o o o o o o o o o o o o Web Links! Marine Biology Textbook Castro Textbook - 8th Edition Mater Dei High School Website Discovery Education Website Turn-it-in.com Water Testing Surfrider BWTF- Output page MDHS Surfrider iTouchMap.com Surfrider Project http://w3.shorecrest.org/~Lisa_Peck/MarineBio/syllabus/syllabus.html Why Oceans Matter! Introduction to Marine Biology http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r25dZFgZ14c&feature=channel_video_title Why Oceans Matter Crittercams: Tiger Sharks versus Turtles http://www.climatechangeeducation.org/k-12/chemistry/index.html http://www.science-house.org/nesdis/ (Investigating the oceans) http://esciencenews.com/topics/earth.climate (Current News) http://whyfiles.org/category/all/theme/environment-pollution/ (all topics) http://teacherweb.com/GA/WhitewaterHighSchool/Graddy/apt7.aspx (great) http://www.cbsd.org/sites/teachers/hs/jucollins/Pages/Oceanography.aspx Week Objective Homework Welcome to Marine Biology: Review course outline, guidelines, rules, textbook, class website, Week 1 etc. 8/20-21 Flexbook for Earth Science - Click here iBooks (Download the free iBooks from iTunes) Critter Cam - New Scientific Tool Read Text pages 4-8 Marine Biology TODAY Notes Technology COS- Students will Visit Oceanography Institute / Organization Websites research the Oceanography Institutes # Week 2 8/228/24 1. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute 2. National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Reading will be provided from Aquarius Underwater Marine Laboratory the whoi.com site# 3. Scripps Institute 4. Dana Point Ocean Institute 5. Aquarium of the Pacific 6. Virgin Oceanic Virgin Oceanic Promo Video News video on Submarine H/W if not completed in class: Summarize the mission and scope of the six institutes above. What is their mission? Make comments about their overall scope or size in ships, number of buildings, personnel, education programs and degrees available from the institute. Any noteworthy historical findings or significance of this institute or organization? History of Marine biology Chapter 1 Scientific Method Lab activity on "What makes ice melt fastest?" Students will create a data Week 4 table and chart using NUMBERS and complete the lab write-up from scratch. Click here for "What makes Ice Melt Fastest?" Lab Activity Review and test on the history, research institutes and the scientific method. Week 5-6 Marine Charting and Navigation Grad Exam17-21 Ocean Navigation and Map Reading Google Earth for Computers 1. Earth Science Textbook on Maps 2. Longitude and Latitude explained 3. Nautical Know-How 4. http://www.ttsd.k12.or.us/twality-middle-school/stacy-eto/social-studies-1/geography-unit1/assignments-handouts/latitude-longitude-worksheets/ 5. http://ellerbruch.nmu.edu/classes/cs255w02/cs255students/JLAHR/P9/maps.html 6. click here for hhttp://petrimoulx.pbworks.com/f/C hapter2skillbuilder.pdf Marine Charts worksheet 7. http://www.teachengineering.org/view_curricularunit.php?url=collection/duk_/curricular_units/duk_mari ne_musc_unit/duk_marine_musc_unit.xml Marine Mapping Notes on Plate Tectonics and the major geological provinces of the ocean. Chapter 2 click here for Chapter 2 student notes Week 7 1. Complete notes on Plate Tectonics and Continental margins. Technology Project 2. Click here for the Paleomap http://www.scotese.com/ 3. Aquarium mini-lab http://gcmd.nasa.gov/records/P 4. Review for Chapter 2 Test ALEOMAP-Serf.html Study all the key terms and questions from the textbook. The link is at the top left on this screen! Week 8-9 Introduction to Chapter 3: Chemical and Physical Properties of Seawater. Water in this experiment can do crazy things when its solute Myth buster’s video segment on Coke and Mento's experiment Mythbusters: Diet Coke and Mentos comes out of the solvent at nucleation sites! Check this out! Dangers of Drinking Diet Sodas Check out this link: Diet Coke & How does Aspartame HARM you? Mentos Video http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/08/05/climate-acidification-idUSL6E8J537G20120805 Lab Properties of Ocean Water PowerPoint- Properties of http://phys.org/news/2012-08-impact-ocean-acidification-shellfish.html Ocean Water http://news.google.com/news/section?pz=1&cf=all&ned=us&hl=en&q=topic:ocean_acidification&ict =clu_bl Learn how Ocean Tsunamis form and transfer energy * Tsunami video http://whyfiles.org/2012/classroom-activity-page-tsunamis/ (Great) Unit on Tsunamis Notes on Waves, Tides and Currents Oceans in Motion Video Text Book Questions - end of chapter 3 - Ocean in Motion - Naval Research Center I think I have this one(a video) http://aspire.cosmic-ray.org/labs/tides/tides_main.html Powerpoints and outline Notes on Chapter 3 - Tides and Waves Lab on Salt Water Aquariums Click below to download the lab Aquarium Lab Write - Setting Up a Marine Aquarium Lab Study for Chapter 3 Test Hurricanes Week 10 Hurricanes of the BayouVideo Notes for the video Week 11/12 The Mobile Bay Characteristics of the Mobile Bay History of the Mobile Bay Mobile Bay Water Shed-Map Activity Human Impact-Building Bulkheads Oyster Recovery Program Shoreline Conservation Gas Wells Economic Value Estuaries Chapter 12 Click here for Estuary worksheet Week 13 1. Estuary Notes 2. Click here for website for the estuary assignment 3. Importance of the estuary Powerpoint of the Bay Notes on Ocean Oil Week 14 click here for Ocean Oil notes click here for Gulf Research Initiative Gulf of Mexico-PowerPoint Estuaries Week 15 Mississippi River Watershed Economic Value Topography Influence on weather Start notes on Deep Sea Chapter 16 click here for Ocean Depths Notes Ocean Depths Habitat Notes Week 16/17 1. DVD on Deep Sea Life Volcanoes of the Deep Video Click here-> What is a Black Smoker? Click here-> Make a Black Smoker http://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=125069&org=NSF&from=news http://esciencenews.com/articles/2012/08/06/umass.amherst.national.team.define.limits.microbial.l ife.undersea.volcano http://www.pbs.org/wnet/savageearth/index.html Second Semester Week 19 Microbial World Chapter 5 Student Presentations of Keynotes on Extremophiles Extremophiles Stephen Abedon lecture on extremophiles Life in Extreme Environments Extremophiles in your neighborhood Wild Things: The most extreme creatures Video Worksheet due in class I HAVE THIS VIDEO Week 20 Ocean Life Zones-Chapter 16 Day Week 21 Objectives Homework Animal Behavior Discover animal behavior Happy Feet DVD Twenty Years of the Dolphin Week 21 1. Rocky Shore Notes Chapter 11? 2. Intertidal 3. Sandy Beaches Chapter 4. Coral Reefs-Chapter 14 Notes on Kelp and Seaweed BROWN RED GREEN Study for Chapter 6 Multi-cellular Algae and Kelp Notes on Seaweeds click here for algae notes Click here for their great link to Seaweeds Finish Notes on chapter 6 DVD on Ocean Life Week 24 Chapter 7 Animals with no backbone Overview of Invertebrates Invertebrate Survey LabClick here for Invertebrate survey lab Notes on Invertebrates Click here for Sponges Notes Click here for Cnidarian Notes Week 25 Notes on Cnidarians and Worms - "Oh My!" Click here for Worms and Mollusk Notes Notes on Echinoderms and Arthropods Click here for Echinoderm and Arthropod Notes Specimens Quiz on Invertebrates Fisheries Chapter 8 PowerPoint form DIP Tragedy of the Commons Shifting Baselines Important timeline for commercial fisheries Week 26/27 Sustainability Types of fishing practices- long line, gillnets, purse seines http://www.teachengineering.org/view_curricularunit.php?url=collection/duk_/curricular_units/duk_bycatchunit_musc_unit /duk_bycatchunit_musc_unit.xml Week 28/29 Sea Turtles (reptiles), Birds and Mammals-Chapter 9 Students will track turtles http://seaturtlestatus.org/learn /maps/all (track turtles) http://seaturtlestatus.org/repor Create a web quest t/view Alabama Sea Turtles http://www.alabamaseaturtles.com/ Turtle facts- http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/turtles/ http://www.seaworld.org/infob ooks/seaturtle/home.html PowerPoint (Mexico) Click here for the Seafood Watch Assignment Week 30/31 1. Click here for Wild Seafood Issues An Inconvenient Truth 2. Click here for Aquaculture Issleues Global Warming Issues Click here for Seafood Recommendations Click here for the Inconvenient Resources from sea notes Truth Worksheet Dauphin Island Trip Set Date ASAP 1. Otter Trawls 2. Gas Wells 3. Safety