Remnant patch offset management plan [MS Word Document

First party general offset management plan:
Protection and management of a remnant patch offset
This template has been designed for permit holders securing a first party general offset in accordance with their
permit conditions. The template must be filled out and attached to Schedule 3 of your security agreement. If you
require assistance to complete this offset management plan, please contact the relevant statutory authority.
This template must not be used under the following circumstances:
if you are entering into a security agreement with Trust for Nature
if you are securing a specific offset
if you want to generate tradable native vegetation credits.
It is important to note that this template is for the generation of gain via the protection and management of
existing remnant patch native vegetation on property in the same ownership as the property where the native
vegetation is to be cleared.
Please ensure all sections and fields are completed with the appropriate information.
1. Planning permit details
Municipal district
Planning permit number
Clearing site address
Permit holder
Date permit granted
2. Permit offset condition
Offset type
Catchment management authority region
Municipal district
Minimum strategic biodiversity score
General biodiversity equivalence units required
3. Offset site details
Offset site identifier (completed by authority)
Offset property owner
Phone contact
Email contact
Offset address
Catchment management authority region
Municipal district
Offset size
Strategic biodiversity score
General biodiversity equivalence units
4. Offset area
A first party general offset condition may be satisfied by securing more than one individual site. If those multiple
sites are in the same proximity within the same property, they can be combined in the same management plan.
Sites separated by great distances need to use individual management plans, but can be secured on the same
security agreement.
Total area(ha) of offset
Number of separate sites on management plan to
satisfy permit condition.
Area(ha) of site 1
Area(ha) of site 2
5. Security agreement
Statutory body
Agreement type
6. Ongoing security and management commitment standards
The landowner must comply with the security agreement identified in Section 4 and meet all of the following
ongoing management commitments to achieve the predicted gain from the offset site. The management
commitments are set out in detail below:
a) retain all standing trees (dead or alive)
b) exclude stock and other threats
c) ensure weed cover (both Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 (CaLP Act) and non CaLP Act weeds)
does not increase beyond the current level
d) monitor for any new and emerging weeds (both CaLP Act and non CaLP Act weeds) and eliminate to <1 per
cent cover
e) retain logs and fallen timber
f) retain organic litter
g) control rabbits.
The landowner(s), and any future landowner(s), of the site are required to maintain the condition of the offset site
to the level achieved at the conclusion of the ten year management plan in perpetuity.
a) Retain all standing trees (dead or alive)
The removal of dead and living standing trees is prohibited.
Suggested management actions
 none required
b) Exclude stock and other threats
A map of where fencing is to be erected on the site, as well as and the timing of fencing placement (if required)
must be recorded in Table 2. Unless alternative fencing methods have been agreed upon to the satisfaction of
DEPI, the commitment must be achieved in accordance with the Native vegetation credit register management
standard – Fencing, which includes the following:
stock are not permitted to enter the site
where there is a risk of stock entering the site it must be fenced at that time to the following standard:
o six line ring-lock with one plain wire or five strand plain wire with two electrified strands or seven
strand plain wire
o 1.8m high treated pine or steel post with posts no more than 10m apart with two droppers in
o trainers 2.1m high, 150mm wide treated pine or railway iron/large diameter steel pots
o stays 3m treated pine
fences do not include barbed wire
fences are not electrified on the bottom strand
along waterways fences are a minimum of 10m from the top edge of the bank
around scattered trees the fence protects an area twice the diameter of the drip line of the tree
motorised vehicles, bikes and horses are not permitted to enter the site. Formed tracks or trails through
patches of native vegetation must not be included in the boundaries of sites. The landowner must manage
the site so that motorised vehicles, bikes and horses do not enter the site from these tracks or trails. This
may require construction of barriers along the edge of the track or trail
alternative fencing specifications may be agreed with the security agreement’s statutory authority provided
the alternative method achieves the commitment.
Suggested management actions
 erect a new fence around the perimeter of the site.
 upgrade fencing around the perimeter of the site.
 maintain fencing around boundary of the site in good condition.
 if a threat arises, erect a fence around the perimeter of the site.
c) Ensure weed cover does not increase beyond the current level
The current overall percentage cover of weeds within the offset site must be recorded in Table 1. The methods
and timing used to control the weeds must be recorded within Table Table 2. The commitment must be achieved
in accordance with the Native vegetation credit register management standard – Control or elimination of weeds,
which includes the following:
control all weeds to ensure that their overall cover does not increase beyond level specified in the premanagement site condition table (Table 1) prior to commencement of the plan.
Suggested management actions
 felling/ring barking
 cut and paint with suitable herbicide
 drill or frill and fill with suitable herbicide
 spot-praying and wick-wiping
 slashing and mowing
 hand weeding
 spot-burning
 grazing
d) Monitor for any new and emerging weeds and eliminate to <1 per cent cover
The commitment must be achieved in accordance with the Native vegetation credit register management
standard – Control or elimination of weeds.
eliminate any new and emerging weeds so that their cover is negligible.
Suggested management action
 same as previous commitment
e) Retain fallen logs and timber
Collecting any fallen logs or timber is prohibited.
Suggested management actions
 none required
f) Retain organic litter
All organic litter must remain within the boundaries of the offset site.
Suggested management actions
 none required
g) Control rabbits
The methods and timing of control must be recorded in Table 3. The commitment must be achieved in
accordance with the following Native vegetation credit register management standard – Rabbit control, which
includes the following:
remove surface harbour
o remove all surface harbour. Note that this excludes indigenous plants, fallen logs and rocks
o remove any surface harbour identified in site inspections by the organisation monitoring compliance
with the security agreement.
hand collapsing warrens (with or without fumigation)
o hand collapse warrens so that they are no longer used by rabbits
o hand collapse any warrens identified in site inspections by the organisation monitoring compliance with
the security agreement, so that they are no longer used by rabbits.
o create bait trails using handheld equipment. Apply baits at timing specified in Table 2. Dispose of
rabbit carcasses after baiting to reduce risk of off target poisoning.
Suggested management actions
 burrow fumigation and hand collapse
 rabbit proof fencing
 removal of harbour
 baiting
7. Offset site condition and management actions
Landowners are required to record the condition of the offset site in Table 1 prior to implementing the
management plan. Landowners must record the offset site’s current condition concerning:
current percentage of all standing trees (dead and alive) coverage
threat of stock invasion
current percentage of weed coverage
current percentage of logs and fallen timber coverage
presence of organic litter
current state of rabbit presence.
Landowners are required to complete the management plan in Table 2 by indicating:
which management actions will be undertaken for each management commitment
the timing for each management action.
8. Reporting
The security agreement requires the landowner to submit a yearly site condition report for each year of the ten
year management plan and thereafter at the reasonable request of the statutory authority. Reports are to be
submitted prior to the anniversary date of the execution of the agreement..
The yearly site condition report must address progress against each management commitment set out in this
Landowners must submit photographs which clearly depict management actions undertaken for the previous
The following must be included in the yearly site condition report:
permit holder
planning permit number
site identifier
reporting year (1-10)
date report is submitted
who completed the report
condition of site against each management commitment
actions taken during the year to achieve the management commitment
provide photographs.
The yearly site condition report template can be found on DEPI’s website.
Pre-management site condition
Table 1: Current offset site condition
Pre-management plan condition*
Current percentage of all standing
trees (dead and alive) coverage
Exclude stock and other threats
Current percentage of weed
Monitor for any new and
emerging weeds and eliminate to
<1 per cent cover
Not applicable
Current percentage of logs and
fallen timber coverage
Presence of organic litter
Current level of rabbit presence
Management plan
Table 2: 10 year management actions and implementation schedule
Commitment to be achieved
Exclude stock and other threats
Control rabbits
Ensure weed cover does not increase
beyond initial recorded level
Monitor and report
Exclude stock and other threats
Control rabbits
Monitor for any new and emerging weeds
and eliminate to <1 cover
Management action to be undertaken
Timing of management
9. Declaration
Name: ____________________________________________________
Date: ______________
Statutory authority officer
Signature:_____________________________ Date: _______________