PPG DES - Annual Report 2014-2015

NHS Greater Manchester
2014/15 Patient Participation Enhanced Service – Reporting Template
Practice Name:
Manor House Surgery Glossop & Manor House Surgery Hadfield
Practice Code:
C81081 & C81660
Signed on behalf of practice:
Alison Bowler & Dr Susan Moore
Date: 30th March 2015
Signed on behalf of PPG:
A Lake & J Apthomas
Date: 30th March 2015
Prerequisite of Enhanced Service – Develop/Maintain a Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Does the Practice have a PPG?
Method of engagement with PPG:
Face to face, Email, Practice Website, Facebook, Twitter, Meetings formal & informal
Number of members of PPG:
Detail the gender mix of practice population and PPG:
Detail of age mix of practice population and PPG:
Mixed/ multiple ethnic groups
White &black
Detail the ethnic background of your practice population and PPG:
Gypsy or Irish
Asian/Asian British
White &black
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Describe steps taken to ensure that the PPG is representative of the practice population in terms of gender, age and ethnic
background and other members of the practice population:
The group continually endeavours to expand membership. It is actively seeking members to attend the monthly meetings and
members to join the Virtual PPG.
In order to recruit registered patients to further develop the practice PPG that is as representative of the practice population as
possible we have used a range of methods:-
> 75
Posters advertising the group and their meetings are placed on the reception counters and on the notice boards in the waiting
rooms at both sites.
Patient Participation Noticeboard Poster
meeting poster.doc
Poster for
Notices of monthly meetings are displayed on the scrolling and PPG areas of the practice website –
Notices of monthly meetings are displayed on the strap line of the TVs in the waiting areas.
Invitations to join the group are included in new patient registration packs and on all chronic disease letters. The PPG revised
the invitations for the registration packs in November 2013 and again in January 2015.
Chronic Disease
PPG (who we are)
Leaflet - 2015.doc
PPG Volunteers
In response to incidents/complaints, we send letters to patients asking for suggestions and we invite them to join the PPG.
Letter in response to
The PPG produces a quarterly newsletter. Invitations to join the group are included within this document. The newsletter is
available on the practice website, at the reception desks, is circulated to patients who have consented to receipt via email and
the link to the newsletter is circulated to patients who have consented to receipt via text message.
PPG Autumn 14
A Virtual PPG is available on the practice website where patients are able to register their interest and allow the PPG to
communicate with them via email on matters the group is currently discussing.
GP encouragement.
Generic emails sent to all our patients who have consented to receipt via email inviting them to join the PPG.
Held open evenings/health events.
The PPG have attended flu clinics to encourage membership of the PPG.
The PPG has developed links with other local PPGs to share ideas on approaches that can be used to engage patients.
Collaborated with other PPGs in the locality.
Linked with “Healthier Together” the Greater Manchester NHS regional NHS provision to ensure Glossop is represented more
Held a Women’s Health Event in May 2014 and a Prostate Cancer Health Event in September 2014.
Devised large promotional banners that are displayed on the surgery railings to promote the practice PPG and recruit
Produced a variety of posters displayed in surgeries & chemists.
PPG Volunteers
Targeted the underrepresented population e.g. parents, the under 16’s and 16-19 year old age groups by including invitations
to join the group on vaccination letters.
mmr template.doc
Promoted the PPG awareness week in June 2014 to engage more registered patients.
Developed colouring/poster competitions to engage the under 16’s.
A letter requesting PPG members was sent to a random sample of patients.
Request for PPG
Members Letter.doc
In 2015, the PPGs intentions are to encourage membership by:
Continuing with and revising all the method’s listed above.
Holding further Health Events.
Contacting the local 6th form to recruit any interested parties registered at the practice.
Contacting patients on the practice carer register inviting them to take part in the PPG.
Are there any specific characteristics of your practice population which means that other groups should be included in the PPG?
e.g. a large student population, significant number of jobseekers, large numbers of nursing homes, or a LGBT community?
Review of patient feedback
Outline the sources of feedback that were reviewed during the year:
Suggestions box
Comments from Healthwatch Derbyshire
Comments on NHS Choices
Friends and Family Survey
Issues brought to PPG meetings
Comments via Twitter and Facebook.
Messages sent to the practice by email, letter, telephone
Feedback from group members
How frequently were these reviewed with the PRG?
Variable depending on feedback type.
Monthly formal meetings of the PPG.
Action plan priority areas and implementation
Priority area 1
Description of priority area:
Advice for patients suffering from a build-up of earwax and who may need to have their ears syringed at the surgery.
What actions were taken to address the priority?
The PPG devised an Ear Syringing patient information leaflet. The leaflet provides advice for patients who may need to
have their ears syringed at the surgery. The aim of the leaflet was to educate our patients; to encourage self-management;
and help patient’s book appointments to see the appropriate clinicians.
Leaflet provided information about self-care and “if you need to have your ears syringed in surgery.”
Leaflets were available in the practice reception area and waiting rooms.
Information was made available on the practice website.
Clinicians had the patient information leaflets available to hand to relevant patients during their consultations.
Receptionists had the patient information leaflets available to advise patients of the options/alternatives.
Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):
Reduces patients attending for an appointment with the wrong clinician.
Gives clear instructions and allows patients a better understanding of self-care.
Patients can book appointments appropriately and make arrangements for leave at work to attend appointments.
We publicise all activities/patient information leaflets through Facebook, Twitter, patient information boards and the practice
Priority area 2
Description of priority area:
To reduce the number of inappropriate home visit requests and home visit DNA’s.
What actions were taken to address the priority?
The PPG devised letters and leaflets. The letters provide advice for patients who request home visits inappropriately or
who are not at home when a home visit has been booked with the surgery. The aim of the leaflet was to educate our
patients of the surgery protocol for home visits; and to encourage surgery attendance where possible.
Leaflets were available in the GP/PN home visit bags to hand to patients if the visit was deemed inappropriate and to post
to patients who were out when the clinician visited.
Receptionists had the patient information letters available to advise patients of the surgery protocol and advise patients of
transport options if the patient had no one that could bring them to the surgery.
Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):
Reduces patients requesting future home visits inappropriately.
Allows patients a better understanding of the surgery protocol.
Patients can request appointments appropriately and make appropriate transport arrangements to attend appointments at
the surgery.
We publicise all activities/patient information leaflets through Facebook, Twitter, patient information boards in the waiting
areas and the practice website.
Priority area 3
Description of priority area:
To engage with, and provide support for patients registered with the practice who have skin conditions, prostate problems,
women’s health problems and diabetes.
What actions were taken to address the priority?
Health event evenings in May & September. Co-ordinated by the PPG and provided by a GP with interest in the chosen
topic. Open to all patients and their families suffering from the chosen condition.
Patients were invited on a face to face basis when visiting the surgery.
A mailshot was sent to all registered patients with the relevant condition.
Invitations were available in the practice reception area and waiting rooms.
Information was made available on the practice website.
Staff and Clinicians had the patient information leaflets available to hand to relevant patients during their consultations or at
the reception desk.
Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):
Satisfactorily attended for the cohort of patient’s targeted and very positive feedback from patients.
This work is continuing in May and September each year.
We have publicised all events on the local radio, in the local newspapers, in the local chemists, patient information leaflets,
via Facebook, via Twitter, patient information boards in the waiting areas and the practice website.
Patients have learned about their conditions and have a better understanding of self-care.
Raised awareness of the work of the PPG.
Had opportunity to discuss issues with the patients who attended.
Progress on previous years
If you have participated in this scheme for more than one year, outline progress made on issues raised in the previous year(s):
Deaf Awareness Training
We are in the process of sourcing training for all our staff.
Patient Privacy
Notices have been placed in our reception areas. Should our patients wish to discuss a matter with a member of our team
in private, please state this to a member of our team.
Children’s toys and books
Toys and books which allow us to conform to the clinical cleanliness standards demanded by the CQC are available in our
surgery waiting and consulting rooms.
Methods of contact from the surgery
We are currently in the process of obtaining patient consent for text messaging and email. Where possible we will
communicate with our patients using these methods.
Surgery opening hours
The practice continues to provide extended hours. At Glossop we have GP & Nurse appointments at 7.20am-8.00am on
Mondays and 6.30pm-7.30pm on Thursdays. At Hadfield we open for GP and Nurse appointments at 7.15am on
Appointments Booking
o We have ensured more appointments are bookable in advance at both sites – 6 weeks in advance for GP
appointments, 8 weeks in advance for Nurse/HCA appointments. In doing so we have endeavoured to ensure that
there are still sufficient appointments to book on the day.
o Telephone consultations are available every day with every GP.
o We have an online consultation process which enable patients to request Non urgent email consultations with a
GP/Nurse. This provides the facility for patients to email GPs, Advanced Practitioner Nurses and Practice Nurses.
o Using online appointments booking can be helpful if you need to book in advance. We have ensured more GP,
Nurse and HCA appointments are available online. Please speak to our reception team for further information about
registering for appointments online access.
Using our online prescription service can be helpful if you need to order prescriptions when the surgery is closed.
Alternatively we have a prescription voicemail where you make/leave your prescription requests. Please speak to a member
of our reception team for further information about registering for prescriptions online access.
We encourage our patients to highlight any prescription issues they may have with our reception team who will be more than
happy to help.
Customer Service Training
We continue to provide our staff with 2 yearly customer service training.
Insufficient information of what to do if you require medical assistance outside surgery hours
With the help of the PPG we have devised an Out of Hours poster, hand-out for patients, and information on our practice
website to encourage awareness of the alternative Out of Hours options available to patients.
Patient Information
o Surgery information posters will be made available in larger print. Patients who may require larger print or Braille may
ask for copies from our reception team.
o We are currently reviewing the types of TV packages available.
o We have grouped our information in waiting areas into groups – PPG information; Surgery Information; General
Information/Campaigns. Our PPG members will continue to monitor and update all information available in our
waiting areas.
o Manor House Surgery is now on Twitter and Facebook
Visit us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter @GPManorHouse
Disabled Access/Heavy front door entrance
To improve access for our patients, we have placed bells on our surgery doors and signs informing our patients to press the
bell if they require assistance with the door. Our staff will be happy to assist any patient who may require help.
General awareness of roles within the surgery team
We will provide updates of staff roles in our quarterly newsletters. Information is also available on our surgery website
4. PPG Sign Off
Report signed off by PPG: Yes
Date of sign off: 30th March 2015
How has the practice engaged with the PPG:
Formally and informally on a monthly basis. The Practice Manager, Lead GP for Patient Participation, and our recently
appointed Administration Officer attend all monthly meetings and share relevant information. A member of the reception
team also attends where possible on monthly rotation. The PPG has a dedicated section on the practice website and notice
boards in the waiting areas of the surgery. Annual meetings are held between the officers of the PPG and senior GP
partners to review the year’s progress and consider areas for development in the year ahead.
How has the practice made efforts to engage with seldom heard groups in the practice population?
As described in Section 1. The practice has supported the work and ideas of the PPG in reaching these groups.
Has the practice received patient and carer feedback from a variety of sources?
Yes. The practice has shared feedback with the PPG from complaints, suggestions box, Friends and Family Survey,
comments submitted via Healthwatch Derbyshire, facebook, NHS Choices. The PPG has also continued to work on
improvements following feedback from the 2014 patient survey.
Was the PPG involved in the agreement of priority areas and the resulting action plan?
Yes. All the areas were discussed in the PPG meetings. Joint decisions were reached with the PPG and Practice.
How has the service offered to patients and carers improved as a result of the implementation of the action plan?
Reduced wastage of appointments/inappropriate bookings of services.
Raised awareness of the work of the PPG.
Increased awareness of conditions and provided better understanding of self-care and surgery protocols.
Do you have any other comments about the PPG or practice in relation to this area of work?
The PPG are an invaluable asset to the practice. We listen to the views of the PPG members; support their work and their
ideas. We are very keen as a practice to have the PPG work with us to improve patient services. The PPG plans to assist
the practice in promoting the use of online access to services including, booking appointments, ordering repeat
prescriptions and access to medical records.