Halotherapy, also called salt therapy ["halos" in Greek means salt], is a drug-free and completely
natural therapy with no side effects. It takes place in a controlled air environment that simulates the
special microclimate of actual salt caves and salt mines.
Halotherapy stems from the even older "Speleotherapy" ["speleo" means cave] that historically
utilized salt mines as the venue for the therapy. Salt mines and their therapeutic properties have
been noted since Hippocrates. According to the old facts, the medieval monks took the sick to the
salt caves and let them breathe in the salt particles, which were created while the monks were
crushing the stalactites. Speleotherapy is very popular in the former Soviet Union and numerous
Eastern European countries, were the treatments have been practiced in old salt mines since the
early 19th century.
It is not only the purity of the air in the salt caves that have such healing effects, but also its resonant
vibration, that activate our self-healing and self-regulating powers. When our body is sick and
lacking its natural frequency, salt can bring us back into our original, balanced state. Deep in the
heart of the Earth, surrounded by millions of tons of salt, patients can encounter the influence of the
enormous power of the salt's balancing frequency, thereby replenishing the body with its energy
Since the natural salt caves and salt mines are not conveniently located for most people,
Halotherapy - recreating the conditions of the salt caves - started to spread. Halotherapy belongs to
the category of the physical therapies / no-drug and noninvasive treatments of diseases.
Throughout the therapy, salt aerosol is constantly scattered into the air for the visitors to breathe in.
The salt aerosol consists of tiny and dry salt particles, in sizes between 1-5 mkm, which are ground
in a special salt generator. These aerosolized microparticles can penetrate into every corner.
Halotherapy was found to have beneficial effects with health conditions like:
Asthma is a respiratory disease from which one suffers attacks of suffocation. At the onset of this
disease, allergic mechanisms play a central role. As the asthma persists, the more severe is the
bronchial system's reaction. In time, the attacks can even occur without any allergenic influence. In
some cases, chronic lack of water, severe psychological problems, and prior viral and bacterial
infection of the bronchi was the cause of developing asthma. The sterile, pure air of the salt cave,
along with the ability of the aerosolized microparticles of salt to penetrate into the bronchi and kill
bacteria and viruses, salt therapy has proven to be beneficial for asthma. Based on clinical studies,
the inhaled salty air has bactericide, mucokinetic, hydrophilic, anti-inflammatory properties,
reducing inflammation in the whole respiratory tract, absorbing edema from the mucosa lining the
airway passages leading to widening of the airway passages, restoring the normal transport of
mucus and unclog blockages in the bronchi and bronchioles leading to rapid elimination of the
residual tar and foreign allergens, all of these in a natural process.
Please do not stop taking any medication without first consulting with your physician. We also
recommend that you bring you nebulizer as well as any emergency medication when undergoing
Allergy is a reaction of a person’s immune system to something that does not affect other people.
Allergy is caused by harmless substances called allergens which provoke an exaggerated reaction
from your body. Allergens may be in the form of pollens, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander, food,
insect stings or even medicines. Symptoms are displayed when your eyes, nose, lungs or skin are
exposed to allergens. Allergy symptoms vary. It can cause allergic conjunctivitis, itchiness, and
runny nose, sneezing, rashes, swelling. Inhaled allergens can lead to an asthmatic attack as a
result of narrowing of airways and an increase in the amount of mucus in the lungs. Halotherapy can
provide relief by widening the airways of the respiratory tract. The micro particles of salt reach into
every area in the lungs and destroy bacteria. This helps to reduce the inflammation of the
respiratory tract and clear the blockages in the bronchi and bronchioles. The humidification and
fluidization of the bronchial secretions brings relief from bronchospasm and helps relieve asthma.
If you are suffering from allergy symptoms, salt therapy will help decrease the swelling of the “nasal
mucosa” which causes nasal blockage. The airway passage of the nose will be widened and the
sinuses drained, bringing relief.
Often a common cold can be followed by bronchitis, which can take up to several weeks to recede.
Chronic bronchitis is especially found among smokers. The associated cough can be dry,
spasmodic, or with phlegm. With phlegm, viruses, bacteria, and pollutants are being expelled. It is
especially important to drink lots of water with bronchitis to loosen up the phlegm, making it easier
to be expelled. Halothearapy can significantly support and accelerate the recovery process by
clearing your lungs from accumulated mucus making it easier to breath. Salt therapy can also
improve the functioning of your lungs. As your respiratory tract widens and clears, your coughing
too subsides. If you are suffering from cold as well, salt therapy will open up your nasal airways and
reduce sneezing. Halotherapy can bring relief by reducing the inflammation of your lungs and kill
bacteria. Large amounts of mobilized mucus that had been blocking the bronchioles will be
Sinus Infections, Sinusitis
Sinusitis is an infection or inflammation of the sinuses. It is caused by bacteria or virus. Sinus
infection takes place when mucus accumulates in the sinuses. Sinusitis can also be caused by
allergens present in the environment. Some of the symptoms associated with sinusitis are
headache, stuffy nose and thick nasal secretions that are yellow, green, or blood-tinged. Other
symptoms include breathing difficulty, fatigue, cough which may be severe at night, decreased
sense of smell sore throat. Salt therapy can ease your sinusitis symptoms by opening the
blockages in the sinus tract. The salt particles reach inwards and draw out the fluid accelerating the
pace of mucus clearance. It will reduce edema of the nasal mucosa, causing nasal blockage which
in turn leads to widening of the airway passage in the nose and the tubes of the sinuses facilitating
sinus drainage. Salt therapy also reduces infection by killing bacteria. It will also bolster up your
immune system.
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease which affects your entire body. It is caused by a defective
gene that is passed on when both parents are carriers of cystic fibrosis (meaning they have at least
one abnormal gene). The disease is named after the cyst formation in the pancreas. The disease
usually manifests itself in childhood and can lead to an untimely death. Symptomatic carriers often
experience breathing difficulties as the thin mucus lining the respiratory tract becomes thick and
sticky. Symptoms associated with cystic fibrosis include salty tasting skin, normal appetite but poor
growth and poor weight gain, excess mucus production, frequent chest infections and
coughing/shortness of breath. It also affects the digestive system as enzymes and bile fail to reach
the intestine owing to the blocked ducts of pancreas and liver.
The salty air in the Salt Cave has bactericide, mucokinetic, hydrophilic and anti-inflammatory
properties. If you are a carrier of cystic fibrosis, salt therapy can bring relief by opening up the
respiratory tract, clearing accumulated mucus and unclogging blockages in the bronchi and
bronchioles. Salt also absorbs edema from the mucosa lining in the airway passages and reduces
inflammation of the respiratory tract. Halotherapy also facilitates the drainage of sinusitis; a
common problem in patients suffering from cystic fibrosis. Salt therapy can also reduce your
coughing and dependence on prescription drugs and gives a boost to your immune system.
Nervousness, Poor Concentration, Sleeping Disorders, ADHD
Salt has the natural ability to balance the positive charge by binding the excessive positive ions
with its negative ions. Therefore, the neutralizing forces of salt can cancel out negative and harmful
electromagnetic vibrations in our environment (electro-smog), as well as in our body. Hence, salt
therapy has de-stressing, relaxing effects; it is beneficial for calming the nervous system. It is also
highly recommended to drink a teaspoon of sole in a glass of living, spring water every morning on
an empty stomach.
Unhealthy Skin, Acne, Eczema
The skin is the mirror to our internal body and foremost, our intestines. Skin irritations and eczema
appearing around the neckline, on the face, especially around the mouth area, always indicate a
disrupted intestinal flora. The body cannot eliminate the toxins and excretes them through the skin.
A change of diet, together with a colon cleanse, is necessary to eliminate the cause. At the same
time it is also important to drink plenty of living, spring water in order to flush out the waste material.
The salt therapy will miraculously support this process! Salt therapy can come to your aid by
activating multiple physiological processes in your body. The salt particles will have favorable
effects on the blood microcirculation of the skin; the salt particles can also kill bacteria and fungi;
and possess anti-inflammatory properties. As the course progresses the itching sensation on your
skin will stop and minor cracks will vanish. Besides making your skin look good and feel better,
Halotherapy can also reduce stress and strengthen your defense system so you won’t fall prey to
disease easily. It is also highly recommended to drink a teaspoon of saline in a glass of living, spring
water every morning on an empty stomach.
Psoriasis is a genetically inherited disease and usually doesn't manifest until adulthood. The
accelerated growth of the topical layer of skin forms red spots, which are usually covered with a
thick layer of white flakes. Normally, it takes 28 days for our epidermal layer to be fully replaced, the
time it takes for the deep skin cells to move through to the top layer. For people suffering from
psoriasis, this process only happens in 4 days. This can also cause severe itching. The fact that it
is considered a genetically inherited disease, does not rule out the possibility for complete healing
the disorder. An alkaline-forming diet, in combination with Halotherapy can perform
wonders! Taking salt baths with Himalayan crystal salt has also been proven highly beneficial. It is
also highly recommended to drink a teaspoon of saline in a glass of living, spring water every
morning on an empty stomach.
Salt Therapy can also reduce snoring and activate better sleep by clearing the airway passages in
the oropharyngeal region. Edema of the nasal mucosa and the oropharynx and soft palate, causing
nasal obstruction and snoring, can be diminished by inhaling the salt aerosol, leading to widening
of the airway passage in the nose and the tubes of the sinuses. By this, Halotherapy can help with
improving the sinus drainage and reducing snoring.
Ear Infections
In the auditory tube, edema of the Eustachian tube causing ear infection, can be diminished by the
aerosolized salt particles, leading to widening of the airway passages, better drainage and better
aeration behind the tympanic membrane.
Refined, highly processed table salt stores excess fluid in the body's tissues. For every gram
(0.035 oz) of sodium chloride that your body cannot absorb, your body uses twenty-three times the
amount of valuable cell water to neutralize this salt. The body then recrystallizes table salt using
animal proteins which is available to your body and these cannot be broken down or eliminated.
The next step is that these proteins produce uric acid to get rid of the excess salt. This uric acid
stays in the body and binds with sodium chloride to form new crystals which are deposited directly
into the bones and joints and this is what can cause different forms of arthritis and gout and also
gall bladder and/or kidney stones. The answer to this dilemma can be salt therapy! Halotherapy will
re-balance your body. It is only when the body is in balance that it is ready to neutralize disease. It
is also highly recommended to drink a teaspoon of saline in a glass of living, spring water every
morning on an empty stomach. Another option is to immerse a clean cotton towel into the sole
solution, wring it out a little and apply directly to sore joints. Cover this with a dry towel to keep the
moisture in. You will find it very soothing for joint pain.
Emphysema is a disease affecting the lungs. It is considered a part of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease or COPD. In pulmonary emphysema patients, the tissues of the lungs are
destroyed gradually leading to failure of the lungs and eventually death. One of the primary causes
of emphysema is cigarette smoking. It can also be caused by enzyme deficiency and exposure to
pollution. Halotherapy can bring relief to emphysema symptoms by improving the function of the
lungs. The salt particles absorb edema from the mucosa lining the airway passages. The airway
passage widens and inflammation is reduced. Blockages in the bronchi and bronchioles are
unclogged and the normal transport of mucus is restored making breathing easier. Salt therapy
also clears your respiratory tract from allergens like pollen and tobacco smoke. It reduces infection
in the lungs by destroying bacteria and germs. Salt therapy also strengthens your immune system
and builds up your resistance to disease. It is also highly recommended to drink a teaspoon of saline
in a glass of living, spring water every morning on an empty stomach.
Other health conditions Halotherapy can be beneficial for:
Long acute diseases of the upper airways
Chronic diseases of the airways
Chronic pharyngitis
Chronic tonsillitis or inflammation of the tonsils
Chronic maxillary sinusitis
Chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil
Relapsing pneumonia
Chronic and acute otitis
Frequent viral infections
Polinosis or hay rhinitis
Atopic dermatitis
Putrid dermal infection
Side Effects and Counter Indications
Halotherapy has few and rare side effects. Certain patients may experience a dry throat and
increased coughing in the beginning. This is an absolutely natural part of the cleaning process of
the respiratory system, during which the pollution, accumulated through a long time and now ripped
up by salt, are expelled from even the deepest regions of the lungs. The side effects cease with the
removal of pollution and pathogens. Skin irritation and increased dermal sensitivity may also occur.
In such a case, decrease the frequency of therapy sessions.
The therapy is not recommended in the following cases:
* Tuberculosis
* Fever
* Acute inflammatory diseases
* Contagious conditions
* Severe heart disorders