TO: FROM: PBL Advisers JG Jan Guyse, FBLA/PBL State Advisor Office of Student Organizations DATE: July 31, 2014 RE: Annual PBL memo WELCOME Thank you for offering your students the opportunity to be involved in the Mississippi PBL student organization. We hope to offer opportunities that will enhance your local chapter activities. I look forward to working with you this year. Please contact me if you have questions. I can be reached at or 601.576.5011. 2014 NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Mississippi PBL was well represented at the 2014 National Leadership Conference in Nashville, TN. Thanks to the advisers who brought students and helped with competitive events. Approximately 75 students and advisers attended this conference. Mississippi PBL students placed in several events. Christy Ferguson from East Central Community College, was recognized as Local Advisor of the Year. Mississippi continues to be a leader across the nation by having so many students place in national competitions. A complete listing of all winners can be found at fbla/org. MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION’S PBL WEBSITE All information during the year can be located at Please “bookmark” this page and check periodically for information on conferences, competitive events, etc. All updates and last minute conference information will be sent to you through this website or email. MEMORANDUM #15.009 CTE PBL Advisors July 31, 2014 Memorandum #15.009 Page 2 2014-2015 STATE OFFICERS The PBL Executive Board will accept applications for any state officer vacancies. (Applications are located on the PBL State website. Mail to: MS PBL, P. O. Box 771, Jackson, MS 39205.The application must arrive at the state chapter office on or before the postmarked date of September 15, 2014. CONTACT ADVISER’S E-MAIL ADDRESSES Please send your contact adviser’s e-mail address to me at and also to Charlotte Overby at so that your chapter will not miss pertinent PBL information. It will be the responsibility of the chapter contact person to keep other advisers and members informed of all information sent. 2014-2015 NATIONAL THEME Step up to the Challenge is the theme that will be used throughout the year at Fall, State, and National Conferences. FBLA/PBL FOUNDATION Foundation guidelines and an agreement form are located on the website. Be sure to remember that the deadline for joining the foundation is December 31 each year. Chapters must also secure an additional foundation membership from an individual, business, civic organization, etc. Send your membership contribution to Patti Fanning at BankPlus Wealth Management. The address is listed on the Foundation Agreement Form found on the web. Lisa Courtney, your State FBLA/PBL Specialist is maintaining the database of information. If you should have questions, please contact Lisa at 601-528.1028 or MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Affiliation should be completed online at Click on Membership Registration and then Online Registration Instructions. Most advisers already have their charter number and password, but if you do not, call 1-800-325-2946 or e-mail to and Lisa Smothers will help you. PBL dues are $17.00 this year. This includes $10.00 national and $7.00 state. Write ONE check to cover both state and national dues. The entire amount should be sent to National FBLA-PBL, 1912 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1591. Do not send any membership correspondence or money to our office. If you send a check to our office, it will be returned to you. We do not handle membership dues. MEMBERSHIP DEADLINE FOR COMPETITION Your chapter’s initial membership affiliation accompanied by a check for dues must be sent to the National Office by January 15 in order for your members to compete this year. I must receive PBL Advisors July 31, 2014 Memorandum #15.009 Page 3 verification from the National Office that your chapter is paid IN FULL for those members affiliated. PROFESSIONAL DIVISION, MISSISSIPPI CHAPTER The Professional Division membership is open to former members of FBLA and PBL who wish to retain their affiliation after graduation as well as any businessperson interested. Professional Division Application Forms are located in your National Chapter Management Handbook. Anyone can join the Professional Division. Dues are currently $23.00 per year, or you may become a Lifetime Member for $350.00. 2014 STATE FALL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE (SFLC) East Central Community College PBL Chapter located in Decatur Mississippi will host the Mississippi FBLA/PBL Fall Leadership Conference on Tuesday, October 28, 2014. An agenda and registration form can be found on the MDE PBL website in October. The registration fee of $22.00 must be postmarked on or before October 14, 2014. Late registration is available and must be postmarked on or before October 21, 2014. The late registration fee is $30 per attendee. Send your registration form, school check or purchase order (no personal checks) to the address listed on the first page of the registration form. Be sure to make your check payable to ECCC PBL. The contact adviser at ECCC is Christy Ferguson. Her email address is Casual dress is allowed for all workshops, sessions, etc. at the Fall Leadership Conference, example: khaki pants with polo or school t-shirt. Please no jeans! Dress for State and National Conference sessions and workshops will be professional. As with any conference, we prepare for a specific number, therefore there will be no registration refunds. FBLA/PBL NATIONAL FALL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCES (NFLC) Please make plans to attend one of the National Leadership Conferences this year. national website for dates and locations. View the COMPETITIVE EVENTS The 2014-2015 National Chapter Management Handbook is online at Click on Phi Beta Lambda Choose PBL Advisers Area The MS Guidelines will be available at this website in October. PBL Advisors July 31, 2014 Memorandum #15.009 Page 4 The Mississippi Guidelines will be posted on the PBL website the end of October. So that your students will be prepared, be sure to check both handbooks for any changes, additions, or deletions. STATE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE (SLC) The 2015 State Leadership Conference will be held this year in Columbus, Mississippi at Mississippi University for Women. The dates are March 25-27, 2015. All one- hour competitive event tests and performance events will take place at MUW. Several hotels are available in the area: Wingate, Fairfield Inn and Suites, Days Inn, and Quality Inn. Do not delay in reserving your rooms. Important: 2014-15 PBL competitions Each student competing in the upcoming year SLC will be able to compete in (2) competitive events. Each student will be able to compete in (1) one hour objective test event AND (1) performance event. No longer can a student compete in (2) objective tests or (2) performance events. This change is being made to help with scheduling problems at the SLC. The State Conference Registration Form for those who will be attending the SLC can be found on the web. The registration fee is $50 for each attendee. This completed registration form and all projects, diskettes, folders, etc. must be emailed to Charlotte Overby on or before February 20, 2015. (Any information postmarked after this date will not be accepted and your students will not be eligible to participate.) Make your payment payable to Mississippi PBL – no other name should appear on the check or money order. Mail a COPY of your registration form and check or money order to: Mississippi PBL, P. O. Box 771, Jackson, MS 39205. Mississippi PBL will follow the same guidelines as listed in the National Chapter Management Handbook. If you are unsure about an item, please email Your adviser work assignment for SLC will be e-mailed to you at a later date. A specific agenda for the conference is not currently available. Additional and more specific information about competitive events and sessions times will be sent via e-mail after conference registration forms have been received and processed. PBL Advisors July 31, 2014 Memorandum #15.009 Page 5 PARADE OF PRESIDENTS Each local chapter president will be recognized at the Opening Session. Please have your president ready to state the number of advisers, students, and guests in attendance from your chapter. STATE CONFERENCE MAILING INFORMATION How Where Mail C. Overby 127 Boatwright Lane Pontotoc, MS 38863 Mail Mississippi PBL P. O. Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205 Mail Lisa Courtney 1109 Ray Avenue Wiggins, MS 39577 March of Dimes 1991 Lakeland Dr, Suite G Jackson, MS 39216 P: 601.933.1071 Mail What 1.Original State Registration form 2. Reports 3. Resumes, anything to be graded 1.Copy of State Conference registration 2.Check or money order made payable to MS PBL 3.Who’s Who App 4. Business Person of the Year App 5.State Officer App Rufus T. Jones Scholarship App March of Dimes Contribution check with MOD form Deadline Postmarked on or before February 20, 2015 Postmarked on or before February 20, 2015 Postmarked on or before February 20, 2015 Postmarked on or before February 20, 2015 PBL Advisors July 31, 2014 Memorandum #15.009 Page 6 2015 NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE The 2015 PBL National Leadership Conference will be held in Chicago, IL at the Hyatt Hotel. Start now with fund raising plans so Mississippi PBL will be well represented. Additional information will be posted on the state and national websites in the spring. MARKETPLACE PBL chapters can receive a catalog and an order form from MarketPlace, which is the supplier of the official emblematic items - trophies, pins, notebooks, clothing items, stationery, jewelry, and other items bearing the PBL emblem. For more information call 1-800-325-2946 or e-mail to NATIONAL SERVICE AWARD The March of Dimes is National FBLA/PBL's official charity. Your donations must be postmarked by February 20, 2015, in order to be recognized at the State Leadership Conference. A March of Dimes representative will present plaques and certificates at the State Conference. Send all contributions to: March of Dimes, 1991 Lakeland Dr., Suite G, Jackson, Mississippi 39216. Write your School AND Campus on your check or money order. Attach your check to the March of Dimes contribution form located on the PBL website. LIABILITY RELEASE AND CODE OF CONDUCT FORMS A liability release form, which includes a code of conduct can be found on the state PBL website. Please complete a copy of this form for each of your students and yourself . The contact adviser will be asked to sign a form at SLC stating that he/she has the liability release forms in possession for all members, advisers, and guests in attendance. I am looking forward to a great year with Mississippi PBL. If you have concerns, comments, or ideas, please call our office at 601.576.5011, fax 601-354-7788, or e-mail Please provide your administrator with a copy of this memo and ask him/her to contact me if there are additional questions or concerns. C: JG/jg Jean Massey Mike Mulvihill Memo Book