in Engineering, Ethics and Professionalism. Engineering Ethics Beyond Engineers’ Ethics states that, “Whenever a complex undertaking is broken into separate parts, and the people assigned to work on these parts have a high degree of autonomy, the responsibility for the whole project begins to blur.” [7]. This is the case when it comes to putting in the work to make advancements such as bio printing possible. The entire human race is involved so responsibility becomes very, very blurred. Many people expect innovation to come from someone else, they expect somebody else to make the breakthrough for them. If everyone adopted this philosophy technological progress would grind to a halt. This is why the research and development of new technologies is important. This is why I have chosen to grant the funding request for research and development team attempting to create a functioning bio printer. ETHICS IN BIOLOGICAL PRINTING The National Society of Professional Engineers has drafted a Code of Ethics for Engineers and set it forth as a guideline for the actions of all professional engineers. It is generally applicable in all engineering scenarios and is therefore the resource one of my main resources in deciding whether or not funding the development of bio printer is in fact ethical. The first fundamental canon of the Code of Ethics for Engineers states that engineers are to “hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public” [10]. As I stated earlier the current methods used in the creation of artificial organs are effective but in many cases leave much to be desired. Therefore, any process that will achieve the same result while improving any part of the process, such as the time required to produce the viable organ, can only improve the welfare of the public. This satisfies the first canon’s requirements. According to the Biomedical Engineering Society Code of Ethics the first and foremost of the Biomedical Engineering Professional Obligations is, “Use their knowledge, skills, and abilities to enhance the safety, health, and welfare of the public” [11]. This statement makes it very clear that as a biomedical engineer, if I am not using my knowledge to improve the quality of life of the public I am not doing my job CONCLUSION: FINAL DECISION After carefully reviewing the current state of artificial organ technology, the potential benefits of a working bioprinter, and multiple codes of ethics in regards to engineering, I have decided that the funding of this project is in fact the best choice. Three dimensional organ printing shows enormous promise in the near future, reducing patient suffering and drastically shortening waiting times for those in 2 Parker Rhoads need of transplants. After reviewing two engineering codes of ethics—that of the National Society of Professional Engineers and that of the Biomedical Engineering Society—I believe I have found it to be ethically sound as well. On this basis, I wholeheartedly support the continued research and development of three dimensional organ printing. [10] Van Der Vost, Rita. "Engineering, ethics and professionalism.." European Journal of Engineering Education 23.2: 171. Print. [11] Basart, Josep, and Montse Serra. "Engineering Ethics Beyond Engineers' Ethics - Springer." Engineering Ethics Beyond Engineers' Ethics - Springer. N.p., 1 Mar. 2013. Web. 27 Oct. 2013. <http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11948-0119293-z/fulltext.html>. REFERENCES [1] University of Iowa (2013, March 8). 3-D printer, 'bio-ink' to create human organs. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/03/130308183708.htm ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [2] Atala, Anthony. "Regenerative medicine's promising future." CNN. Cable News Network, 10 July 2011. Web. 26 Oct. 2013. <http://www.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/07/10/atala.grow.kid ney/index.html?iref=allsearch>. I would like to thank my friends Dan and Dylan along with the rest of floor two for helping me stay awake while I wrote this paper. I would like to thank my roommate Adam Naroden for putting up with my typing even as he valiantly tried to sleep. I would also like to thank Spotify for providing the soundtrack to which this paper was written. [3] How 3-D Printing Body Parts Will Revolutionize Medicine | Popular Science. (n.d.). Popular Science | New Technology, Science News, The Future Now. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-07/how-3-dprinting-body-parts-will-revolutionize-medicine [4] R. Hotz (Sep 18, 2012). “Printing evolves: An inkjet for living tissue.” Wall Street Journal. [5] Mironov, V., Kasyanov, V., & Markwald, R. R. (2011). Organ Printing: From Bioprinter To Organ Biofabrication Line.Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 22(5), 667-673. [6] Printing body parts: Making a bit of me | The Economist. (n.d.). The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://www.economist.com/node/15543683 [7] Lantada, A., & Morgado, P. (2012). Rapid Prototyping for Biomedical Engineering: Current Capabilities and Challenges. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 14, 73-96. Retrieved September 29, 2013, from http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurevbioeng-071811-150112 [8] National Society of Professional Engineers (2007). "Code of Ethics for Engineers" (Online document). http://www.nspe.org/Ethics/CodeofEthics/index.html [9] Biomedical Engineering Society (Date not provided). “Biomedical Engineering Society Code of Ethics” (Online document). http://www.bmes.org/aws/BMES/asset_manager/get_file/39 579/bmes_code_of_ethics.pdf?ver=1572 3