ANNEX II TERMS OF REFERRENCE Position: National expert on implementation of agricultural demonstration plots Project number and name: #90947, "Expanding the opportunities of the Mangystau region in achieving sustainable development and socio-economic modernization", ##91544, “Improving the welfare and quality of life in the Kyzylorda region through innovative approaches to delivering economic, social and environmental services to local population, including those most vulnerable” Type of contract: Individual Contract Duty station: Astana, Kazakhstan Duration: May, 2015 – December, 2015 Background: The joint programme strives to achieve a results-oriented collaborative programme jointly developed by the Ministry of Regional Development and Akimat of Kyzylorda region, and six UN Agencies - UNDP, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNFPA, UN Women and WHO - to improve the wellbeing and quality of life in the Kyzylorda region through innovative approaches to delivering economic, social and environmental services to the local population, particularly for the most vulnerable. The Joint Programme takes into account the situation analysis of the region and results of the previous programmes and activities. Other elements of the programme rely on the priorities of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for the Republic of Kazakhstan 2010-2015, as well as on the priorities of key national strategic documents, such as “Kazakhstan – 2050” and is in line with the mission of the Ministry of Regional Development: creation of the favorable conditions for the livelihood of the country’s population via dynamic regions’ development. Over the last years UN Agencies have not prioritized the Kyzylorda Oblast for their interventions; the fact that other international donors have focused their attention on the Aral Sea and its critical environmental situation (WB, ADB) diverted UN activities to other regions in Kazakhstan, namely East Kazakhstan where there are also serious environmental and poverty problems. Nevertheless, some small scale projects were implemented by UN agencies from 1995 to 2004, addressing the problems of women and children associated with the Aral Sea crisis, gender mainstreaming in decision making, mobilization of local communities in water and land management, family planning and prevention of abortions. The region is also benefiting from the current activities of the UN agencies at the national level related to policy advocacy in health, social and environmental issues. Under the first outcome, the project in collaboration with national and local partners joins the efforts to strengthen capacities of local government to plan for diversified and sustainable economic growth. One of the most important constraints facing agriculture in Moldova is the semi-arid climate. This is characterized by highly variable rainfall over space and time, coupled with high summer temperatures. These conditions lead to low yields and frequent crop failures within the dominant system of rain fed agriculture. As has been noted elsewhere, this is exacerbated by the obsolete and unreliable machinery which is mostly available to small farmers. Arable agriculture in Moldova mostly uses conventional land and crop management technology. This involves ploughing the soil, one or more subsequent cultivations and crop establishment with seed drills. While such techniques work, they are no longer optimal in terms of their impact on the soils and their ability to produce in semi-arid conditions. The long-term effects of using this type of technology, especially within the predominant Chernozem (black soil) types, are quite damaging. These include: Soil compaction Soil erosion Loss of organic matter Reduction of moisture holding capacity. One of the characteristics which are most important in these soils is their ability to absorb and store relatively large amounts of moisture. Due to the predominance of heavy soils, they have the ability to hold moisture for long periods, while maintaining an ability to release it for plant growth. However, this characteristic is greatly reduced due to the impact of the conventional farming systems employed. These make the soils less reliable for agriculture and the impact of dry seasons much more severe. By recognizing the problem as a major, the Ministry of Agriculture of Moldova has determined one of the major objectives in its activity: promotion and implementation of new technologies in soil processing. In order to promote the conservative soil systems technology, with directly support of the Rural Financial Services and Agribusiness Development Project (PSFRDBA), will be carried out a number of activities in the period of five years (2011-2016) According to Ministry requests and IFAD working plan, UCIP- IFAD has launched the project "Conservation agriculture demonstration plots". The purpose of the project is creation four demo plots, which will serve as a basis for the implementation and promotion of No-till and Mini-Till - technologies of soil processing, and where under a field conditions agricultural producers will be able to learn how to pass from conventional to conservation agriculture. This project is planned for a period of three years. (2012-2015). The project is envisaged to set up a several demonstration plots using advanced adaptive technologies in Kyzylorda region. Setting up demonstration plots would require consideration of the specific local peculiarities as well as climatic conditions of the regions. Thus, the demonstration plot is prioritized based on the present condition and restore the abandoned shifting cultivation lands into a productive landscapes. Objective: The national expert will bear responsibility for implementation of the local level activities including planning, arranging, coordinating, managing, monitoring and overseeing of all project demonstration activities as well as provide expertise and consultative support to the SLM projects manager as per indicated specific task lists and delivery milestones. Scope of work: Duties and responsibilities of the expert include, but are not limited to: Coordination and management of project activities at the local level and activities related to the implementation of the experimental and demonstration works; Undertake monitor of activities implemented at the local level to take the necessary and timely measures to achieve the goals of those activities; Ensure establishment and cooperation with concerned local government agencies, local communities and farmers, private and public business entities on development and implementation of sustainable practices on pasture, forest, cropping and water management, alternative activities in arid and semi-arid ecosystems; To assist in the execution of the agreement with the local executive bodies, with land users and other stakeholders; Encourage and support the works of the experts and consultants in agriculture, pasture, forestry, water resources over the implementation activities; Undertake monitoring and evaluation missions and provide overall support to the experts in organization and carrying out of competitive bid selection involving local executive cognizant experts on the selection of experimental and demonstration plots on pasture, cropping and agroforestry activities for the implementation of “green technologies”, and hence implementation of sustainable practices in accordance with set criteria; Undertake control and monitoring of the progress of the implementation of demonstration projects on sustainable agriculture, forestry, pasture restoration and rehabilitation, water saving technologies at the project’s target areas; Provide assistance to set scheduled and unscheduled meetings with the local population, local executive bodies, private, public and economic entities in the target regions/area and other stakeholders; Provide expertise support on replication, scaling out, out-scaling, broadcasting and dissemination of best practices as well as generated lessons learnt; Document all relevant best practices and properly inform the SLM projects manager; Preparation and submission of quarterly and annual progress reports; Perform other duties as requested by the SLM project manager. Final deliverables: # 1. 2. Deliverable 1. Submission of detail work plan for the planned activities. 2. (This tranche is to be used to support travel and start-up costs). 1. Submit detail description of the suitable plots for establishment of demonstration plots in Kyzylorda and Mangistau regions. 2. Developed and submitted a tentative scheme and methodology for establishment of demonstration plots. 3. Minutes of the meeting with the local and national partners on establishment of demonstrative plots and other events organized within the SLM projects. 4. Developed and submitted narrative report on accomplished activities. (The content and outline of the report should be agreed with SLM projects manager well in advance). 5. Developed and submitted ToR for conducting project workshop and conference. Period May- July 2015 August- October 2015 Payment amount 1 Tranche (20%) 2 Tranche (40 %) 1. Developed up to date report on the status of demonstration plots. 2. Submitted minutes on the conducted meetings and resolution taken. 3. Technical note on experimental demonstration plots. 4. Developed and submitted ToR for conducting project workshop and conference. 5. Developed and submitted narrative report on accomplished activities. (The content and outline of the report should be agreed with SLM projects manager well in advance). 6. Submitted final narrative report. (The content and outline of the report should be agreed with SLM projects manager well in advance). 3. NovemberDecember 2015 3 Tranche (40 %) The Executive partner shall submit the methodology for implementation of the list of the works to be performed. The implementation schedule has to be agreed upon between the EP and the UNDP. The final version of these documents will take effect after signing of the Agreement by two parties. It is expected that the EP will begin tasks specified in Section 3 of the Technical Specifications during a 1 or 2 months. It is not recommended to use or apply any chemicals that are forbidden in the Republic of Kazakhstan or persistent organic pollutions. Duration and expected start The services under this sub-project shall be provided by Implementing Partner within and not more than 8 months, starting as of May 2015 and ending at 01st of December, 2015. Any other changes in the timeframe of implementation of this sub-project will be negotiated between UNDP and Implementing Partner. Only after preliminary negotiation between the parties and receipt of agreement, a change will take an effect. The practical experience and qualifications of the Executive partner Sound experience in conducting development works and trails, outreach work, information and awareness raising campaigns and large-scale research and experimental studies. Track record on the extended experience in research and implementation of the tasks. Availability of the project required priority resources: appropriate personnel, questionnaires, methodical materials; necessary office equipment and reliable means of communications. Experience developing preparing, and presenting crop yield prediction models. Experience on monitoring land surface conditions and adaptation strategies to improve yields, coping strategies and community mobilization. Experience working with the insurance sector, in order to promote the expansion of insurance under writing in agricultural risk management. Adequate competency and experience of the suggested personnel/ team. Proficiency of the suggested team in oral and written English language. Expected travels: # Travel to Kazakhstan to support the Insurance Industry, and yield prediction, and soil moisture projects 1. Kyzylorda 2. Mangistau Period May – December (each month 3 days) May – December (each month 3 days) Number of days 24 24 Venue Work in the ag. Dept. akimat of Kyzylorda Work in the ag. Dept. akimat of Mangistau COA Project ID 90947 91544 Total: Activity Account Amount Fund Job description endorsed by: Supervisor Yerlan Zhumabayev/Project Coordinator Programme officer Rassul Rakhimov/Programme Associate Signature Signature Dept ID Impl Agency Donor