AUTISM SPECTRUM POST-SECONDARY INTEREST EXPERIENCE (ASPIE) HO S TE D B Y : P E N N S Y L V A N I A C O L L E G E O F TE C H N O L O G Y D I S A B I L I TY S E R V I C E S A N D B L A S T I U 1 7 What will I major in? How should I choose a college to attend? What support is available in the post-secondary setting? It is essential to ask the right questions while exploring post-secondary programs/fields. The ASPIE program is the perfect opportunity for high school students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their parents to obtain valuable information pertaining to post-secondary education and career exploration. The ASPIE program will run for two consecutive days on 6/13/13 and 6/14/13. It will give participants the opportunity to experience living on campus by staying overnight on campus. How students and parents can benefit… Students on the spectrum will be given a unique opportunity to interact with college professionals and current college students during informational sessions and a student panel. Session topics include: self-advocacy, rights and responsibilities of college students with disabilities, and post-secondary education/career exploration including a Career Assessment Inventory. Parents will also receive information pertaining to financial aid and other services available to students with disabilities. To apply for this program, please complete the following application and mail it to Disability Services with your $25 application fee by May 13, 2013 to the address listed below. The application fee will be used to cover the cost of the overnight stay on campus, lunch and breakfast per family (dinner on 6/13/13 will be on your own). Disability Services Pennsylvania College of Technology One College Avenue Williamsport, PA 17701 Phone: 570-320-5225 TTY: 570-321-5528 Fax: 570.327.4501 E-mail: AUTISM SPECTRUM POST-SECONDARY INTEREST EXPERIENCE (ASPIE) APPLICATION SECTION 1: DEMOGRAPHICS Student’s Name: Student’s age: Parents’/Guardians’ Name(s): Address: Phone Number: Student’s Email Address: Parents’ Email Address: SECTION 2: ACADEMIC INFORMATION High School Attending: School District: Grade: Major/Career Interest: SECTION 3: RSVP Please indicate the total number attending the ASPIE program: SECTION 4: ACCOMMODA TION INFORMATION PENN COLLEGE ENCOURAGES QUALIFIED PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES TO PARTICIPATE IN ITS PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES. IF YOU ANTICIPATE NEEDING ANY TYPE OF ACCOMMODATION OR HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PHYSICAL ACCESS PROVIDED, PLEASE CONTACT DISABILITY SERVICES IN ADVANCE OF YOUR PARTICIPATION OR VISIT. Please list accommodations including any housing and food accommodations that will be needed for your visit: SECTION 5: PERSON RESPONSIBLE By applying to the Autism Spectrum Post-Secondary Interest Experience (ASPIE) program and signing this application, I indicate that I understand that this program is for High School students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their parents/guardians. Students must have a parent or guardian accompanying them for the duration of the program. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant Signature ______________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________ Date _____________________ Date