
Time: 1/16
(Revised for JANUARY 2016)
“…We cannot make revival happen; it must be a sovereign work of God.
All we can do is PRAY for it, while faithfully living holy and obedient lives”
Phone # -- 712-432-1500 / Access Code - 305624#
God to be merciful to His Church and pour out His Holy Spirit in a powerful way.
Presence of the Holy Spirit will be felt in every service at RCC.
Revive RCC and give us privilege of hosting His presence in mighty revival that will engulf entire metropolitan area & beyond.
Yourself and everyone at RCC to be deeply convicted of all sin and to repent.
Yourself & everyone at RCC to have a zeal for God & the things of God & to live holy lives according to the Scriptures.
A Spirit of joy, worship, dance and liberty in the Spirit to engulf RCC.
God will protect the genuine and warm Christian love and care that has always characterized RCC.
God's favor over RCC so we can do exploits for His Kingdom.
All RCC members to be faithful in tithes and offerings and pray for God's blessings so we can fulfill our pledges.
God to protect missionaries around the world, provide for their needs, anoint them and make their work fruitful.
Protection and prosperity of RCC members.
Ask God to provide Transitional Place and for resources and favor to build Campus
Holy Spirit to direct RCC and Cornerstone partnership, protect unity as they work together, and make it fruitful for both churches.
Pray for Pastor and the family for divine protection and health, and for divine favor to fulfill God's vision and to lead RCC.
Joel 2:28 -32
Joel 2:12 -17
Habakkuk 3:2
Revelation 2:1-7
Habakkuk 2:14
Thank God for answered prayers - Psalm 34:1-10
Bind and break any Satanic and demonic hindrances and curses declared or established against RCC’S growth and destiny.
Ask Holy Spirit to drive out spirit of offence, negativity, murmuring which the enemy uses to influence and steal the flock at RCC.
Pray for God to place a fence of protection around the flock at RCC so that the enemy will not be able to steal, kill or destroy.
Pray against flattering and corrupting tongues that seek to influence members negatively and dampen and corrupt their enthusiasm and
love for the Lord and ministry (see Daniel 11: 32).
God's favor over RCC so we can do exploits for His Kingdom.
All RCC members to be faithful in tithes and offerings and pray for God's blessings so we can fulfill our pledges.
God to protect missionaries around the world, provide for their needs, anoint them and make their work fruitful.
Protection and prosperity of RCC members.
Ask God to provide Transitional Place and for resources and favor to build Campus
Holy Spirit to direct RCC and Cornerstone partnership, protect unity as they work together, and make it fruitful for both churches.
Pray for Pastor and the family for divine protection and health, and for divine favor to fulfill God's vision and to lead RCC.
Isaiah 54:1-17
Numbers 23:19–24 Daniel 10:12-21
Daniel 11:32 2Timothy 2:14–18 2Timothy 2:22-26 Isaiah 62:6-9
RCC and Cornerstone’s Leadership: one in heart and purpose in fulfilling God's will; protect unity; make churches fruitful
RCC’s Leadership: Pray for Pastor ABK, Pastor Angie, Ministers, Deacons, and the Leaders of the various ministries:
• Prayer
• Evangelism
• Men
• Youth
• Media
• Care Call
• Women
• Hospitality/Transportation
Each leader will walk in holiness, integrity and righteousness.
Each leader will walk in divine health and strength.
Pray for their protection.
Each leader will be strong and active in their ministries.
God's favor over RCC so we can do exploits for His Kingdom.
All RCC members to be faithful in tithes and offerings and pray for God's blessings so we can fulfill our pledges.
God to protect missionaries around the world, provide for their needs, anoint them and make their work fruitful.
Protection and prosperity of RCC members.
Ask God to provide Transitional Place and for resources and favor to build Campus
Pray for Pastor and the family for divine protection and health, and for divine favor to fulfill God's vision and to lead RCC.
I Tim. 2:1-4
Isaiah 11: 2-3
Hebrews 13: 17-18
Strong Spirit of evangelism: RCC to have passionate desire to proclaim the Gospel and lead others to Jesus and discipleship at RCC
Holy Spirit will drive out any demonic spirits occupying any seats at RCC and fortify the church against any such intrusion.
God to grow His Church through Spirit-empowered evangelism and preaching of the Gospel accompanied by signs & wonders.
God will build His church through you and that the auditorium will always be filled to the overflow with souls.
God to be glorified in His Church thru the saving of many souls and that our community will be transformed by the Gospel.
God's favor over RCC so we can do exploits for His Kingdom.
All RCC members to be faithful in tithes and offerings and pray for God's blessings so we can fulfill our pledges.
God to protect missionaries around the world, provide for their needs, anoint them and make their work fruitful.
Holy Spirit to direct RCC and Cornerstone partnership, protect unity as they work together, and make it fruitful for both churches.
Pray for Pastor and the family for divine protection and health, and for divine favor to fulfill God's vision and to lead RCC.
Protection and prosperity of RCC members.
Ask God to provide Transitional Place and for resources and favor to build Campus
Thank God for answered prayers - Psalm 34:1-10.
Acts 2: 42-47
Micah 7:11-12
Zechariah 2:3-4
Amos 9:13
Matthew 28:18-20
John 4:28-42
Ezekiel 47: 7-12
Faithfulness in tithing and offerings; for RCC to be a 100% tithing church.
God's blessings so that everyone can and will fulfill their pledges.
God will protect and prosper every member of RCC.
Our jobs, businesses and finances will be tremendously blessed.
God will meet all the needs of everyone at RCC: 1) healings; fruit of the womb, etc; 2) immigration and legal matters
Our children will be safe and excel at school.
We will all walk in obedience to God's word.
God's favor over RCC so we can do exploits for His Kingdom.
God to protect missionaries around the world, provide for their needs, anoint them and make their work fruitful.
Holy Spirit to direct RCC and Cornerstone partnership, protect unity as they work together, and make it fruitful for both churches.
Ask God to provide Transitional Place and for resources and favor to build Campus
Pray for Pastor and the family for divine protection and health, and for divine favor to fulfill God's vision and to lead RCC.
Deut 28:1-13
Jeremiah 29:11
3 John 1:2
Psalm 1:1-3
Pastor and his family’s well-being and that they will walk in divine health and strength
God’s protection will be around him and his family
Holy Spirit’s direction will be clear to Pastor.
Pastor will listen to God’s voice and follow God’s direction
Pastor will walk in holiness, integrity, and righteousness
Pastor will always be a servant leader and walk in humility
Pastor will always operate under mighty anointing and the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Pray for divine favor for Pastor to fulfill God's vision and to lead RCC.
God's favor over RCC so we can do exploits for His Kingdom.
All RCC members to be faithful in tithes and offerings and pray for God's blessings so we can fulfill our pledges.
God to protect missionaries around the world, provide for their needs, anoint them and make their work fruitful.
Protection and prosperity of RCC members.
Ask God to provide Transitional Place and for resources and favor to build Campus
Holy Spirit to direct RCC and Cornerstone partnership, protect unity as they work together, and make it fruitful for both churches.
Isaiah 61:1-3
Isaiah 50:4-9 Isaiah 11:2-5 2Timothy 2:22-26 2Timothy 4:1-7 John 13: 12-17
Acts 5:12-16
Acts 3:1-10
Gifts of the Holy Spirit will be mightily manifested at RCC and that signs, wonders, deliverances and miraculous healings will characterize
the services at RCC.
RCC will fulfill its calling of being a SPIRITUAL HOSPITAL. The lost will be saved, the blind will see, the lame will walk, the deaf will hear,
the barren will be fruitful, demonic bondages will be broken, captives will be set free and all kinds of physical, mental and emotional
healings will take place.
RCC will be a Light House in the Washington, DC Metro Area.
Success of our Cell Group Ministry.
God's favor over RCC so we can do exploits for His Kingdom.
All RCC members to be faithful in tithes and offerings and pray for God's blessings so we can fulfill our pledges.
God to protect missionaries around the world, provide for their needs, anoint them and make their work fruitful.
Protection and prosperity of RCC members.
Ask God to provide Transitional Place and for resources and favor to build Campus
Holy Spirit to direct RCC and Cornerstone partnership, protect unity as they work together, and make it fruitful for both churches.
Pray for Pastor and the family for divine protection and health, and for divine favor to fulfill God's vision and to lead RCC.
Acts 5:12-16
Acts 3:1-10