The initial development of NEUROLEX relied on studies undertaken internationally by universities and other research institutes and published in peer-reviewed medical and scientific
journals. You are encouraged to study this science and for your convenience we have listed below just a small representative selection of this published science which may be accessed
through ‘Google Scholar’. For further detailed information regarding this product you are invited to contact us.
Nutraceutical Interventions may delay aging and the
Experimental Gerontology
2000; vol 35:1405-1417
Age-related diseases.
Activation of Innate Immunity system during aging:
Ageing Research Reviews
2008; vol 7(2): 83-105
Cancer Letters
2003; vol 236: 13-23
Reactive Oxygen Species, Aging and Antioxidative
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science
2006; vol 3(1): 21-33
And Food Safety
Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial DNA Mutation, and
Experimental Biology and Medicine
2002; vol 227; 671-682
Herz (in German)
2004; vol 29(8): 733-740
NF-kB signalling is the molecular culprit of inflamm-aging
Molecular mechanisms of aging-associated
Impairment of Antioxidant Enzymes in Aging
Vascular Inflammation in Aging
Inflammaging as a Major Characteristic of Old People:
Nutrition Reviews
2008; vol 65(s3): S173-176
Aging and Proinflammatory Cytokines
Current Opinion in Hematology
2001: vol 8(3): 131-136
Innate immunity and Inflammation in ageing:
Immunity and Aging
2005; vol 2: 8
Can It Be Prevented or Cured?
A key for understanding age-related diseases.
Associations of elevated Interleukin-6 and C-Reactive
The American Journal of Medicine
1999; vol 105(5): 506-512
Protein levels with mortality in the elderly.
Age-associated Increased Interleukin-6 Gene Expression:
Annual Review of Medicine
2000; vol 51: 245-270
Journal of Applied Physiology
2007; vol 103: 3-5
Late-life Diseases and Frailty
A Gripping Reality: oxidative stress, inflammation and
The pathway to frailty
Grape-derived polyphenolics prevent Abeta oligomerization Journal of Neuroscience
and attenuate cognitive deterioration in a mouse model of
Alzheimer’s disease
2008; vol 28(25): 6388-92
Grape Seed Proanthocyanidins Prevent Plasma Postprandial Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2002; vol 50(26): 7720-25
Oxidative Stress in Humans
Rejuvenation of antioxidant system in central nervous
Neuroscience Letters
2005; vol 383(3): 295-300
Clinical Cancer Research
2006; vol 12: 6194-6202
system of aged rats by grape seed extract.
Grape Seed Extract Inhibits in vitro and in vivo Growth
of Human Colorectal Carcinoma Cells
Anticancer and Cancer Chemopreventive Potential of
Journal of Nutrition
2009; vol 139(9): 1806-1812
Grape Seed Extract and Other Grape-based Products
Free Radicals and Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract;
2000: vol 148: 187-197
Clinical Cancer Research
2000; vol 6: 2921-2930
Age-related oxidative protein damages in central nervous
International Journal of Developmental
2005; vol 23(6): 501-507
system of rats: modulatory role of grape seed extract.
Importance in human health and disease prevention.
A Polyphenolic Fraction from Grape Seeds causes
Irreversible Growth Inhibition of Breast Carcinoma
MDA-MB468 Cells by Inhibiting Mitogen-activated
Protein Kinases and Inducing G1 Arrest and Differentiation.
Synergistic Anti-Cancer Effects of Grape Seed Extract
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
2004; vol 85(1): 1-12
And Convential Cytotoxic Agent Doxorubicin Against Human
Breast Cancer Cells.
Grape Seed Extract Inhibits Advance4d Human Prostate
International Journal of Cancer
2004; vol 108: 733-740
Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis and Upregulates Insulin-Like
Growth Factor Binding Protein-3
Study on the Effect of Grape Seed Extract on
International Journal of Pharmacology
2006; vol 2(6): 593-600
Cancer Research
2007; vol 67: 5976-5982
Intake of flavonoids and risk of dementia
European Journal of Epidemiology
2000: vol 16(4): 357-363
Flavonoids and the Aging Brain
Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
2005; vol 56: 23-36
Reversing the deleterious effects of aging on neuronal
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
2005; vol 82: 3138-68
Hypercholesterolemia: Prevention and Treatment
Oral Grape Seed Extract Inhibits Prostate Tumor Growth
and Progression in TRAMP Mice
communication and behaviour: beneficial properties of
fruit polyphenolic compounds
Circulating cytokines in Alzheimer’s disease
Journal of Psychiatric research
Grape seed procyanidins prevent low-grade inflammation
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
1997; vol 31(6): 657-660
2009; vol 20(3): 210-218
By modulating cytokine expression in rats fed a high-fat diet
Molecular mechanisms of cardioprotection by a novel
Mutation Research/Fundamental and
Grape seed proanthocyanidin extract.
Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
Expression profiling of sodium butyrate (NaB)-treated
2003; vol 523/4: 87-97
2004; vol 23: 6304-6315
cells: identification of regulation of genes related to cytokine
signaling and cancer metastasis by NaB
Inhibition of NF-kB pathway in grape seed extract-induced
International Journal of Oncology
2003; vol 23(3): 721-727
Wei Sheng Yan Jiu (Chinese)
2002; vol Aug 31(4): 263-5
Brain Research Bulletin
2006; vol 68(6): 469-473
apoptotic death of human prostate carcinoma.
Study of anti-atherosclerotic effect of grape seed extract
and its mechanism
Modulatory role of grape seed extract on age-related
Oxidative DNA damage in central nervous system of rats.
Increased lipoprotein oxidation in Alzheimer’s disease.
Insulin Resistance Syndrome and Alzheimer Disease:
Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Alzheimer Disease and Associated
2000; vol 28(3): 351-360
2006; vol 20(4): 298-301
Pathophysiologic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications. Disorders
Neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and the pathogenesis Clinical Neuroscience Research
2006; vol 6(5): 261-281
Of Parkinson’s disease.
Low levels of circulating inflammatory cytokines –
Brain, Behavior and Immunity
202; vol 16(5): 525-532
Neurobiology of Aging
1996: vol 17(5): 795-800
Neuroscience Letters
1995; vol 202: 17-20
Do they affect human brain functions?
Interleukin-6-associated inflammatory processes in
Alzheimer’s disease: New therapeutic options.
Interleukin-1B and Interleukin-6 are elevated in the
Cerebrospinal fluid of Alzheimer’s and de novo
Parkinson’s disease patients.
Consideration of Grape Seed Extract as a preventive
Alzheimer’s and Dementia
against Alzheimer’s disease.
(Jnl of The Alzheimer’s Association)
2005; vol 1(1): s100-s101
The epidemiology of adiposity and Dementia.
Current Alzheimer’s Research
Anticancer and Cancer Chemopreventive Potential of
2007; vol 4(2): 117-122
Journal of Nutrition
2009; vol 139(9): 1806s-1812S
2007; vol 50(11): 2374-2383
Grape Seed Extract and Other Grape-Based Products
Selective increases of bifidobacteria in gut microflora
improve high-fat-diet-induced diabetes in mice through
a mechanism associated with endotoxaemia.
Role of the NF-kB Pathway in the Pathogenesis of
Current Molecular Medicine
2001; vol 1(3): 287-296
Human Disease States
Sodium Butyrate Induces Growth Arrest and Senescence-Like
International Journal of Cancer
2001; vol 94: 257-267
Phenotypes in Gynecologic Cancer Cells
Modulatory role of grape seed extract on age-related
Brain Research Bulletin
2006; vol 68(6): 469-473
Journal of Applied Physiology
2008; vol 105: 1333-1341
2001; vol 20: 4188-4197
Oxidative DNA damage in central nervous system of rats.
Inflammation and endothelial dysfunction during aging:
role of NF-kB
Blockade of NF-kB activity in human prostate cancer cells
Is associated with suppression of angiogenesis, invasion and
Chronic Inflammation and Pathogenesis of GI and
The Link Between Inflammation and
2006; vol 130: 39-65
Pancreatic Cancers
Cancer (Book)
Abdominal Obesity and Risk of Ischemic Stroke
Stroke (Jnl Amer Heart Assn)
2003; vol 34: 1586-1592
Impact of Overweight on the Risk of Developing Common
Archives of Internal Medicine
2001; vol 161: 1581-1586
Immunology Allergy Clinics of
2003; vol 23(1): 15-39
Inflammation Research
2000; vol 49(11): 561-570
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
2007; vol 86(5): 1286-1292
Chronic Diseases During a 10-Year Period
Age-related inflammatory cytokines and disease.
North America
Unregulated inflammation shortens human functional
A high-fat meal induces low-grade endotoxemia:
evidence of a novel mechanism of postprandial inflammation.
Activation of innate immunity system during aging:
NF-kB signalling is the culprit of inflamm-aging
Ageing Research Reviews
2008; vol 7(2): 83-105
Role of the NF-kappaB pathway in the pathogenesis
Current Molecular Medicine
2001; Jul.1(3): 287-296
NF-kappaB signalling in the aging process
Journal of Clinical Immunology
2009; Jul.29(4): 397-405
Reversal of aging by NF-kB blockade
Cell Cycle
2008; vol 7(5): 556-559
Therapeutic potential of inhibition of the NF-kB
Journal of Clinical Investigation
2001; vol 107(2): 135-142
of human disease states
pathway in the treatment of inflammation and cancer
Anti-inflammatory effects of bifidobacteria by inhibition
World Journal of Gastroenterology
2006; vol 12(23): 3729-3735
of LPS-induced NF-kB activation
Inhibition of NF-kB pathway in grape seed extract-induced
International Journal of Oncology
2003; vol 23(3): 721-727
Molecular mechanisms of aging-associated inflammation
Cancer Letters
2006; vol 236(1): 13-23
Emerging relationships of inflammation, cardiovascular
International Journal of Obesity
2003; vol 27: S29-S34
apoptotic death of human prostate carcinoma DU145 cells
disease and chronic diseases of aging
Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress in the genesis
Langenbecks Archives of Surgery
2006; vol 391: 499-510
British Medical Journal (Online Paper)
2005; doi;10.1136/BMJ.38446
and perpetuation of cancer: role of lipid peroxidation,
DNA damage and repair.
Obesity in middle age and future risk of dementia:
A 27-year longitudinal population based study.
Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress in human
International Journal of Cancer
2007; vol 121: 2381-2386
C-Reactive protein, a Sensitive Marker of Inflammation,
Circulation (Jnl American Heart Association)
1999; vol 99: 237-242
Predicts Future Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in initially
Healthy Middle-Aged Men
Intestinal Bacteria and ageing
Journal of Applied Microbiology
2007; vol 102: 1178-1186
The effect of grape-seed extract on 24 h energy intake
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
2004; vol 58(4): 667-73
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
2010; vol 336: 25-37
In humans
NF-kB and cancer: how intimate is this relationship
Inflammation as a Major Characteristic of Old People:
Nutrition Reviews
2007; vol 65(1): 173-176
Osteoporosis, Inflammation and ageing
Immunity and Ageing
2005; vol 2: 14 –
Antioxidants may contribute in the fight against ageing
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
2001; vol 121(1): 217-230
Can it be Prevented or Cured?
An in vitro model
Oxidative stress and vascular aging
The Inflammation Hypothesis of Aging
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
Annals of the New York Academy of
2001; vol 54: 73-80
2006; vol 928: 327-335
Nutritional Intervention in Brain Aging: Reducing the
Subcellular Biochemistry
2007; vol 42: 299-318
Effects of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress.
Physiological and Anti-inflammatory Roles of
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 1999; vol 23(5): S70-S73
Dietary Fiber and Butyrate in Intestinal Functions
Metabolic Endotoxemia Initiates Obesity and Insulin
2007; vol 56(7): 1161-1172