F - Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District

English Language Learners Casemanager Responsibilites
Mission: Mat-Su Borough School District prepares students for success
Establish and maintain positive relationships with staff, parents, and students
Employ practices to establish trust and confidentiality
Meet regularly with school site staff to ensure efforts to support ELL and site-based goals
(i.e. RTI meetings, IEP Meetings, Parent Conferences).
Share ELL information regarding data, programs, professional development, etc.
Provide information for website, newsletters, parent meetings, etc. for a variety of topics
such as literacy, language development, WIDA, etc. in the form a publishable document (i.e.
newsletter, website update, etc.)
Share and disseminate information related to ELL teaching practices, curriculums,
professional development, and data with school site staff and parents in a language
understandable by the audience.
Requests for Interpreters or document translations must be submitted in the following
o Complete the Interpreter/Translator Request Form on the ELL website
o Requests must be submitted 5 days in advance
o If emergency requests are necessary, complete the request form and email the ELL
Identification & Assessment Coordinator and Federal Programs Admin Secretary
describe circumstances.
Staff Scheduling
Work collaboratively with the principal and school site staff to aid in the facilitation of and
involvement with any of the following:
o RTI (Response to
o Interventions
o Parent training/events
o Assessments
o Language development
o Data dialogue
o Accommodate ELL needs (in absence of
o Grade level meetings
ELL staff)
Professional Development (PD)
Support (plan and prepare for) professional development needs within your sites related but
not limited to the following:
o WIDA- W-APT, ACCESS, ACCESS assessment reports
o ELL curricula and interventions
o LEP accommodations
501 N. Gulkana
Palmer, Alaska 99645-6147
Ph: 907.746.9239 Fax: 907.746-9290
Response to Instruction/Intervention (RTI)
Understand and convey the foundation of the ELL RTI framework under which MSBSD
conducts educational business:
o Integrated system of instruction and intervention guided by student outcome data
o Multi-tier approach to early identification and support of students with learning and
behavior needs
o Begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in general
education classrooms
o Struggling learners are provided with intervention at increasing levels of intensity to
accelerate their rate of learning
o Services may be provided by a variety of personnel
o Progress is closely monitored to assess both the learning rate and level of performance
of individual students
o Per federal mandate, ELL students will be provided instruction with English language
acquisition programs to simultaneously enhance language development and academic
English Language Acquisition Plans (ELAPs)
ELAP is an instructional database housed within the iPlan system.
 Work in collaboration with the classroom teacher, parents, and instructional coaches to
develop an ELAP using current assessment data:
o Coordinate ELAP with personnel providing intervention instruction at school sites
o Complete all documents within the ELAP framework for each ELL student on your
caseload (see ELAP Job Aid)
o Monitor implementation of well-designed, scientifically research based ELL
curricula/programs within iPlan/ELAP.
o Evaluate ELAPS quarterly: update plans, enter parent communications, modify LEP
accommodations as needed, complete graduation framework etc. to ensure
implementation fidelity of ELL programs as documented within ELAPs.
o At the end of each school year make all ELAPS historic and create a new draft for the
following school year (see ELAP Job Aid).
Within the RTI frame work, collaborate with the school RTI team to:
o Establish ELL PM room for active ELL students, reflected within ELAPs.
o Frequently monitor student learning and adjust variables as needed (group size,
frequency, duration, etc.) utilizing the ELL RTI frameworks (Elementary, Middle, High)
 PM tier I students- monthly
 PM tier II students- bi-weekly
 PM tier III students- weekly
o Attend training as needed to ensure AIMSweb progress monitoring follows RTI protocol
o Evaluate AIMSweb PM rooms quarterly: add intervention lines to reflect current
interventions, complete instructional descriptors with AIMSweb, change goals as
o File PM rooms for all ELL students on you caseload at the end of the school year
501 N. Gulkana
Palmer, Alaska 99645-6147
Ph: 907.746.9276 Fax: 907.746-9290
WIDA Assessments
Identify ELL students with the W-APT, within 30 days of notice to test and submit all
results to Assessment coordinator through in-district mail.
Share WIDA assessment data for active ELLs with classroom teachers and RTI teams
during Data Dialogue meetings at the beginning of the school year to determine
interventions (documented on the ELAPs).
Help coordinate and facilitate the WIDA assessments (at school sites) and become
certified as an ACCESS administrator annually.
LEP Assessment Accommodation forms must be completed in ELAPs, reviewed by
school site teams and parents.
Hard-copy signed LEP forms must be received by the ELL Identification & Assessment
Coordinator no later than November 1.
Identify ELL students with the W-APT, within 30 days of notice to test and submit all
results to Assessment coordinator through in-district mail.
Upon notification that the student has been identified for ELL services, immediately
begin ELL instructional supports.
Establish parent communication within a week of beginning services.
Ensure that the teal folder, received from Federal Programs, is placed in student’s
cumulative folder at school site.
Complete transition form for all 5th & 8th grade active ELL students as soon as spring
data is available.
Meet with instructional coach and/or middle/high school counselor to ensure a smooth
transition and proper placement to meet educational needs, as reflected in the ELAPs.
Ensure that teal folders are sent to transition school including the following documents:
PLQ, W-APT score sheet, ACCESS results and parent notification letters.
High School EL Staff will annually meet with counselors for all high school active ELLs to
review credits earned & deficient and to complete graduation frameworks within the
ELL Abbreviations Key
L1- First year ELL student
LP- ELL student actively receiving services for more than one year
M1- First year monitored ELL student
M2- Second Year monitored student
LEP- Limited English Proficient
PLQ- Parent Language Questionnaire
ESL- English Second Language
ELL- English Language Learner
POS- Plan of Service
AMAO- Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
PM- Progress Monitor
501 N. Gulkana
Palmer, Alaska 99645-6147
Ph: 907.746.9276 Fax: 907.746-9290