Mr. Trzepinska World Cultures French Revolution Newspaper

Mr. Trzepinska
World Cultures
French Revolution Newspaper Project – 50 points
Due Friday May 9th
Task: Working in your groups you will create a Newspaper during the early stages of the French
Revolution. You will be graded as a group (final product) and as an individual (for your component) Each
newspaper must contain the following elements:
Name of the Paper and Date (During the French Revolution)
1 editorial reflecting on the events of the French Revolution. Remember you will have to choose
the point of view of your newspaper. Will you be neutral? Will you be in support of the
Revolution? Will you be in support of King Louis XVI? Depending on the position that your
newspaper will take your editorial and descriptions of events will be different.
1 political cartoon describing any aspect of the Early French Revolution (People, Places, Events,
2 articles of an important event that occurred during the early stages of the French Revolution.
(Remember your timeline.) You can use the following events
o Meeting of the Estates General
o The Tennis Court Oath
o Storming the Bastille
o The Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizens
o Women March on Versailles
o Attempt of Louis XVI to run away
An obituary of Louis XVI
You should use a newspaper template (see online for examples) Your group could choose to
type or write up their paper.
The final product should be neat, colorful, and readable
In order to succeed students should work as a team in dividing up the work and researching the
material. I will be coming around and finding out who in each group is responsible for what part of the
paper, this is where your individual grade will come from.
You may add the following extra elements to raise your grade:
1. Classified Ads – Advertising for products that might be sold during the French Revolution
2. An extra article, political cartoon, and/or editorial
3. Obituary for Marie Antoinette
4. Travel section on life in the Three Estates during the Early French Revolution
Newspaper Project Rubric
Editorial had a definite point of
view that was well argued with a
strong thesis statement and was
well supported with facts.
Above Average
Editorial had a
point of view that
was fairly well
argued with a
thesis statement
and was
supported with
All two articles were well
researched and contained no
factual errors and covered two
separate events
Articles were well
researched, but
contained a few
factual errors
Political cartoon was highly creative
and added to the reader’s greater
understanding of the newspaper.
Political cartoon
was somewhat
creative and
added to the
reader’s greater
understanding of
the newspaper
Obituary reflects the paper’s stance
on the French revolution and
summarized the death of Louis XVI
with no factual errors
Newspaper contains an appropriate
name, date, and is visually very
interesting, neat, organized, and
looks like a newspaper. 1 extra
element is added. The group is
successful in capturing the spirit of
the newspaper
Obituary attempts
to reflect the
paper’s stance on
the French
Revolution and
summarized the
death of Louis XVI
with very little
factual errors
contains an
appropriate name,
date, and is
visually very
interesting, neat,
organized, and
looks like a
newspaper. The
group is successful
in capturing the
spirit of the
Editorial had a
point of view, (a
thesis statement)
and was
supported with
facts. However the
facts did not
always support
the thesis
The articles were
researched, but
contained multiple
minor factual
Editorial had no point of
view, or point of view was
not supported by any facts
Political cartoon
was completed,
but not creative
and did not add to
the reader’s
understanding of
the paper
Obituary does not
reflect the paper’s
stance on the
French Revolution
and contains many
errors when
summarizing the
death of Louis XVI
Political cartoon was not
complete and did not add
to the reader’s greater
understanding of the paper
contains a name
and dates that are
loosely connected
to the French
Revolution. The
Newspaper is
disorganized in
some areas,
messy, and
attempts to
capture the spirit
of a newspaper
Newspaper contains
inappropriate names and
dates not connected to the
French Revolution. The
Newspaper is messy,
disorganized, and missing
certain elements. The
group does not capture the
spirit of the newspaper
All of the articles contained
major factual errors/
missing articles
Obituary is not complete
and contains major
historical errors