Unit 1 Contents, Notes, Study Guide

Unit 1: Variables, Expressions & Integers
Quiz 1:
1.1 Expressions & Variables
1.2 Powers & Exponents
1.3 Order of Operations
1.4 Compare & Order Integers
1.5 Adding Integers
1.6 Subtracting Integers
1.7 Multiplying & Dividing Integers
Quiz 2:
2.2 Simplify Expressions: Distributive Property
2.3 Simplify Expressions: Combine Like-Terms
Unit 1 Test (all of the above)
Study Guide & Notes for each section are on the following pages.
They provide important vocabulary and key concepts.
Suggestions for studying before a quiz or test:
-Review notes and study guide
-Try practice problems in your textbook or online textbook
-Try practice problems IXL.com (see Ms. Botto’s website for a list of links to specific skills
required for this unit.
-See your math teacher before or after school.
1.1 Expressions & Variables
Expression: numbers, operations, and sometimes variables.
3x + b
*Fractions are also division
Equation: numbers, operations, sometimes variables, AND always an equal sign.
8(2) = 16
x – 4 = 10
3x + b = 15
Variable: a letter to represent one or more numbers.
1.2 Powers & Exponents
53 = 125
Is the same as 5  5  5 = 125
Exponents are used to shorten repeated multiplication of the same number.
base: the number that is multiplied
exponent: how many times the base is multiplied
power: the base AND the exponent (“5 to the 3rd power”)
1.3 Order of Operations
1st Grouping Symbols
Parentheses: ( )
Radical: 
Brackets: [ ]
Absolute value:
Fraction Line (vinculum):
*If there are operations in numerator and/or denominator, solve as a group first, then divide.
= 4
2nd Exponents
-52 = -25
*If there are no parentheses, do NOT drop the negative!
(-52) = 25
*If there are parentheses, multiply the base and its given sign according to the exponent:
(-5)(-5) = 25
3rd Multiply OR Divide **whichever comes first!
10 ÷ 5 (4)
Division comes before
multiplication, so divide FIRST,
then multiply:
2(4) = 8
First do the math in parentheses.
You would get:
5 (4) ÷ 2
Multiplication comes before
division, so multiply first, then
20 ÷ 2 = 10
Division comes before
multiplication, so divide
FIRST, then multiply:
8 ● 2 = 16
LAST: Subtract OR Add **whichever comes first!
Save the easiest operations for last 
12 + 4 – 5
Subtraction comes before addition,
so subtract FIRST, then add:
Addition comes before subtraction,
so add FIRST, then subtract:
16 – 5 = 11
1.4 Comparing & Ordering Integers
Integers: all of the counting numbers, their opposites & zero
Absolute Value: a numbers distance from zero
-5 = 5
5 =5
Opposites: the same distance from zero, but on the opposite side of the number line.
The opposite of -5 is 5.
The opposite of 5 is -5.
 LESS- Left 
 MORE - Right 
1.5 – 1.7 Integers: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying & Dividing
Adding Integers Rules
“Same signs keep and add…”
Add, answer is positive
Add, answer is negative
“…different signs subtract, take the sign of the higher number, then you’ll be exact.”
Subtract, answer takes the sign of the greater
absolute value
Subtract, answer takes the sign of the
greater absolute value
10 + -5 = 5
Subtract: 10 – 5 = 5
Absolute values are 10 and 5
10 is greater, its sign is positive,
so the answer is positive
–8 + 3 = -5
Subtract: 8 – 3 = 5
Absolute values are 8 and 3
8 is greater, its sign is negative, so
the answer is negative
Subtracting Integers Rules
1) Insert an addition operation immediately after the first integer:
5 – 10 becomes: 5 + (– 10)
– 8 – 5 becomes: – 8 + (– 5)
Subtracting Negatives:
Subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive.
Think of it as rearranging the 2 dashes to make a positive sign. (– – becomes + )
6 – -3 becomes: 6 + 3
-7 – (-4) becomes: -7 + 4
2) Follow the adding integers rule to solve.
*Sometimes parentheses are used to make negative signs easier to see.
Finding Change in Temperature or Elevation:
The word “change” implies subtraction.
Subtract the integers.
IF it was a drop in temperature or elevation, then the final answer is NEGATIVE.
If it was a rise in temperature or elevation, then the final answer is POSITIVE.
Multiplying & Dividing Integers Rules
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If the signs are the same, the product/quotient will be positive
Product/Quotient is positive
Product/Quotient is positive
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If the signs are different, the product/quotient will be negative
Product/Quotient is negative
Product/Quotient is negative
2.3 Combining Like-Terms
To simplify expressions, we can combine like-terms.
4x2 + 2 + 3x2 – 1 + x
Terms: parts of an expression; includes constants, variables & coefficients.
*In above expression, the terms are: 4x2, 2, 3x2, -1, and x
Constants: a number that has no variable
*In above expression, the constants are: 2 and -1
Variables: letter that represents an unknown amount.
*In above expression, the variables are: x2 and x
Coefficients: the number that multiplies a variable.
*In above expression, the coefficients are: 4, 3 and 1
(1 because there is “one” x, even if 1 is not written there.)
Like-Terms: the terms in an expression that “match”.
*In the expression above, the like-terms are:
4x2 and 3x2; 2 and -1 (x does not have another like-term.)
To simplify the above expression; combine the like-terms:
4x2 + 3x2 = 7x2
2 + -1 = 1
7x2 + 1 + x
2.2 Distributive Property
2(5x -3)
*Multiply the number outside parentheses by ALL TERMS inside the parentheses:
2(5x) and 2(-3) = 10x – 6
(4 + 7y) 3
*The multiplier can be before OR after the parentheses.
3(4) and 3(7y) = 12 + 21y
**Write expressions in ORDER, alphabetical, exponent value, followed by constants:
Final answer: 21y + 12
**It is NOT a multiplier if there is an operation between the number and parentheses, such
as (4 + 7y) + 3
More examples of Writing Expressions in CORRECT ORDER:
5x2 – 2x + 7
3x2 + 8x – 7 y + 2
-(3x + 2)
*If there is just a negative outside the parentheses, you can read it as “take the opposite
of all terms inside the parentheses”:
-3x – 2
*This is the same as multiplying -1 to all terms in the parentheses:
-1(3x) and (-1)(2) = -3x -2
-2x(6x + 3)
*Multiplying the same variables results in using exponents:
-2x(6x) = -12x2
-2x(3) = -6x
Answer: -12x2 – 6x
**When adding the same variables, use coefficients to show final count:
Examples: x + 5x = 6x
3y – 5y = -2y