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Key research topics (not covered by Berumen et al. 2013) and selected publications of global
significance for the field of coral reef ecology conducted at the Gulf of Aqaba/Eilat (GoA/E) by
local and international authors
Coral community structure and species diversity
Al-Horani FA, Al-Rousan A, Saber A, Al-Zibdeh M, Khalaf MA (2006) The status of coral reefs
on the Jordanian coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Zool in the Middle East 38:99-110
Belmaker J, Jetz W (2011) Cross-scale variation in species richness-environment associations.
Glob Ecol Biogeogr 20:464-474
Fishelson L (1973a) Ecological and biological phenomena influencing coral-species composition
on reef tables at Eilat (Gulf of Aqaba, Red-Sea) Mar Biol 19:183-196
Loya Y (1972) Community structure and species diversity of hermatypic corals at Eilat, Red Sea.
Mar Biol 13:100-123
Loya Y (1990) Changes in a Red Sea coral community structure: A long-term case history study.
In: Woodwell GM (ed) The earth in transition: patterns and processes of biotic
Impoverishment, Cambridge University Press pp 369-384
Mergner H, Schuhmacher H (1974) Morphology, ecology and zonation of coral reefs at Aqaba
(Gulf of Aqaba, Red-Sea). Helgol Wissenschaftliche Meeresunters 26:238-358
Mergner H, Schuhmacher H (1981) Quantitative-analysis of the coral community of a fore reef
area near Aqaba (Red-Sea). Helgol Wissenschaftliche Meeresunters 34:337-354
Riegl B, Piller WE (1997) Distribution and environmental control of coral assemblages in northern
Safaga Bay (Red Sea, Egypt). Facies 36:141-162
Riegl B, Piller WE (1999) Coral frameworks revisited-reefs and coral carpets in the northern Red
Sea. Coral Reefs 18:241-253
Riegl B, Velimirov B (1991) How many damaged corals in red-sea reef systems - a quantitative
survey. Hydrobiologia 216:249-256
Scheer G (1984) The distribution of reef-corals in the Indian-ocean with a historical review of its
investigation. Deep Sea Res A 31:885-900
Zvuloni A, van Woesik R, Loya Y (2010) Diversity partitioning of stony corals across multiple
spatial scales around Zanzibar Island, Tanzania. PLoS One 5(3):e9941
Competitive networks and space partitioning among coral populations
Abelson A, Loya Y (1999) Interspecific aggression among stony corals in Eilat, Red Sea: A
hierarchy of aggression ability and related parameters. Bull Mar Sci 65:851-860
Benayahu Y, Loya Y (1977b) Space partitioning by stony corals soft corals and benthic algae on
coral reefs of northern Gulf of Eilat (Red-Sea). Helgol Wissenschaftliche Meeresunters
Benayahu Y, Loya Y (1981) Competition for space among coral-reef sessile organisms at Eilat,
Red-Sea. Bull Mar Sci 31:514-522
Lapid ED, Chadwick NE (1996) Long-term effects of competition on coral growth and sweeper
tentacle development Mar Ecol Prog Ser 313:115-123
Rinkevich B, Loya Y (1983) Intraspecific competitive networks in the Red Sea coral Stylophora
pistillata. Coral Reefs 1:161-172
Rinkevich B, Loya Y (1985) Intraspecific competition in a reef coral: effects on growth and
reproduction. Oecologia 66:100-105
Coral diseases
Al-Moghrabi SM (2001) Unusual black band disease (BBD) outbreak in the northern tip of the
Gulf of Aqaba (Jordan). Coral Reefs 19:330-331
Antonius A (1985) Coral diseases in the Indo-Pacific: A first record. Mar Ecol 6:197-218
Antonius A, Riegl B (1997) A possible link between coral diseases and a corallivorous snail
(Drupella cornus) outbreak in the Red Sea. Atoll Res Bull 447:1-9
Antonius A, Riegl B (1998) Coral diseases and Drupella cornus invasion in the Red Sea. Coral
Reefs 17:48-48
Atad A, Zvuloni A, Loya Y, Rosenberg E (2012) Phage therapy of the white plague-like disease of
Favia favus in the Red Sea. Coral Reefs 31:665-670
Winkler R, Antonius A, Renegar DA (2004) The skeleton eroding band disease on coral reefs of
Aqaba, Red Sea. Mar Ecol 25:129-144
Zvuloni A, Artzy-Randrup Y, Stone L, Kramarsky-Winter E, Barkan E, Loya Y (2009) Spatiotemporal transmission patterns of black-band disease in a coral community. PLoS One 4:e4993
Coral recruitment
Abelson A, Denny M (1997) Settlement of marine organisms in flow. Annu Rev Ecol Syst 28:317339
Abelson A, Gaines S (2005) A call for a standardized protocol of coral recruitment research and
outlines for its conception. Mar Pollut Bull 50:1745-1748
Abelson A, Olinky R, Gaines S (2005) Coral recruitment to the reefs of Eilat, Red Sea: temporal
and spatial variation, and possible effects of anthropogenic disturbances. Mar Pollut Bull
50:576- 582
Glassom D, Zakai D, Chadwick-Furman NE (2004) Coral recruitment: A spatio-temporal analysis
along the coastline of Eilat, northern Red Sea. Mar Biol 144:641-651
Glassom D, Furman NEC, Zakai D (2005) Methods and interpretation of coral recruitment studies:
Effects of anthropogenic disturbance? Mar Pollut Bull 50:1019-1023
Loya Y (1976a) The Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata is an r-strategist. Nature 259:478-780
Coral ecophysiology: photosynthesis calcification and nitrogen fixation
Al-Horani FA (2005) Effects of changing seawater temperature on photosynthesis and
calcification in the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis, measured with O2, Ca2+ and pH
microsensors. Sci Mar 69:347-354
Al-Horani FA, Al-Moghrabi SM, de Beer D (2003) The mechanism of calcification and its relation
to photosynthesis and respiration in the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis. Mar Biol
Al-Horani FA, Al-Rousan SA, Manasrah RS, Rasheed MY (2005a) Coral calcification: Use of
radioactive isotopes and metabolic inhibitors to study the interactions with photosynthesis and
respiration. Chem Ecol 21:325-335
Al-Horani FA, Ferdelman T, Al-Moghrabi SM, de Beer D (2005b) Spatial distribution of
calcification and photosynthesis in the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis Coral Reefs
Al-Horani FA, Tambutté E, Allemand D (2007) Dark calcification and the daily rhythm of
calcification in the scleractinian coral, Galaxea fascicularis. Coral Reefs 26:531-538
Erez J (1978) Vital effect on stable-isotope composition seen in foraminifera and coral skeletons.
Nature 273:199-202
Falkowski PG, Dubinsky Z (1981) Light-shade adaptation of Stylophora pistillata, a hermatypic
coral from the Gulf of Eilat. Nature 289:172-174
Mass T, Genin A, Shavit U, Grinstein M, Tchernov D (2010) Flow enhances photosynthesis in
marine benthic autotrophs by increasing the efflux of oxygen from the water to the organism.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:2527-2531
Muscatine L, Falkowski PG, Porter JW, Dubinsky Z (1984) Fate of photosynthetic fixed carbon in
light-adapted and shade-adapted colonies of the symbiotic coral Stylophora-pistillata. Proc
Roy Soc Lond B Biol Sci 222:181-202
Shashar N, Cohen Y, Loya Y (1993) Extreme diel fluctuations of oxygen in diffusive boundarylayers surrounding stony corals. Biol Bull 185:455-461
Shashar N, Cohen Y, Loya Y, Sar N (1994) Nitrogen-fixation (acetylene-reduction) in stony corals
evidence for coral-bacteria interactions. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 111:259-264
Stambler N, Dubinsky Z (2005) Corals as light collectors: an integrating sphere approach. Coral
Reefs 24:1-9
Stambler N, Levy O, Vaki L (2008) Photosynthesis and respiration of hermatypic zooxanthellate
Red Sea corals from 5-75 m depth. Isr J Plant Sci 56:45-53
Quantitative methodologies for evaluating health of coral reefs
Ben-Tzvi O, Loya Y, Abelson A (2004) Deterioration Index (DI): A suggested tool for monitoring
reef-coral community health. Mar Pollut Bull 10:954-960
Guzner B, Novoplansky A, Chadwick NE (2007) Population dynamics of the reef-building coral
Acropora hemprichii as an indicator of reef condition. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 333:143-150
Jameson SC, Ammar MSA, Saadalla E, Jameson SC, Ammar MSA, Saadalla E, Mostafa HM,
Riegl B (1999) A coral damage index and its application to diving sites in the Egyptian Red
Sea. Coral Reefs 18:333-339
Loya Y (1972) Community structure and species diversity of hermatypic corals at Eilat, Red Sea.
Mar Biol 13:100-123
Loya Y (1978) Plotless and transect methods. In: Stoddart DR, Johannes ED (eds) Coral Reefs:
Research Methods. Monographs on oceanic methodology. Unesco Press 5:197-218
Naumann MS, Niggl W, Laforsch C, Glaser C, Wild C (2009a) Coral surface area quantificationevaluation of established techniques by comparison with computer tomography. Coral Reefs
Zvuloni A, Artzy-Randrup Y, Stone L, van Woesik R, Loya Y (2008) Ecological size-frequency
distributions: How to prevent and correct biases in spatial sampling. Limnol Oceanogr
Methods 6:144-153
Coral reef algae
Benayahu Y, Loya Y (1977a) Seasonal occurrence of benthic algae communities and grazing
regulation by sea urchins at the coral reefs of Eilat, Red Sea. Proc 3rd Int Coral Reef Symp
Benayahu Y, Loya Y (1977b) Space partitioning by stony corals soft corals and benthic algae on
coral reefs of northern Gulf of Eilat (Red Sea). Helgol Wissenschaftliche Meeresunters
Berner T, Wishkovsky A, Dubinsky Z (1986) Endozoic algae in shelled gastropods - a new
symbiotic association in coral reefs. II. Survey of distribution of endozoic algae in Red Sea
snails. Coral Reefs 5:107-109
Haas A, El-Zibdah M, Wild C (2010a) Seasonal monitoring of coral-algae interactions in fringing
reefs of the Gulf of Aqaba, Northern Red Sea. Coral Reefs 29:93-103
Haas AF, Naumann MS, Struck U, Mayr C, El-Zibdah M, Wild C (2010b) Organic matter release
by coral reef associated benthic algae in the Northern Red Sea. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 389:53-60
Krumbein WE (1979) Photolithotropic and chemoorganotrophic activity of bacteria and algae as
related to beachrock formation and degradation (Gulf-of-Aqaba, Sinai) Geomicrobiol J
Lundberg B (1981) Algal vegetation and algae as a fish diet at 2 basins in the Gulf of Elat
(Aqaba). Bull Mar Sci 31:810-810
Mesmar MN (1988) Levels of zinc, cadmium and lead in some marine-algae from Aqaba Red Sea.
Acta Biol Hung 39:345-349
Natour RM, Gerloff J, Nizamuddin M (1979a) Algae from the Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan. 1.
Chlorophyceae and Phaeophyceae. Nova Hedwigia 31:39-67
Natour RM, Gerloff J, Nizamuddin M (1979b) Algae from the Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan. 2.
Rhodophyceae. Nova Hedwigia 31:69-93
Papenfus GF (1968) A history catalogue and bibliography of Red Sea benthic algae. Isr J Bot
Schuhmacher H (1973) Light-dependent colonization of pillars by sessile animals and algae from
coral reef at Eilat (Red-Sea). Helgol Wissenschaftliche Meeresunters 24:307-326
Benayahu Y, Loya Y (1977b) Space partitioning by stony corals soft corals and benthic algae on
coral reefs of northern Gulf of Eilat (Red-Sea). Helgol Wissenschaftliche Meeresunters
Benayahu Y, Loya Y (1983) Surface brooding in the Red Sea soft coral Parerythropodiumfulvum- fulvum (Forskal, 1775). Biol Bull 165:353-369
Benayahu Y, Loya Y (1984) Life history of the Red Sea soft coral Xenia macrospiculata Gohar,
1940. I. Annual dynamics of gonadal development. Biol Bull 166:32-43
Benayahu Y, Loya Y (1987). Long-term recruitment of soft corals (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) on
artificial substrata at Eilat (Red Sea). Mar Ecol Prog Ser 38:161-167
Ben-Yosef DZ, Kashman Y, Benayahu Y (2006) Response of the soft coral Heteroxenia
fuscescens to ultraviolet radiation regimes as reflected by mycosporine-like amino acid
biosynthesis. Mar Ecol 27:219-228
Fabricius KE, Genin A, Benayahu Y (1995) Flow-dependent herbivory and growth in
zooxanthellae-free soft corals. Limnol Oceanogr 40:1290-1301
Gabay Y, Benayahu Y, Fine M (2013) Does elevated pCO2 affect reef octocorals? Ecol Evol
Kahng SE, Benayahu Y, Lasker HR (2011) Sexual reproduction in octocorals. Mar Ecol Prog Ser
Perkol-Finkel S, Benayahu Y (2007) Differential recruitment of benthic communities on
neighboring artificial and natural reefs. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 340:25-39
Coral reef fish ecology
Belmaker J, Ziv Y, Shashar N, Connelly SR (2008) Regional variation in the hierarchical
partitioning of diversity in coral-dwelling fishes. Ecology 89:2829-2840
Ben-Tzvi O, Kiflawi M, Gildor H, Abelson A (2007) Possible effects of downwelling on the
recruitment of coral reef fishes to the Eilat (Red Sea) coral reefs. Limnol Oceanogr
Brokovich E, Baranes A, Goren M (2006) Habitat structure determines coral reef fish assemblages
at the northern tip of the Red Sea. Ecol Indic 6:494-507
Fishelson L (1970) Protogynous sex reversal in fish Anthias-squamipinnis (Teleostei, Anthiidae)
regulated by presence or absence of a male fish. Nature 227:90
Fishelson L, Montgomery WL, Myrberg AA (1985) A unique symbiosis in the gut of tropical
herbivorous surgeon fish (Acanthuridae: Teleostei) from the Red Sea. Science 229:49-51
Fricke HW (1974) Eco ethology of the anemone fish Amphiprion-bicinctus field studies in the Red
Sea. Zeitschrift fuer Tierpsychologie 36:429-512
Fricke HW (1979) Mating system, resource defense and sex change in the anemonefish
Amphiprion akallopisos. Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie 50:313-326
Fricke HW (1980) Control of different mating systems in a coral-reef fish by one environmental
factor animal. Behaviour 28:561-569
Fricke HW, Schuhmacher H (1983) The depth limits of red sea stony corals an ecophysiological
problem (a deep diving survey by submersible). Mar Ecol 4:163-194
Khalaf MA, Disi A (1997) Fishes of the Gulf of Aqaba. Marine Science Station Aqaba, Jordan
Khalaf M, Kochzius M (2002) Community structure and biogeography of shore fishes in the Gulf
of Aqaba, Red Sea. Helgol Wissenschaftliche Meeresunters 55:252-284
Kiflawi M, Genin A (1997) Prey flux manipulation and the feeding rates of reef-dwelling
planktivorous fish. Ecology 78:1062-1077
Kiflawi M, Belmaker J, Brokovich E, Einbinder E, Holzman R (2006) The determinants of species
richness of a relatively young coral reef ichthyofauna. J Biogeogr 33:1289-1294
Zooplankton and phytoplankton
Al-Najjar TH (2005) Seasonal and spatial variations in mesozooplankton biomass in the northern
Gulf of Aqaba. Zool Middle East 34:87-92
Al-Najjar T, Badran MI, Richter C, Meyerhoefer M, Sommer U (2007) Seasonal dynamics of
phytoplankton in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Hydrobiologia 579:69-83
Al-Qutob M, Hase C, Tilzer MM, Lazar B (2002) Phytoplankton drives nitrite dynamics in the
Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 239:233-239
Cornils A, Schnack-Schiel SB, Hagen W, Dowider M, Stambler N, Plahn O, Richter C (2005)
Spatial and temporal distribution of mesozooplankton in the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern
Red Sea in February/March 1999. J Plankton Res 27:505-518
Cornils A, Schnack-Schiel SB, Al-Najjar T, Badran M, Rasheed M, Manasreh R, Richter C (2007)
The seasonal cycle of the epipelagic mesozooplankton in the northern Gulf of Aqaba (Red
Sea). J Mar Syst 68:278-292
Dubinsky Z, Falkowski P, Wyman G (1986) Light harvesting and utilization by phytoplankton.
Plant Cell Physiol 27:1335-1349
Farstey V, Lazar B, Genin A (2002) Expansion and homogeneity of the vertical distribution of
zooplankton in a very deep mixed layer. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 238:91-100
Genin A (2004) Bio-physical coupling in the formation of zooplankton and fish aggregations over
abrupt topographies. J Mar Syst 50:3-20
Genin A, Jaffe JS, Reef R, Richter C, Franks PGS (2005) Swimming against the flow: A
mechanism of zooplankton aggregation. Science 308:860-862
Holzman R, Genin A (2003) Zooplanktivory by a nocturnal coral-reef fish: Effects of light, flow,
and prey density. Limnol Oceanogr 48:1367-1375
Holzman R, Reidenbach MA, Monismith SG, Koseff JR, Genin A (2005) Near-bottom depletion
of zooplankton over a coral reef. II: Relationships with zooplankton swimming ability. Coral
Reefs 24:87-94
Kimor B, Gordon N, Neori A (1992) Symbiotic associations among the microplankton in
oligotrophic marine environments, with special reference to the Gulf of Aqaba, Red-Sea. J
Plankton Res 14:1217-1231
Lindell D, Post AF (1995) Ultraphytoplankton succession is triggered by deep winter mixing in
the Gulf-of-Aqaba (Eilat), Red-Sea. Limnol Oceanogr 40:1130-1141
Mackey KRM, Labiosa RG, Calhoun M, Street JH, Post AF, Paytan A (2007) Phosphorus
availability, phytoplankton community dynamics, and taxon-specific phosphorus status in the
Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Limnol Oceanogr 52:873-885
Reiss Z, Hottinger L (Eds) (1984) The Gulf of Aqaba, Ecological Micropaleontology.
Springer-Verlag pp 354
Yahel R, Yahel G, Genin A (2005a) Near-bottom depletion of zooplankton over coral reefs. I:
Diurnal dynamics and size distribution. Coral Reefs 24:75-85
Yahel R, Yahel G, Berman T, Jaffe JS, Genin A (2005b) Diel pattern with abrupt crepuscular
changes of zooplankton over a coral reef. Limnol Oceanogr 50:930-944
Coral reef nutrient fluxes and eutrophication
Badran MI, Rasheed M, Manasrah R, Al-Najjar T (2005) Nutrient flux fuels the summer primary
productivity in the oligotrophic waters of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Oceanologia 47:47-60
Badran MI, Al Zibdah MK (2005a) Environmental quality of Jordanian coastal surface sediment,
Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Ambio 34:615-620
Badran MI, Al Zibdah MK (2005b) Quality standard codes of reference of Jordanian coastal
waters of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Chem Ecol 21:337-350
Genin A, Lazar B, Brenner S (1995) Vertical mixing and coral death in the Red Sea following the
eruption of mount-Pinatubo. Nature 377:507-510
Loya Y, Kramarsky-Winter E (2003) In situ eutrophication caused by fish farms in the northern
Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba) is beneficial for its coral reefs: A critique. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 26:299-303
Loya Y, Lubinevsky H, Rosenfeld M, Kramarsky-Winter E (2004) Nutrient enrichment caused by
in situ fish-farms is detrimental to coral reproduction. Mar Pollut Bull 49:344-353
Mahasneh AM, Wahbeh MI, Al-Temimi S (1985) Taxonomy seasonal variations and abundance
of marine sediment aerobic bacteria in the Jordanian coast of the Gulf of Aqaba. Dirasat
Natural Sciences (Amman) 12:19-26
Rasheed M, Badran MI, Richter C, Huettel M (2002) Effect of reef framework and bottom
sediment on nutrient enrichment in a coral reef of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Mar Ecol Prog Ser
Rasheed M, Al-Rousan S, Manasrah R, Al-Horani F (2006) Nutrient fluxes from deep sediment
support nutrient budget in the oligotrophic waters of the Gulf of Aqaba. J Oceanogr 62:83-89
Rinkevich B (2005) Nutrient enrichment and coral reproduction: Between truth and repose (a
critique of Loya et al.) Mar Pollut Bull 50:111-113
Silverman J, Lazar B, Erez J (2007) Community metabolism of a coral reef exposed to naturally
varying dissolved inorganic nutrient loads. Biogeochem 84:67-82
Coral reef trophodynamics: metabolism, organic matter cycling and coral mucus
Berninger UG, Wickham SA (2005) Response of the microbial food web to manipulation of
nutrients and grazers in the oligotrophic Gulf of Aqaba and northern Red Sea. Mar Biol
El-Serehy HA, Al-Rasheid KA, Al-Quraishi S, Al Misned F, Al-Farraj S (2013) Abundance and
trophodynamics of surface microbial loop populations in the northern Red Sea. Aquat Ecosyst
Health Manag 16:51-61
El-Serehy HA, Al-Rasheid, KA, Shafik H (2012) Microbial loop populations: Their abundances
and trophodynamics in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Turk J Fish Aquat Sci 12:565-573
Haas A, Al-Zibdah M, Wild C (2009) Effect of inorganic and organic nutrient addition on coralalgae assemblages from the northern Red Sea. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 380:99-105
Lindell D, Post AF (1995) Ultraphytoplankton succession is triggered by deep winter mixing in
the Gulf-of-Aqaba (Eilat), Red Sea. Limnol Oceanogr 40:1130-1141
Mayer FW, Wild C (2010). Coral mucus release and following particle trapping contribute to rapid
nutrient recycling in a Northern Red Sea fringing reef. Mar Freshw Res 61: 1006-1014
Naumann MS, Richter C, el-Zibdah M, Wild C (2009b) Coral mucus as an efficient trap for
picoplanktonic cyanobacteria: Implications for pelagic-benthic coupling in the reef ecosystem.
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 385:65-76
Richman S, Loya Y, Slobodkin LB (1975) The rate of mucus production by corals and its
assimilation by the coral reef copepod Acartia negligens. Limnol Oceanogr 20:918-923
Rosenfeld M, Bresler V, Abelson A (1999) Sediment as a possible source of food for corals. Ecol
Lett 2:2345-348
Wild C, Huettel M, Klueter A, Kremb SG, Rasheed MYM, Jorgensen BB (2004a) Coral mucus
functions as an energy carrier and particle trap in the reef ecosystem. Nature 428:66-70
Wild C, Rasheed M, Werner Y, Frank U, Johnstone R, Huettel M (2004b) Degradation and
mineralization of coral mucus in reef environments. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 267:159-171
Wild C, Rasheed M, Jantzen C, Cook P, Struck U, Huettel M, Boetius A (2005) Benthic
metabolism and degradation of natural particulate organic matter in carbonate and silicate reef
sands of the northern Red Sea. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 298:69-78
Wild C, Naumann MS, Haas A, Struck U, Mayer FW, Rasheed MY, Huettel M (2009) Coral sand
O-2 uptake and pelagic-benthic coupling in a subtropical fringing reef, Aqaba, Red Sea. Aquat
Biol 6:133-142
Wild C, Niggl W, Naumann MS, Haas AF (2010) Organic matter release by Red Sea coral reef
organisms-potential effects on microbial activity and in situ O-2 availability. Mar Ecol Prog
Ser 411:61-71
Anthropogenic/pollution effects on coral reef communities
Al-Rousan S, Al-Shloul R, Al-Horani F, Abu-Hilal AH (2012) Heavy metals signature of human
activities recorded in coral skeletons along the Jordanian coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea.
Environ Earth Sciences 67:2003-2013
Al-Zibdah MK, Damhourey SA, Badran MI (2007) Temporal variations in coral reef health at a
coastal industrial site on the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Oceanologia 49:565-578
Badran MI, Al Zibdah MK (2005a) Environmental quality of Jordanian coastal surface sediment,
Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Ambio 34:615-620
Badran MI, Al Zibdah MK (2005b) Quality standard codes of reference of Jordanian coastal
waters of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Chem Ecol 21:337-350
Dubinsky Z, Stambler N (1996) Marine pollution and coral reefs. Glob Chang Biol 2:511-526
Fishelson L (1973a) Ecological and biological phenomena influencing coral-species composition
on reef tables at Eilat (Gulf of Aqaba, Red-Sea). Mar Biol 19:183-196
Fishelson L (1973b) Ecology of coral reefs in Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea) influenced by pollution.
Oecologia 12:55-67
Ibrahim HAH, Farag AM, Beltagy EA, El-Shenawy MA (2011) Microbial pollution indicators
along the Egyptian coastal waters of Suez and Aqaba Gulfs and Red Sea. J Egypt Public
Health Assoc 86:111-118
Loya Y (1975) Possible effects of water pollution on the community structure of Red Sea corals.
Mar Biol 29:177-185
Loya Y (1976b) Recolonization of Red Sea corals affected by natural catastrophes and man-made
perturbations. Ecology 57:278-28
Loya Y, Rinkevich B (1979) Abortion effects in corals induced by oil-pollution. Mar Ecol Prog
Ser 1:77-80
Loya Y, Rinkevich B (1980) Effects of oil pollution on coral reef communities. Mar Ecol Prog
Ser 3:167-180
Loya Y, Rinkevich B (1987). Effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on corals. In: Salvat B (ed)
Human impacts on coral reefs: facts and recommendations. UNESCO Press, 91-102
Al-Rousan S, Pätzold J, Al-Moghrabi S, Wefer G (2002) Environmental and biological effects on
the stable oxygen isotope records of corals in the northern Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Mar Ecol
Prog Ser 239:302-310
Al-Rousan S, Al-Moghrabi S, Patzold J, Wefer G (2003) Stable oxygen isotopes in Porites corals
monitor weekly temperature variations in the northern Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Coral Reefs
Al-Rousan S, Al-Shloul R, Al-Horani F, Abu-Hilal AH (2009) Heavy metal contents in growth
bands of Porites corals: Record of anthropogenic and human developments from the Jordanian
Gulf of Aqaba. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 73:A32-A32
Felis T, Lohmann G, Kuhnert H, Lorenz S, Scholz D, Pätzold J, Al-Rousan S, Al-Moghrabi S.
(2004) Increased seasonality in Middle East temperature during the last interglacial period.
Nature 249:164-168
Klein R, Pätzold J, Wefer G, Loya Y (1992) Seasonal variations in the stable isotopic composition
and skeletal density pattern of the coral Porites lobata (Gulf of Eilat, Red Sea). Mar Biol
Klein R, Pätzold J, Wefer G, Loya Y (1993) Depth-related timing of density band formation in
Porites spp. corals from the Red Sea inferred from x-ray chronology and stable isotope
composition. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 97:99-104
Klein R, Loya Y, Gvirtzman G, Isdale PS, Susic M (1990) Seasonal rainfall in the Sinai desert
during the late Quaternary inferred from fluorescent bands in fossil corals. Nature 345:145147
Klein R, Mokady O, Loya Y (1991) Bioerosion in ancient and contemporary corals of the genus
Porites - Patterns and paleoenvironmental implications. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 77:245-251
Belmaker J, Jetz W (2011) Cross-scale variation in species richness-environment associations.
Glob Ecol Biogeogr 20:464-474
Ben-Tzvi O, Kiflawi M, Gaines SD, Al-Zibdah M (2008) Tracking recruitment pathways of
Chromis viridis in the Gulf of Aqaba using otolith chemistry. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 359:229238
Ben-Tzvi O, Abelson A, Gaines SD, Bernardi G (2012) Evidence for cohesive dispersal in the
sea. PLoS One 7:e42672
Kiflawi M, Belmaker J, Brokovich E, Einbinder E, Holzman R (2006) The determinants of
species richness of a relatively young coral reef ichthyofauna. J Biogeogr 33:1289-1294
Maier E, Tollrian R, Rinkevich B, Nurnberger B (2005) Isolation by distance in the
scleractinian coral Seriatopora hystrix from the Red Sea. Mar Biol 147:1109-1120
Coral reproduction
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