Science Lesson Planning Template Context Issues of the Lesson Unit or Lesson Title: Genetics Grade Level 9th grade Biology Topic/Theme/Nature of the Investigation: Mendelian Genetics/Phenotypes & Genotypes NGSS Performance Expectation(s) There is a genetic basis for the transfer of biological characteristics from one generation to the next through reproductive processes. NGSS Dimension 1 component NGSS Dimension 2 component Explain how genotype (heterozygous and homozygous) contribute to the phenotypic variation within species. Predict the probability of the occurrence of specific traits, including sex-linked traits, in an offspring using monohybrid cross. NGSS Dimension 3 component Sex-linked traits and expression depending on gender. Duration: 2- 50 minute class periods Lesson Planning Template - - The 5 E’s Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model Engage PURPOSE: to convey the context of the lesson(s)/unit by conveying an important Key Question to engage students in investigations that reveal their thinking to themselves and the teacher to record the initial ideas of students to engage their interest What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing? Students will be coming up with a list of dominant characteristics that they share with their immediate family (Do Now). The teacher will be making a list on the board of all of these characteristics that the students come up with. The students and teacher will discuss why they believe they share these traits with their parents, and what they think is responsible for giving them the same traits as their parents. Explore PURPOSE: to test ideas and develop knowledge using explorations, investigations, experiments to modify and record ideas as they change due to activities to develop new questions and testable hypotheses Activities (list) Lecture on Medelian Genetics along with genotypes and phenotypes. Foldable Driving Question What is Mendelian genetics? What is the difference between phenotype and genotype? How does the genotype determine the phenotype? Student Communication Product: (written report, oral presentation, poster, etc.) Students will be responsible for completing a foldable after lecture. They will have approximately 30 minutes to complete a layered foldable with an explanation for the following terms; punnett square, homozygous, heterozygous, genotype, phenotype, dominant, recessive. Students will be responsible for defining the term in their own words, give an example, and draw a figure or demonstration that will allow them to remember the term. (consider showing “Models” of student products to help student identify characteristics of quality) Lesson Planning Template - - The 5 E’s Explain PURPOSE: to answer the Key Question through student explanations to provide students with relevant vocabulary, formal definitions and explanations of concepts Content Media: (written material, video, teacher lecture, technology) Teacher lecture on mendelian genetics along with the introduction to genotypes and phenotypes. Student Communication Product (assessment): (unit test, written report, oral presentation, poster, etc.) Go back thru data from the Heredity Demonstration (previous day) and discuss which traits students think are dominant or recessive, and then determine whether the trait would be heterozygous or homozygous. Elaborate PURPOSE: to extend students' conceptual understanding through application or practice in new settings Activities: On day two, students will be practicing using genotype and phenotypes. They will also be introduced to probability so that they will be able to understand how probability determines the outcome of the genotype, which in turn determines the outcome of the phenotype. The students will be completing a worksheet that shows different traits (homozygous, heterozygous, dominant, and recessive). They will have to be able to determine the description of each example on the worksheet. They will be given 15 minutes to complete the worksheet on their own, and then get into small groups where they will think-pair-share. We will then come together as a large group to discuss the answers along with why they chose that answer. For this exercise, students will not be allowed to use their notes or foldable. Content Media: (written material, video, teacher lecture, technology) Genotype/Phenotype Worksheet Extending/Application Questions for Whole/Small Group Discourse: What made you choose any particular description to apply to an example? What is the different between genotype and phenotype? How do you think probability is used to determine the genotype? How does the genotype determine the outcome of the phenotype? Lesson Planning Template - - The 5 E’s Student Communication Product (assessment): (unit test, written report, oral presentation, poster, etc.) Each student will determine the explanation (genotype, phenotype, heterozygous, homozygous, recessive, dominant) of the problems that are on their worksheet. I will put multiple examples on the board, and each student will be required to answer and then tell the class why they chose that explanation. Evaluate PURPOSE: for students to assess their understand of the learning objectives for the teacher to assess student understanding of the learning objectives Skill/Reasoning Learning Objectives Students will be able to construct a foldable to differentiate between the key terms; punnett square, homozygous, heterozygous, phenotype, genotype, dominant, and recessive) Assessment Instrument Students will be assessed based on the content in their foldable. They will be assessed by the definition provided about the term, the original example they give, and their own picture or demonstration. Knowledge Learning Objectives Students will be able to determine genotype, phenotype, heterozygous, homozygous, dominant, and recessive traits from a worksheet with examples. Assessment Instrument Students will answer the questions on their worksheet, and then get into small groups to think-pair-share. Each student will then be responsible for answering one of the examples on the board, and then discuss with the class why they chose that particular explanation. Lesson Planning Template - - The 5 E’s *The foldable will be completed before class begins so students will be able to complete the foldable without problems. Lesson Planning Template - - The 5 E’s Name:__________________________________ Hour:____________ Genotypes and Phenotypes Determine if the example is a genotype/phenotype, heterozygous/homozygous, dominant/recessive. If it is a phenotype, then simply write “Phenotype” 1. RR ___________________________________________________________ 2. Rr ____________________________________________________________ 3. Blue Eyes 4. ______________________________________________________ Rr ____________________________________________________________ 5. Bb ____________________________________________________________ 6. Blond Hair 7. ZZ ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 8. Dimpled Chin ______________________________________________________ 9. Ff ____________________________________________________________ 10. Bb ____________________________________________________________ 11. bb ____________________________________________________________ 12. Freckles 13. DD ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 14. BBYY ____________________________________________________________ 15. rrhh ____________________________________________________________ 16. Green eyes ______________________________________________________ Lesson Planning Template - - The 5 E’s Discussion Questions: 1. How did you determine the explanation for the examples you completed on the worksheet? (This question will be answered when students complete the practice problems on the board. Students will be responsible for telling their classmates what made them determine the explanation for the practice problem.) 2. What is the difference between genotype and phenotype? 3. What is the difference between homozygous and heterozygous? 4. What is the difference between dominant and recessive? 5. How do you think probability is used to determine the genotype? 6. How does the genotype determine the outcome of the phenotype? Lesson Planning Template - - The 5 E’s