Specification Patterns for Probabilistic Quality Properties

Software-intensive systems in application domains, like medical applications, automotive systems,
air traffic control, and railway signalling have stringent quality and dependability requirements. Most
of these requirements have a probabilistic nature
1. Availability requirements probabilistically specify the ability of a system to operate correctly at a
certain point in time when a service is requested.
2. Safety the probability that a certain hazard occurs must be less than a probability bound
determined by the tolerable hazard rate.
3. Security requirements request that the probability of successful attacks does not exceed tolerable
4. Performance requirements for non-real-time critical systems often state that a certain percentage
of system requests must be handled within specified time-bounds.
Why not traditional verification techniques based on temporal and real-time temporal logics ?
Because these techniques focus on absolute guarantee of correctness.
What are probabilistic verification techniques? They operate on models that in addition to
deterministic and non-deterministic decisions also allow probabilistic decisions. Based on these
probabilistic models it is possible to specify probabilistic system behavior due to e.g. intrinsically
unreliable hardware components and environment characteristics such as the work-load of a
Challenges for practitioners: Examples of commonly used models are Markov chains and Markov
decision processes. For practitioners the correct translation of informal and textually specified
quality requirements into formal probabilistic properties is challenging.
To ease the formulation of probabilistic properties this paper investigates the possibility of
transferring the concept of specification patterns [17] to probabilistic properties. A property
specification pattern describes a generalized recurring property and provides a solution in the form
of a formal specification in different traditional temporal logics, e.g. CTL [13] and LTL [31].
The main feature that distinguishes this pattern system from previous pattern systems is the focus
on external observable quality requirements and properties in the area of safety, security, reliability,
availability performance and performability that are important for many software-intensive systems.
Based on this focus the pattern system is constructed to facilitate the specification of probabilistic
properties and the underlying formal specification language are probabilistic temporal logics (PCTL
[23], PCTL* [4] and CSL [3, 9]). None of the existing pattern systems are able to describe these
probabilistic properties as their focus is set to traditional properties [11, 32, 34] and real-time
properties [18, 20, 25]. As a result ProProST complements the existing approaches and provides a
significant extension of the existing property specification patterns.
The main contribution of this paper is a repository of specification patterns for probabilistic
properties. This repository called ProProST (Probabilistic Property Specification Templates) has been
compiled from a comprehensive literature review on probabilistic logics and probabilistic verification
techniques (154 properties from 56 papers), which also pointed out that currently no such
repository exists.
The analysis showed that
46 out of 48 quality requirements could be specified with one of the probabilistic property
specification patterns.
Due to the intrinsic probabilistic nature of these quality requirements an adequate
formulation of the properties with the existing specification pattern systems was not
possible. As a result this pattern repository complements and extends the existing patterns
systems [17, 25], in that it allows to specify probabilistic properties as they are required to
formulate quality properties.
A second contribution of this paper is a structured English grammar to formulate natural-language
quality properties and requirements based on the developed specification patterns. The benefit of
this approach is an unambiguous relationship between the natural language and formal
representation of the property. The structured English grammar itself, provides the possibility for
non-expert practitioners to specify probabilistic properties correctly.
The Pattern System ProProST
The recurring problem that is tackled by the probabilistic patterns is:
How we should formalize probabilistic properties as they are used in requirement specifications to
express safety, security, reliability, availability, performance, performability requirements and goals.
Solution of The pattern system for probabilistic properties:
The pattern system for probabilistic properties follows the idea of architecture and design patterns
[1, 19] to provide solutions for common recurring problems.
Each pattern describes a generalized recurring property and provides a solution in the form of a
formal specification template in the probabilistic temporal logic CSL.
Benefit: The benefit of these specification patterns is to capture expert knowledge in terms of
formalization of probabilistic properties. This knowledge should be presented in a way that it allows
non-experts in probabilistic verification techniques to specify these properties correctly.
As a textual front-end for the ProProST pattern system a structured English grammar has been
constructed. This grammar contains two sub-grammars, one for natural language representations
and one for CSL formulae. The sentences constructed by this pair of grammars are tuples containing
a natural language representation of the probabilistic property and a probabilistic temporal logical
formula. The natural language representation is often easier to understand for practitioners and can
also be used directly to express quality requirements. Based on this novel formalism a clear
relationship between the natural language and the formal representation in probabilistic logic can
be established.
As a result the research presented in this paper can support the maturation of probabilistic
verification techniques, similar to the earlier property specification pattern systems for finite-state
and real-time verification.
To explain the use of the structured English grammar, the following safety property: “Whenever a
crash has occurred and the crash location is not a front-on crash then within 60 milliseconds both
side airbags shall be deployed with a probability higher then 99.999%” shall be translated into a CSL
formula. This property is an instance of the Probabilistic Response pattern, where the first state
formula phi1 is (crash=occured AND crash-location = not(fronton)) and the second state formula
phi2 is (side-airbag1=deployed AND side-airbag2=deployed). Based on the grammar the following
natural language requirement and CSL formula can be constructed with the derivation sequence
The system shall have a behavior where with a probability greater than 0.99999 it is the case that if
(crash=occured AND crash-location = not(front-on)) holds, then as a response (sideairbag1=
deployed AND side-airbag2=deployed) becomes true within 60 milliseconds.
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