Rec Basketball – nd Grades – 2 – 8th REGISTRATION FORM Rec basketball is a fun program created to help our children learn sportsmanship and the fundamentals of basketball. Each year we look forward to watching the improvement of all athletes. There is a minimal fee of $5 per child to participate. This is simply to help offset our insurance costs that come along with hosting the program. This year we are looking to model our Basketball program much like our soccer program. Each team will have their own adult/volunteer/parent coach(s). We are now looking for parents/adults that are willing to volunteer their time to coach a team and help this program grow and succeed. Please send forms and checks payable to Chesterfield Parks and Recreation to P.O. Box 175, Chesterfield, NH 03443 no later than Friday, February, 12th. Student Name:_________________________Grade:______Address________________ ________City:_______ State:___Zip:______ Parent Contact: __________________________Phone:_______________ Parent Email : _____________________________________ T-shirt size: (PLEASE CIRCLE ONE) Child: Adult: Small Small Medium Medium Large Large X-Large X-Large Please consider volunteering to Coach or be an Assistant Coach. We need at least one coach per team. Name:_________________________Grade Level:____________________ Home Phone:___________________Cell Phone:_____________________ Email:________________________________ REGISTRATION DEADLINE: THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2016 Please email Dan Robel, with any questions This is not a school sponsored activity REC BASKETBALL 2016 SPORTS EMERGENCY CARD Name: ________________________________________ DOB:____________________ Address:________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME RELATIONSHIP PHONE # 1.______________________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________________ Doctor:_____________________________________Phone #:_____________________ Dentist:_____________________________________Phone #:_____________________ Insurance:___________________________________Policy #____________________ Allergies (food or medicine) & any medical conditions we should be aware of: _______________________________________________________________________ In case of an emergency or acute illness, I hereby authorize the Director to administer first aid and to refer for medical treatment, including transportation and hospitalization, as may be required under the circumstances. Date:____________ Signature of Parent/Guardian:_______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE: 2nd & 3rd Grades 4:30-5:30 p.m. 4th & 5th Grades 5:30-6:30 p.m. 6th, 7th & 8th Grades 3:15-4:30 p.m. Tues 3/1 Wed 3/2 Tues 3/8 Thur 3/10 Tues 3/15 Wed 3/16 Tues 3/22 Thur 3/24 Tues 3/29 Thur 3/31 Tues 4/5 Thur 4/7 Tues 4/12 Thur 4/14 This is not a school sponsored activity Chesterfield Parks & Recreation Permission Slip NAME OF PARTICIPANT_____________________________________________________ My son/daughter has permission to participate in the Chesterfield Parks and Recreation Department's program. I hereby waive, for myself and my child, the right to assert any claim arising out of injury to the child due to participation in, preparation for, or travel to and from any recreation sport or activity, I acknowledge that participation in the sport or activity authorized comes with certain risks which are hereby assumed. I relinquish any right which I or my child might otherwise have for payment of medical costs or other losses beyond whatever insurance I may have. I hereby authorize the Director, Recreation Program Leader, staff and volunteers of the Chesterfield Parks & Recreation Department to act for me, according to their best judgment, in any emergency requiring medical attention. ____________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent / Guardian Chesterfield Parks & Recreation This is not a school sponsored activity