2) Consultant background information

Municipal Park Grant Commission
Planning Grants
December 2013 - Round 12
Cities requested more time to implement planning grants. The Commission agreed
and moved the due date to December 13th so that additional time would be
available to complete the grant prior fall Construction Grant deadline.
The Municipal Park Grant Commission will make planning grants available, designed to
continue to improve Construction Grant applications available each fall. The Commission will
pay 80% of the costs, not to exceed $6,400 in Commission with the city responsible for 20%.
Please note that this is an increase from the $4,000 cap allowed in previous years. Cities are also
responsible for all amounts over $8,000.
You must use consultants involved in park planning with at least 2 years experience: A
list of some possible consultants is provided after the application.
The consultants listed on the attached pages have been informed of the purpose of our
planning grants so they can better assist you but you may propose any legitimate park consultant
with at least 2 years experience for us to consider. $65,000 has been budgeted in hopes of
assisting 12-15 cities.
1) Each city must pay at least 20% of the consultant costs with no more than $6,400 available
from the Park Commission
2) Grant requests are due by Friday December 13th 2013 at 4pm
3) If the city population is under 5,000 or so, or the focus is on a park used by residents of
surrounding cities, coordinate with surrounding cities if possible. If a city has little or no land
for parks, examine other options for parks, such as a cooperative project with a local school.
Cooperation is encouraged. If you will be working to cooperate with another land owner such
as a school, you must enter into an intergovernmental agreement that specifies the terms of use
such as the times it will be open to the public, who will maintain the facilities, parking issues,
4) The finished plan prepared by your consultant must be submitted to us in order to be
reimbursed. Larger plans will cost more; therefore please remember that only $6,400 will be
available per city.
The Municipal Park Grant Commission encourages all cities to review their park and
recreation needs before seeking large grants for improvements during the fall grant round.
Therefore, the Commission established a small grant park to assist you in securing
professional services to outline the next steps in improving one or more parks – or perhaps
in creating you first park.
Preparing the Application
1) Please discuss with your fellow officials the general park/recreation conditions you want the
consultant to address (see Categories I-V on the application form).
2) Meet with one or more consultants and secure proposals to submit to the Parks Commission
for planning services. This is to help guide the planning process that will begin once a grant
is awarded to the municipality. The proposal you receive from the consultant and submit to
us should indicate how the consultant will complete the following things:
 Initial basic assessments;
 2 meetings with the community (may be public hearings, citizen walk-arounds at a
park, charrettes or other reasonable methods to seek informed public input). One is
typically early in the process and one near the end to review the draft
recommendations. The goal is to identify gaps or needs and then craft a solution.
 Drawings, estimates of costs to make the improvements, etc. prepared by the
 Review of existing facilities;
 Written analysis and recommendations;
 Master plan opinions of probable costs or updates to older master plans;
 Detailed maps (dimensions with written and graphic descriptions of each park
 Optional: Completion of major grant applications by the consultant for submission in
the fall grant round, etc.
The consultant proposal is typically a 2-4 page document submitted by a consultant to the
municipality to attach to this application. If approved, this proposal is the basis for the
agreement between the Commission and your municipality.
Attachments to this document:
Application (Separate Link on Website)
Consultant background information – Following your cities
procurement policies, you may seek proposals from any legitimate
recreation or facility consultant with at least 2 years experience. Some
are noted below but you may submit others for us to consider (P. 3-8)
Submitting the Application
Staff will confirm receipt of Application
If you do not receive an email back, please contact (314)726-4747
Email: staff@stlmuni.org
Mail: 1034 S. Brentwood Blvd. Ste. 410 Richmond Heights, MO. 63117
Consultant Background Information
Name of Company or Individual: SWT
Address 7722 Big Bend Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63119_____________________________
Phone Number 314-644-5700
Fax 314-644-6378
Number of professional employee’s 5
E-Mail jimw@swtdesign.com___
Total number of employee’s 16
What are the types of services provided? Quality Design, Target Public & Institutional projects,
Open Space Planning, Park & Facility Inventory & Assessment, Recreation/Park/Trail Planning,
Maintenance & Management Issues, Campus Planning, Landscape Design
How many years have you been involved in park planning / needs assessment? 11 yrs.
Please list 3 clients served in the last 3 years as references. Local municipal references would be
especially helpful.
1. City or client served: Ladue
City Contact Number: 314-997-0826
Consultant staff who performed work: Peter Bobe / Ted Spaid
Please describe the work:
Master planning, schematic design, landscape design, site planning, bid documents, construction
observation & administration
Approximate time period of work: Design complete 2005, Construction Complete 2006
2. City or client served: Eureka
City Contact Number: 636-938-6600
Consultant staff who performed work: Jim Wolterman
Please describe the work:
Master plan city wide (9 parks & properties total 130 acres)
Approximate time period of work: Design complete 2002
3. City or client served: Fenton
City Contact Number: 636-343-0067
Consultant staff who performed work: Jim Wolterman
Please describe the work:
2 Projects: 1) Park beautification, recreation & open space master plan (city wide) 2) Trails
Master Plan (city wide)
Approximate time period of work: Design complete 2002 (park), Design complete 2002 (trail)
* Cities should seek proposals from reliable consultants following your ordinances and
state laws regarding procurement of services. Your application submitted to the
Commission must be approved before consultants are retained.
Consultant Background Information
Name of Company or Individual: Land Design Services, Inc.
Address 301 Sovereign Court, Suite110, St. Louis, MO 63011
Phone Number 636-227-6988
Fax 636-227-6986
E-Mail rpworzer@ldsinc-stl.com
Web Site: www.ldsinc-stl.com
Number of professional employee’s 3
Total number of employee’s 4
What are the types of services provided? Land Planning, Civil Engineering, Landscape
Architecture Design, Park and Recreation Design, Commercial Design, Bid Documents,
Construction Administration, Assessments, Design & Plans, Site Management Services
How many years have you been involved in park planning / needs assessment? 17 yrs.
Please list 3 clients served in the last 3 years as references. Local municipal references would be
especially helpful.
1. City or client served: Clayton
City Contact Number: 314-290-8459
Consultant staff that performed work: Patrick Worzer, ASLA, Principal
Please describe the work:
On going landscape plan review, public works projects (metro link – landscape)
Approximate time period of work: Ongoing
2. City or client served: Sunset Hills
City Contact Number: 314-842-7265
Consultant staff that performed work: Patrick Worzer, ASLA, Principal
Please describe the work:
Provided Park System Master Planning, Design and Flood Study Services
Approximate time period of work: 2004-present
3. City or client served: Chesterfield City Contact Number: 636-537-4776
Consultant staff that performed work: Patrick Worzer, ASLA, Principal
Please describe the work: Provided design for a 2 mile section of the Chesterfield Parkway West
median landscape for the Park and Recreation Dept.
Approximate time period of work: 8 months
* Cities should seek proposals from reliable consultants following your ordinances and
state laws regarding procurement of services. Your application submitted to the
Commission must be approved before consultants are retained.
Consultant Background Information
Name of Company or Individual: Planning Design Studio
Address: 727 North First Street – Suite 360, St. Louis, Missouri 63102
Phone #: 314 241 3600 Fax: 314 241 3601 E-Mail: andrewfranke@planningdesignstudio.com
Number of professional employee’s 5
Total number of employee’s 8 .
What are the types of services provided? PDS provides Planning, Urban Design and Landscape
Architecture services including community-wide park and recreation plans, feasibility analysis
(from parks to community centers and sports complexes), master planning, cost estimating,
implementation/funding strategies and final design/ construction documents for park and
recreation facilities ranging from greenways, trails and historic site restoration, to pavilions,
amphitheaters and sports facilities.
How many years have you been involved in park planning / needs assessment? 30+ .
Please list 3 clients served in the last 3 years as references. Local municipal references would be
especially helpful.
1. City: Kirkwood Parks & Recreation (Murray Pounds) Contact #: 314.822.5857
Your staff who performed work: Dan Bockert, Andrew Franke, Robbie Walters
Please describe the work: Community park and recreation master plan included system-wide
needs and master plans (w/cost estimates) for 5 larger parks and community trail plan. Final
design construction/bid documents for Kirkwood Park renovations (trails, pavilions,
concessions, parking). Montfort Park master plan and final design/bid documents.
Approximate time period: Plan 1/04 - 12/04, Kirkwood & Montfort Parks ’05 - present
2. City: Webster Groves Parks & Recreation (Mike Oppermann) Contact #: 314.963.5634
Your staff who performed work: Dan Bockert, Andrew Franke, Jeff Nilges
Please describe the work: Planning, design and construction period services for Blackburn,
Larsen and Deer Creek Parks. Planning services included site analysis, community workshops
and cost estimates. Facilities designed included pavilions, comfort stations, plazas, ballfields,
playgrounds, plantings, signing, parking, trails and pedestrian bridge.
Approximate time period of work 2001 through 2005
3. Client: Great Rivers Greenway District (Janet Wilding) Contact #: 314.436 7009
Your staff who performed work: Noel Fehr, Andrew Franke, Jeff Nilges, Robbie Walters
Please describe the work: River Des Peres Greenway visioning, master planning through final
design and construction period services. Phase 1 design was GRG’s pilot project and included
3-miles of trails, 250’ pedestrian bridge, pedestrian plazas, trailhead parking, pedestrian
signals, and landscape plantings totaling $4.5 million construction.
Approximate time period of work: Visioning started in ’99, Pilot: ’03-’04, Phase 2: ’06-‘07
Consultant Background Information
Name of Company or Individual: Hall & Halsey Associate Inc.
Address 424 South Clay Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63122
Phone Number 314-966-5577
Fax 314-966-6502
Number of professional employee’s 2
E-Mail hhaa@primary.net
Total number of employee’s 2
What are the types of services provided? Preliminary Site Investigation, Conceptual Planning &
Design, Feasibility Studies, Master Land Use Planning, Urban Planning, Site Development
Plans, Recreation Planning, Zoning Submittals & Exhibits, Wetlands Enhancements, Landscape
Architecture, Construction Drawings & Observation
How many years have you been involved in park planning / needs assessment? 21 yrs.
Please list 3 clients served in the last 3 years as references. Local municipal references would be
especially helpful.
1. City or client served: Ellisville City Contact Number: 636-227-9660
Consultant staff who performed work: Rich Halsey
Please describe the work:
Master plan update & revision, park design, short/medium/long term range
development/redevelopment, proposal of updates
2. City or client served: St. Louis County City Contact Number: 314-615-7275
Consultant staff who performed work: Rich Halsey
Please describe the work:
Master plan design, construction documents, resident analysis & participation study, phased
3. City or client served: South St. Louis County City Contact Number: 314-615-7131
Consultant staff who performed work: Rich Halsey
Please describe the work: Comprehensive master plan, development of lineal park, inventory &
analysis of natural & man made features, conceptual design, needs assessment, public meetings
* Cities should seek proposal from reliable consultants following your ordinances and state
laws regarding procurement of services. Your application submitted to the Commission
must be approved before consultants are retained.
Consultant Background Information
Name of Company or Individual: Landscape Technologies
Address 67 Jacobs Creek Drive, St. Charles, MO 63304-7737
Phone Number 636-928-1250
Fax 636-928-4563
E-Mail mardis@landscapetechnologies.net
Number of professional employee’s 2
Total number of employee’s 3
What are the types of services provided? Master Planning, Site Planning & Design, Themed
Design, Site Analysis & Evaluation, Project Management, Construction Administration,
Landscape Planting Design, Hardscape Design, Cost Estimation, Irrigation Design, Lighting
How many years have you been involved in park planning / needs assessment? 12 yrs.
Please list 3 clients served in the last 3 years as references. Local municipal references would be
especially helpful.
1. City or client served: St. Louis County City Contact Number: 314-615-0355
Consultant staff who performed work: Randy Mardis
Please describe the work:
Design of new playground, picnic shelter, restroom facilities at Bellefontaine Park
Approximate time period of work: 4 months
2. City or client served: St Charles/PGAV
Contact Number: 314-231-7318
Consultant staff who performed work: Randy Mardis
Please describe the work:
Landscape design at St. Charles Convention Center
Approximate time period of work: 2 ½ months
3. City or client served: THF Realty Inc. City Contact Number: 314-429-0900
Consultant staff who performed work: Randy Mardis
Please describe the work:
Landscape design / fountain design at three retail centers in Columbia Missouri
Approximate time period of work: 6 months
* Cities should seek proposals from reliable consultants following your ordinances and
state laws regarding procurement of services. Your application submitted to the
Commission must be approved before consultants are retained.
Consultant Background Information
Name of Company or Individual: Terraspec
Address 13545 Barrett Parkway Drive, Ballwin, MO 63021-3822
Phone Number 314-984-8211 Fax 314-822-7858 E-Mail kjkeitel@zakcompanies.com
Number of professional employee’s 1
Total number of employee’s 2
What are the types of services provided? Consulting, Physical Environment Planning & Design,
Landscape Architecture, Land Planning, Park & Recreation Design
How many years have you been involved in park planning / needs assessment? 14 yrs.
Please list 3 clients served in the last 3 years as references. Local municipal references would be
especially helpful.
1. City or client served: Ballwin
City Contact Number: 636-227-8950
Consultant staff who performed work: Kenneth Keitel
Please describe the work: Master plan for Vlasis Park, redevelopment of existing park, phased
design, construction documents, planting plan
2. City or client served: St. Ann
City Contact Number: 314-429-4545
Consultant staff who performed work: Kenneth Keitel
Please describe the work: Design development, construction documents, construction
administration for Jack Rehagen Pool Complex
3. City or client served: Chesterfield
City Contact Number: 636-537-4778
Consultant staff who performed work: Kenneth Keitel
Please describe the work: Master plan for development of Central City Park, Master plan for
landscape development at Chesterfield Athletic Complex
* Cities should seek proposals from reliable consultants following your ordinances and
state laws regarding procurement of services. Your application submitted to the
Commission must be approved before consultants are retained.