
Tuesday 15th September 9.00am onwards
FBIS Coffee Morning in Marcia
Friday 18th September
Jeans for Genes
Monday 21st September 6.00pm
EYFS Curriculum Meeting
September 2.30pm
Infant Travel Group - First Meeting
Tuesday 29th September 2.00pm
Parent Forum
No Car Day
Wednesday 7th October 8.00pm
FBIS meeting in the Marcia
Friday 9th October
FBIS Christmas Card order due in
EYFS Parent’s Interviews and Open Session
Tuesday 13th October
Parent’s Evening
October 9.30am
Harvest Festival
Thursday 15th October
Parent’s Evening Year 1 and 2
Clean Up Morning
Monday 19th October
FBIS Christmas cards due to be returned
Wednesday 21st October
FBIS Cake Sale
School closes for half term
We were delighted to welcome everyone back to school on Wednesday and are starting to get to know our new families. We are looking forward to a busy and exciting school year.
Mrs Ann Cox has completed her term of office and we thank her for her support as a
We are very pleased that Ms Amy Lansdown-Nasson has returned as our Vice Chair
of Governors. A full list of our governors is available on our website.
We would like to welcome Miss Helen Lebar
as our new Deputy Headteacher.
I am so happy to be working at Bishopthorpe and I look forward to meeting
everyone soon.
Our uniform is:
Navy cardigan or jumper
White or navy polo shirt
Grey trousers, pinafore or skirt
Blue summer dress
Black shoes – please can children not wear coloured trainers as part
of their school uniform.
Children also need a t-shirt, shorts, pumps or trainers for PE.
Please help us have a prompt start to the day by arriving at school on time. Registration in the morning starts at 8.45am.
Children arriving at school after 9.00am are marked as late and parents will need to sign them in at the office. Please
remember that we are not able to authorise holidays in term time. We value our open door policy but are also aware of
congestion in the classrooms at the start of the day. Once your child is settled in their new class please try to leave them more
quickly or say goodbye at the cloakroom door unless you need to talk to your child’s teacher.
Bishopthorpe Infant School, Sim Balk Lane, Bishopthorpe, York YO23 2QQ Telephone: 01904 707506
Email : Website:
Thank you so much to everyone
who has looked after the chickens and fish over the summer holiday. If you would like to
help on the chicken rota please contact the school office.
STAR ASSEMBLY - Friday 9.00 – 9.20am
Each week one child from each class is
chosen as a ‘star’ and has a certificate
presented in assembly. The parents of the
children receiving their star certificate are invited to attend the assembly. You will be given a letter by
your class teacher to let you know when it is your child’s turn and the date on which you can attend. If
you are unable to attend you are welcome to send a family representative. During this assembly we
would also like to present certificates that children have gained during out of school activities e.g.
beavers, swimming, judo etc. Please ensure that all certificates and badges are clearly named.
Please note that only parents of children receiving a star certificate can attend the assembly.
At the end of the summer term we were dismayed at the amount of good quality clothing that
was left in our lost property box. Please help to reduce this by ensuring that all items of
clothing are clearly named. We will aim this year to return named items and will only keep
larger items such as jumpers, t-shirts, shoes in the lost property box. The box will be emptied
at the end of each half term and unclaimed items will be donated to charity.
We have decided to form our own version of the very successful travel group as many
infant parents have expressed concerns about the safety of the walking routes to school.
Our first meeting will be attended by Christine Packer who is the Local Authority School
Travel Advisor and our Bike It Advisors. It will be held on Tuesday 22nd September at
2.30pm. All parents are welcome to join the group, please could you contact the office if
you would like to come.
NO CAR DAY – Friday 2nd October
To raise awareness of safety and traffic congestion we will be holding our first no car day
of the school year. Please make an effort to walk or ride to school on this day or use the
Park and Stride sites.
Please help us to keep everyone safe by ensuring that children do not ride scooters and
bikes in the playground at the start or end of the day and ride carefully on the paths to
the gates.
The Press will come to school shortly to take
a photograph of the new starters. We don’t get any notice of the date for this but will let you know on
the day so that you can buy the paper or photo if you wish.
Please let us know if you would be able
to help prepare the fruit snack for morning break. Parent helpers will need a DBS certificate for this school.
We have children with nut allergies
in our school and therefore ask you not to send nuts as part of your child’s packed lunch e.g. peanut butter.
Our Harvest Assembly will be on
Wednesday 14th October in St. Andrews Church at 9.30am. Families are welcome to attend. More
details to follow about the theme of our harvest celebration this year.
JEANS FOR GENES - Friday 18th September Children may wear their jeans (or non-uniform) on this day
and bring a small donation. The charity raises money for people with Gene Disorders in the UK and
Bishopthorpe Infant School, Sim Balk Lane, Bishopthorpe, York YO23 2QQ Telephone: 01904 707506
Email : Website:
We continue to receive extra funding for children who are eligible for Free School Meals under the previous system. Please call at the office for a form if you are eligible.
We are fortunate to have
two peripatetic music teachers.
Marcus Bousfield teaches the guitar at our school and guitar and violin at the junior
Diane Martin teaches violin. Children who start to learn with Mrs Martin can continue
lessons with Mr Bousfield at the junior school.
Please ask in the office for a leaflet for either teacher if your child would like to start lessons.
We currently have the following vacancies:
Site manager
2 x Mid-day Supervisory Assistants
Please visit our school website or ask in the office for more
Attached to this letter you will find a
booklet containing the key dates for this
year. The arrangements for our nativity performances help to keep the hall capacity at a safe and
comfortable level.
The parents from each year group are invited on a specific day. If you have a child in more than
one year group please attend the performance for your
eldest child. All children will take
part in each performance.
Please can all children bring a
named, clear water bottle with a
sport cap to school each day. Bottles with our logo on are available in the school office and cost
£2.75. The bottles will be easily available in the classroom and we will encourage children to take
them home daily for washing. Please fill the bottles with water rather than juice.
Parent Forums
These sessions will be relaxed and informal and will be an opportunity to talk to Miss Langley and ask any questions you may have. At some forums there may be other members of staff
or governors present too. The forums are not intended for discussion of individual issues. If you would like to discuss an issue in private or are unable to make the dates and times
below, please contact the school office to make an appointment.
The forums will be held on:
.Tuesday 29th September 2.00 - 3.00pm
Thursday 3rd December
9.00 -10.00am
Thursday 11th February
5.00 - 6.00pm
Wednesday 23rd March
9.00 - 10.00am
Thursday 19th May
2.00 - 3.00pm
Thursday 30th June
3.30 - 4.30pm
If you would like to attend the first forum on Tuesday 29th September please can you phone or email the school office to let us know and give an idea of the topic that you would like to
If you have a concern or question we will happily talk it through with you. Please speak to your child’s teacher or make an appointment to see Miss Langley.
Bishopthorpe Infant School, Sim Balk Lane, Bishopthorpe, York YO23 2QQ Telephone: 01904 707506
Email : Website: