Full-time Programme Outline


Outline of the Elements of the DEdPsy


Academic Knowledge, Research Skills and Professional






By the end of the doctoral programme, each trainee will have:


2. engaged in a similar range of academic study, research activities and fieldwork activities/experiences; d eveloped the skills and competencies required to meet all of the HCPC’s Standards of Proficiency and the BPS’s Required Competencies, as well as the specific learning outcomes relating to each of the six DEdPsy Programme Themes (all of which are outlined in the Teaching and Learning Handbook); and

3. acquired an in-depth understanding of theory and practice associated with the psychology of change, particularly the conceptual, process and practice issues underpinning the Constructionist Model of Informed and Reasoned Action


Year 1

During Year 1 of the programme, each trainee will have attended an extensive range of

University-based sessions on:

1. research methods in educational psychology, including advanced statistics; processes and methods of assessment; the psychology of learning: managing change the psychology of behaviour: managing change; understanding and working with organisations, systems and groups: managing change; and the role of the educational psychologist: managing change. 6.

c. d.


Each trainee will also have:

1. engaged in a range of supervised generic EP work within her/his first fieldwork placement service (approximately 60 days);

2. a. b. carried out a range of investigative visits (approximately 25 days) to consolidate and extend her/his knowledge and experiences of: mainstream educational provision from nursery to further education; special provision;



6. the roles of professionals working in education contexts; and educational psychology services. worked closely with a small group of other trainees to carry out a small scale collaborative research project (CRP) and written a short group report and an individual critical appraisal (reflective summary) on it; prepared and delivered a presentation of that CRP and its outcomes to an audience, including experienced EPs from local services, other trainees and the Programme

Team, at an event organised and run by the Year 1 group of trainees and undertaken a viva (oral examination) of their CRP; engaged in a wide range of collaborative group work; written three 3,500-4,500 word academic assignments relating to the themes listed above;


8. written one detailed process account (3,500-4,500 words) based on a selected piece of fieldwork that focused on engaging services users (children, young people and/or adults) at a variety of levels (individuals, groups and/or organisations) in the process of change; prepared and delivered, to the group of trainees and members of the Programme

Team, a presentation based on that process account;

9. engaged in at least five other on-going, in-depth pieces of fieldwork that focused on using the Constructionist Model of Informed and Reasoned Action (COMOIRA)

(summarised previously in this section) to engage service users in change; and

10. written reflective summaries based on selected aspects of training received/experienced so far.

Year 2

During Year 2 of the programme, each trainee will have attended further University-based sessions on the six themes listed above.

Each trainee will also have:

1. engaged in a further range of supervised generic EP work within her/his second fieldwork placement service (approximately 115 days);

2. carried out one individual small scale research project (SSRP), written a research and ethics proposal, a research report and a critical appraisal (reflective summary) relating to it and undertaken a viva (oral examination) of their SSRP;




6. engaged in a further range of collaborative group work; written one further detailed process account (3,500-4,500 words each) based on a selected piece of fieldwork that focused on engaging services users (children, young people and/or adults) at a variety of levels (individuals, groups and/or organisations) in the process of change; prepared and delivered, to the group of trainees and members of the Programme

Team, a second presentation based on one of these process accounts; engaged in at least five other on-going, in-depth pieces of fieldwork that focused on using COMOIRA to engage service users in change;


8. written further reflective summaries based on selected aspects of training received/experienced so far; and submitted a detailed research and ethics proposal and carried out in-depth research for her/his thesis.

Year 3

During Year 3 of the programme, each trainee will have attended further University-based sessions on the six themes listed above.

Each trainee will also have:

1. engaged in a further range of supervised generic EP work within her/his third fieldwork placement service (approximately 135 days); carried out in-depth research for her/his thesis; 2.


4. made a presentation about the research for the thesis, to staff and Year 1 and Year 2 trainees; written one further detailed process account (3,500-4,500 words) based on a selected piece of fieldwork that focused on engaging services users (children, young people

5. and/or adults) at a variety of levels (individuals, groups and/or organisations) in the process of change; prepared and delivered, to the group of trainees, members of the Programme Team and an invited audience of educational psychologists, a third presentation based on one of these process accounts;


7. engaged in at least five other on-going, in-depth pieces of fieldwork that focused on using COMOIRA to engage service users in change; written one more reflective summary based on the DEdPsy Programme as a whole; and

8. prepared and delivered a poster presentation to trainees, members of the Programme

Team and School of Psychology and an invited audience of educational psychologists.
