INSERT AGENCY LOGO – REMOVE TEXT BOX LINE GRANT OUTCOMES SUMMARY FOR SFP 10-14 In 2011, two years of start-up funding was awarded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency to implement The Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP 1014) in (insert location). This report summarizes the data results through (indicate data timeline). SFP 10-14 WAS SELECTED TO MEET LOCAL NEEDS! SFP 10-14 is a 7-week evidenced-based program recognized as a Blueprints Promising Program. It helps families navigate the normal challenges of the teen years. It was selected….Explain why SFP 10-14 was selected for local implementation. Share specific data. Participation and Dosage POPULATION SERVED: XX% Description of the Targeted Population: 100 Number of Participants Describe the overall demographics of the population served (age range, gender ratio, & race/ethnicities served if known). Also explain the make-up of family structures served (e.g. foster parents, grandparents, step-parents). Explain risks and other characteristics of the population (e.g. poverty and crime rates). 60 55 Completing 5 or More Sessions 0 Caregivers Program Satisfaction: Include the average rating for facilitators from the participant surveys as a client satisfaction indicator. Youth Number of 7 Week Programs: x Number of Families Served: x Total Caregivers Served: x Total Youth Served: x Fidelity: Average of Observation Ratings 100 Percentage Implementation Strengths: Highlight areas of strength identified during fidelity observations and the quality assurance review by the developer. Participating 40 38 50 IMPLEMENTATION QUALITY: Fidelity Assessment Process: Observations were conducted of 2 parent, 2 youth, and 2 family sessions per 7-week program and the ratings for the curriculum content and the facilitators’ delivery style were expected to be 75% or greater. XX% 95 98 94 Average Parent Session Rating 50 Average Youth Session Rating 0 Parent Youth Family Sessions Sessions Sessions Total Number Observations: x Average Family Session Rating PARTICIPANT OUTCOMES CAREGIVERS SURVEYED: X YOUTH SURVEYED: X Positive Change in Surveyed Youth 100 90 75 Percentage 80 60 60 40 The local outcomes highlighted to the left reflect short-term participant changes in skills, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Short-term outcomes are expected to lead to the long-term outcomes demonstrated 6 years and beyond program completion in the stringent research on SFP 10-14: 20 0 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 Positive Change in Survyed Caregivers 100 90 75 Percentage 80 60 Delayed initiation and decreased use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, prescription drugs, and methamphetamine by youth 60 Decreased youth aggression & destructive behaviors 40 Decreased youth anxiety and depression 20 0 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 Increased youth school engagement and achievement Positive Change in Surveyed Families Research has demonstrated SFP 10-14 100 90 75 80 Percentage Long-term Outcomes 60 60 40 to be COST-EFFECTIVE with a return of $9.60 for each dollar invested. Savings of up to $5,923 per participating family can be realized when SFP 10-14 is implemented with quality and model adherence. BY SERVING X FAMILIES, SFP 1014 POTENTIALLY SAVED $X FOR OUR COMMUNITY! 20 0 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 For the survey completion counts on the previous page, be certain to only indicate the number of caregivers and youth completing both a pre and post survey or a retrospective survey. For each chart, use the Excel tool provided to aggregate data from years 1 and 2. Select the three performance measures from each component with the highest percentages to highlight in the charts. Click on the charts to add the data and performance measure titles. To edit the charts, left click on the mouse, click on design in the tool bar, and then click on edit data. An Excel sheet will pop-up. Enter data in the highlighted cells. Hover over the cells with the mouse to read comment boxes with instructions. SURVEY TOOLS AND ADMINISTRATION Survey Administration Process: The data reflected in this report was captured through pre and post surveys given in weeks one and seven to the caregiver and youth participants. Retrospective surveys were given to participants starting the program after week one. Survey Design: The caregivers were asked 33 questions that assessed: substance use rules and expectations, child monitoring, standard/rule setting, parental supportiveness, and communication of values and goals. The youth were asked 26 questions that assessed: consistent discipline, stress coping skills, family communication, future orientation/goal setting, and peer pressure refusal skills. Both the caregivers and youth reported on: positive rule enforcement, parent-child relationship quality, and family cooperation and problem solving. PARTICIPANT, STAFF, & COMMUNITY TESTIMONIALS In this section, share testimonials and describe qualitative impacts not reflected in your performance measure data. Examples might include: Families who have shared the impact of the program upon their relationships and family dynamics via testimonials or quotes from the surveys. The program generates interest in continued interaction and a local organization, recognizing the value of SFP 10-14, funds a parent support group to help participants maintain learned skills. A teacher reports improved classroom behavior and learning and credits it to students’ attendance in SFP 10-14. A Children and Youth Services case manager provides a testimonial to changes they have seen in a referred family. Facilitators provide feedback on their commitment, professional development gained, changes observed in families, or the passion they hold for the program. Measurement instruments of client satisfaction, including feedback forms, the feedback questions added to the end of the surveys, participant quotes/testimonials, and facilitator ratings can also be used to respond. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Insert - Agency Name Phone Number - Email Address -Website Address