
Colorado Jr. Eagles Joins America Upcycles™ Offering Businesses Free Electronics Upcycling!
Businesses can eliminate recycling costs and transform their e-Waste into charitable giving!
Businesses are provided a free, safe, and secure way to transform their e-Waste into charitable giving, eliminate
recycling expenses, engage employees, and honor their commitment to environmental stewardship.
"We are excited to be offering this free electronic Upcycle program to businesses and their employees that
transforms no longer used electronics (e-Waste) into charitable giving to our programs at no expense to all" said
Chris Gassman, Director of the Colorado Jr. Eagles.
In the U.S. there are over 20,000,000 pounds of electronics discarded each year with over 80% being sent to
landfills in developing countries causing catastrophic harm to the environment. Upcycling provides sustainable
solutions for businesses to have a direct positive impact on the carbon footprint while creating much needed
funding for the non-profit causes that they support.
"Every business has electronic equipment slated for recycling” said Julie Shane, Founder and CEO of Causes
International. “We are thrilled to be able to offer free, safe and sustainable solutions for businesses to
Upcycle/recycle their retired electronics and create charitable giving in support of the Colorado Jr. Eagles
Youth Hockey programs. Upcycling nearly doubles the environmental impact of recycling, engages employees
to take action and Upcycle their no longer used consumer electronics, has the highest level of DoD/HIPAA
compliant data destruction, downstream measures, and environmental certifications and raises revenue in
support of corporate philanthropic goals without anyone writing a check”.
To learn about more ways in which Corporate Upcycle solutions are provided to businesses go to <put link>.
The Colorado Jr. Eagles Hockey Program <blurb about>
The America Upcycles™ Upcycle program is run by Causes International, a green cause Upcycle company
committed to environmental stewardship and charitable giving. Upcycling creates funding for non-profits and
charities by extending the life cycle of retired consumer and corporate electronics. The process is safe, secure,
and guarantees 100% DoD/HIPAA compliant data destruction while preventing items from going into landfills
doing toxic harm to the environment. Causes’ Upcycling programs bridge environmental stewardship,
sustainability, and philanthropy and provide organizations turn-key sustainable solutions at no cost to all.
Contact: The Colorado Jr. Eagles/ Chris Gassman/
Contact for information about Upcycling: Causes International / Julie Shane / / (781)