Maldon Art Club (MAC) Hashim Akib Acrylic Painting Demonstration - 30/9/14 A number of MAC members have seen Hashim’s demonstrations previously or attended his workshops and 25 were very keen to see this latest event. As he is a highly talented and popular artist his appearance also attracted a further 17 fee paying MAC guests. As a measure of his popularity, Hashim said that he undertook about 150 demonstrations last year, mostly to clubs like ours! The demonstration started by Hashim saying that he remembered undertaking a demo to MAC several years ago and that he travels quite widely in his work. His style is fairly unique in that the majority of the painting is completed with a 3” flat brush and that finer detail is added with smaller “flats” too. A turquoise blue coloured ground was used by Hashim, which he said helped to prevent the overwhelming feeling when staring at a blank white canvas, to complement some of the overpainting and to stop unwanted white highlights showing through. A number of the assembled club members seemed to identify with the terror of staring at a new blank canvas and being reluctant to make the first “marks”, so painting a coloured ground offers a perfect remedy. Hashim’s large brush is full of different colours which he uses just wet enough to “move the paint around”. It seems a cavalier style, especially when the brush colour gets a bit dirty and he says don’t clean it just “overwhelm it with more colour”! He explained that he is delighted to have moved away from his original “precision art training” and developed his “impressionistic / expressionistic” style. As if to prove the point he made a number of somewhat irreverent remarks about painters of boats (and other some subjects), being obsessed with detail. It seems something of a paradox that for a lot of amateur artists it is easier to produce “precision” work than something impressionistic. Even a quite talented artist that attended one of Hashim’s workshops found it difficult to make that first mark on a canvas with a large brush and no outline drawing, something the writer can identify with! (Making the first mark bit – not the talented artist bit!) He also felt that it is more difficult for impressionistic work to be widely accepted. The painting of people on steps in Venice progressed quickly and there are photos below that chart its progress. Hashim’s advice was to be expressive when making marks and that when working boldly, smaller marks and highlights are more potent. In his impressionistic style he advises against putting feet in as they “anchor” people into the picture too much. Given the time restriction the finished work was brilliant but that with a little more time he stated that he would probably have added a couple of finishing touches. A number of questions were put to Hashim, one of which was, does he varnish his acrylic work to which he replied no – there is no need with acrylic, indeed with time they may discolour more than non-varnished. The members and guests alike thoroughly enjoyed the evening and felt that our art year has started with a bang. See page 2 below for photos Hashim Akib Acrylic demonstration a blank canvas tea break happy audience the first marks up and running an attentive audience the end a similar work capturing Venice