is t r ic t Cen t r al N ewf o u n d l an d D is t r ic t Gander Mission 2014 “Newfoundland Missio nd Mission 2012” A joint collaborative effort of the Eastern Canada Youth for Christ & the Seventh-day Adventist A joint collaborative effort of Eastern Canada Youth Con church in Newfoundland & Labrador – Central Newfoundland District and the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Newfoundland & Labrador - Eastern Canada Youth Conference (ECYC) wfoundland & Labrador - Central Newfoundland District “Reaching the un-reached in Eastern Canada” AM OUTLINE DRAFT) PROGRAM OUTL (DRAFT) June 26th – July 10th, 2014 “… Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel…” (Mark 15:15) Prepared by: ECYC Evangelism Committee & Pastor Jason Williams Prepared by: ngelism Committee or Jason Williams 1 Presented by: Eastern Canada Youth for Christ 1 Dear missionaries, Ellen White wrote, “Let us arouse! The battle is waging. Truth and error are nearing their final conflict. Let us march under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel, and fight the good fight of faith, and win eternal honors; for the truth will triumph, and we may be more than conquerors through Him who has loved us.” (Review & Herald, Mar. 13, 1888). The church and especially the youth are called to a high destiny, to share the three angel’s messages to the whole entire world in this our generation. Missions are not limited to merely overseas work. The Lord plants his children in a specific place to work that particular soil. A general sends his soldiers to a specific location with the objective that those soldier fulfill the mission in their place of deployment. They are not to focus on anything else. Friends, our battleground is Eastern Canada. Let not the peace and safety which we experience here in Canada deceive us. Countless lives are being lost here. Many pass to their graves unwarned, lost for eternity. We must arouse and heed the call! The great controversy is raging all around us in our beloved country, and we must enlist as soldiers for the gospel, fight for lost and perishing souls. We invite all the young Adventists of Eastern Canada to join ECYC and the Newfoundland conference of Seventh-day Adventists to wage an aggressive warfare in Northeastern Canada this coming June. As you read through this application form, prayerfully consider your participation and role on this mission. May the Lord richly bless you in seeking to further His kingdom and hasten the coming of our beloved Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In His Service, George Cho President Eastern Canada Youth for Christ 2 About Eastern Canada Youth for Christ Our vision: To be the generation to fulfill the gospel commission in Eastern Canada. Our Mission: Eastern Canada Youth for Christ is a grassroots, youth-led movement of Seventh-day Adventist students and young professionals who aim to inspire, train, and mobilize a generation of Adventists to hasten Christ’s coming. Our Principle Objectives: Organize rural and urban missions to the un-reached of eastern Canada Organize an annual bible-based revival and training conference to empower and network youth for useful service Organize youth and young adults focused revival weekends at local churches Gander Missions 2014 Consistent with its mission, ECYC seeks to provide opportunities for Seventh-day Adventist young people to be involved in mission work. This year, the ECYC missions committee has organized a mission to Gander. Youth from eastern Canada will engage in dynamic door-to- door evangelism, literature evangelism, children’s ministry, and health or medical ministry. They will also participate in evening evangelistic meetings. Details Date................June 27 – July 12, 2014 Cost............... 400$ Mission Fee (Includes meals and accommodations) ** Ministries.......1) Door-to-door Ministry 2) Community Service 3) Medical Ministry Application deadline: April 30, 2014 ** Non-refundable and does not include plane ticket or travel All missionaries will be required to raise a portion of the needed mission fund. ECYC will be providing opportunities to get involved in fundraising. This does not include money for personal expenses (ex. plane tickets) . Those individuals interested in being involved in Gander missions 2014 are invited to fill out the application form. However, there is a limit to the number of missionaries of ECYC will take to Gander. Thus, the completion of this application does not guarantee a place on the mission. 3 Part 1. General Information Name: Age: Gender: male / female Mailing Address: Birth date: Phone: Marital Status: Email: Single Married Divorced / separated Number of children (if any): Part II. Citizenship Country of Citizenship: Country of Birth: If not a Canadian citizen, please provide current status in eastern Canada: Part III. Religious Background Home Church: Are you a regular member? Yes / No Church offices or positions held (if any): Denomination: Are you baptized? Yes / No Pastor’s Name & Phone: Note: Eastern Canada Youth for Christ upholds the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Part IV. Miscellaneous Information Yes Do you have any physical, mental, or emotional conditions that ECYC should be aware of? Have you ever used any alcohol or other mind altering drugs during last 5 years Have you ever been suspended / expelled from school or work for misconduct of any kind? Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense other than minor traffic violations? If answered “yes,” please explain below: 4 No Part V. Education / Training / Occupation Highest education level: Degree / certificate / Diploma(s) earned: Current occupation: Part VI. Mission ministries Each missionary will have a specific role as part of a team. What activities do you look forward to participating in on mission? Everyone will participate in door-to-door evangelism. Yes No Literature evangelism Medical / Health Community service Preaching Cooking Logistics Video recording / photography Leadership Music Programming Part VII. Mission rules Below is a list of major rules, policies, and guidelines for this mission. Please read carefully before preceding through the rest of this application. Updated rules will be provided. * 1. 2. 3. 4. Missionaries will follow strictly the mission itinerary Missionaries are required to obey mission leadership Dress code will be in effect ** Missionaries will conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of Christian conduct 5. No profane material, talk, or actions will be tolerated 6. Public displays of inordinate affection or flirting will not be permitted 7. Missionaries will be expected to teach only that which is in accordance with the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy * Mission leadership reserves the right to remove individuals from the mission with the violation of any of the above-mentioned conditions. 5 Part VIII. Mission uniform Gentlemen Shirt, t-shirt, pants Ladies Shirt. T-shirt, Long, flowing skirt (minimum knee length) Not permitted: Jewelry of any kind Cut sleeves Tight muscle shirts Low-neck tops Form fitting pants Mini-skirts Tank tops Spaghetti straps mid-drifts anything with profane or ungodly messages Note: All clothing is to be clean and adhere to Christian standards of modesty. Part IV. Personal Questions Please write a BRIEF answer to each question thoughtfully & prayerfully. 1. What attracted you to be a missionary in Newfoundland? What do you hope to gain? Ministry involvement Have you ever been on an overseas mission? Have you ever been on a local mission? Are you involved in your local church? Have you ever preached? Theological beliefs & Devotions Do you believe that the bible is the inspired word of God and the test of all truth? 6 Yes No Comments: Applicants may be required to meet with an ECYC representative for an interview, either via phone, conference call, or in-person. Missions committee Gander mission 2014 Release and Indemnity 7 WHEREAS Eastern Canada Youth for Christ is a non-for profit organization that provides opportunities for individuals to participate in national and international travel for the purpose of doing evangelistic and humanitarian work; AND WHEREAS all opportunities for participation in mission projects are provided on a cost basis and all participants join on a voluntary basis; AND WHEREAS the undersigned has requested that Eastern Canada Youth for Christ facilitate and permit the undersigned to travel to and perform evangelistic work in Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada; AND WHEREAS the mission project is provided under the auspices of Eastern Canada Youth for Christ; AND WHEREAS Eastern Canada Youth for Christ wishes to expressly disclaim any liability for any and all damages with respect to any participant and volunteer up to and including personal injury or death; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the agreements herein contained and for the purpose of inducing Eastern Canada Youth for Christ to arrange and facilitate and permit such travel and humanitarian work, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES: A. to release, hold harmless and indemnify Eastern Canada Youth for Christ and its respective heirs, successors, assigns, officers and employees against any liability arising in any manner whatsoever up to and including personal injury and death and incurred by any of the undersigned by reason of the undersigned having undertaken such travel and/or overseas work; B. to release, hold harmless and indemnify Eastern Canada Youth for Christ and its respective heirs, successors, assigns, officers and employees for any personal injury or death to any minor person travelling with the undersigned at the invitation of the undersigned; C. that Eastern Canada Youth for Christ and its respective heirs, successors, assigns, officers and employees shall not be liable for and is expressly released from liability or damage caused to the personal property of the undersigned including personal injury or death of the undersigned whether caused by the gross negligence of Eastern Canada Youth for Christ or otherwise; D. and acknowledges that travel overseas and travel to under-developed countries entails certain inherent risks which are not readily foreseeable including personal injury or death; and E. to undertake any risks associated with participation in the provision of humanitarian assistance under the auspices of Eastern Canada Youth for Christ and waives any remedy or entitlement on account of the same as against Eastern Canada Youth for Christ and its respective heirs, successors, assigns, officers and employees. Dated at ___________________ in the province of _________ this ___ day of _________ 20 . (city) (province) (date) (month) (year) 8 Signature: _____________________________________ Print Name: __________________________ Part V. Personal Commitment Due to the commitment to excellence and the demands of the present mission, ECYC missions committee is seeking young men and women marked by integrity, a respect for the Scriptures, diligence, hardiness, and godliness. By placing your signature on the line below, you acknowledge that you are determined to bring these qualities into the ECYC missionary team, should you be accepted. It also indicates that you have completed ALL components of this application form, and in an honest manner. Print Name: Signature: Date: Please mail completed form to: Eastern Canada Youth for Christ Missions Committee 800 7th Avenue apt.1 Montreal, QC H1B 4J3 Contact Information: Debbrah Blain, Vice President - Medical Evangelism 9