Scholarship - Emporia State University

Chapter Relevance Plan Assessment Rubric
Merit – 1 point
Has a new member education
-AndOne other new member
program throughout the year
Distinction – 2 points
Has a new member education
-AndOne other new member program
each semester
Excellence – 3 points
Has a new member education program
-AndA multitude of other programs in one
semester; which continually develop the
-AndHas new members participate in transitional
programs on campus outside the chapter
Has no leadership
Development development
Has a leadership development
program once a year for
chapter members
-AndHas chapter executive officer
-AndHas chapter members attend
regional or national
Has two leadership development
programs in a year
-AndHas chapter executive officer retreat
-AndHas chapter members attend regional
or national conferences
-AndInvites a National Representative
once a year
Has three or more leadership development
programs in a year
-AndHas chapter executive officer retreats twice a
-AndInvites a National Representative once a year
-AndHas chapter members attend regional or
national conferences
At least 25% of members are
involved in campus programs,
activities, and/or
organizations outside the
Greek community
At least 50% of members are involved
in campus programs, activities,
and/or organizations outside the
Greek community
-AndChapter regularly supports other
Greek and campus organizations
At least 75% of members are involved in
campus programs, activities, and/or
organizations outside the Greek community
-AndChapter regularly supports other Greek and
campus organizations
-AndChapter partners with and/or co-sponsors
events/programs with others
Inadequate – 0 points
Has no new member
education program
Chapter members are
not involved in any
activities outside the
Greek community
Chapter Relevance Plan Assessment Rubric
New Member GPA
Inadequate – 0 points
Less than all men’s/all
women’s GPA
Active Member GPA
Less than all men’s/all
women’s GPA
Scholarship Program
No scholarship program
-AndProvides no activities or
programs to foster
-AndFaculty advisor is not
involved in chapter
scholarship initiatives
Merit – 1 point
Equal to – 0.09 above
all men’s/all women’s
Equal to – 0.24 above
all men’s/all women’s
Has a scholarship
-AndProvides at least one
activity or program per
year to foster
-AndFaculty advisor is
intermittently involved
in chapter scholarship
Distinction – 2 points
0.10 – 0.19 above all
men’s/all women’s GPA
Excellence – 3 points
0.20+ above all men’s/all women’s
0.25 – 0.49 above all
men’s/all women’s GPA
0.50+ above all men’s/all women’s
Has a scholarship
program and provides
at least one activity or
program per semester
to foster intellectual
-AndFaculty advisor is
frequently involved in
chapter scholarship
initiatives and meets
regularly with core
Has a scholarship program
-AndProvides multiple activities and
programs per semester to foster
intellectual development in new and
active members
-AndFaculty advisor is highly involved in
chapter scholarship initiatives and
meets frequently with officers and
Chapter Relevance Plan Assessment Rubric
Community Service
Community Involvement
Inadequate – 0 points
Chapter does not
collectively perform any
hands-on service
-OrOnly new members are
engaged in service
Chapter does not
conduct charity events
to raise money or goods
for an issue or cause
Merit – 1 point
Chapter performs at
least 2 hands-on service
projects per semester
-AndAt least 50% of members
participate in chapter
service projects
Chapter raises money at
least once per year for
their national
-AndChapter conducts at least
one additional
philanthropic event per
year to raise money,
goods, and/or awareness
for an issue or cause
Chapter participates in
0-1 community
events/programs per
Chapter participates in 2
events/programs per
Distinction – 2 points
Chapter performs at least
4 hands-on service
projects per semester
-AndAt least 75% of members
participate in chapter
service projects
Chapter raises money at
least once per year for
their national
-AndChapter conducts at least
two additional
philanthropic events per
year to raise money,
goods, and/or awareness
for an issue or cause
-AndChapter actively promotes
education and awareness
(inside and outside the
chapter) about the
organization(s) for which
it is raising funds or goods
(brochures about cause,
speakers on issues, etc.)
Chapter participates in 3
events/programs per year.
Excellence – 3 points
Chapter performs at least 6
hands-on service projects per
-And100% of members participate
in chapter service events
throughout the year
Chapter raises money at least
once per year for their
national philanthropy
-AndChapter conducts at least
three additional philanthropic
events per year to raise
money, goods, and/or
awareness for an issue or
-AndChapter actively promotes
education and awareness
(inside and outside the
chapter) about the
organization(s) for which it is
raising funds or goods
(brochures about cause,
speakers on issues, etc.)
Chapter participates in 4
community events/programs
per year.
Chapter Relevance Plan Assessment Rubric
Inadequate – 0 points
Chapter has been found
responsible for PHA/IFC,
Greek Life or Student
Code of Conduct
Chapter does not have or
does not utilize a budget
Health &
Chapter does not promote
health and wellness
-AndChapter does not
participate in any
programs and workshops
dedicated to health and
wellness topics
Merit – 1 point
Distinction – 2 points
Excellence – 3 points
Chapter either a local or national risk
management policy
-AndChapter has not been found responsible
for any PHA/IFC, Greek Life or Student
Code of Conduct violations
-AndAt least 50% of chapter participates in
educational programs or workshops
throughout the year on risk
management issues (alcohol/drug use,
sexual assault, fire safety, hazing, etc.)
-AndChapter has 1-2 Members in GAMMA
Chapter has an operating budget
Chapter has local and national risk
management policies
-AndChapter has not been found responsible
for any PHA/IFC, Greek Life or Student
Code of Conduct violations
-AndAt least 75% of chapter participates in
educational programs or workshops
throughout the year on risk
management issues (alcohol/drug use,
sexual assault, fire safety, hazing, etc.)
-AndChapter has 3-4 Members in GAMMA
Chapter has an operating budget;
Chapter conducts training or understand
of budget or house operations
-AndChapter actively promotes life balance
and time management by not overprogramming members
-AndChapter has a committee dedicated to
resource management of the chapter
Chapter has local and national risk
management policies
-AndChapter has not been found responsible for any
PHA/IFC, Greek Life or Student Code of Conduct
-And100% of chapter participates in educational
programs or workshops throughout the year on
risk management issues (alcohol/drug use,
sexual assault, fire safety, hazing, etc.)
-AndChapter has 5+ Members in GAMMA
Chapter somewhat promotes health
and wellness
-AndChapter participates in one program or
workshop per year dedicated to health
and wellness topics
Chapter promotes health and wellness
-AndChapter participates in two programs
and workshops per year dedicated to
health and wellness topics
-AndChapter utilize resources on campus to
facilitate workshops for the chapter
Chapter has an operating ; Chapter conducts
training or understand of budget or house
-AndChapter actively promotes life balance and time
management by not over-programming
-AndChapter educates members on time
management and achieving balance
-AndChapter has a committee dedicated to resource
management of the chapter
Chapter promotes health and wellness
-AndChapter participates in three or more programs
and workshops per year dedicated to health
and wellness topics
-AndChapter utilize resources on campus to
facilitate workshops for the chapter
Chapter Relevance Plan Assessment Rubric
Merit – 1 point
A small group of
chapter members
are engaged in
recruitment efforts
Distinction – 2 points
Majority of chapter
members are involved in
recruitment efforts
Excellence – 3 points
All chapter members are involved in
recruitment efforts
-AndChapter actively recruits year-round
Chapter initiates at
least 60% of new
Chapter initiates at least
75% of new members
Relationships Chapter does not
develop and maintain
positive relationships
with alumni (national
university, etc.)
Chapter takes some
measures to
develop and
maintain positive
relationships with
alumni (national
university, etc.)
Chapter has positive
relationships with
alumni/ae, national
headquarters and the
-AndChapter communicates
regularly with alumni/ae,
national headquarters and
the university
Chapter members
attend one campus
diversity education
and training
program per year
Chapter members attend
two campus diversity
education and training
programs per year
-AndChapter provides diversity
education and training
Chapter initiates at least 90% of new members
-AndChapter focuses retention efforts on new and
active members
Chapter has positive relationships with
alumni/ae, national headquarters and the
-AndChapter communicates regularly with
alumni/ae, national headquarters and the
-AndChapter educates members on how to build
and maintain effective personal and
professional relationships
Chapter members attend two or more campus
diversity education and training programs
-AndChapter provides diversity education and
-AndChapter creates information or programs to
market to diverse populations
Inadequate – 0 points
Chapter does not
actively recruit new
-OrChapter leaves
recruitment of new
members up to one
Chapter initiates less
than 60% of new
Chapter does not
attend campus
diversity education and
training programs
Chapter Relevance Plan Assessment Rubric
Values Congruence
Inadequate – 0 points
Cannot articulate or has
no knowledge or
understanding of the
organization’s values
Merit – 1 point
Has knowledge of
organizational values
Distinction – 2 points
Has knowledge of
organizational values
Chapter does not hold
members accountable to
the values and policies of
the organization
Chapter holds members
accountable to the
values and policies of the
Chapter holds members
accountable to the
values and policies of the
AndChapter utilizes a
handbook to provide
written documentation
of standards
Values Integration
Values do not guide daily
-AndMakes no clear or
relevant connection
between espoused
values and chapter
Values guide some major
chapter operations
-AndHas very little relevant
connections between
espoused values and
chapter operations
Values guide decisions
on a regular basis
-AndHas a few relevant
connections between
espoused values and
chapter operations
Chapter Values
Excellence – 3 points
Has knowledge of
organizational values
-AndChapter recognizes and
awards members whose
actions are congruent with
espoused values
Chapter holds members
accountable to the values and
policies of the organization
AndChapter utilizes a handbook to
provide written
documentation of standards
-AndChapter utilizes a judicial or
standards board to hold
members accountable
Values guide decisions on a
regular basis and are
integrated into chapter
-AndHas a multitude of highly
relevant connections between
espoused values and chapter