Greg Risser, William Wall, Steve Brown, Mike Pipak Professor Charlie Cox Engineering Design 100 22 April 2013 Runoff Mitigation Abstract: The management of storm water is become a more prominent issue as humans alter the environment around them and more impervious surfaces are added. As we are becoming more aware of our adverse effects on water quality, we are constantly looking for engineering solutions to responsibly regulate storm water discharge. Our focus is the mitigation of adverse runoff effects to create a more sustainable Penn State campus. Our group created a model that can be used campus wide, but we provide an ideal location in our report. We will identify current conditions of the Penn State area as it relates to runoff. Next will be what we want to have changed with the implementation of our project. To see how well our project accomplishes our goals, we will test the watershed our design affects. After this, we discuss our multiple concepts and how we chose which one to use. Finally, our solution will be presented, detailing how well we think it will achieve our goals. Existing Conditions: The EPA define sustainability as “Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations” (EPA 2010). To “maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony,” Penn State must address the pollution that originates from its University Park campus. Urban runoff contains multiple pollutants that have negative effects on local and distant ecosystems. The EPA lists very many types of pollutants that are present, they include: “Sediment from development and new construction, oil, grease, and toxic chemicals from automobiles, nutrients and pesticides from turf management and gardening, viruses and bacteria from failing septic systems. Road salts and heavy metals are examples of pollutants generated in urban areas. Sediments and solids constitute the largest volume of pollutant loads to receiving waters in urban areas.” (EPA 2012). As the primary stakeholder of the goal for sustainability, Penn State is constantly mindful of its effects on the local watersheds because of several reasons. One reason is that Penn State’s watershed is in close proximity to the State College aquifer therefore polluted runoff could lead to a contaminated aquifer. Penn State University’s watershed is also a part of the Spring Creek watershed. Spring Creek is a world renowned trout stream that brings a significant economic stimulus to the surrounding area. Preserving the quality of this stream is vital to Penn State and its relationship to its surrounding communities, the other stakeholders. Currently Pennsylvania State University Park consists of about 653 acres of impervious surfaces that require 73 miles of drainage pipe. Of the impervious surface area, 67% is located within the main campus area. Penn State currently has one acre of green roof, 4 designated watershed basins designated for runoff from campus, and several subsurface water detention areas to help the moderate storm water runoff. Penn State also uses treated sewage water to irrigate fields in the Northwest area of campus to safely remove environmentally damaging phosphates and nitrates (Pennsylvania State University Watersheds Report 2010). State College, PA sees on average 40 inches of rain per year. This can cause severe flooding issues, adverse water quality issues, and sinkhole problems dues to the large amount of limestone bedrock in the area. Large amounts of runoff can also contribute to soil degradation from nutrient losses by erosion. We will be using the area by the HUB lawn as a case study for our design. We choose this area because of a couple reasons. First is that the lawn gets a high amount of foot traffic. Secondly, the HUB lawn is a well-known place and iconic of Penn State, and we decided that it should stay a nice as possible. Finally, there is an area at the bottom of the lawn that is plain open space where our design can be implemented. Our group will address several areas of which we wish to improve upon in the following preferred conditions paragraph. Preferred: Our group wishes to minimize and reuse runoff by slowing water flow and allowing percolation through the soil profile and into holding tanks to store for later use. By controlling runoff in this fashion, we would be able to make Penn State more sustainable in water usage, erosion control, and runoff pollution. By properly controlling the flow of runoff we also want to have the ability to condense and collect garbage that has been picked up in the runoff. By condensing trash, we then have the ability to separate it from the runoff. We wish minimize the total amount of runoff flow by storing the water for reuse at a later time. We can then use this stored runoff to periodically water high traffic areas of the HUB lawn to encourage more growth therefore minimizing erosion. By using the stored runoff water at a later time (when the soil is not saturated) we allow the soil to properly filter the water of runoff contaminants. To create a solution to the problem, we must identify the owner (Penn State) and other stakeholders (the surrounding communities) needs. One such owner need is that the design must be aesthetically pleasing because Penn State must have a high real estate value to attract future students. Water must be able to percolate through the soil profile quickly to minimize adverse effects of standing water such as creating mosquito breeding grounds. A suitable rainwater collection device must be in place and in the event of a heavy rain must have the ability to divert overflow (of the container) to the present storm water transportation pipes to be safely removed and drained into Duck Pond. The water that will be contained must have a defined use, and a source of electricity (such as solar) must be available to accomplish the task. The desired plan must require minimal maintenance, and minimal upkeep costs. The rain collection device must also have the ability to consolidate garbage that has been picked up in the current of the runoff. To address the needs of the surrounding communities our implemented design must not put other areas at risk for flooding nor cannot hinder the sewage treatment plant in the event of a strong rainfall. In order to manage our time when working on this project, we decided to use a Gantt chart, shown below. 26-Apr 25-Apr 24-Apr 23-Apr 22-Apr 21-Apr 20-Apr 19-Apr 18-Apr 17-Apr 16-Apr 15-Apr 14-Apr 13-Apr 12-Apr 11-Apr 10-Apr 9-Apr 8-Apr 7-Apr 6-Apr 5-Apr 4-Apr 3-Apr 2-Apr 1-Apr 31-Mar 30-Mar 29-Mar 28-Mar 27-Mar 26-Mar 25-Mar 24-Mar 23-Mar 22-Mar Idea generation x Research x x x x x x x Selection of focus x Existing x Preferred x Methodology x x x x x x x x x x x Data Analysis Solution x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Conlcusion x x x x x x x x x x (Chart 1) Methodology: From our research, our group has determined that responsibly managing runoff of the Penn State University campus is a priority to Penn State. The fact that Penn State has stated that its effect of watershed is of great importance to the University our group through research has identified several areas in which Penn State should improve upon. Research by Dietz and Clausen enabled us to see the possibility of including rain gardens to naturally clean runoff as part of our solution. Mersie and Seybold (Journal Environmental Quality) found that by slowing runoff you allow natural removal of runoff pollutants through the soil profile. These are two qualities that we plan to implement in our design. To determine the effectiveness of our proposed design, we would test the concentration of pollutants of the Duck Pond watershed. We will implement a strategy used by Appel and Hudak (Journal of Environmental Health, 2001) that was used to test runoff in north Texas. Appel and Hudak used the Global Water SS201 storm water sampler collection device (figure 1) to automatically collect samples from 4 different areas. Our group will utilize this same device to collect samples from a total of 3 areas. Two devices will be used in areas of our garden: the portion that the bulk of the run off will be entering the garden and the area in which water collects and enters the cistern. We also will place a device at the entrance of Duck Pond to test the effect of our design on the entire Duck Pond watershed. Once samples are collected, they will be tested for various hydrocarbons, nitrate, and phosphate compounds. Measurements will be taken before our design is implemented and after; this would give us an overall effect of our project on reducing the runoff pollutants of the entire duck pond watershed. To measure our effectiveness on reducing the amount of garbage entering the Duck Pond watershed, measurements of weight of the garbage collected within our garden will be taken. This would be an accurate measurement of garbage taken out of the Duck Pond watershed. (Figure 1) Data Analysis To address the multitude of needs identified in the preferred conditions section a Needs and Specs chart was created (Chart 2). Each member of our group came up with differing concepts. They include grated roadways and parking lots, storage bins for water, rain gardens, greywater use, guards on sidewalks and green roofs. Each of these ideas was evaluated by how well each met the needs of the stakeholders. The grating concept consisted of crosshatch concrete placed down as a base for parking lots. The holes in the parking lot would allow water to drain into the grounds and so lessen the amount of runoff. Grass would be allowed to grow in these slots which would help with preventing both point source and nonpoint source erosion. Grating also looks much nicer than plain parking lot surfaces. This concept works well to meet needs, but not all. For example the grating doesn’t allow the water to be reused; it just lets the ground absorb it. It also can’t collect trash, control the movement of water, or store water. These multiple disjunctions between concept and needs allowed us to rule out the grating idea. This is a drawing of the grating in a parking lot that has partial grating. (Figure 2) Another concept we came up with was to use the runoff as greywater for the toilets. Greywater is water which isn’t good for drinking or cleaning, but safe enough to be in a toilet. Greywater is great because it reuses water and it is easy to maintain. The greywater would be collected from runoff, as well as from the many dishwashers, sinks, showers, and other places where clean water drains. In order to implement this idea, many gutters would need to be added to current sidewalks. The addition of these constructions would help with controlling the movement of water. There are some needs that greywater doesn’t meet. For example, greywater wouldn’t help with point source and nonpoint source erosion. Our third strategy, the temporary storage of rainwater, is already being used on campus by Penn State. One such site is the area under Pegula ice rink currently being constructed. A series of drainage pipes are organized in such a manner that in the event of a heavy rain, the pipes can temporarily store runoff to minimize stress on the current drainage system. The water is not reused for any purposes; it is just stored until it can be safely released into the drainage system. By storing this water, Penn State creates a cost efficient solution that minimizes the amount of water that enters the drainage system, but by simply releasing into the current drainage system they do not clean the runoff. Our group saw this area as an opportunity for improvement. If we could use the stored runoff as irrigation for an area, we could then use the soil and plants of that area as natural filters. Areas that could use the irrigation would be nearby gardens or grass fields that see a high amount of use. This would help ensure healthy grass growth and therefore minimize the loss of topsoil by erosion. By filtering the water through the soil profile, Penn State will improve the quality of the water entering the watershed. When water drains through soil, contaminants such as arsenic, copper, pesticides, and zinc are removed from it (Filtering and Buffering 2011). This figure from the Soil Quality for Environmental Health shows what happens as water drains down to the water table. (Figure 3) Since our rain collection device will be underground, the area above it can still be utilized. In the event of a heavy rainfall, our rain collection device must have an overflow present that drains into the current drainage system, this way we do not flood the surrounding area if the cistern becomes full. Stainless steel cisterns would be used to ensure that a minimal amount of maintenance will be needed. The cisterns would have available access through the top to allow any maintenance that may be required and would eliminate the need to dig the up the cistern. The green roof concept was another idea that is already in use by several Penn State buildings (The Dickinson School of Law Building). (Image taken from Google Images, Figure 5) We decide to explore this option and see how it could be improved to better serve our campus. This is a concept that is being applied more frequently worldwide to provide a healthier environment and is a good fit to promote sustainability on campus. Green roof do many things that can help reduce negative effects on the environment. First it reduces roof top water run off by using the water and storing it for use. This reduces pollution and damage from erosion. Second, roof top gardens naturally insulate the buildings to reduce heating and cooling cost. This reduces the amount of synthetic insulation that needs to be used in the building as well as electricity. Also, on average, roof gardens have a positive eye appeal to people which makes them popular and increases the property value. Not only are roof gardens beneficial to human but the environment as well. They provide habitat for many insects and are extremely important to pollinator insects such as bees. Even though this idea seems so great to discuss there is a drawback, which is the cost. Upon further research t is difficult and costly to convert a building that is currently constructed from a traditional roof to a roof garden. Several key factors of this are due to the water and pest resistant berries that need to be in place to keep the building from deteriorating. Another main factor is the weight of all the vegetation on the roof may be more than what the older buildings on campus can take. However, new buildings that are being constructed from ground up are an excellent opportunity to incorporate these gardens on. The Penn State University has already incorporated this into some of the newer buildings on campus (the Dickinson School of Law Building), so with this information we decided to focus on a new idea. Another avenue our group chose to research was the use of rain gardens. Rain gardens are becoming more popular in urban areas because of their efficiency, low cost, and the fact they are extremely aesthetically pleasing. Rain gardens are basically gardens that when flooded have the natural ability to drain water very rapidly, usually within four hours. The ability to do this lies is because of the makeup of the soil below the rain garden. The garden consists of three soil layers: a top soil, followed by sand, and then consolidated rock at the very bottom. The garden then is filled with plants that have the ability to absorb excess nutrients or pollutants and that are able to withstand periods of flooding and drought. By using a rain garden as a watershed for nearby buildings, we minimize the amount of runoff entering the current drainage system and ultimately entering Duck Pond. We also properly clean the runoff by allowing it to drain through the soil profile. The garden would provide an aesthetically pleasing fixture on the Penn State Campus. By the use of signs, Penn State could also use the garden to inform the public of its purpose and highlight the benefits of having a rain garden, thus appealing to the increasing green community and perhaps future students. Because the plants that would be present in the rain garden are able to survive flood and drought conditions, minimal upkeep is necessary (besides perhaps an annual weeding). The garden would also provide adequate habitat for multiple organisms including but not limited to pollinators, songbirds, and waterfowl. Just like our other concepts, an overflow must be created in the event of a heavy rainfall. The garden cannot put campus and the surrounding community at risk of flooding if water were to breach the banks of the rain garden. The figure below is a sketch of the rain garden concept. (Figure 5) An existing product that we would need would be a cistern with a three foot diameter and a height of six feet; this is a product made by Texas Metal Cisterns. Another product to be used in our design would be different types of plants that can withstand flooding and dehydration. These are included in chart 2 shown below (Native Plant Center). We would need sensors to wirelessly tell the operator when the cistern is full. To empty the tank, a pump with pipes will be inside the tank to get the water out and then to the irrigation sprinklers. Figure 6 shows a drawing of what our altered cistern would look like. The rooftop of a nearby building can serve as a site for solar panels that can power the irrigation pump. (Figure 6) Plant type Wildlife Use Soil Moisture Sun Exposure Habitat Grass Songbirds, Waterfowl, Small Mammals Dry, Moist, Wet Full sun, partial sun Fresh, brackish tidal and nontidal marshes, wet meadows, open woodlots, prairies, dunes Deciduous Tree Butterflies, Songbirds, Small Mammals Dry, Moist, Full sun, Wet, Flooded partial sun, shade Drainage basins, mature flood plains, wooded slopes Flower Butterflies Dry, Moist, Wet Full sun, partial sun Open woods Flowering Shrub Songbirds, Small Mammals, Bees Dry, Moist, Wet Full sun, partial sun Swamp, spring, old fields, clearings (Chart 2) Our needs versus specifications chart appears below: (Chart 3) Conclusion: Our group concluded that several different proposed solutions are to be implemented in our final design. In order to minimize that amount of runoff, our group decided to use concepts of rain storage and rain gardens. Figure 8 shows how the rain garden will be utilized in our design. The garden will be divided into three different areas. The area closest to the HUB lawn will consists of flowering plants with a boardwalk going over top this part of the garden to connect the present walking paths. This part of the garden will be elevated slightly to allow water to move to the lower part of the garden where the cistern will be placed. The middle of the garden consists of a long grass that will ensure that flow of the runoff in the garden is slowed and allowed to enter the soil profile. The final segment of the garden consists of woody shrubs and trees to continue to slow the flow of the runoff. Also, the higher water needs (compared to the rest of the plants of the garden) of the trees and woody shrubs are met. The underground cistern will also be placed in this area because this is where the water will be consolidated. Below, figures 10 and 11 show sections views of the cistern. Figures 8 and 9 show a model of our proposed design while figure 7 shows an overhead view of our garden. A gravel spillway will be placed in the center of our garden will ensure that the area (in the garden) that has the fastest flow will be able to cause a minimal amount of erosion within the garden. Together our design minimizes the amount of runoff, and the level of toxicity of that runoff that enters Duck Pond. (Figure 7) (Figure 8) (Figure 9) (Figure 10) (Figure 11) References: Dietz, Michael E., and John C. Clausen. "Saturation to Improve Pollutant Retention in a Rain Garden." Environmental Science and Technology 40.4 (2006): 1335-340. Environmental Science and Technology. ACS Publications. Web. 20 Apr. 2013. "Filtering and Buffering." Soil Quality For Environmental Health. NRCS East National Technology Support Center, 19 Sept. 2011. Web. 20 Apr. 2013. "Managing Urban Runoff." US EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 22 Aug. 2012. Web. 20 Apr. 2013. Mersie, Seybold, McNamee, and Huang. "Journal of Environmental Quality." JEQ. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2013. Web. 20 Apr. 2013. "What Is Sustainability." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 2013. Web. 20 Apr. 2013. "Native Plant Center." Native Plant Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Pennsylvania University. "Pennsylvania University Watershed Report." Pennsylvania State University Watersheds Report. Pennsylvania State University, 2010. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.