04.08.15 סמינר לתואר שלישי71-980-01 יונתן פאקס. פרופ:שם המרצה :שעות קבלת קהל מחלקת מדעי המדינה:מיקום קבלת קהל 03-531-8578 :טלפון Jonathan.Fox@biu.ac.il :דוא"ל ) (סמינר:סוג הקורס :היקף שעות ב+ א:סמסטר תשע"ו, :שנת לימודים אין:אתר הקורס באינטרנט :) נושאים, (רציונל: ותוכן הקורס, מטרות ספציפיות/ מטרות הקורס (מטרות על. א וב This course is intended to cover advanced research methodology. This will be accomplished by (1) discussions based on existing research presented by the professor of the course. (2) Discussions of specific types of research and research issues. (3) Discussions based on the research of the students participating in the course. (4) Discussions based on the research of guest lecturers. In the course I intend to cover a wide variety of research designs with the purpose of both helping students gain a better understanding of the research methods they use as well as a greater familiarity of other research methods used in the field op political science. :מהלך השיעורים ותכנית הוראה מפורטת לכל השיעורים This course will be run as a seminar with a significant amount of student participation and presentations. The exact order of the courses as well as the readings will be based to a great extent on the students. Most readings will be e-mailed to all students at least a week before the course where they are relevant. The exact order of the classes will also be based to some extent on the students and the schedules of guest lecturers. There will be three types of sessions: 1. Research and research topics presented by the course’s professor. These will include: a. How to build a database. (readings: Fox “Ethnoreligious Data Collection” b. The Religion and State datatset (Readings: Fox “Is it Really God’s Century?”) c. Big Data and Causal Inference (Readings: 8 articles listed under “Big Data” below) d. How the peer-review and publication process works. (Rich “Publishing as a Grad Student”, Djupe “Peer Reviewing in Political Science”) e. Fieldwork research (the 7 articles listed under “Fieldwork” below) f. I may add other topics if we have enough time 2. Researches presented by students. As Discussed in more detail below each student will make at least two presentations. Time permitting, students will also present what they consider to be influential articles in their research field to the class. 1 3. Research presented by guest lecturers. The guest lecturers will determine the readings for their lectures. : חובות הקורס.ג :דרישות קדם : מטלות/ דרישות/ חובות Each student will be expected to do all course readings and participate in all discussions during the academic year. In addition each student will need to do each of the following: 1. A presentation based on a research project the student has completed in the class. This can include the student’s MA thesis, or another research of a similar or greater level of quality such as a research paper written with a professor or presented in the past at an academic conference or similar forum. The presentation will focus on the research methodology used but will also include the theoretical basis for the project, relevant past studies, the research question (or hypotheses), and the results. 2. A presentation based on the student’s Ph.D. work. As many of the students will be in their first year of their Ph.D. studies I expect that this will be a work in progress. The presentation is intended to help the student develop and receive feedback on her research proposal. The presentation will focus on the research methodology used but will also include the theoretical basis for the project, relevant past studies, the research question (or hypotheses) and, if available, the results. 3. The main assignment will be to develop a paper that is suitable for submission to a peer review journal in English. This paper will be based on a research project already completed by the student, presumable (but not necessarily) the project the student presents in class. :) ציון עובר/ מרכיבי הציון הסופי (ציון מספרי 1. The two presentations described above and class participation will be 30% of the grade combined (10% each) 2. 70% of the grade will be based on the research paper listed in #3 above. )רשות/ (חובה: ביבליוגרפיה.ד General articles: Djupe, Paul A. “Peer Reviewing in Political Science: new Survey Results” PS, Political Science & Politics 48 (2), 2015, 346-352. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני Fox, Jonathan "Ethnoreligious Data Collection." The International Studies Encyclopedia. Denemark, Robert A. Blackwell Publishing, 2010. Blackwell Reference Online, <http://www.isacompendium.com/subscriber/tocnode?id=g9781444336597_chunk_g97814443365 977_ss1-36> אין גישה לבר אילן Fox, Jonathan “Is it Really God’s Century? An Evaluation of Religious Support and Discrimination from 1990 to 2008" Politics & Religion, 7 (1), 2014, 4-27. (1223029) כתב עת אלקטרוני Rich, Timothy “Publishing as a Graduate Student: A Quick and (Hopefully) Painless Guide to Establishing Yourself as a Scholar” PS, 46(2) 2013, 376-379. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני Articles on Big Data 1. Clark, William R. & Matt Golder “Big Data, Causal Inference, and Formal Theory: Contradictory Trends in Political Science? Introduction” PS, 48 (1), 2015, 65-70. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 2. Monroe, Burt L., Jennifer Pan, Margaret E. Roberts, Maya Sen, ans Betsy Sinclair “No! Formal Theory, Causal Inference, and Big Data Are Not Contradictory Trends in Political Science” PS, 48 (1), 2015, 71-74. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 2 3. Titunik, Rocio “Can Big Data Solve the Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference?” PS, 48 (1), 2015, 75-79. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 4. Grimmer, Justin “We Are All Social Scientists Now: How Big Data, Machine Learning, and Causal Inference Work Together” PS, 48 (1), 2015, 80-83. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 5. Nagler, Jonathan & Joshua A. Tucker “Drawing Inferences and Testing Theories with Big Data” PS, 48 (1), 2015, 84-88 (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 6. Ashworth, Scott, Christopher R. Berry * Ethan Bueno de Mesquita “All Else Equal in Theory and Data (Big and Small” PS, 48 (1), 2015, 89-94. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 7. Patty, John W. & Elizabeth Maggie Penn “Analyzing Big Data: Social Choice and Measurement” PS, 48 (1), 2015, 95-101. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 8. Keele, Luke “The Discipline of Identification” PS, 48 (1), 2015, 102-106. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני Articles on Fieldwork: 1. Hsueh, Roselyn, Francesca R. Jensenius & Akasemi Newsome “Fieldwork in Political Science: Encountering Challenges and Crafting Solutions” PS, 47 (2), 2014, 391-393 (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 2. Scoggins, Suzanne E. “Navigating Fieldwork as an Outsider: Observations form Interviewing Police Officers in China” PS, 47 (2), 2014, 394-397. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 3. Simate, Vasundhara “Positionality, Personal Security, and Female Empathy in Security Studies Research” PS, 47 (2), 2014, 398-401. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 4. Jensenius, Francesca R. “The Fieldwork of Quantitative Data Collection” PS, 47 (2), 2014, 402-404. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 5. Chambers-Ju Christopher “Data Collection, Opportunity Costs, and Problem Solving: Lessons from Field Research on Teachers’ Unions in Latin America” PS, 47 (2), 2014, 405-409. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 6. Newsome, Akasemi “Knowing When to Scale Back: Addressing Questions of Research Scope in the Field” PS, 47 (2), 2014, 410-413. (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני 7. LaPorte, Jody “Confronting a Crisis in Research Design” PS, 47 (2), 2014, 414-417 (129502) כתב עת אלקטרוני :) וספרי עזר נוספיםtextbooks( ספרי הלימוד :חומר מחייב למבחנים 3