holiday home-work for classes x- xii

Class X English
Holiday Homework for summer vacation (Use Home Work Copy)
1. Complete Q 13, of ‘Two Gentleman of Verona’ , on listening Task. 10
2. Read the lesson ‘Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger’ and write about the tiger episode
with the help of the clues given in Page 20 Q. 9 a).
3. How does the writer create humour in the story Mrs Packletide’s Tiger? 5
4. Write the summary of the poem “The Frog and the Nightingale” in your own
words (150 words).
5. Collect two obituaries from the newspaper and paste them. Write an obituary
on the nightingale.
6. Complete Q 15, of ‘The Frog and the Nightingale’, on listening skill. 10
7. Read the play ‘The Dear Departed’ and write the story in your own words.
Project for FAII (Use file Paper and staple them)
1. Read Letters to the Editor and Collect two letters written on the same topic
and paste them. Write your views on the same topic in the form of Letter to
the Editor.
2. Collect three Articles and paste them. Write an Article on “Importance of
Games and Sports in school Curriculum” in 200 words.
3. Collect three reports on any celebrations and from the newspaper and write
one report on ‘Celebration of Holi in India’ in 150 words.
Assignment for FAII (Use file Paper and staple them)
1. Read the novel ‘The Story of My Life’ by Helen Keller and write the story in
your own words in about 200 words.
2. Read Newspapers daily and note at least one news item every day for your
assignment File. (Minimum 30 News Items)
3. Read the book ‘Wings of Fire’ by APJ Abdul Kalam and write a few instances
from which you may learn some lesson and modify your character and
Class XII English
Holiday Homework for summer vacation (Use Home Work Copy)
1. Read the Novel ‘The Invisible Man’ by H G Wells and write the summary
within 200 words.
2. Read the lesson ‘Going Places’ from Flamingo and write an article on ‘Hero
Worshipping’ within 200 words.
3. Read the stories ‘The Enemy’ and ‘Evans Tries an O Level’ from Vistas and
write an article on ‘Patriotism may not Exist in Criminals’ within 200 words.
4. Read ‘Memories of Childhood’ from Vistas and prepare a speech on ‘Golden
Days of Childhood’ in about 200 words. You may give instances from the
chapter ‘Lost Spring’ too.
Q1 Define dielectric constant of medium in terms of force between two electric charges
Q2What does q 1 +q 2 =0 signify in electrostatics?
Q3 Can two equipotential surfaces intersect each other ?Give reason .
Q4 Sketch a graph to show how the capacitance of a capacitor varies with the charge given to
it .
Q5Two wire of equal cross-section area ,one of copper and other are manganin ,have the same
resistance .Which one will be longer ?
Q6 The sum of two point charges is 7µc .They repel each other by the force 1N when kept 30cm
apart in free space .calculate the value of each charge .
Q7 An elect on and proton n a same electric field .Will they experience same force and same
Q8 An electric dipole is placed in uniform external field E .Show that torque on the dipole is
given by ζ=p×E where p is the dipole moment of dipol e .What is the net force experienced by
dipole ?
Q9 State Gauss’s theorem in electrostatics .Using this theorem ,prove that no electric field exits
inside a hollow charged conducting sphere .
Q10 Deduce the expression for the capacitance of a parallel pla te capacitor when a dielectric
slab is inserted between its plates .Assume that the thickness less than the plate separation.
Q11 An electric dipole of length 2cm is placed with the axis making an angle 60 0 to the
uniform electric field of 10 6 NC -1 . If it experiences a torque of 8√3 Nm, calculate the
Magnitude of the charge on dipole ,and Potential energy of dipole.
Q12 calculate the distance b/w two protons such that the electric repulsive force b/w them is
equal to the weight of either .
Q13-Two point charges 2µCand 6µC repel each other with the force of 12N .If each is given
additional charge of -4µc what will be the new force .
Q14The distance of the field point, on the equatorial plane of a small electric dipole is halved. By
what factor will the electric field, due to the electric dipole, change?
Q15Obtain an expression for electric potential due to an electric dipole at a point on its axial
Q16Two point charges 4µC and -2 µC are separated by a distance of 1.5 m in air. Calculate at
what point on the line joining the two charges is the electric field zero.
Q17Why most electrostatic field be normal to the surface at every point of a charge
Q18(a) A parallel plate capacitor is charge to a potential difference ,V by a DC source .Th e
capacitor is then disconnected from the source . if the distance between the plates is doubled
, state with reason how the following will be change ?
Electric field between the plates
Energy stored in the capacitor.
Q19A network of four capacitors each of 15µF capacitance is connected as shown in fig
determine charge on capacitors
Q20 A proton is moved along uniform electric field between two points A and B separated by a
distance of
0.1 m .(i) what is the potential difference betw een the points? (ii) How much work
is done in this process?
Q21 Using Gauss theorem, show mathematically that for any point outside the shell, the field
due to uniformly charged thin spherical shell is same as if the entire charge of the shell is
concentrated at the centre of the shell. Why do you expect the electric field inside the shell to be
zero according to this theorem?
Q22 In the figure shown, calculate the ratio of electric flux through the spheres S1 and
S2.the wire AB has a linear charge density λ = k x where x is the distance measured along the
wire from end A .
Q23 A pont charge is placed at the distance a/2 directly above the centre of square of side a
find th magnitude of electric flux through the square .
1-Define electric potential of a point .if 3.0 joule work has been done to bring a 12 C charge at a pointin the field then calculate the potential
of that point.
2-what is charge write its SI unit
3-If 4000 electron is flow through a point in a conductor in 30 sec calculate the current through that conductor
4-State ohm’s law and polt the graph b/w V&I
5-Define resistance of a conductor Write its SI unit .On how many factors it depends.
6-What is specific resistance of a conductor .Write its SI unit .On how many factors it depends.
7-If the length of a conductor is stretched by three times of its previous length then by what times the resistance of conductor will be
8.If four resistances each of 4 ohm are connected in series .Calculate the equivalent resistance of circuit.
Do all the numerical of NCERT
Library Holiday Homework
Teacher – Ashish Rawat
Class VI – Poem/Story Writing
Class VII – Book Mark
Class VIII – Poem/Story Writing
Class IX – Biography of any one famous Indian Author
Class X – Book Review
Q.1 Show that the relation R on the set 𝐴 = {𝑥 ∈ 𝑍: 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 12}, given by 𝑅 = {(𝑎, 𝑏): |𝑎 − 𝑏| 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑓 4 } is
equivalence relation. Find the set of all elements related to 1.
Q.2 Prove that relation 𝑅on the set 𝑁 × 𝑁 defined by (𝑎, 𝑏)𝑅(𝑐, 𝑑) ⟺ 𝑎 + 𝑑 = 𝑏 + 𝑐 for all (𝑎, 𝑏), (𝑐, 𝑑)𝜖𝑁 × 𝑁.
Q.3 Sow that 𝑓: 𝑁 → 𝑁 defined by
𝑓(𝑥) =
, 𝑖𝑓 𝑛 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑑𝑑
{ 𝑛2
, 𝑖𝑓 𝑛 𝑖𝑠 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛
is many-one onto function.
Q.4 Let 𝑓: 𝑋 → 𝑌 be a function. Define a relation 𝑅 on 𝑋 given by 𝑅 = {(𝑎, 𝑏): 𝑓(𝑎) = 𝑓(𝑏)}. Show that 𝑅 is an
equivalence relation.
Q.5 If 𝑓(𝑥) = √𝑥, (𝑥 > 0)and 𝑔(𝑥) = 𝑥 2 − 1 are two real valued functions, find 𝑓𝑜𝑔 and 𝑔𝑜𝑓. IS 𝑓𝑜𝑔 = 𝑔𝑜𝑓 ?
Q.6 Let 𝑌 = {𝑛2 : 𝑛 ∈ 𝑁} ⊆ 𝑁. Consider 𝑓: 𝑁 → 𝑌 given by 𝑓(𝑛) =
𝑛2 . Show that 𝑓 is invertible. find the inverse of 𝑓.
Q.7 If 𝑓(𝑥) = 6𝑥−4 , 𝑥 ≠ 3, show that 𝑓𝑜𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥 for all 𝑥 ≠ 3. What is the inverse of 𝑓?
Q.8 What is the range of the function (𝑥) =
Q.9 Let * be a binary operation on 𝑁 given by 𝑎 ∗ 𝑏 = 𝐿𝐶𝑀(𝑎, 𝑏) ∀ 𝑎, 𝑏 𝜖 𝑁. Find 5*7.
Q.10 Find the principal values
a) tan−1 ( √3)
b) sin−1(− 2)
Q.11 Evaluate cos−1 (− ) + 2 sin−1( )
Q.12 Evaluate cos−1 (cos
Q.13 Find cot(tan−1 𝑎 + cot 𝑎).
Q.14 Prove that tan−1 1 + tan−1 2 + tan−1 3 = 𝜋.
Q.15 Prove that cos−1 13 + sin−1 5 = sin−1 65
1−𝑦 2
Q.16 Prove that tan {sin−1
+ cos−1
)} =
1+𝑥 2
1+𝑦 2
Q.17 Prove that tan−1 √𝑥 = 2 cos−1 1+𝑥 , 𝑥 ∈ [0,1].
𝑥 2 +1
Q.18 Prove that cos[ tan−1 { sin( cot −1 𝑥)}] = √𝑥 2 +2
𝑥 − 𝑦 2𝑥 + 𝑧
−1 5
], find 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧, 𝑤.
2𝑥 − 𝑦 3𝑧 + 𝑤
0 13
2 −1
−1 −8 −10
If [ 1
0 ] 𝐴 = [ 1 −2 −5 ], find A.
−3 4
9 22 15
1 1 1
3𝑛−1 3𝑛−1 3𝑛−1
If 𝐴 = [1 1 1], then prove that 𝐴 = [3𝑛−1 3𝑛−1 3𝑛−1 ] for every positive integer n.
1 1 1
3𝑛−1 3𝑛−1 3𝑛−1
4 2 −1
Express the matrix 𝐴 = [3 5
7 ] as the sum of symmetric and skew symmetric matrix and verify your result.
1 −2 1
3 −2 −4
Express the matrix 𝐴 = [ 3 −2 −5] as the sum of symmetric and skew symmetric matrix.
−1 1
2 −2
If the matrix 𝐴 = [
] and 𝐴 = 𝑝𝐴, then find the value of p.
−2 2
3 −1 −2
Using elementary row transformation find the inverse of [2 0 −1]
3 −5 0
Q.19 If [
2 −3 5
Q.26 Using elementary row/column transformation find the inverse of [6 0
1 5 −7
Class X
1. Assignment- Write all the rules and definitions /formulas
from the chapters Real numbers,
Polynomials, pair of linear equations in two variables
and triangles in A-4 size papers.
2. Project work- using one-fourth chart draw the graph of pair
of linear equation in 2 variables
Showing consistency/ inconsistency (any two)
3. Prepare sample prepare for SA-1
Roll (1-10) 2015-16(Expected)
(11-20) 2014-15
(21-30) 2013-14
(31-40) 2012-13
(41-45) 2011-12
Q1.An element has body centered cubic structure with unit cell edge length of 288 pm. Density of the element is
7.2g/cm3. How many atoms of the element would weigh 208g? Or Aluminum crystallizes in cubic close packed
structure. Its metallic radius is 125 pm. What is the length of side of its unit cell?How many unit cells would occur in
1.00 cm3 of aluminum?
Q2. What is semiconductor? Describe the two main types of semiconductors and explain mechanism for their
Q3. Calculate the depression in freezing point of water when 20.0 g of CH3 CH2CHClCOOH is added to 500 g of water. (Kf
=1.86 K Kg mol-1).
Q4. Write the cell formulation and calculate the standard cell potential of the galvanic cell in which the following
reaction takes place.
Fe2+ + Ag+
Fe3+ + Ag. Calculate gibbs free energy for the above reaction.
Q5. Write the cell reaction involved in recharging of lead storage battery.
Q6. Write the Nernst equation and emf of the following cells at 298K (E0 Fe2+ / Fe = -0.44V) Fe(s)/Fe2+ (0.001M) //
H+ (IM)/H2 ( 1bar) / Pt(s).
Q7. How much electricity in terms of Faraday is required to produce 40.0g of Al from molten Al 2O3?
Q8. In a chemistry lab, if a student stores CuSO4 solution in a Zn vessel, what will happen? Why?
Q9.State two advantage of H2-O2 fuel cell over ordinary cell.
Q10.State Kohlrasusch’s law.In the button cells widely used in watches and other devices the following reaction takes
Zn(s) +Ag2O(s) + H2O(l) Zn2+ (aq) + 2Ag(s) + 2OH-(aq) Determine ∆G and Ecell for the reaction. Assume: E°Zn2+/Zn
= -0.76 V and E° Ag+ / Ag = 0.8 V.
Q11.Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction:
Cd2+ (aq) + Zn(s)
Zn2+ (aq) + Cd(s) if E° Cd2+/Cd = - 0.403 V and E° Zn2+/Zn = - 0.763 V
Q12.When a current of 0.75 A is passed through a CuSO4 solution for 25 min, 0.369 g of copper is deposited at the
cathode. Calculate the atomic mass of copper.
Q13.Tarnished silver contains Ag2S. Can this tarnish be removed by placing tarnished silverware in an aluminum pan
containing an inert electrolytic solution such as NaCl, if the standard electrode potential for half reaction: Ag2S(s) + 2e
2Ag(s) + S2_ is -0.71V and for
Al3+ + 3e
Al(s) is -1.66V.
Q14. Calculate the standard free energy change for the following reaction at 25° C
Au(S) + Ca2+ (aq,1M)
Au3+ (aq,1M) + Ca(S) E° Au3+ |Au = +1.50V E° Ca2+ |Ca -= -2.87 V
Predict whether the reaction will be spontaneous or not at 25°C. Which of the above two half cells will act as an
oxidizing agent and which one will be a reducing agent?
Q15.The conductivity of 0.001M acetic acid is 4 x10-5 S/ cm. Calculate the dissociation constant of acetic acid, if molar
conductivity for the acetic acid is 390.5 S cm2/ mol .
Q16.In a cell reaction, the equilibrium constant K is less than one .Is E° for the cell positive or negative? What will be
the value of K if E° cell=0.
Q17.Calculate the amount of ice that will separate out on cooling a solution containing 50 gm of ethylene glycol in 200
gm of water to -9.3°C.(Kf of water =1.86 K Kg mol-1).
Q18. An aqueous solution freezes at 272.07 K and pure water freezes at 273 K.Determine the molality and boiling point
of the solution.Given that Kf=1.86 K/m and Kb =0.512 K/m.
Q19.Molal enthalpy of fusion of water at 273 K is 6.0246 Kj mol-1 .Calculate molal depression constant of water.
Q20.One litre aqueous solution of sucrose weighing 1015 gm is found to record an osmotic pressure of 4.82 atm at 293
K.What is the molality of the solution?
Q21.The degree of dissociation of calcium nitrate in dilute solution containing 7.0 gm of the solute per 100 gm of water
at 100°C is 70 %If the vapour pressure of water at 100°C is 760 mm,calculate the vapour pressure of the solution.
Q22. Addition of CdCl2 to the crystals of AgCl will produce schottky defect but the same is not produced when NaCl
crystals are added.
Q23. How many atoms are present in a cubic unit cell having one atom at each corner and two atoms on each body
Q24. Account for the following:
a) CaCl2 is used to clear snow in cold countries.
b) Plants growing in marshy areas generally decay after sometime.
c) The elevation in boiling point is not same for 0.1M NaCl AND 0.1M sucrose.
Q25.Articles of iron are generally coated with zinc. Explain.
परियोजनाकाययम ्
‘वाङ्ग्मयम ् तप:’ इत्यस्य श्लोकानाां अन्वय: श्लोकै: सह ललखत ।(Chart paper)
अवकाशग़ह्ृ काययम ्
1.अधोललखखतानाां परस्मैपदिन: धातन
ु ाां लट् ,लोट् ,लट्
ु षेशु ललखत ृ ,लङ्ग लकारे षु त्रिषु च परु
क)अस ्
ख)हन ्
2.अधोललखखतानाां आत्मनेपदिन: धातन
ु ाां लट् ,लोट् ,लट्
ु षेशु ललखत ृ ,लङ्ग लकारे षु त्रिषु च परु
क)सेव ्
ख)लभ ्
ग)रूच ्
3.’छािप्रततज्ञा’ सि
ुां रे ण हस्ताक्षरे ण ललखत।
ङ)याच ्
Holiday Home –Work Class XII- Computer Sc.(083)
1). What is the difference between automatic type conversion and
type casting?
Also, give a suitable C++ code to illustrate both.
2). Which C++ header file(s) will be essentially required to be
included to run/
execute the following C++ code?
void main( )
int Eno=123, char Ename[ ]=”Rehan Swamp”;
3) Find the output of the following program :
#inc1ude <iostream.h>
struct POINT
{int X, Y, Z;};
void StepIn(POINT & P, int Step=1)
P.Y -=Step;
void StepOut(POINT & P, int Step=1)
void main ( )
POINT P1={15, 25, 5}, P2={10, 30, 20};
4) Find the output of the following program :
#include <iostream.h>
#include <ctype.h>
void ChangeIt(char Text[ ], char C)
for (int K=0;Text[K]!='\0';K++)
if (Text[K]>=’F’ && Text[K]<=’L’)
if (Text[K]=’E’ || Text[K]==’e’)
Text[K]= =C;
if (K%2==O)
Text[K]=toupper(Text[K]); else
void main ( )
char OldText[ ]=”pOwERALone”;
cout<<“New TEXT:”<<OldText<<endl;
5) The following code is from a game, which generates a set of 4
random numbers.
Yallav is playing this game, help him to identify the correct option(s)
out of the
four choices given below as the possible set of such numbers
generated from
the program code so that he wins the game. Justify your answer.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const int LOW=15;
void main ( )
randomize( ) ;
int POINT=5, Number;
for (int 1=1;I<=4;I++)
Number=LOW+random(POINT) ;
cout<<Number<<“:” ; POINT--;}}
6) What do you understand by Polymorphism.? Also, give an example
in C++
to illustrate the same. .
7) Answer the questions (i) and (ii) after going through the following
class TEST
int Regno, Max, Min, Score;
TEST() //Function 1
Regno= 101;Max=100;Min=40;Score=75;
TEST(int Pregno,int Pscore) //Function 2
~TEST() //Function 3
cout<<“TEST Over”<<endl;
void Display() //Function 4
(i) As per Object Oriented Programming, which. concept is illustrated
Function 1 and Function 2 together?
(ii) What is Function 3 specifically referred as ? When do you think,
Function 3
will be invoked/called?
8) Define a class ITEM in C++ with following description:
Private Members
_ Code of type integer (Item Code)
_ Iname of type string (Item Name)
_ Price of type float (Price of each item)
_ Qty of type integer (Quantity of item in stock)
_ Offer of type float (Offer percentage on the item)
_ A member function GetOffer() to calculate Offer percentage as per
following rule:
If Qty<=50 Offer is 0
If 50<Qty<=100 Offer is 5
If Qty>100 Offer is 10
Public Members
_ A function GetStock() to allow user to enter values for Code, Iname,
Price, Qty and call function GetOffer() to calculate the offer
_ A function ShowItem() to allow user to view the content of all the
void main ( )
int Track [ ] = {10, 20, 30, 40}, *Striker ;
Stxiker=Track :
Track [1] += 30 ;
cout<<"Striker>"<<*Striker<<end1 ;
Striker – =10 ;
Striker++ ;
cout<<"Next@"<<*Striker<<end1 ;
Striker+=2 ;
cout<<"Last@"<<*Striker<<end1 ;
cout<< "Reset To" <<Track[0] <<end1;}
9) What is the difference between Local Variable and Global
Also, give a suitable C++ code to illustrate both.
10) Write the names of the header files, which is/are essentially
required to run/
execute the following C++ code:
void main ( )
char C, String [ ] = "Excellence Overload";
for (int I=0; String [ I ] ! = '\ 0'; I ++ )
if (String [I] ==' ')
cout<<C ;
11) Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical
errors (if any).
Underline each correction.
typedef char Text(80) ;
void main ( )
Text T= "Indian";
int Count=strlen(T) ;
cout<<T<<'has'<<Count<< 'characters' <<end1;
12) Find the output of the following program: 3
void ChangeArray(int Number, int ARR[ ], int Size)
for (int L =0; L<Size; L++)
if (L<Number)
ARR [L] +=L;
ARR [L] *=L;
void Show (int ARR [ ], int Size)
for (int L=0; L<Size; L++)
(L%2!=0) ?cout<<ARR[L] <<"#": cout<<ARR[L]<<end1 ;
void main ( )
int Array [ ] = {30, 20, 40, 10, 60, 50};
ChangeArray (3, Array, 6) ;
Show (Array, 6) ;}
13) Find the output of the following program:
14) Go through the C++ code shown below, and find out the possible
output or
outputs from the suggested Output Options (i) to (iv). Also, write the
value and highest value, which can be assigned to the variable Guess.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main ( )
randomize ( ) ;
int Guess, High=4;
Guess=random{High)+ 50 ;
for{int C=Guess ; C<=55 ; C++)
cout<<C<<"#" ;
(i) 50 # 51 # 52 # 53 # 54 # 55 #
(ii) 52 # 53 # 54 # 55
(iii) 53 # 54 #
(iv) 51 # 52 # 53 # 54 # 55
15) Write the output of the following C++ code. Also. write the name
of feature
of Object Oriented Programming used in the following program
illustrated by the function [I] to [IV].
void Print ( ) // Function [I]
for (int K=1 ; K<=60 ; K++) cout<< "-" ;
cout<<end1 ;
void Print (int N) // Function [II]
for (int K=1 ; K<=N ; L++) cout<<"*" ;
cout<<end1 ;
void Print (int A, int.B) // Function [III]
for (int K=1. ;K<=B ;K++) cout <<A*K ;
cout<<end1 ;
void Print (char T, int N) // Function [IV]
for (int K=1 ; K<=N ; K++) cout<<T ;
void main ( )
int U=9, V=4, W=3;
char C='@' ;
Print (C,V) ;
Print (U,W) ;
Q16. Describe Inheritance properties and their forms?
Q17. Write short notes about visibility mode in class?