TOCAR Collaborative Campus and Community Climate Survey for Students © 2003 by TOCAR. This survey may be reproduced in whole or in part for noncommercial purposes only provided that such reproductions bear copyright notice. As part of a process of identifying critical issues related to racial discrimination and institutional racism on our campuses and in our community, we are asking you to complete this campus and community climate survey. This survey is being conducted by the Training Our Campuses Against Racism (TOCAR) chapters at North Dakota State University, Concordia College, Minnesota State Community and Technical College, and Minnesota State University Moorhead. This project is supported by funding from the Otto Bremer Foundation. We are interested in feedback about your experiences and perceptions of MSU Moorhead’s campus. Your responses are confidential and will never be reported individually. Listed below are definitions of some terms used in this survey. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these: People of color: “refers to people of African descent, people of Asian descent, people of Latin American descent, and indigenous peoples. Many people refer to these groups collectively as non-Whites although this term is problematic because it defines groups of people in terms of what they are not.” From Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? by Beverly Daniel Tatum, Basic Books, 1997. Racial/Ethnic Discrimination: Institutional and/or individual actions that favor or disadvantage a person based substantially on his/her race/ethnic origin. “Racism is different from racial prejudice, hatred or discrimination. Racism involves having the power to carry out systematic discriminatory practices against people of color through the major institutions of our society.” From What Curriculum Leaders Can Do About Racism, by Delmo Della-Dora, New Detroit, Inc. 1970. INSTRUCTIONS: Please record your answers on the scantron sheet that you have been provided. Please do not write your name on the survey or the scantron sheet. This is an anonymous survey. Perceptions of Campus Climate 1. To what extent are most faculty, staff, and administrators at my institution welcoming to people of color? A. Very welcoming B. Somewhat welcoming C. Somewhat unwelcoming D. Very unwelcoming E. Not sure 2. To what extent are most students at my institution welcoming to people of color? A. Very welcoming B. Somewhat welcoming C. Somewhat unwelcoming D. Very unwelcoming E. Not sure 1 Use the following scale for questions 3-22: A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly disagree E. Not sure 3. Students at my institution treat me respectfully regarding my race/ethnicity. 4. Faculty are sensitive to barriers faced by students of color. 5. I would recommend my institution as a supportive work environment for students of color. 6. I would recommend my institution to students of color as a supportive environment in which to study. 7. My institution should recruit more students of color. 8. My institution should offer scholarships specifically for students of color. 9. My institution provides adequate programs and services to promote the success of students of color. 10. My institution is genuinely committed to improve relations between people of different races/ethnic origins. 11. The campus media represent racial/ethnic issues in a fair and balanced manner. 12. The student health center at my institution provides services that are culturally/racially sensitive. 13. The student counseling center at my institution provides services that are culturally/racially sensitive. 14. The food services at my institution routinely offer meals that reflect the dietary preferences of diverse cultures. 15. Student government at my institution is actively involved in eliminating racism on my campus. 16. Student government at my institution genuinely addresses the concerns of students of color. 17. Residence life staff actively confront racial harassment and discrimination. 18. Residence life staff encourage the inclusion of students from diverse racial backgrounds in residence hall activities. 19. More students of color should be hired for residence life staff positions. 20. Students of color have less of a voice than white students in campus-wide decision making. 21. My institution regards students of color as athletes first and as students second. 22. I feel that I need to minimize various aspects of my racial/ethnic culture such as language, clothes and ways of interacting in order to be able to “fit in” to the culture at this college/university. 23. I have been expected to speak on behalf of all of the members of my race/ethnic origin at my institution. A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. Less than monthly E. Never 24. How often do your professors ask students of color to speak for their entire race? A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. Less than monthly E. Never 25. In the past five years, I have served on a committee at this institution that included more than one person of color: A. 5 or more times B. 3-4 times C. 1-2 times D. Never E. I have not served on any committees 2 26. The number of students of color participating in student government at my institution should A. Increase B. Stay the same C. Decrease D. Not sure 27. Have you considered leaving this institution for any of the following reasons? (Please check all that apply.) A. Academic difficulties B. Financial difficulties or job responsibilities C. Family responsibilities D. Feeling socially isolated or unwelcome at the institution or in the Fargo-Moorhead community E. I have never considered leaving this institution. Use the following scale for questions 28-39: A. No B. Yes but I never reported them (it) C. Yes and I sometimes reported them D. Yes and I always reported them (it) I have experienced the following by students or employees from my institution: 28. Been called names, insulted, or verbally assaulted because of my race/ethnic origin 29. Been put down intellectually because of my race/ethnic origin 30. Been excluded from a social event or activity because of my race/ethnic origin 31. Received insulting or anonymous phone calls, letters, notes, or e-mail because of my race/ethnic origin 32. Been subjected to hostile stares because of my race/ethnic origin 33. Been physically threatened or attacked because of my race/ethnic origin 34. Been ignored after expressing my ideas or sharing my comments because of my race/ethnic origin 35. Been followed or stopped by campus police/security because of my race/ethnic origin 36. Been harassed or discriminated against because of my foreign accent or for speaking a language other than English. 37. Been excluded from a student organization because of my race/ethnic origin 38. Been in a situation where a student embarrassed, patronized or treated me negatively because of my race/ethnic origin 39. Been in a situation where a faculty, administrator, or staff member has embarrassed, patronized or treated me negatively because of my race/ethnic origin 40. I encounter offensive actions and objects directed at my race: A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. Less than monthly E. Never 41. At my institution, I have felt pressure from others not to interact with people of racial/ethnic backgrounds different from my own. A. Yes B. No 42. I know my institution's formal procedures for handling incidents of racial/ethnic discrimination/bias. A. Yes B. No 3 Use the following scale for questions 43-50: A. Witnessed B. Heard about C. Both witnessed and heard about D. Neither witnessed nor heard about I have witnessed or heard about the following at my institution: 43. An employee resigning because of racial harassment or an unwelcoming environment for people of color. 44. A student embarrassing, patronizing or treating someone negatively because of his/her race/ethnic origin. 45. A faculty member, administrator, or staff embarrassing, patronizing or treating someone negatively because of his/her race/ethnic origin. 46. A student of color leaving this institution because of racial harassment or an unwelcoming environment for people of color. 47. Faculty being discriminated against because of their race/ethnic origin. 48. Staff members being discriminated against because of their race/ethnic origin. 49. Racist jokes, cartoons, graffiti, or flyers. 50. Racially motivated hate crimes. Use the following scale for questions 51-62 A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly disagree E. Not sure 51. I feel comfortable openly expressing my disfavor with racist jokes or statements made by others at my institution. 52. If I were to experience racial harassment or discrimination at my institution, I would feel comfortable reporting it to a faculty, staff, or administrator. 53. If I were to witness racial harassment or discrimination at my institution, I would feel comfortable reporting it to a faculty, staff, or administrator. 54. If I were to report racial harassment or discrimination at my institution, I am confident that my institution would respond to it appropriately. 55. Some administrators discriminate against people of color at my institution. 56. Some faculty discriminate against people of color at my institution. 57. Some staff discriminate against people of color at my institution. 58. Some students discriminate against people of color at my institution. 59. My ideas are respected at my institution when I am in a group in which I am the only member of my race. 60. My institution seems to be more committed to recruiting international faculty of color than it is to recruiting faculty of color from the United States. 61. My institution seems to be more committed to recruiting international students of color than it is to recruiting students of color from the United States. 62. Racism is a problem at my institution. Please provide any additional comments you have regarding the racial climate on your campus on the attached sheet at the back of the survey. 4 Perceptions of Your Academic Experiences 63. Who on campus are you comfortable talking with about academic concerns? (Please check all that apply.) A. Your advisor(s) or professor(s) other than your advisor(s) B. Multicultural Affairs staff C. Student Affairs staff D. Other student(s) E. Counseling Services or Academic Support Services 64. Who on campus are you comfortable talking with about personal concerns? (Please check all that apply.) A. Your advisor(s) or professor(s) other than your advisor(s) B. Multicultural Affairs staff C. Student Affairs staff D. Other student(s) E. Counseling Services or Academic Support Services Use the following scale for questions 65-69 A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly disagree E. Not sure 65. My institution should hire more faculty of color. 66. My institution should offer more courses focused on racial issues. 67. All students should be required to complete at least one course that includes analysis and skills needed for dismantling racism. 68. All faculty, staff, and administrators should be required to complete at least one workshop on analysis and skills needed for dismantling racism. 69. Understanding the consequences of racism in American society is important for providing students with a balanced education. 70. In classroom discussions, students of color participate: A. More than white students B. Less than white students C. About the same amount as white students D. Not sure 71. In my general education/liberal studies core curriculum, issues of race and ethnicity are discussed in: A. All my courses B. Most of my courses C. Some of my courses D. None of my courses E. Not applicable 72. Students openly discuss racial/ethnic issues, as they have come up in: A. All my courses B. Most of my courses C. Some of my courses D. None of my courses E. Not applicable 73. My professors create opportunities to openly discuss racial/ethnic issues, as they have come up in: A. All my courses B. Most of my courses C. Some of my courses D. None of my courses E. Not applicable 5 74. I am exposed to history, culture, and perspectives of people of color in: A. All my courses B. Most of my courses C. Some of my courses D. None of my courses E. Not applicable Use the following scale for questions 75-78 A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly disagree E. Not sure 75. Since coming to my institution, I have taken advantage of opportunities to learn more about racial/ethnic groups other than my own. 76. My experiences since coming to this institution have made me more understanding of racial/ethnic differences. 77. My education at this institution has broadened my global perspective. 78. My education at this institution has increased my understanding of racism. Use the following scale for questions 79-85 A. Very important B. Somewhat important C. Not important How important is it for me to be able to do the following at my institution? 79. Learn about racial/ethnic groups different from my own. 80. Participate in multicultural events. 81. Get to know people from ethnic/racial groups other than my own. 82. Participate in groups/activities that reflect my own ethnic/racial background. 83. Take multicultural/ethnic studies courses. 84. Take courses that include analysis, skills, and commitment to dismantling racism as part of the course. 85. Learn to function in a racially diverse work environment. Please provide any additional comments that you have on how racial-ethnic issues impact your academic experiences on your campus on the attached sheet at the back of the survey. 6 Racial Climate in the Moorhead-Fargo Community Use the following scale for questions 86-91 A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly disagree E. Not sure I can easily access the following in the Moorhead-Fargo community: 86. Personal care products 87. Personal care services (barber, beautician, etc.) 88. Food products specific to my culture 89. Support services/items/ materials consistent with my religious preferences 90. Culturally relevant forms of entertainment (videos, music, etc.) 91. Culturally sensitive health care services Use the following scale for questions 92-101 A. Yes B. No I have experienced the following in the Fargo-Moorhead area (not by campus community members): 92. Discriminatory hiring, firing, or promotion because of race/ethnic origin 93. Been called names, insulted, or verbally assaulted because of my race/ethnic origin 94. Received insulting or anonymous phone calls, letters, notes, or e-mail because of my race/ethnic origin 95. Been subjected to hostile stares because of my race/ethnic origin 96. Been denied services (medical, food, transportation, retail, housing, etc.) because of my race/ethnic origin 97. Been excluded from a social event or activity because of my race/ethnic origin 98. Been physically threatened or attacked because of my race/ethnic origin 99. Been followed or stopped by law enforcement because of my race/ethnic origin 100. Been followed or stopped by store personnel or store security while shopping because of my race/ethnic origin 101. Been harassed or discriminated against because of my foreign accent or for speaking a language other than English 102. I encounter offensive actions and objects directed at my race: A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. Less than monthly E. Never 103. Racism is a problem in the Moorhead-Fargo community. A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly disagree E. Not sure 7 For the following paired items, mark the number that you feel represents the racial climate off-campus in the FargoMoorhead community. (Note: On the scantron sheet, A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, and E=5) 104. Unwelcoming 105. Hostile 106. Worsening 107. Racist 108. Exclusive 1 ڤ ڤ 2 ڤ ڤ 3 ڤ ڤ 4 ڤ ڤ 5 ڤ ڤ Welcoming Friendly ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ Improving ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ Anti-racist ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ Inclusive Please provide any additional comments that you have regarding the racial climate in the Fargo-Moorhead community on the attached sheet at the back of the survey. Personal Information Reminder: Your responses are confidential. Information in this section will only be used for data analysis purposes. Individual results will never be reported; only group responses will be reported in such a manner that specific responses will never be identifiable. Use the following scale for questions 109-113 A. Very comfortable B. Somewhat comfortable C. Somewhat uncomfortable D. Very uncomfortable E. Not sure How comfortable are you… 109. Interacting with someone of a different race/ethnicity in a public setting? 110. Interacting with someone of a different race/ethnicity in a private setting? 111. Being friends with someone of a different race/ethnicity? 112. Dating someone of a different race/ethnicity? 113. Living with someone of a different race/ethnicity? Use the following scale for questions 114-117 A. All people of color B. Mostly people of color C. Half people of color/ half white people D. Mostly white people E. All white people Please describe each of the following: 114. The neighborhood where I grew up. 115. The high school I attended. 116. My current friends at this institution. 117. My current friends in general. 8 118. I socialize with people from racial groups other than my own. A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. Less than monthly E. Never 119. My gender: A. Male B. Female C. Transgender 120. My age: A. B. C. D. E. Under 19 19-22 23-29 30-39 Over 39 121. My major is in the College of: A. Arts and Humanities B. Business and Industries C. Education and Human Services D. Social and Natural Sciences E. Undeclared/Don’t know 122. My class year: A. Freshman B. Sophomore C. Junior D. Senior E. Graduate student 123. Have you ever lived on campus: A. Yes B. No 124. My citizenship status (please select all that apply): A. Born in the United States B. Citizen of a country other than the U.S. C. Naturalized citizen D. Permanent resident of the U.S. (green card) 125. My race/ethnicity: Please look at the list below and then write the numeric codes for ALL THAT APPLY in the section labeled “Codes” on your scantron sheet. 1. American Indian/Alaskan Native 2. Asian descent 3. Bi-racial/Multi-racial 4. Black/African descent 5. Hispanic/Latino/Latina 6. Middle Eastern descent 7. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 8. White/European descent 9 Additional Comments 126. Please provide any additional comments you have regarding the racial climate on your campus. 127. Please provide any additional comments that you have on how racial-ethnic issues impact your academic experiences on your campus. 128. Please provide any additional comments that you have regarding the racial climate in the Fargo-Moorhead community 129. Please provide any additional comments that you would like to share. Thank you very much for your time and assistance. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the study. A summary of the findings will be posted on the TOCAR webpage at Phyllis May-Machunda Co-Chair, MSUM TOCAR Anti-Racism Team 477-2975 Deborah White Chair, TOCAR Institutional Assessment Committee 477-2041 10