Chestnuts PPG Report 2014

Chestnuts Park Surgery
Profile of PPG Members:
8 PPG members
4 Female 4 Male
1 African
0 Bangladeshi 0 Black
0 Black British
5 British or mixed British
1 Irish
0 Kurdish
0 Other
1 Other Asian
0 Turkish 0 White
0 White and Asian
0 White British
0 White and Black Caribbean
1 x 25-34
2x 35-44 0x 45-54
3x 55-64
2 x 65-74 0x 75-84
All patients are encourage to join the PPG by
 Practice leaflet
 Practice Website
 Posters in the waiting room
 Messages on prescriptions
 Advertised on practice website
 iPlato text messaging
 Jayex information Board
 At the point of the meeting being held (patients attending surgery are invited
to join the meeting)
At present our core Patient Reference Group does not currently represent a cross
section of our population. We are keen to improve this and continue to promote
registration to our Patient Group.
We are currently under-represented by:
Working patients
Patients with young children
Young people (teenagers)
Ethnic Minorities
The practice decided to conduct a survey to get the views of the patients. The
survey questions were raised in the meeting and decision made on the
questions to be included. The survey will run from the beginning of February
until 28th February.
The survey will be available on the Chestnuts Park Website
And will be available at reception in paper format and we will send text
messages to patients to refer to website and reception for hard copy
Agreement on the survey questions –agreed. In addition to add the following:
Notices for patients – general notice board, leaflets in reception,
website, message/ jayex board
How easy is it to find out information about your particular practice? In
the surgery/ on line/ other
This question is about how easy it is to travel to the practice. Would
you register with a different practice if it was easier to get to?
We used Survey Monkey and hard copies of the survey to seek patient views
We sent a copy to the PPG members
We used our text message service to advertise the survey to over 3,000
registered patients
We advertised in the practice waiting room – posters/ leaflets/ speaking to
patients/ Clinicians handing out survey
We received 65 responses. .01%
We held PPG meetings to seek the views of patients
The last PPG meeting was held on the 20th March 2014 to discuss the findings
of the Patient Survey and to agree the issues raised that the PPG members
wanted us to prioritise
All patients, including regular PPG members were invited to attend
The meeting was attended by the Lead GP, Practice Manager and Regional
Ease of getting an appointment (13% had difficulty)
13% strongly disagree
10% disagree
18% neither agree or disagree
47% agree
11% strongly agree
Almost a quarter of those surveyed cannot get an appointment easily
However over half said they could
We regularly review our appointment system and make changes based on demand and
what our patient population prefer. We actively encourage the Minor Ailment Scheme.
We have also introduced a telephone triage and call back system so that patients can
speak to a GP for telephone advice over the phone.
Wait time to be seen (20% waited over 30 minutes to be seen).
4% waited over an hour
16% waited between 30-45 minutes
14% waited about 30 minutes
32% waited between 15- 30 minutes
18% waited less than 15 minutes to be seen
50% of patients surveyed waited less than 30 minutes to be seen
20% patients waited over 30 minutes to be seen
This is an area that was impacted by the fact that there were a lot of Locums used,
causing delays to patients ads they seemed to take longer than usual. We now have a
permanent team of doctors in place and hope to see an improvement
Can you usually see the GP or nurse you want to see? (10% strongly disagreed)
10% strongly disagree
11% disagree
30% neither agree or disagree
36% agree
12% strongly agree
Almost half the patients surveyed do get to see a clinician of choice.
30% may not have had a preference
A fifth cannot see their clinician of choice
This area has improved greatly now we have a permanent team of Doctors in place.
4. Would you recommend this surgery to others? (22% strongly disagreed)
13% strongly disagree
9% disagree
14% neither agree or disagree
41% agree
18% strongly agree
22% of patients surveyed would not recommend this surgery.
Over 50% would recommend this surgery
We are working hard to re-establish the continuity of care for our patients, we have
done this by recruiting permanent Clinical team with a Lead.
Helpfulness of reception team
7% strongly disagree
6% disagree
15% neither agree or disagree
35% agree
34% strongly agree
70% patients surveyed found the reception team helpful
30% did not or the question was not relevant
Can you usually get an appointment easily?
Can you usually see the GP or nurse you want to see?
Do you find the reception team helpful?
Would you recommend this surgery to others?
How quickly are you seen after your appointment time?
Ease of getting an appointment (13% had difficulty)
13% strongly disagree
10% disagree
18% neither agree or disagree
47% agree
11% strongly agree
Almost a quarter of those surveyed cannot get an appointment easily
However over half said they could
We regularly review our appointment system and make changes based on demand and
what our patient population prefer. We actively encourage the Minor Ailment Scheme.
We have also introduced a telephone triage and call back system so that patients can
speak to a GP for telephone advice over the phone.
Can you usually see the GP or nurse you want to see? (10% strongly disagreed)
10% strongly disagree
11% disagree
30% neither agree or disagree
36% agree
12% strongly agree
Almost half the patients surveyed do get to see a clinician of choice.
30% may not have had a preference
A fifth cannot see their clinician of choice
This area has improved greatly now we have a permanent team of Doctors in place.
Helpfulness of reception team
7% strongly disagree
6% disagree
15% neither agree or disagree
35% agree
34% strongly agree
70% patients surveyed found the reception team helpful
30% did not or the question was not relevant
4. Would you recommend this surgery to others? (22% strongly disagreed)
13% strongly disagree
9% disagree
14% neither agree or disagree
41% agree
18% strongly agree
22% of patients surveyed would not recommend this surgery.
Over 50% would recommend this surgery
We are working hard to re-establish the continuity of care for our patients, we have
done this by recruiting permanent Clinical team with a Lead.
Wait time to be seen (20% waited over 30 minutes to be seen).
4% waited over an hour
16% waited between 30-45 minutes
14% waited about 30 minutes
32% waited between 15- 30 minutes
18% waited less than 15 minutes to be seen
50% of patients surveyed waited less than 30 minutes to be seen
20% patients waited over 30 minutes to be seen
This is an area that was impacted by the fact that there were a lot of Locums used,
causing delays to patients ads they seemed to take longer than usual. We now have a
permanent team of doctors in place and hope to see an improvement