Graham County Department of Public Health Dental Clinic

Graham County Department of
Public Health Dental Clinic
Emergency Procedure Manual
Emergency Procedure Manual
 All personal in the Graham County Department of Public
Health Dental Clinic should have annual CPR updates
and appropriate medical Emergency in the dental office
 If an emergency occurs when the hygienist is seeing
patients and the dentist is not working that day
RESPONDER # 1 would be the hygienist and
RESPONDER # 2 Bring oxygen tank activate assistance
from the Health Department or 9-911 Basic Life Support
will be done until assistance arrives.
 It is now mandated that all dental professionals wear
long-sleeve jackets.
The Emergency Kit that is shown on the following page is the Color –Coded
Basic Emergent-ez Drug Kit Model HM1010. This kit is followed by the Colorcoded directional pamphlet on drugs, giving manufacturer’s recommendations
and describing their use. This kit is on an automatic Drug refill service by the
Health First Corp.
This kit along with a portable oxygen tank, mask, epi-pen, paper bag, first aid
kit, AED Defibulater and pocket masks are located in the supply closet in the
hall. The designated area is labeled.
Blood Pressure Cuffs are located in the operators.
An Eye Wash Station is located at a sink in the sterilization area.
An Ammonia Vaporole is in mobile cart in the operatory rooms, and in the
color- coded drug kit.
1. The employee with the patient in distress (“Responder#1) will exclaim
“Operatory 14” the nearest employee (Who becomes” Responder #2).
2. Responder # 2 Will:
Notify the Dentist
Will also obtain an oxygen tank and delivery
system and emergency kit.
3. Responder #1 will continue the attend to the immediate needs of the
patients by loosening restrictive clothing, ensuring an open airway and
beginning other appropriate initial first aid procedures.
4. Responder # 2 should set up oxygen tank and delivery system, and have
the Quick Reference Guide” available for reference by all responders.
5. The Dentist will determine status of the patient and will direct treatment.
The Dentist will determine if the emergency is a simple one that s/he can
treat (ex. Syncope, hyperventilation, angina, petite mat seizures, minor
or nausea).
6. Responder # 1 will provide the dentist with information about the
patient’s medical history and symptoms, monitor and record vital signs
record details of emergency treatment, and assist the dentist as necessary.
7. The Responder # 2 helps the dentist by referring the proper page of the
“Emergency Reference Guide” and provides oxygen, Masks, Drugs or
items as requested by the dentist.
8. If the Dentist determines that the nature of the emergency requires
assistance, s/he will direct someone to call the Health Department and 9911.
9. If the patients refuse treatment or assistance, the patient needs to sign a
waiver sheet that is located at the front desk. A Wavier form is also
located at the end of the Emergency Procedure Manual.
The employee contacting the Health Department and/or 9-911 should
briefly describe the nature of the emergency to the switchboard operator
(Number of individuals affected, medical problems, care being given, and
10. Other employees in the clinic area should help keep order and calm
11. When the emergency is resolved:
Record emergency incident in the patients chart.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the emergency treatment
Remember the patient should never be left alone.
Roles of Dental Team Members in Emergency Care
Responder #1
Announces the emergency (“Operatory 17”)
Begins Basic First aid
Monitor and record vital signs
Record other information on emergency form
Assist Dentist as needed
Responder # 2
1. Contacts Dentist
2. Brings emergency cart/Kit and Oxygen set-up to emergency
3. Sets up oxygen to treatment
4. Draws drugs as directed
5. Turns “Quick Reference Guide” to proper page
“IN Charge” for the emergency
Gives orders for treatment
Requests and administers drugs
Makes all decisions
Receptionists or Other Auxiliary
1. Summon EMS
2. Evacuate patients
3. Assist as needed per Dentist orders
The Employee is expected to:
1) Perform prophylactic procedures for preventing emergencies prior to
treatment at each appointment (or ascertain that this has been accomplished)
Always review the medical/dental history.
Always perform a general assessment of the patient.
Always check vital signs when indicated.
2) Evaluate and identify systems of emergencies which may occur in the dental
office including:
 Syncope
 Orthostatic hypotension
 Acute adrenal insufficiency
Respiratory Difficulty
 Airway Obstruction
 Hyperventilation
 Asthma
 Heart failure/acute pulmonary edema
Altered Consciousness
 Diabetes Mellitus
 Thyroid gland dysfunction
 Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
 Seizures
Drug Related
 Overdose
 Allergy
Chest Pain
 Angina
 Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart attack)
 Cardiac Arrest
Other Emergencies
 Hemorrhage
 Shock
 Burns
 Internal Poisoning
 Foreign body in the eye
 Chemical solution in the eye
 Dislocated Jaw
 Facial Fracture
 Avulsed tooth
Quick Reference Guide for
Management of Common Medical
Emergencies in the Dental Setting
Tisha Anderson, CDA
Instructor, Dental Assisting Program
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Shaun R. Tate, R.D.H., B.S., M.A. Ed
Chairman, Allied Dental Programs
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
C. Max Queen, RN, EMT-P
Dean, Allied Health and Public Service Education
Asheville- Buncombe Technical Community College
General Guidelines for Medical Emergency Management
 Stop dental treatment immediately.
 Remain calm and maintain composure.
 Act swiftly and responsively.
 For medical help, call 9-911