District Goals 2011 – 2012 Building Actions Goal 1: Enhance the educational climate in the schools by creating and maintaining a safe, nurturing and welcoming environment that promotes physical and emotional wellbeing Sub Goal Implement the anti-bullying guidelines at all grade levels in accordance with NYS regulations Wingdale Elementary Maintain a strong support staff that identifies high-risk students and provides strategies and interventions that will foster success Encourage healthy lifestyles by promoting physical wellbeing and helping students make informed decisions about health and nutrition Increase communications and education for parents to foster their child’s progress and development Continue “Helping Hands Tree” in cafeteria to promote and recognize positive interactions Ronald McDonald antibullying show Continue to bring in programs such as Theater Works to address character education – anti-bullying Updated code of conduct Behavior Adjustment Team (BAT) in place CST will take place during team time; support staff will be used as needed RTI Process (Pyramid of Intervention) Banana Splits- Mr. Bowler PLC meetings daily Instruction in classroom Better organize playground time Improve webpages Continue Wingdale Warbler monthly Two parent/teacher conferences a year Back to School nights, K-2 Good news postcards Encourage parents to attend SIT Dover Elementary Dover Middle Anti-bullying assemblies Character education training/curriculum “Buddy” shirts – faculty, staff and students Updated code of conduct Consider reintroducing Woogiworld Lightning Club (at risk students) Lunches Pen pals “Volunteer work” Dawn Rossano- school psychologist BAT when necessary RTI Process (Pyramid of Intervention) CST meetings Around the World – Healthy steps Hoops 4 Hearts Science curriculum includes health and nutrition Increase PE time “Track Meet” Grades 5 and 6 Website Sending progress reports/tests Parent/Student/Teacher conferences Multiplication/ DRA reports/results AR prizes/rewards/recognition Newsletter home (monthly) Dover High Updated Code of Conduct with SIT input Staff training and continued support Teacher lesson plans John Halligan assembly 1/2012 Random Acts of Kindness CST will meet weekly CST will meet with grade level teams one time per month to discuss student concerns Reinforce RTI process (Pyramid of Intervention) Health class – Grade 6 5th & 6th grade track meet/orientation Outdoor recess Improved supervision during recess Encourage staff to schedule more parent conferences for “at risk” students Parent – Teacher Conferences scheduled for February Parent Portal Guidance meetings with students and parents Handbook updated Training for teachers Research and plan assemblies Research and plan training for students Peer tutoring during AIS PLC work schoolwide Intervention Program Guidance Watch-list Teacher Watch-list RTI Process (Pyramid of Intervention) CST meetings Study Group for Freshmen PE program implemented w/ 9th and 10th grade all taking PE 9th grade Health Clubs – SADD, Diversity, Green Team Student of the Month Parent – Teacher contact Parent Portal Guidance – Parent Contact Quarterly newsletter Promote transparency of District operations by increasing communication about the schools to the community Wingdale Warblermonthly Principal and teacher websites Back to School nights, K-2 Website Notices home – written reminders District newsletters Set up MS Facebook page for announcements, calendar and events Utilize school website more effectively Orientation Grade 6 digital story night IC presentations for parents MS Improvement Team More follow-up on attendance issues Create a Facebook page for HS Research and develop website Parent Teacher Conference Quarterly Newsletter District Goals 2011 – 2012 Building Actions Goal 2: Achieve and sustain academic excellence Sub Goal Continue to align the K – 12 curriculum in all subject areas to meet the NYS and Common Core guidelines Increase student achievement on NYS and local assessments Wingdale Elementary Dover Elementary Common Core training PLC work “Go Math” training Superintendent’s Conference Day for CCSS training PLC work Co-taught classes SpEd students exposed to grade level curriculum Dover Middle Training in Common Core New math series with training sessions PLC time to work on higher expectations for rigor Superintendent’s Conference Day for CCSS training PLC work RTI Co-taught classes SpEd students exposed to “same age” curriculum Increase and measure the amount of reading and writing completed in all grade levels and subject areas Enhance teacher competencies in working together in Professional Learning Communities to improve teaching and learning Require all K – 5 teachers to implement the practices described in the District’s Reading Guide PLC work Uninterrupted instruction, K-2 PLC work Provide professional development Team work during daily team meetings to accomplish these goals PLC work Cursive – all 4 and 5 AR goals/rewards Showcase writing of students Science/Social Studies – Non-fiction reading base PLC training and work AUSSIE implementation Provide necessary supplementals PLC work Dover High Academic PLC’s Summer curriculum work for ELA/Reading teachers to work curriculum alignment Superintendent’s Conference Day for CCSS training Work in academic PLCs Superintendent’s Conference Day for CCSS training Teachers will be available twice weekly for subject area AIS ELA and math interventionists Encourage reading and writing in every content area Co-taught classes SpEd students exposed to grade level curriculum Prescriptive AIS Develop common assessments Encourage reading and writing in every content area Novel study classes in Grades 7 and 8 A.R. Summer transitions program Support PLC with scheduled meeting time, especially in ELA and math Co-taught classes SpEd students exposed to grade level curriculum AIS per subject/grade PLC work Watch Lists Prescriptive AIS Common Assessments AR more incorporated into English classes Encourage reading and writing in every content area Walk-throughs/ observations PLC training for staff Professional Development Googledocs Implement with integrity the new math series in grades K – 6 (Go Math) PLC work “Go Math” consultant Training in math strategies PLC work Continue to support teacher training in Go Math Encourage communications between Grade 6 teachers and K – 5 teachers District Goals 2011 – 2012 Building Actions Goal 3: Collaborate with stakeholders to develop the District Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) and Professional Development Plan (PDP) that clearly define good teaching, and are in line with NYS mandates, district expectations and research-proven best practices Sub Goal Wingdale Elementary Dover Elementary Dover Middle Dover High Training for all stakeholders in the APPR process Faculty meetings Superintendent’s Conference Day Superintendent’s Conference Day Faculty meeting Superintendent’s Conference Day Faculty meeting Superintendent’s Conference Day Observation and evaluation tools for teachers and administrators Prescriptive interventions in the PDP that clearly connect to the APPR and are based on researchproven best practices Determine and implement software to be used for evaluations Determine and implement software to be used for evaluations Determine and implement software to be used for evaluations Determine and implement software to be used for evaluations Provide feedback from walk-throughs to staff members Professional development Provide feedback from walk-throughs to staff members Provide professional development Provide feedback from walk-throughs to staff members Collect resources (articles, books, etc.) to be shared with teachers as needed Provide professional development Provide feedback from walk-throughs to staff members Collect resources (articles, books, etc.) to be shared with teachers as needed Provide professional development District Goals 2011 – 2012 Building Actions Goal 4: Enhance teaching and learning through the use of technology Sub Goal Define the competencies in technology at each grade level so students have necessary 21st century skills upon graduation Wingdale Elementary Technology Committee Using assistive technology per student needs PLC work Dover Elementary K – 5 benchmarks defined Create projects at each grade level to cover skills Use Mavis Beacon software for teaching typing Using assistive technology per student needs Dover Middle Require all K – 5 teachers to use data from Running Records and AUSSIE Comprehension rubric to inform instruction in reading PLCs expected to analyze Running Records and comprehension data at least once per marking period (if not more frequently). Data will be used to make instructional decisions Review running records and comprehensive data form 2010-11 Use data from BARS (micro and macro levels) AUSSIE Data management system Utilize data warehousing programs to make programming decisions and help teachers access and use student achievement data and student interventions that work Develop an ongoing cycle to update the district’s technology needs (hardware and software) Increase teacher competencies in using technology to improve teaching and learning Technology Committee Website upgrade SYSOP input solicited Continue in-house training in assistive technology (Write Out Loud, Kurzweil) SYSOP increases in-house training Dover High 6th grade entrance technology assessment 8th grade exit technology assessment 6th-8th benchmarks defined Computer/CDOS – Grade 6 Increased use of technology in all subjects (minis) Digital stories (Grade 6) Using assistive technology per student needs Use data from BARS STAR reader and STAR Math administered to every student. Using assistive technology per student needs 9 – 12 benchmarks defined Research and plan technology-based project in each subject area embedded in curriculum AUSSIE training Look at and use information from June, 2011 Inter-rater reliability training and practice (PLCs) Collect and analyze reading comprehension test data Use data from BARS (micro and macro levels) Student assessment results Excel databases PLCs analyze data STAR Reader and STAR Math administered and analyzed Website upgrade Technology Committee Tech support staff (Tim F.) Technology Committee SYSOP input into tech needs Website upgrade Website upgrade Technology Committee (5 – year plan) SYSOP offering more training sessions (needs?, expectations?, # of courses?) Continue in-house training in assistive technology (Write Out Loud, Kurzweil) Thinkfinity training Training in Googledocs, spreadsheets and effective use of SmartBoards Continue in-house training in assistive technology (Write Out Loud, Kurzweil) Thinkfinity training Professional Development in Excel, SchoolTools and Googledocs and Smartboard training Continue in-house training in assistive technology (Write Out Loud, Kurzweil) Use data from BARS Research and plan for using SchoolTools to track interventions Develop Googledocs forms to collect information Dropout study District Goals 2011 – 2012 Building Actions Goal 5: Improve students’ skills in the areas of college and career readiness Sub Goal Increase the high school graduation rate to 90% for the Class of 2014 Provide additional support and credit recovery for students so they can meet the necessary requirements for graduation Increase the academic rigor and course options for senior year to better prepare students for the next state of their lives Increase the number of students who take Advanced Placement or college level courses at Dover High School, and increase the course options in these areas Wingdale Elementary Focus on Reading Focus on Math Focus on Writing RTI PLC Dover Elementary Focus on reading at or above grade level Readers/writers workshop model Focus on Math Dover Middle Early identification of students who are falling behind Pyramid of intervention in PLC work Tracking attendance Academic PLC Team meetings Dover High Integrated Algebra and Earth Science offered in Grade 8 CDOS curriculum in Grade 6 Offer opportunity for HS credit in Earth Science and Integrated Algebra Identify at-risk students Guidance watch list Teacher watch list Academic interventions Academic PLCs Analyze dropout data from last three years to determine patterns AIS classes Research and plan credit recovery program for grades 10 – 12 to occur during lunch periods or free period Research and plan electives for seniors Research and plan crosscurricular research project Implement College Connections with Dutchess Community College Introduce college prep Math course District Goals 2011 – 2012 Building Actions Goal 6: Continue to maintain a financially-, fiscally-responsible district finance operation, while sustaining outstanding buildings and grounds for students, staff and community Sub Goals being addressed district wide: Align District resources to District goals and desired outcomes Collaborate with the Board of Education, district administrators and the community to develop and pass a fiscally-responsible budget for the 2012 – 2013 school year Write focused grants that support the district goals Update the five-year facilities plan based on building needs Develop a plan to reduce the school lunch fund’s reliance on general fund subsidies