CURRICULUM VITAE Lydia Kapsenberg EDUCATION 2010 - 2015 PhD, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology University of California Santa Barbara, USA Advisor: Dr. Gretchen E. Hofmann 23 Sep 2010 - 31 Aug 2015 2005 - 2009 BSc, Biology, Summa Cum Laude Oregon State University, USA Minor: Chemistry, Option: Marine Biology, 13 Jun 2009 POSITIONS 2015 - present NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France Advisor: Dr. Jean-Pierre Gattuso Co-advisor: Dr. Todd R. Martz, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA 2009 Research Assistant, full-time, 15 Jun – 15 Dec Drs. Bruce A. Menge and Jane Lubchenco, Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, USA 2008 Research Assistant, full-time, 16 June – 11 Dec Dr. Symon Dworjanyn, National Marine Science Centre, Southern Cross University, Australia FELLOWSHIPS & AWARDS 2015 - 2017 National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Ocean Sciences, Track 2: International, USA ($194,000) 2015 Nomination, 2014 Fiona Goodchild Award for Excellence as a Graduate Student Mentor of Undergraduate Research. 2015 EEMB Block Award, University of California Santa Barbara, USA 2014 - 2015 UCSB Graduate Fellowship, University of California Santa Barbara, USA 2013 Travel Award to Ocean Sciences 2014, Sea-Bird Electronics, USA ($1000) 2012 Best Poster Award, Multidisciplinary category, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Open Science Conference, Portland OR, USA 2012 Travel Award to XXXII Open Science Conference, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Portland OR, USA ($775) 2011 - 2014 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, USA (received in 2010) 2011 Travel Award to Friday Harbor Labs, Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry, USA ($1000) CURRICULUM VITAE - KAPSENBERG 2010 - 2011 EEMB Block Award, University of California Santa Barbara, USA RESEACH GRANTS 2014 - 2015 Research and Learning Grant “Characterizing Ocean pH in the Channel Islands National Park” Southern California Research and Learning Center, USA ($3,600) 2014 - 2015 Student Equipment Loan Program Award, extension “Quantifying drivers of pH variability in coastal Antarctica” Sea-Bird Electronics, USA (one 37-SMP-ODO MicroCAT oceanographic sensors) 2013 - 2014 Student Equipment Loan Program Award “Quantifying drivers of pH variability in the Channel Islands National Park” Sea-Bird Electronics, USA (three 37-SMP-ODO MicroCAT oceanographic sensors, $37,000 value) 2013 - 2014 Research and Learning Grant “Characterizing Ocean pH in the Channel Islands National Park” Southern California Research and Learning Center, USA ($6,000) 2014 Research Grant, “Characterizing Ocean pH in the Channel Islands National Park” co-PIs: GE Hofmann, CA Blanchette, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, USA ($2450 + SeaFET pH sensor, $10,000 value) 2013 UCSB Research Fellowship, University of California Santa Barbara, USA ($4500) 2011 - 2012 George Melendez Wright Climate Change Fellowship “Assessment of ocean acidification in the Channel Islands National Park and its impact on local marine species” National Park Service, USA ($19,987) PUBLICATIONS Total citations = 62 7. Kapsenberg, L, AL Kelley, LA Francis, and SB Raskin (2015) Exploring the complexity of ocean acidification: an ecosystem comparison of coastal pH variability. Science Scope 39(3): 51-60. 6. Kapsenberg, L, AL Kelley, EC Shaw, TR Martz, and GE Hofmann (2015) Near-shore Antarctic pH variability has implications for the design of ocean acidification experiments. Scientific Reports 5, 9638. DOI:10.1038/srep09638. Citations: 2 5. Kapsenberg, L, and GE Hofmann (2014) Signals of resilience to ocean change: high thermal tolerance of early stage Antarctic sea urchins (Sterechinus neumayeri) reared under present day and future pCO2 and temperature. Polar Biology 37(7): 967-980. Citations: 7 4. Hofmann, GE, TG Evans, MW Kelly, JL Padilla-Gamiño, CA Blanchette, L Washburn, F Chan, MA McManus, BA Menge, B Gaylord, TM Hill, E Sanford, M LaVigne, JM Rose, L Kapsenberg, and JM Dutton (2014) Exploring local adaptation and the ocean acidification seascape – studies in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Biogeosciences 11: 10531064. Citations: 19 3. Sewell, MA, R Millar, PC Yu, L Kapsenberg, GE Hofmann (2014) Ocean acidification and fertilization in the Antarctic sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri: the importance of polyspermy. Environmental Science & Technology 48: 713-722. Citations: 8 CURRICULUM VITAE - KAPSENBERG 2. Hofmann, GE, CA Blanchette, EB Rivest, and L Kapsenberg (2013) Taking the pulse of marine ecosystems: The importance of coupling long-term physical and biological observations in the context of global change biology. Oceanography 26(3): 140–148. Citations: 8 1. Yu, PC, MA Sewell, PG Matson, EB Rivest, L Kapsenberg, and GE Hofmann (2013) Growth attenuation with developmental schedule progression in embryos and early larvae of Sterechinus neumayeri raised under elevated CO2. PLoS One 8(1): e52448. Citations: 18 MANUSCRIPTS Kapsenberg, L, and GE Hofmann. Ocean pH time-series and drivers of variability along the northern Channel Islands, California, USA. Limnology & Oceanography, in revision PRESENTATIONS 2015 Oral “Surprising pH from Earth’s most southern sea” 11th Annual Departmental Graduate Student Symposium, USA, 7 Feb 2014 Poster “From kelp to ice: temporal and spatial variability in ocean pH” Ocean Sciences Meeting, USA, 23-28 Feb 2013 Oral “From kelp to ice: temporal and spatial variability in ocean pH” 94th Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Naturalists, USA, 7-10 Nov 2013 Oral “Hot but not bothered: ocean change and Antarctic sea urchin larvae” 9th Annual Departmental Graduate Student Symposium, USA, 2 Feb 2012 Oral “Global change biology in the Antarctic: sea urchins, SeaFETs and the anthropocene” PC Yu, GE Hofmann, L Kapsenberg, Wednesday Night Science Lecture, McMurdo Station, Antarctica, 21 Nov 2012 Poster “Ocean acidification: assessment of pH in the Channel Islands National Park and its effect on sea urchin fertilization” remote presentation, 8th California Island Symposium, USA, 23-26 Oct 2012 Poster, “Ocean acidification: assessment of pH in the Channel Islands National Park and its effect on sea urchin fertilization” LTER All Scientist Meeting, Estes Park CO, USA, 10-13 Sep 2012 Poster “Combatting heat in a changing ocean, sea urchins are prepared for battle” Third Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World, Monterey CA, USA, 24-27 Sep 2012 Poster “Combatting heat in a changing ocean, sea urchins are prepared for battle” XXXII Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Open Science Conference, Portland OR, USA, 16-19 Jul CURRICULUM VITAE - KAPSENBERG INVITED SEMINARS 2015 NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting “Ocean pH Research in the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and National Park” GE Hofmann, L Kapsenberg, Santa Barbara CA, USA, 15 May 2015 Channel Islands National Park From Shore to Sea Lecture Series “Keeping up with ocean change: pH variability at the Channel Islands” Ventura CA, USA, 12 Mar 2014 Pacific Ocean Education Team Webinar “What biologists and resource managers need to know about ocean acidification” CA Blanchette, L Kapsenberg, 25 Sep 2014 NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting “Drivers of natural pH variability in the Channel Islands National Park” Santa Barbara CA, USA, 24 Jan 2014 Channel Islands National Park All Employees Meeting “Ocean acidification… the other CO2 problem” Ventura CA, USA, 22 Jan 2012 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Science Pub “Chills, drill, and thrills: climate change and marine life in Antarctica” PC Yu, L Kapsenberg, Santa Barbara CA, USA 25 Jun 2012 Climate Change in America’s National Parks: Climate Change Research from the Next Generation Webinar “Ocean change in the Channel Islands National Park” National Park Service, USA, 14 Jun 2012 NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting “Ocean acidification monitoring in the Channel Islands National Park” Ventura CA, USA, 16 Mar TEACHING 2015 Teaching Assistant, Introductory Biology Laboratory 3, Spring Quarter, UCSB, USA 2014 - 2015 Lead Coordinator, Ocean acidification curriculum development, in collaboration with NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, USA 2013 Teaching Assistant, Global Change Biology, Spring Quarter, UCSB, USA 2013 Guest Lecturer, Global Change Biology, Spring Quarter, UCSB, USA 2005 - 2008 Assistant Swim Coach, Crescent Valley High School, Corvallis OR, USA CRUISE & REMOTE FIELD RESEARCH 2014 Research Assistant, NOAA Channel Islands Research Cruise for Acidification Studies (CIRCAS), Santa Barbara Channel, R/V Shearwater, 2 days. Lead PI: JJ Lunden CURRICULUM VITAE - KAPSENBERG 2013 Project Leader1, field research at McMurdo Station, Antarctica, Oct-Nov. Lead PI: GE Hofmann 2010 - 2012 Research Assistant, McMurdo Station, Antarctica, Oct-Dec. Lead PI: GE Hofmann 2011 Research Assistant, March Richard B. Gump South Pacific Research Station, University of California Berkeley, Moorea, French Polynesia, Mar. Lead PI: EB Rivest UNIVERSITY & PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2015 Reviewer for NSF grant proposal, Biological Oceanography 2015 Graduate Student Representative, Marine Physiology search committee, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, UCSB 2014 Participant in the National Academy of Sciences Study on Science Priorities in Antarctica, Stanford University, Stanford CA, 12 Nov 2014 Reviewer for Environmental Science & Technology, Conservation Physiology 2012, 2013 Lead-, Co-Coordinator for the Annual Graduate Student Symposium, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, UCSB 2012 - 2014 Departmental Assembly Representative, UCSB Graduate Student Association WORKSHOPS 2014 Keynote speaker, Co-Organizer for Ocean Acidification Section, “Teaching Environmental Science in a Changing Climate” NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Santa Barbara CA, USA, 20 Jun 2013 Co-Instructor for SeaFET workshop for the Consortium for the Study of Ocean Change, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico 17-20 Jun 2012 Lead speaker, Co-Organizer for “LTER Ocean Acidification Data Management Workshop” LTER All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park CO, USA, 13 Sep STUDENT ADVISING 2014 Evan Barba (Santa Barbara Coastal LTER Research Experience), UCSB, 3 months 2013 - 2014 Mark Bitter (Santa Barbara Coastal LTER Research Experience, senior thesis), UCSB, 8 months 2012 Kylie Langlois (lab assistant), UCSB, 3 months 2011 Ella Bendrick-Chartier (lab assistant), UCSB, 3 months 1 USA government shutdown in 2013 led to travel cancelation to Antarctica. L.Kapsenberg remotely coordinated and coached scientists at McMurdo Station to complete the tasks. CURRICULUM VITAE - KAPSENBERG OUTREACH 2014 - 2015 Science Advisor, Channel Coast Watershed Observatory in collaboration with SCCOOS, NOAA Channel Islands National Park, Nature Bridge, Monterey Bay Aquarium, BOEM, JASON learning, middle school STEM coordinators, USA 2013 - present Leader, Ocean acidification education and outreach implementation, Channel Islands National Park, USA 2012 Science Panelist, Climate Change Student Summit, NOAA and ANDRILL, Ventura CA, USA, 28 Apr NEWS & MEDIA 2015 NOVA “Lethal Seas” documentary, 13 May 2015 Channel Islands National Park News Release “Marine Biologist Studies Climate Change Effect on Local Sea Life” Yvonne Menard, 6 Mar [] 2013 Nature Comment “Politics: The long shadow of the shutdown” Gretchen E. Hofmann, 18 Oct [] 2013 Washington Monthly “The government shutdown is killing Antarctic science” Rachel Cohen, 9 Oct [] 2012 National Science Foundation News “Researchers recover recorder from Antarctic waters containing critical baseline on acidification” Peter West, 18 Oct [] 2012 Convergence Cover story “Oceans of change” Cathrine Newell, 19 Sept [] 2011 Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry News “Impressions of the summer 2011 Ocean Acidification Course at UW Friday Harbor Labs” 4(3) Fall 2011 Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry News “OCB to provide student travel support for the Friday Harbor Ocean Acidification Course” 4(2) Spring/Summer PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS 2012 - 2015 Ocean Margins Ecosystems Group for Acidification Studies (OMEGAS), USA 2011 - 2015 University of California Ocean Acidification Training and Research Consortium, USA 2012 - 2015 Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Ecological Research, USA CERTIFICATIONS CURRICULUM VITAE - KAPSENBERG 2011 - present Scientific SCUBA Certification, American Academy of Underwater Sciences, USA 2011 - present CPR, AED, First Aid, Oxygen, Scientific Diving Program, University of California Santa Barbara, USA