DOTHAN HIGH SCHOOL LESSON PLANS Teacher Mrs. Wright Course General Algebra I Date: 10/19-10/23 Period(s): 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th 1. 2. 3. Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed: A.CED.4 Alabama Standard: Learning Target(s): (What will students know & be able to do as a result of this lesson?) The students will solve literal equations. 4. Formative Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will you & your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes? What specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? What does success on this lesson’s outcomes look like?) Student success on objectives stated above will be based on 70% mastery on formal assessments. 5. Activities/Tasks: (What learning experiences will students engage in? How will you use these learning experiences or their student products as formative assessment opportunities?) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday BellRinger Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Before/ Engage (PD- substitute) Review work on 2.4 Friday Notes and examples on 2.5 Literal Equations (Morning Activity in Gym) other classes practice 2.5 literal equations Quiz 2.5 Literal Equations (open notes) Pizazz Math Puzzle on literal equations Students will solve literal equations in the form y=mx + b (Morning Activity in Gym) other classes practice 2.5 literal equations Quiz 2.5 Literal Equations (open notes) Pizazz Math Puzzle on literal equations Practice 2.5 Textbook pg. 112 (Morning Activity in Gym) other classes practice 2.5 literal equations Quiz 2.5 Literal Equations (open notes) Pizazz Math Puzzle on literal equations Variables on both sides During/ Explain PD- substitute) Review work on 2.4 Variables on both sides After/ Evaluate PD- substitute) Review work on 2.4 Variables on both sides 6. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?) Pearson Algebra I Common Core, promethean board, calculators, text/teacher-made resources. 7. Remediation(What will be done to help students that did not successfully master the lesson?) Small group instruction within the classroom for reteaching nonmastery skills. After school tutoring and reassessment offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 8. Modifications/Accommodations: (What curriculum modifications and/or classroom accommodations will you make for Students with Disabilities in your class? Be as specific as possible.) Small group instruction, collaborative teaching to meet individual education plans, modify length, time, and types of assignments and assessments.