5 Keys for Successful Weight Loss

5 Pointe chun Meáchan a chailleadh go Nádúrtha
5 Keys for Successful Weight Loss
This information is for educational Purposes and not meant to diagnose,
treat, or cure any disease.
1. Aclaíocht / Move More – Exercise
Exercise is essential for weight loss. Using your muscles sends a message to
the brain to increase your metabolism Also, lean muscle burns fat (even
while you are resting).
In reality, it takes moderate exercise (and moderate reduction of calories)
to lose weight – Energy in, Energy out. Perhaps the best method is taking
the moderate approach over a long period of time. This will give you more
permanent results, while keeping yourself from feeling deprived. There are
so many ways to use your muscles and different types of exercise.
Whatever kind of exercise you participate in, it must fit with your lifestyle.
What to do
Ideally 1 hour exercise a day, 6 days a week is best to lose weight
For those of you who haven’t moved much in the past several years start
moving your body by walking. Several studies have shown that 10 minutes
of moderate walking provides 4 hours of double fat burning(or what we call
doubling your metabolism), not to mention it oxygenates your body to help
you have a clearer mind and better stress relief. If a person did this
morning, noon and evening it would provide 12 hours of double fat burning.
2. Beatha Sláintiúil / Give Your Body the Right Nutrition
One of the biggest challenges to weight loss is how we eat. It’s as simple as
reducing refined foods, eating more fruits, vegetable and whole grains. The
goal is to substitute more nutritious foods that fill and satisfy. Reducing
your calories, by 200 to 300 a day may not sound like a lot but it results in
up to a pound a week. If you realise the implications that is up to 50 pounds
a year.
Skipping meals causes the body to go into starvation mode. A drastic
reduction in calories also causes the body go into a starvation mode and
may even increase your weight. Do not skip meals.
What to Do
Eat 3 medium meals a day for your best chance to lose weight. A protein
rich breakfast is the best meal of the day. Your body also needs an empty
stomach between meals to burn fat. If you are snacking all the time that
may cause insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is when there is too much
sugar in the blood, increasing insulin production especially between meals.
The excess insulin produces fat around the stomach area.
I have Cravings
Cravings are caused by the body’s lack of proper nutrition. Cravings are also
caused by hormonal issues such as estrogen excess from birth control pills
or endocrine imbalances which create chemical excesses or deficiencies.
Samples of Cravings with Remedies
You can use Homeopathics for food cravings for your particular food
craving. It can work effectively if it fits your life situation or personality.
Alcohol: Nux Vom- Foods sits like a rock, liver problems, irritable & angry,
Beer: Kali bich – may have yellow green mucus problems.
Butter & Fat: Puls – Changeable symptoms & mood. Hormonal problems,
weepy or whiny, clingy.Carbo veg – digestive problems with gas & bloating.
Doesn’t like to hear bad news.
Sugar: Argentum Nit – with fears of height, anxiety.
Salt: Nat- Wants to be left alone, grief & sadness
Cakes & Pastries: Carbo veg – digestive problems with gas & bloating.
Doesn’t like to hear bad news.
3. Codladh / Get Good Sleep
Sleep plays an important part in weight gain and loss. To maximise weight
loss, sleep 7-8 hours at night. Our body uses the sleep time to detoxify, rest
and rebuild the nervous system. People with less than 7 hours of sleep amy
eventually find themselves with serious health problems. Sleep loss keeps
the nervous system revved up so you can’t relax completely, this affects the
adrenal glands and central nervous system.
What to do
Find a way to relax before you go to bed. Make sure your bedroom is only
for sleep, get the television out of there. Working night shifts or using
medication may affect your sleep.
You can use homeopathic remedies to help you to enhance your sleep
See/Speak to your homeopath for natural healing with remedies:
 Insomnia
 Anxiety
 Stress & Exhaustion
4. Strus / Address Emotional Issues & Stress
Emotional issues may cause the majority of weight loss problems for
people. Stress and other negative emotions can alter the body’s chemistry.
This can stress the adrenal glands and alter cortisol levels. Cortisol a stress
hormone that is valuable in the short term to reduce your stress response,
chronically will produce high insulin production which leads to putting fat
around the belly. It can also alter other parts of the endocrine system that
affect metabolism.
What To Do
When a person is under extreme stress one may seek counselling for taking
on too much responsibility that’s not yours, the weight of the world,
unnecessary worry, a perceived struggling marriage, problems with children
or poor coping skills. There are homeopathics remedies that can help with
such issues. The following remedies may help even if a person is taking
prescription medication
Samples of homeopathics for Emotional Issues
Capsicum – laziness or unmotivated, plump, weak and easily offended,
homesickness, burning pains of bodyily orifices.
Graphites – Phlegmatic body (cold & sluggish) depressive, fussy,
unorganised, constipation.
Kali Carb – Overweight with an over active sense of duty. Needs the
company of others, worry, restless, weak back, sweaty
Pulsa – Hormonal problems, wants to be held.
Sep – feels exhausted, wants to be alone, yells & screams at everyone.
5. Cothromaíocht do na Hormóin & an córas endocrine / Balance
Your Hormones & Endocrine System
Metabolism control is one of the keys to a healthy weight loss. Keep your
endocrine system healthy. FIRST of all is the thyroid. When it is not
functioning well, there is weight gain, loss of emotion, loss of activity and
motivation. The pituitary actually controls the thyroid and if not functioning
optimally can cause the thyroid symptoms described, as well as hormonal
imbalances. The hypothalamus controls the pituitary and thyroid. It is
involved with temperature control and is one of the body’s master organs.
Last but not least are the adrenal glands that help regulate energy
production and the ability to deal with stress. It is involved with the balance
of cortisol production.
Hormones are the key to weight loss. For some people, hormonal health
may be the key element for weight loss. This may be more the case for
women, but men are also affected.
Women usually are affected by estrogen imbalances. They may be caused
by chemical birth control methods including the pill or other chemicals,
foods and medications that cause imbalances.
To balance out or harmonises any imbalances during menstruation
and menopause. Book an appointment with your local homeopath.
Recommendations for Optimal Supplementation to Support Weight Loss:
Use Cell Salt Solution for mineral imbalances (Weight Loss
 Tissue Salts – “Weight Loss Combination”
Use in conjunction with food reduction and daily exercise
- Calc: Helps digestion, proper stomach acid production
- Sod. Chlor: Helps with the emotional eating
- Pot. Phos: It’s for nervous eating
- Sod. Ph: Helps with eliminating toxicity from the body
Find the Homeopathic remedy of your situation i.e. adverse effect
that weight gain can create i.e. Abdominal Hernias, Flat Feet, Poor
Reflexes, Hypertension, Metabolic disorders such as – Gout, Diabetes
Different symptom pictures gives different remedies.
Constitutionally Treatment. Being treated constitutionally allows for
the body to reduce your susceptibility to your dis-ease state.
Constitutional homeopathy refers to the treatment of a person as a whole,
including past and present symptoms. When accurately implemented,
homeopathic constitutional care can bring about a profound healing
response. Homeopathy can be extremely effective in treating chronic and
long-term health problems.
Homeopathy is the safest way to cure obesity without bearing much pain.
Here are some remedies which you can use easily. Find more below.
Homeopathy is a time tested, proven method to cure obesity. In fact, it
offers treatments for several aspects for obesity.
Homeopathy not only helps you in losing weight but it improves your
metabolic system, digestive system and elementary system. But the
medicines need to be individually prescribed, based on your own
unique pattern of symptoms.
In homeopathy there are 189 remedies for obesity. The choice of
remedy depends upon the complete case history of the patient. Below
are some simple remedies which you can take but you are always
suggested to consult a specialist.
Ammonium Mur: In cases the body is fat & legs are thin, with large
If anytime you feel extremely irritated and stressed, which feelings
may lead you to overeat, then you can take Antimonium
crudum.This medicine is used in persons having the tendency to
become fat mainly due to overeating and indigestion with white
coated tongue.
Calcarea carb is used to control excessive perspiration. It is also
helpful for those who become hungry soon after eating.
Cinchona off is used specially for obesity treatment to reduce
gluttonous appetite; indigestion after taking raw fruits and
vegetables. Basically, it is used for those people who are internally
very weak but obese.
Lycopodium is mainly used to treat the disturbed liver and digestive
functions; to decrease the craving for sweets; loss of appetite.
Calotropis Gigantea is used to reduce the fat without decreasing
the weight in this way your flesh will be decreased, the muscles will
become harder and firmer. Heat in stomach is a good guiding
Phytolacca berry is commonly used as a patent medicine for weight
Ignatia is generally prescribed if you are anxious and fearful, and
tend to overeat.
Staphysagria is applied if you tend to eat out of repressed anger.
Your weight gain problem may be compounded by oppressive, even
abusive, relationships in your life.