It`s at this point, we feel we have no choice. We

Email #1: To the Sales Page
Subject: Sexiest Beauty Secrets Revealed: Time to Get Serious About
Your Skin
Even as young as our 20’s, we begin to notice. We start to wonder.
We study our mother’s face for signs of where they’ll first appear.
“How long will I be able to put them off?” we ask the beauty gods.
“How long will the mirror and bathroom’s soft lighting be my friend.”
Then? They start. Oh, so subtly.
First, come the fine lines. Or, if we had a great time the night
before or a little too much salt in last night’s dinner, we notice a
little puffiness around the eyes.
“No problem,” we think. A touch of concealer and we’re good to go.
But there comes a point where one day, those fine lines refuse to
They turn into... wrinkles.
And no matter how much makeup, no matter how much foundation, cream or
lotion, they refuse to go away.
“This is getting serious,” we say to ourselves.
After wrinkles, what comes next?
You got it… creases. Sagging. Age spots and other “odd” things.
And that under-eye puffiness of our youth? It turns into dreaded
under-eye BAGS.
It’s at this point, we feel we have no choice. We must give in. And
instead of using makeup to accent our beauty, we start using it as
camouflage – to hide all the things we don't want others to see...
"It sucks looking old," we sigh to our girlfriends as we pour another
glass of wine.
But all’s not lost. Far from it.
You see, your skin, especially your face, has a near-miraculous
ability to rejuvenate itself. To heal. To even reverse the signs of
Even after years of mistreatment. If you only give it what it needs...
-->What your skin really needs
No, not more chemically-laden cosmetic camouflage.
There’s nothing you’ll find at the beauty counter that compares to the
kind of results you can get when you do what former beauty exec (and
beauty industry whistle blower) Belinda Benn advocates:
-->What your face and skin really needs
Sounds kind of cliché, but trust me, your skin will thank you.
P.S. See for yourself. The images and videos as a result of one simple
90-second process alone are stunning:
-->What your face and skin really, REALLY needs
Email #2: To the Sales Page
Subject: Ladies, Do you feel ugly without “product” on?
Subject: Is your makeup making you look older than your age?
Subject: Why makeup is making you look OLDER (if you’re over 35 you
must read this)
Subject: Is/why your makeup aging you prematurely?
Subject: Is your foundation killing/aging your skin/skin cells?
Subject: Is your makeup making you look older than your age?
Go ahead and take this quick test.
Next time you look in the mirror, I want you to smile. Naturally. Now
move in closer, so you can see those fine lines and wrinkles.
Let me ask you, what initially draws your attention?
My guess is you see your foundation actually sitting in the creases.
Ewwww! EMPHASIZING not diminishing the wrinkles. Drawing attention to
that unattractive under eye puffiness.
Changing the lighting doesn’t help. Truth be known, daylight makes the
problem even more obvious.
Unfortunately, the situation gets worse.
Did you know wearing makeup also PHYSICALLY ages your skin?
Think about it. Makeup doesn’t allow your skin to breathe or
exfoliate. It draws moisture OUT of your skin. It clogs your pores.
So instead of that soft, natural, smooth to the touch skin, you get
that rough, dehydrated, crepe-y texture to it.
The toxic chemicals in cosmetics also wreak havoc on our delicate
hormonal balance. Pick up any item and check the ingredients. Chances
are there’s a list as long as your arm that you can’t even pronounce.
These chemicals cause uneven dryness, oiliness as well as even more
(Remember, anything we put on our skin has the same effect as
ingesting it.)
If you’re like most women, you feel almost compelled to hide the
blemishes, the wrinkles, the age spots with EVEN MORE cosmetics.
But you have to admit that hasn’t worked either, as evidenced by all
those partially-used products on your vanity. Some barely even
Not to mention, when you do use them, they often give you that dreaded
caked-on look.
So what’s a woman to do?
>> One way to turn back the clock
Sure, drugs and surgery are options. But as we know, they’re
expensive, risky and dangerous.
I mean, admit it. Injecting deadly neuro-toxins into your face never
really sounded like a good idea, did it? :\
And if you’ve ever seen a woman’s face after she’s discontinued BOTOX,
her facial muscles sag EVEN MORE as a result of lack of use.
Fortunately, there’s another way. A better way.
>> One way to turn back the clock
Former beauty exec, Belinda Benn has created a certified breakthrough
in the beauty world. Making it possible for women to turn back their
skin’s biological clock, REVERSING decades of damage. All without
dangerous drugs or risky surgery.
The results are amazing. Just take a look at the before and after
photos and videos and see for yourself.
>> One way to turn back the clock
P.S. Just to be clear, no one’s asking you to abandon your makeup.
God forbid.
Belinda’s 3-pronged method ONLY COMPLEMENTS your makeup. Eliminating
the need to cover up wrinkles, blemishes, age spots and other
Giving you the opportunity to try wearing less of it.
And then, if you want to occasionally try going without makeup, that’s
always an option. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised as the
compliments start flowing again in your direction.
>> One way to turn back the clock
Email #3: To the Sales Page
Subject: The Secrets to Beautiful Skin Revealed: Better Living through
Subject: Before you spend another cent on “skincare” products, please
read this
Subject: Before you buy another “miracle cream”....
Subject: Is your skincare accelerating aging?
Subject: Toxic cosmetics? (hint, you’re probably putting this product
on your face everyday)
Subject: Before you spend another cent on skincare, read this
The promise is irresistible.
As we age, it’s become popular to apply expensive, heavily marketed
creams and lotions, all designed to do one thing:
Allay our fears and achieve our deepest desires...
The desire to reverse the clock, to reverse aging. The desire to
retain our beauty.
Let me ask you though, how many face creams, lotions, masks and
treatments you’ve bought over the years? How many half-empty jars do
you have in your medicine cabinet right now?
The reality is while cosmetics laced with chemicals can temporarily
enhance our beauty, they can not slow aging. And in fact, they’re
proven to accelerate aging.
So if chemicals are a non-starter, do we have any options?
>> The Secrets to Younger, More Beautiful Skin Revealed
This is where former beauty exec (and now beauty industry whistle
blower) Belinda Benn steps in.
Listening to Belinda makes so much sense. Like a breath of fresh air.
(It doesn’t hurt that she walks her talk. You would never know by her
photos she’s 50 years old and has been natural fitness model for the
past 10.)
According to Belinda, if you want to stop premature aging, detoxify
your face and nourish your skin at a deep cellular level, it requires
a return to nature. To rediscover what our grandmothers knew
But how?
>> The Secrets to Younger, More Beautiful Skin Revealed
Over time, Belinda’s 3-pronged approach reclaims our lost youthful
glow, maintaining our natural beauty long into the future.
As a part of her “from the inside out” methodology, she’ll even show
you a magical, 5-minute, natural facelift process that alone can
significantly diminish fine lines, wrinkles, and even deep creases in
just 28 days. (Dramatic results using this ancient practice are often
achieved in as little as TWO DAYS. All without toxic drugs or
In short, you’ll love the cleaner, younger, healthier look. Others
will notice too. ;)
All it takes to overcome your scepticism (and that iron grip you have
on that name brand bottle of anti-aging serum) is for you to see the
dramatic before and after pictures and videos...
>> The Secrets to Younger, More Beautiful Skin Revealed
P.S. Just to be clear. Belinda is not asking you to abandon your
makeup. (Unless you want to, of course.)
She’s giving you another way, a far more natural, holistic,
environmentally friendly way of achieving and maintaining the beauty
you’ve always wanted.
Here’s the reality:
As women gradually age, their reason for makeup changes as well.
Instead of using it to magnify their natural beauty and attract men,
they use it to camouflage and diminish their imperfections.
But what if you didn’t have to?
Not only that, what if you could AMPLIFY your beauty in the process?
>> Secrets to Younger, More Beautiful Skin Revealed
Email #4: To the Sales Page
Subject: 1 food that makes your skin look younger – overnight.
Subject: 1 common food that boosts your skin's anti-aging
Does the skin around your eyes or on your neck look fragile and thin?
Does it lack elasticity compared to the rest of your face?
Or has your skin lost that silky smoothness?
stretched, rough, flaky or dry?
Or does it seem
Does your complexion (face and neck) look uneven, blotchy, dull or
It shouldn’t.
These are tell-tale signs your anti-aging hormones could be out of
balance. Once your hormones start going out of whack your skin is the
first to feel the effects.
The remedy?
One way is to liberally eat more avocados - Nature’s anti-aging
The avocado helps turn back our biological clock by optimizing our 3
most important hormones for younger skin--estrogen, testosterone and
progesterone. It directly helps rejuvenate our aging skin cells and
ultimately, how young we look and how fast we age.
What makes the most difference is according to research, avocados
increase the permeability of your skin cells. That means whatever
nutrients you ingest are better absorbed by your skin. The
rejuvenating effects are more effective, more immediate and lasting.
Not to mention toxins in the skin are flushed away more efficiently.
So pile on the guacamole! It’s also great as a spread, with a salad,
or as a quick snack. It has ice cream-like texture people love.
And what’s even better to reverse the signs of premature aging
>> Secrets to Younger, More Beautiful Skin Revealed
That’s where former beauty exec (and now beauty industry whistle
blower) Belinda Benn steps in. She’s pulled back the curtain to reveal
not only all things that CAUSE premature signs of aging, but what you
can do RIGHT NOW to begin reversing the process--reclaiming your
skin’s silky smooth look and feel.
All without drugs or surgery.
As a part of her rejuvenating “from the inside-out” beauty, anti-aging
methodology, Belinda will even show you a magical 5-minute natural
facelift process that ALONE can significantly diminish fine lines,
wrinkles, and even deeply etched creases. (Dramatic results using this
lost ancient practice are often achieved in as little as TWO SHORT
Just check out the before and after photos and videos and see for
>> Secrets to Younger, More Beautiful Skin Revealed
P.S. One more thing. Don’t expect the cosmetics industry to tell you
about these beauty advances. They’re petrified once you know the
secrets, they’ll stop profiting from your ignorance.
>> Secrets to Younger, More Beautiful Skin Revealed
They know their products are loaded with toxic chemicals. They know
there’s a lifestyle trend towards detoxing and living more
It’s just a matter of time before people wake up and start putting
into action the beauty principles Belinda advocates.
PPS: Belinda is 50 years old. For the past 10 years she’s been a
natural fitness model. She walks the walk. Check out her pictures.
>> Secrets to Younger, More Beautiful Skin Revealed
Subject line: 1 Unexpected Side Effect of Botox
Email #5: To the Sales Page
Kick the Botox habit!
Why you need to say “no” to botox…
Breaking news: Botox accelerates skin aging..
Not Botox but No-Tox!
Botox is supposed to keep women looking young but here's the bad news:
Not only does the 'tox render brows immobile, but it might reverse all
of those expensive Pilates classes.
The upshot?
Researchers have just discovered that Botox could cause muscle to turn
to fat in parts of the body not injected.
Yeah, in a nutshell, our wrinkle wonder drug makes
you fat!
>> 5 Ways to naturally reduce fine lines, wrinkles and creases
Canadian researchers studied the effects of the substance, known in
the medical profession as Botulinum toxin A, on a group of 18 rabbits
over a period of up to six months.
Their study, published in the Journal of Biomechanics found limbs
which had been injected with the substance experienced muscle wastage
of up to 50 per cent.
Alarmingly, they also discovered that muscle loss also occurred in
limbs that hadn't been injected. Suggesting the harmful effects of the
procedure could negatively affect other parts of the body.
Scientists have known that Botox, which works by paralyzing muscles in
the face, can cause faces to sag as well as muscles to weaken. But
this is the first time research points to sagging in other
parts of the body.
So essentially, Botox might just end up making us fat and older
looking than we really are.
Can you say "premature aging?"
There's a far better way to keep those fine lines, wrinkles and
creases in check. Actually, five...
>> 5 Ways to naturally reduce fine lines, wrinkles and creases
Maybe this is why women who get tons of Botox exhibit such disparity
between face skin and skin everywhere else.
- <Name>
PS: Injecting deadly neuro-toxins into your body is becoming less and
less a good idea...
>> 5 Ways to naturally reduce fine lines, wrinkles and creases