Research Ethics Board (REB) RENEWAL FORM The Renewal Form is an application for continuing ethics approval and must be submitted for review and approval prior to the study’s expiry date. Ethics approval expires each subsequent year from the day REB approval was initially granted unless otherwise indicated by the NYGH REB. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to monitor the quality and process of the study in ongoing fashion and to report annually to the REB. Failure to submit this form prior to the expiry date signifies that the study does not have REB approval and all research activities must be suspended. Conducting research without REB approval may result in a notice of non-compliance involving corrective action, up to and including, termination of the research study. Study Title: NYGH REB #: Multi -Site Study? YES Principal Investigator (PI): NYGH Site Investigator (Site PI): Date of initial NYGH REB approval: Funding Agency: Industry-Sponsored/Supported? Date of last NYGH REB approval: NO YES (If YES, complete the table below.) NO Invoicing Information for Industry-Sponsored/Supported Studies A fee of $500/- Cdn is invoiced for all Industry-Sponsored/Supported Studies applying for continuing ethics approval. Invoice to the Following Company: Contact Name: Telephone: E-mail: Street Address: Suite: City: Province/State: Country: Postal/Zip Code: 1. What is the current status of this study at NYGH? Not yet started Explain: On Hold Explain: Actively Enrolling* Closed to Enrollment Intervention and /or Data Collection Data Analysis Manuscript /Publication in progress * If the study is actively enrolling, please attach a copy of the current Informed Consent Form(s). Version Date: October 2014 NYGH Research Ethics Board, 3S- Room 377, 4001 Leslie Street, Toronto, ON, M2K 1E1 email: Page 1 Research Ethics Board (REB) RENEWAL FORM 2. How many participants at NYGH? Were planned for enrollment Were consented Were enrolled Are currently receiving study treatment/intervention Completed study treatment/intervention & are currently on follow-up Completed study treatment/intervention & follow-up Withdrew consent Were planned for inclusion in a chart review (retrospective or prospective) Were included in a chart review (retrospective or prospective) 3. Serious Adverse Event (SAE) Information Summary at NYGH: None N/A Total Number of Site SAEs Please provide the summary of all reportable local SAEs SINCE LAST RENEWAL YES 4. Have all significant protocol deviations/violations been reported to the REB? YES NO N/A- NO significant deviations/violations to report 5. Does this study have a Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB)? YES No N/A If yes, provide the date of the DSMB Meeting and the REB submission date of the DSMB Meeting Summary Minutes SINCE LAST RENEWAL: Date of DSMB Meeting Minutes Letter/Report Date(s) Submitted to the REB 6. Has the study been stopped, put on hold, or recruitment put on hold, etc., at reason? YES No N/A If YES, provide details: any site, for any 7. Since the last REB approval, is there any new ethical or scientific information outside of a protocol amendment that would be relevant to the continuing review of this study? YES NO N/A If YES, provide details. 8. Would any of the new findings impact a participant’s willingness to continue this study? YES NO N/A If YES, please provide details: Version Date: October 2014 NYGH Research Ethics Board, 3S- Room 377, 4001 Leslie Street, Toronto, ON, M2K 1E1 email: Page 2 Research Ethics Board (REB) RENEWAL FORM 9. Since the last REB approval, is there any change in the conflict of interest information provided to the REB for any of the investigators, study staff or members of their immediate family? YES NO If YES, provide details. 10. Amendments submitted SINCE LAST RENWEAL YES Please list all protocol amendments since LAST RENEWAL below None or Date Submitted Date Approved by NYGH REB Amendment Version Version Date 11. List of current consent and recruitment documents in use Form Details (ICF, Advert) Version Date YES N/A N/A Date Approved by NYGH REB 12. Study personnel information Please list ALL individuals involved ins conduct of this study at NYGH and whether they have completed the mandatory training below: Personnel Name Study Role GCP TCPS2 13. Expected date of study Completion 14. Person completing this form: Title: Dept/Div: Full Address: Telephone: First Name: Institution: Extension: Last Name: Room Number: E-mail: Version Date: October 2014 NYGH Research Ethics Board, 3S- Room 377, 4001 Leslie Street, Toronto, ON, M2K 1E1 email: Page 3 Research Ethics Board (REB) RENEWAL FORM 14. Statement of Principal Investigator (PI)/ NYGH Site PI. I assume full responsibility for the scientific and ethical conduct of this study and agree to conduct this study in compliance with the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Human Subjects (TCPS), Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and any other relevant regulations or guidelines. I certify that all researchers and personnel involved in this study at this institution are appropriately qualified and trained to fulfill their role in this study. _____________________________ Signature of NYGH Principal Investigator ____________________________ Date (dd/mmm/yyyy) Research Ethics Office Use Only : NYGH REB # ____________________ Date Submitted : Date Reviewed: The NYGH REB has reviewed the information provided and confirms that this study has obtained ethics approval by way of: Expedited Review Full Board Review - Date of Full Board meeting: ____________________ This study is only approved for the following period: __________________ to ____________________ _____________________________________ Dr. W. L. Alan Fung, MD ScD FRCPC Chair, Research Ethics Board _________________________ Date (dd/mmm/yyyy) Reminder date for next REB Submission: ____________________ Invoice # REB Administration Fee (if applicable): ____________________ Version Date: October 2014 NYGH Research Ethics Board, 3S- Room 377, 4001 Leslie Street, Toronto, ON, M2K 1E1 email: Page 4