Promotion Review Template Eligible faculty members may apply for

Promotion Review Template
Eligible faculty members may apply for promotion in rank, consistent with the Unclassified Staff
Handbook 7.4.4, “Rank Definitions and Descriptions”; Unclassified Staff Handbook 7.4.5, “Promotion
Procedures”; and Appendix A UW-Sup 3.05, “Periodic Review.”
I. Meeting
Meeting the University timelines for promotion review, the Department Promotion Review
Committee will meet to consider promotion materials. See Appendix A UW-Sup 3.05(b).
The Department Promotion Review Committee consists of the department tenured peer faculty
holding at least the rank being considered. For example, someone requesting promotion to
Associate Professor will be evaluated by Associate and Full Professors; someone requesting
promotion to Full Professor will be evaluated by Full Professors.
Definition of faculty peer: A faculty peer shall be defined as a ranked member (professor,
associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor, as defined in the Unclassified Staff
Handbook 7.4.4) with at least a half-time teaching, research, and/or Outreach appointment in
the department. Department faculty with more than half-time administrative reassignment
shall not be considered peer faculty for the duration of the assignment. Academic staff
members designated as having faculty status and academic staff with back-up appointments
are not faculty peers. The Department Chair shall be considered peer faculty as long as he or
she meets the peer faculty definition.
The meeting is closed unless the faculty member being evaluated requests an open meeting, subject
to the provisions of the Wisconsin Open Meeting Law. See Unclassified Staff Handbook 5.7.
II. Areas of Review
The areas of review shall include (1) teaching, (2) scholarship, and (3) professional and public service
as well as contribution to the Institution. The Department shall determine the relevant weight of
these three areas within the following guidelines:
Assistant or Associate
60-75 %
The Department shall establish specific criteria for evaluating the performance in each of the three
areas. The Performance and Achievement Expectation are listed in the Unclassified Staff Handbook
Assistant Professor:
A faculty member with a commitment to high quality teaching who is
a contributing member of the department.
A faculty member with a commitment to high quality teaching and to
developing a program of scholarly activity who is a contributing
Associate Professor:
member of the department and a participant in university and
professional service.
A faculty member who is respected for excellence in teaching, who
has an established program of scholarship, and who takes an active
role in service to the department, university, or the profession.
A faculty member who is respected for excellence in teaching, who
maintains a continuing program of scholarship, and who provides
leadership in service to the department, university, or the profession.
A. Teaching
A faculty member seeking promotion to Assistant Professor fulfills the baseline
requirements in teaching as listed in the Tenure Template.
In addition to the baseline requirements as listed in the Tenure Template, a faculty
member seeking promotion to Assistant Professor or Professor needs to be “respected
for excellence in teaching” by students and peers.
In addition to the baseline requirements as listed in the Tenure Template, a faculty
member seeking promotion to Associate Professor or Professor needs to be “respected
for excellence in teaching” by students and peers.
B. Scholarship
A faculty member seeking promotion to Assistant Professor will be committed to
developing a program of scholarly activity as listed in the Tenure Template.
A faculty member seeking promotion to Associate Professor will meet the scholarship
requirements for tenure.
A faculty member seeking promotion to Professor will exceed the scholarship
requirements for tenure as specified by the Department.
C. Service
A faculty member seeking promotion to Assistant Professor will be a contributing
member of the department and a participant in university and professional service as
listed in the Tenure Template.
A faculty member seeking promotion to Associate Professor will be a contributing
member of the department and a participant in university and professional service as
outlined in the Tenure Template. In addition, s/he will take an active role in service to
either the department or the university or the profession.
A faculty member seeking promotion to Professor will be a contributing member of the
department and a participant in university and professional service as outlined in the
Tenure Template. In addition, s/he will provide leadership in service to either the
department or the university or the profession.
III. Materials to be Submitted
Faculty being reviewed should include materials from the date of hire or last promotion, whichever
is most recent.
A. Teaching
1. Materials to be submitted for this decision must include the following:
a. All course syllabi;
b. All course student evaluations.
2. Additional materials may include such items as course assessments and peer
teaching observations.
B. Scholarship
1. Materials to be submitted for this decision must include the following:
a. Articles or books published;
b. Evidence of conference presentations, performances, and exhibitions.
2. Additional materials may include articles or books accepted for publication, and
grants submitted or received.
C. Service
Materials to be submitted for this decision must include the following:
1. Evidence of professional and public service;
2. Evidence of contributions to the Institution.
IV. Notification
See Appendix A UW-Sup 3.05(2)(b).