Name: Period: ____ Date: IPS Study Guide 2 Mid

Name: _____________________________________________ Period: ____ Date: _______________
IPS Study Guide 2 Mid-term Exam
Tips for reviewing for your exam:
1. Have your notes available and organized. We have covered all the topics below, and you should be
familiar with the location of the information that you need to study.
2. Log onto and review the missions that we covered. Look specifically at the topics highlighted
below in the guided questions. The missions may even help you answer the questions!
3. Read; don’t skim your notes and answers! You will have to recall quite a bit of information, so going
over it once is not enough!
4. Remember to include your units in your answers when you are asked to calculate. Remember, the units
identify the quantity; units show you know what you are talking about.
On separate loose-leaf paper, answer the following questions.
1. What is a force? Is force a scalar or vector quantity? Why?
2. Explain how forces act on matter. Do forces move objects, or stop motion, or both?
3. Define weight. How is weight different from mass?
4. Define the force of friction. Can friction ever cause an object to move?
5. What is a net force? Create two examples of free body diagrams that demonstrate the idea of net force.
Be sure to label the forces and solve for the net force.
6. What is Newton’s First Law? Give an everyday example of Newton’s First Law.
7. Define inertia. Using your example from question 6, explain how inertia is related to Newton’s First
8. What is Newton’s Second Law? Using Newton’s Second Law, explain the following:
a. If mass one is twice that of mass two, and the acceleration of both masses are the same, is the
force on mass one greater, lesser or the same as the force on mass two? By how much is it
greater or lesser? Or is it the same?
b. If the mass of two trucks are the same, but Truck A is accelerating at three times the rate of
Truck B, what is the force on Truck A as compared to Truck B?
c. Compare the motion of a 20 N force acting on a 5 kg brick versus a 20 N force acting on a 10 kg
9. What is Newton’s Third Law? Give an everyday example of Newton’s Third Law.
10. What is energy?
11. Explain the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy
12. List the different types of potential energy. Give an example of each NOT from your textbook.
13. List the different types of kinetic energy. Give an example of each NOT from your textbook.
14. Thing about your lab using the balloon, string and straw (the lab where you launched the balloon across
the room when attached to the straw threaded on the string). What happens to the balloon if you blow it
Name: _____________________________________________ Period: ____ Date: _______________
up more before you release it down the string? What type of energy is stored in the inflated balloon?
What happens to that energy when you release the balloon?
15. Read page 18 of Infinite Potential. What is the difference between infrared electromagnetic energy and
ultraviolet electromagnetic energy? Which one was sunscreen developed to protect humans from
16. We read about CME’s and how they can potentially affect the Earth. What are CME’s and how do
scientists detect CME’s? How can CME’s potentially cause damage on Earth?
17. Review pages 20 and 21 of Infinite Potential. Describe two risks and two benefits to using high-energy
18. Explain the difference between energy transfers and energy transformation. Give examples of each. Be
able to identify different types of energy transfers and energy transformations. Think of the RubeGoldberg machines!
19. What is the Law of Conservation of Energy? Give an example of an energy transformation where
energy is totally conserved in an ideal situation (in other words, no friction, no energy loss).
20. Think of your Coaster Creator Lab. The top of the first hill describes the total energy of the system.
Describe in terms of potential energy, kinetic energy and energy dissipation why the roller coaster
eventually comes to a halt.
21. Define the following:
a. crest
b. trough
c. compression
d. rarefaction
e. wavelength
f. amplitude
22. What is the difference between a compression wave and a transverse wave?
23. What is a medium? How are mediums related to waves?
24. Describe how waves travel in solids, versus liquids and gases. Why is the speed different in each state
of matter?
25. Describe the energy transformations that take place when a tsunami forms.
26. Explain why astronauts cannot hear explosions in outer space? (In other words, what makes it possible
for humans to hear sound?)