Batteries Not Included

Batteries Not Included
-This is a fun time of the year! Busy, but fun. I remember – as a youngster - the anticipation – holiday
break from school but especially for opening the presents that began showing up under the tree.
-Then finally, the time would come to open those presents.
-But, wasn’t it terrible to open a package and see that dreaded statement, “Batteries Not Included.”
(A friend of mine once said he was going to wrap a package of batteries and write on the back,
“Toy not included.”) That was ok as long as you had batteries in the house. But, it was torturous if you
-Different back then: You couldn’t just go out on Christmas day and find batteries.
-Many things are different now: Toys have become more complex. It can be somewhat
challenging to find a toy that doesn’t light up, flash, move, talk, make noises, etc. But, that
all means batteries.
-Over 3 billion batteries are sold annually in the U.S.
-But, more recently, things have become different again. Now, many things need to charge.
-tablets, phones, MP3 players, DS games, remote control toys, etc.
-That initial charge can be torturous. “For the initial charge, let charge for 6 hours.”
-So, many, many things either require batteries or must be charged.
-What about us?
-The Marvel of the Human Body
-Ps. 139:14
-A look at the human body absolutely exclaims “Creation!”
-Whether you look at the body’s systems, organs, tissues or cells, there is tremendous complexity
in the design. And, when you have design, there must be a Designer.
-For those who say life came about by way of evolution, how do any of these things work in
partial stages of development? How would a heart in a transitional stage pump properly? Or a
transitional eye see? Or a transitional digestive tract work at all?
-Whether you look at the skin system, digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system or any of
the other systems in the body, you see the Intelligent Design of God.
-recommend Wayne Jackson’s book – The Human Body—Accident or Design?
-“The heart is an involuntary muscle that beats about 100,000 times a day, or nearly 40,000,000
times each year. It pumps about 1,800 gallons of blood a day. In a lifetime a heart will pump
some 600 metric tons of blood!” (p 44).
-Yet, no batteries, no plugging in to charge.
-Digestive System
-Energy for the body is obtained through the digestive system…food.
-An average person consumes approx. 40 tons of food in a lifetime.
-We basically take this for granted. We just shovel the food in and keep on going.
-Complexities: mouth, teeth, tongue, throat (esophagus), stomach, small and large
intestines, various glands, liver, pancreas, etc.
-The food is broken down into what the body needs, absorbed through the lining of the intestine
and carried throughout the body by the blood.
-So, we have the energy to keep going
-The Spiritual Side of Life
-Obviously, we could spend considerable time addressing the amazing facets of the human body. In
particular, I always find the eye to be mind-boggling.
-But, there is much more to us than these physical systems.
-We have been made in the image of God (imago dei) – Gen. 1:26, Jas. 3:9.
-spiritual aspect, mind, conscience
-Image of God gives intrinsic value to life – Gen. 9:6. Therefore, life is to be respected and valued.
-The fact we are in the image of God shows that God cares for us and that he desires to have a
relationship with us – Jas. 4:8, 1 John 3:1, 2 Cor. 6:17-18, Gal. 3:26-29.
-Great news! We can draw near to God – Jas. 4:8, Isa. 55:6-9.
-To draw near to God and have a proper, healthy relationship with Him, we must submit to his will.
-Being made in the image of God, we can become more like him – Eph. 4:17-24.
-How do we know how to put of the old and put on the new? – the word (2 Pet. 1:3-4)
-The Christian graces/virtues then follow. The results? – vs 9-11.
-How do we then keep from putting off the new and putting the old back on? (2 Pet. 2:20-22)
-We need to keep our “spiritual batteries” charged!
-If we simply go about life and become neglectful of the spiritual aspect of life, we will become
spiritually drained.
-So, we need to make it a point to stay spiritually charged – worship, Bible reading, Bible study,
prayer, good works, fellowship. (not just a matter of picking and choosing, package deal)
-Closing and Summary
-For us physically, batteries are not included. Yet, we have a spiritual battery that needs to remain
charged. What are you doing to charge that battery? What do you need to be doing to charge that
-And, how much charge are you carrying with you currently? Do you need to recharge?
Joplin – December 16, 2012 – a.m.