Prescriber Fax Form MediGold Ribavirin (ribavirin, oral) Copegus (ribavirin tablet) Moderiba (ribavirin tablet) Rebetol (ribavirin capsule and oral solution) Ribasphere (ribavirin capsules) (Coverage Determination) This fax machine is located in a secure location as required by HIPAA regulations. Complete/review information, sign and date. Fax signed forms to CVS/Caremark at 1-855-633-7673. Please contact CVS/Caremark at 1-866-785-5714 with questions regarding the prior authorization process. When conditions are met, we will authorize the coverage of Ribavirin (ribavirin, oral) (Coverage Determination). Drug Name (select from list of drugs shown): Patient Information Patient Name: Patient ID: Patient Group No.: Patient DOB: Patient Phone: Prescribing Physician Physician Name: Physician Phone: Physician Fax: Physician Address: City, State, Zip: Diagnosis: ICD Code: Please circle the appropriate answer for each question. 1. Prior to initiating therapy, did the patient have a diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection as confirmed by presence of viral load in the serum? [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 2. Is the request for dual therapy with pegylated interferon (PegIFN [Pegasys or PegIntron] or non- pegylated interferon? [If no, skip to question 4.] Yes No 3. Has the patient received a total 48 weeks of treatment? [No further questions.] Yes No 4. Is ribavirin being prescribed as part of the three-drug regimen that includes PegIFN and Sovaldi? [If no, skip to question 12.] Yes No 5. Does the patient have recurrent HCV infection post liver transplantation? [If no, skip to question 8.] Yes No 6. Does the patient have HCV genotype 1 infection? [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 7. Has the patient received a total 24 weeks of treatment? [No further questions.] Yes No 8. Is the request for retreatment due to nonresponse to prior HCV therapy with PegIFN and ribavirin with or without a protease inhibitor? [If yes, skip to question 11.] Yes No 9. Is the patient treatment-naïve OR prior relapser to PegIFN and ribavirin therapy? [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 10. Does the patient have HCV infection with genotype 1, 3, 4, 5, or 6? [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 11. Has the patient received a total 12 weeks of treatment? [No further questions.] Yes No 12. Is ribavirin being prescribed as part of the two-drug regimen that includes Sovaldi? [If no, skip to question 29.] Yes No 13. Does the patient have decompensated liver disease (e.g., Child-Pugh Class B or C)? [If no, skip to question 15.] Yes No 14. Has the patient received a total 48 weeks of treatment? [No further questions.] Yes No 15. Does the patient have recurrent HCV infection post liver transplantation? [If no, skip to question 17.] Yes No 16. Does the patient have HCV genotype 1, 2 or 3 infection? [If yes, skip to question 23.] [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 17. Is the patient diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma and awaiting liver transplantation? [If no, skip to question 20.] Yes No 18. Does the patient meet the MILAN criteria below? Tumor size 5cm or less in diameter with single hepatocellular carcinomas OR 3 tumor nodules or less, each 3cm or less in diameter with multiple tumors AND No extrahepatic manifestations of the cancer or evidence of vascular invasion of tumor [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 19. Will ribavirin be given for ≤ 48 weeks or until liver transplantation, whichever comes first? [No further questions.] Yes No 20. Does the patient have HCV genotype 1 or 4 infection? [If no, skip to question 22.] Yes No 21. Does the patient have documented intolerance OR ineligibility to receive IFN? Must have one or more of the following. Autoimmune hepatitis and other autoimmune disorders Hypersensitivity to PEG or any of its components Decompensated liver disease (eg. Child-Pugh score >6 [class B and C]) History of depression or clinical features consistent with depression Baseline neutrophil count less than 1,500 Baseline platelet count less than 90,000 Baseline hemoglobin less than 10 g/dL History of pre-existing cardiac disease [If yes, skip to question 23.] [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 22. Does the patient have HCV genotype 3 infection? [If no, skip to question 24.] Yes No 23. Has the patient received a total 24 weeks of treatment? [No further questions.] Yes No 24. Does the patient have HCV genotype 2 infection? [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 25. Is the request for retreatment due to nonresponse to prior HCV therapy with PegIFN and ribavirin with or without a protease inhibitor? [If no, skip to question 27.] Yes No 26. Does the patient have cirrhosis? [If yes, skip to question 28.] Yes No 27. Has the patient received a total 12 weeks of ribavirin therapy? [No further questions.] Yes No 28. Has the patient received a total 16 weeks of treatment? [No further questions.] Yes No 29. Is ribavirin being prescribed as part of the three-drug regimen that includes Olysio and PegIFN? [If no, skip to question 37.] Yes No 30. Does the patient have HCV genotype 1 infection? [If no, skip to question 33.] Yes No 31. Is the patient treatment-naïve OR prior relapser to PegIFN and ribavirin therapy? [If yes, skip to question 35.] Yes No 32. Is the patient a nonresponder to prior PegIFN and ribavirin therapy? [If yes, skip to question 36.] [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 33. Does the patient have HCV Genotype 4 infection? [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 34. Is the patient treatment naïve OR prior relapser to PegIFN and ribavirin therapy? [If yes, skip to question 36.] [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 35. Has the patient received a total 24 weeks of treatment? [No further questions.] Yes No 36. Has the patient received a total 48 weeks of treatment? [No further questions.] Yes No 37. Is ribavirin being prescribed as part of the three-drug regimen that includes Sovaldi and Olysio? [If no, skip to question 45.] Yes No 38. Does the patient have HCV genotype 1 infection? [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 39. Does the patient have recurrent HCV infection post liver transplantation? [If no, skip to question 41.] Yes No 40. Has the patient received equal to or greater than 24 weeks of treatment? [No further questions.] Yes No 41. Is the patient treatment-naïve OR prior relapser to PegIFN and ribavirin therapy? [If yes, skip to question 43.] Yes No 42. Is the request for retreatment due to nonresponse to prior HCV therapy with PegIFN and ribavirin? [If yes, skip to question 44.] [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 43. Does the patient have documented ineligibility to receive interferon as evidenced by any of the following? Intolerance to interferon Autoimmune hepatitis and other autoimmune disorders Hypersensitivity to PEG or any of its components Decompensated liver disease (e.g., Child-Pugh score ≥ 7 [class B and C]) History of depression or clinical features consistent with depression Baseline neutrophil count less than 1,500/µL Baseline platelet count less than 90,000/µL Baseline hemoglobin less than 10 g/dL History of pre-existing cardiac disease [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 44. Has the patient received a total 12 weeks of treatment? [No further questions.] Yes No 45. Is ribavirin being prescribed as part of the three-drug regimen that includes PegIFN and Victrelis? [If yes, skip to question 47.] Yes No 46. Is ribavirin being prescribed as part of the three-drug regimen that includes PegIFN and Incivek? [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 47. Does the patient have HCV genotype 1 infection? [If no, no further questions.] Yes No 48. Has the patient received a total 48 weeks of treatment? Yes No Comments: I affirm that the information given on this form is true and accurate as of this date. Prescriber (Or Authorized) Signature and Date