First experiment was conducted under atmospheric conditions. With

First experiment was conducted under atmospheric conditions. With each spark, rise of voltage
and current was observable in secondary output.
With second experiment arc was placed in vacuum. With each spark, there was rise of voltage
and current observable in secondary output but with much lower magnitude. It means that under
vacuum we have only electron field emission between cathode and anode.
From that simple experiment we can draw first conclusion that under atmospheric conditions
there is process of pumping additional electromagnetic energy to the transformer.
After this conclusion we must analyze content of atmosphere. We can see that 78 per cent of our
atmosphere is nitrogen and only 20 percent is oxygen.
What is the nitrogen? According to Wikipedia Nitrogen is a chemical element that has the
symbol N, atomic number of 7 and atomic mass 14.00674 u. Elemental nitrogen is a colorless,
odorless, tasteless and mostly inert diatomic gas at standard conditions, constituting 78.08% by
volume of Earth's atmosphere.
What is the oxygen? According to Wikipedia Oxygen is the element with atomic number 8 and
represented by the symbol O. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe by mass
after hydrogen and helium and the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust. Diatomic
oxygen gas constitutes 20.8% of the volume of air.
In order to pump additional energy to the transformer element must have magnetic moment.
Again according to Wikipedia All stable isotopes that contain an odd number of protons and/or
of neutrons have an intrinsic magnetic moment and angular momentum, in other words a
nonzero spin, while all nuclides with even numbers of both have spin 0.
Nitrogen-14 is one of two stable (non-radioactive) isotopes of the chemical element nitrogen,
making up 99.636% of natural nitrogen.
It is one of the few stable nuclides with both an odd number of protons and neutrons (7 each)
each of which contributes spin 1/2 each giving the nucleus a magnetic spin of 1
Oxygen-17 is the only stable isotope of oxygen possessing a nuclear spin of low natural
abundance (0.0373% in seawater; approx. twice as abundant as Deuterium).
From this simple consideration we can draw second conclusion. Nitrogen is the element that
contributes to the phenomena.
We need to consider theory of nuclear magnetic resonance.
The nucleus has a positive charge and is spinning. This generates a small magnetic field. The
nucleus therefore possesses a magnetic moment, which is proportional to its spin,I.
The constant , is called the gyro magnetic ratio and is a fundamental nuclear constant which has
a different value for every nucleus. h is Planck’s constant.
For nitrogen,
= 3.08 MHz / T.
The energy of a particular energy level is given by;
The difference in energy between levels (the transition energy) can be found from
This means that if the magnetic field, B, is increased, so is difference in energy. It also means
that if a nucleus has a relatively large gyro magnetic ratio, then difference in energy is
correspondingly large.
The nucleus is spinning on its axis. In the presence of a magnetic field, this axis of rotation will
precess around the magnetic field;
The frequency of precession is termed the Larmor frequency, which is identical to the transition
The potential energy of the precessing nucleus is given by;
E = -  B cos 
where  is the angle between the direction of the applied field and the axis of nuclear rotation.
If energy is absorbed by the nucleus, then the angle of precession, , will change. For a nucleus
of spin 1/2, absorption of radiation "flips" the magnetic moment so that it opposes the applied
field (the higher energy state).
When a group of spins is placed in a magnetic field, each spin aligns in one of the two possible
orientations (S-SN-N or S-NS-N). At room temperature, the number of spins in the lower energy
level (S-NS-N), N+, slightly outnumbers the number in the upper level (S-SN-N), N-. Boltzmann
statistics tells us that
N-/N+ = e-E/kT.
E is the energy difference between the spin states; k is Boltzmann's constant, 1.3805x10-23
J/Kelvin; and T is the temperature in Kelvin. As the temperature decreases, so does the ratio N/N+. As the temperature increases, the ratio approaches one.
In our experiment when we apply a pulse of electromagnetic energy to Tesla’s transformer in
atmospheric conditions an arc is observed. What is the cause of acceleration of nitrogen
Oscillator (spin packet) is always seeking to occupy a stable position in wave medium in which
the overall influence on it from the wave field will be zero. Such place is called potential hole.
The motion of potential hole triggers the motion of the source.
Let’s solve the problem, starting with the analysis of the state of the field in the area between the
oscillators, and find conditions in which coincidence of the moving source and standing wave
nodes is fulfilled
System of two oscillators (the spin packet and the transformer) does not emit energy only in case
if incident energy equal reflected energy. It means standing wave has to be observed.
Suppose we have two sources of waves whose frequency, respectively,
, with
The observer must move to implement the condition of equal frequencies of the incoming waves
and energies emitted from the sources. In this case he registers a standing wave! The energy flow
of the standing wave is equal to the wave’s velocity. (Ivanov Ritmodinamika)
In the moving observer’s reference frame we have:
, therefore
Let’s solve the equation relative to the system’s velocity
frequencies and a regular standing wave is observed:
The same, relative to the emitters, is also the speed
standing wave:
, in which equality of incoming
of the flow of energy concentrated in the
To fully restore the inner balance in the moving system one has to, first, change the distance
between the oscillators; second, create the necessary phase displacement between the oscillators
In which case
Which implies that in a freely moving system its parameters: velocity, length and phase
displacement are closely related to each other, and must be mutually coordinated so as to restore
the balance.
When placed in a magnetic field of strength B, a nuclear with a net spin can absorb a photon, of
frequency . The frequency depends on the gyro magnetic ratio, of the nuclear and intensity
of the magnetic field.
= B
Each of the spin is experiencing a slightly different magnetic field and rotates at its own Larmor
frequency. It means the system, in order to restore the balance, needs to accelerate.
Let’s consider two coherent sources with the same frequency but phase displacement.
l – Distance between the sources
A general case solution:
If acceleration were viewed as one of the regimes of motion in wave medium, then the following
relation between the system’s acceleration and the phase displacement changing in time
(different frequency) could be applied:
The distance between the sources of the accelerating (falling) system is changed according to the
When packet picks up speed above certain level, energy of hitting surround molecules is enough
to cause luminescence.
When nitrogen spin packet starts to decelerate and hits target, the spin packet emit quanta of
electromagnetic energy equal to transition energy of all spins in the upper level. In our
experiment Tesla’s transformer has been induced with electromagnetic energy of frequency
approximately 2.2 -2.3 MHz which is equal = B.
Initially at room temperature, the number of spins in the lower energy level (S-NS-N), N+,
slightly outnumbers the number in the upper level (S-SN-N), N-.When we apply magnetic field
and electromagnetic pulse number of spins in upper level slightly outnumber number of spins in
lower level. After spin packet hits the target, number of spins in the upper level is zero.
Energy is released in form of electromagnetic pulse which is stored in Tesla’s transformer.
From all the above consideration we can conclude that magnetic spin energy stored in nitrogen
nuclear can be used for generation of useful electromagnetic energy.