Unit 3 Organizer

Aiken County Public Schools
Unit Focus:
Division of Instruction and Accountability
Foundations of Data Analysis
First Grade Math Unit 3 Organizer
Unit Duration: 1.5 Weeks
Unit Overview
This 1.5-week unit continues to build on the foundation of graphing and data interpretation from kindergarten. Begin this unit with explicit teacher
modeling and whole group discussion. Create a variety of graphs together as a class and release students to begin each component (collect, organize,
interpret) in small groups and independently. Time is allotted within this unit for formative assessments and reteaching.
Vertical Alignment
First Grade
K.MDA.3 Sort and classify data into
2 or 3 categories with data not to
exceed 20 items in each category.
K.MDA.4 Represent data using
object and picture graphs and draw
conclusions from the graphs.
1.MDA.4 Collect, organize, and represent data with up
to 3 categories using object graphs, picture graphs, tcharts and tallies.
1.MDA.5 Draw conclusions from given object graphs,
picture graphs, t-charts, tallies, and bar graphs.
Second Grade
2.MDA.9 Collect, organize, and represent data with up to
four categories using picture graphs and bar graphs with
a single-unit scale.
2.MDA.10 Draw conclusions from t-charts, object
graphs, picture graphs, and bar graphs.
Essential Question(s)
1. How can data be collected, organized, represented, and interpreted?
South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Mathematics
What do these standards mean a child will know, understand, and be able to do?
Unit Big Idea
Within this foundational unit of data analysis students will collect, organize, and represent data using a variety of graphs/charts. This
will first be done with explicit teacher modeling and with a gradual release to students. Students will be able to interpret the data that
was collected and have conversations about the data with the teacher and their peers.
 vocabulary terms (picture graph, object graph, t-chart, tallies)
 the difference between various graphic representations (picture graph, object graph, t-chart, tallies)
data can be represented on various graphs
what the data represents on various graphs
District Purpose:
The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and
achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Aiken County Public Schools
Division of Instruction and Accountability
collect, organize, represent, and interpret data from object graphs, picture graphs, t-charts, and tallies
draw conclusions from object graphs, picture graphs, t-charts, tallies, and bar graphs
South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Mathematical Process Standards
The South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Mathematical Process Standards demonstrate the ways in which students develop conceptual
understanding of mathematical content and apply mathematical skills. As a result, the South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Mathematical Process
Standards should be integrated within the content standards for each grade level and course.
MP.1 – Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
MP.3 – Use critical thinking skills to justify mathematical reasoning and critique the reasoning of others.
MP.4 – Connect mathematical ideas and real-world situations through modeling.
MP.5 – Use a variety of tools effectively and strategically.
MP.6 – Communicate mathematically and approach mathematical situations with precision.
MP.7 – Identify and utilize structure and patterns.
Unit Vocabulary
picture graphs
object graphs
interpret/draw conclusion
Unit Supporting Resources and Assessments
Online Text
Problem-Solving Tasks
Writing Tasks
Formative Assessments
Small/Whole Group
Going Home
Lunch Time
District Purpose:
The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and
achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.