TRAJECTORIES OF THE POSTHUMAN Fall, 2014 (CSPT 500/600/Poli 533/633) Thurs, 10am-12:50pm, TEF 170 Dr. Arthur Kroker ( “Trajectories of the Posthuman” is an interdisciplinary graduate seminar that will explore the fate of the body in contemporary politics and society through the writings of critical feminist theory, including Judith Butler, Wendy Brown, Jane Bennett, Donna Haraway and Katherine Hayles. What is the future of the multiple bodily practices that powerfully shape the times in which we live? Will the future posthuman be driven by a politics of bodily prohibition bounded by questions of grievability (Butler), by increasingly violent subjectivities acting on the basis of a “politics of anger”(Brown), by hybrid bodies living at the interface of gender, race, ethnicity and class (Haraway), by recognition that the future has already evolved to new bodily assemblages of objects that come alive and bodies that literally matter (Bennett), or, perhaps, by those complex bodies that inhabit a contemporary period in which “information (may have) lost its body” but the bodily multiplicity that we are is always entangled with unfinished questions of material embodiment and technological transcendence (Hayles). The seminar will also involve guest lectures on trajectories of the posthuman by Professor Nikolas Kompridis (Institute for Social Justice, Australian Catholic University) and Professor Frances Dyson (University of New South Wales).